Trump Pardons Pro-Life Activist Bevelyn Williams Who Was Imprisoned by the Biden Administration for Protesting Outside Abortion Clinic

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

President Trump has already pardoned pro-life activist Bevelyn Williams, who was persecuted and prosecuted by the Biden administration for the supposed crime of protesting outside of an abortion clinic.

As the Gateway Pundit reported in July of 2024, Williams received a three year prison sentence.

In another Gateway Pundit report in September, Williams made it clear that she would not be silenced.


In another Gateway Pundit report in September, Williams made it clear that she would not be silenced.

Now she has been pardoned by Trump.

From Life News:

Williams, who was found guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act for blocking access to an abortion clinic in 2020, was in the process of appealing appealing her sentence of 41 months in prison.

Williams was specifically accused of blocking entrance to an abortion business and preventing a volunteer from entering. As she blocked the door, according to the court, a staff member tried to open for the volunteer, and Williams leaned against the door, hurting the staff member’s hand — an injury that clearly didn’t warrant three years in federal prison.

Bevelyn’s husband Rickey announced on X that he was in the process of picking her up from the North Carolina prison.

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