Competent at DEI. Incompetent at fighting fires!

by Michael McCarthy, America Outloud:

After the 9-11 attacks, Obama’s Pastor, Jeremiah Wright, famously said, “America’s chickens are coming home to roost.” California’s DEI and Green policy chickens have come home to roost in the ashes of a burned-out state.

Once upon a time, I worked as a therapeutic counselor for “troubled teens.” Part of their problem was that they blamed everyone but themselves for their problems. Our counseling method was called “Reality Therapy.” Whenever they made foolish choices, our response was, “Live with your answers.”

For the ruling Democratic Party adolescents of California, their answers have finally caught up with them. For every California voter who voted for the virtue-signaling policies and freebies, your answers have caught up with you. Your answers have burned you to the ground. Reality caught up with you.

Will Californians Learn from their Answers?

When you elect woke politicians whose priorities are feel-good woke policies instead of common-sense fire prevention, your answer is to ignore reality. But guess what? Reality won’t ignore you! Now, Californians are living with their answers. They smell the smoke of their answers every day as their homes burn. Families grieve over the tragic answer of at least 27 avoidable deaths in the wildfires.

Reality Therapy for California

The situation was not complicated or unforeseeable. Southern California has always been dry and subject to wildfires. The Santa Ana winds come every year. High winds that can fan flames. Southern California gets its water from aqueducts channeling water from the wetter mountains of Northern California. Reservoirs store that water for use during dry spells. That is the reality of water availability in Southern California.

So, what did the elected officials do? They restricted the building of more dams that would have created a bigger water supply with more reservoirs. Why? Because of “green ecological” concern for the smelt fish that might not have been able to navigate the fish ladders built to go around dams. Also, the hidden green agenda was to restrict the number of people by restricting the water supply. In the meantime, water officials decided not to refill all available reservoirs.

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