A new era dawns

by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

Donald J. Trump promises a new style of governance – muscular, angry, and unwilling to accept woke lies. Everyone agrees Washington is broken. We’re about to find out if he’s the one to fix it.

Quick confession: I’m normally a decisive writer.

But last week, as I tried to write a fitting eulogy for Joe Biden’s dead presidency, my fingers failed me. What can I tell you that you don’t already know? That he was a hypocrite and a liar; that he and his minions disregarded the Constitution when it stood in their way; that his self-regard grew as his physical and moral stature shrank;

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Most of all that his belief that despite his obvious decline he deserved a second term – one which would have ended when he was 86 – was both delusional and disrespectful to the country he pretended to serve.

Whew. That’s done then. What comes next?

Donald J. Trump comes next.

And Trump’s spree of executive orders yesterday make clear that his second term will not be like his first.

In 2017, he had plenty of ideas but no real sense of his power; this time he has both. That would-be assassin’s bullet, or the lawfare he faced in 2023 and 2024, or both, have focused him and sharpened his anger. Eight years ago, he was still mostly an entertainer, in it for the luluz, as the kids said.

Not this time. This time he clearly has a keen desire to fulfill the vows he made during his campaign.

This time he means to leave a mark.

At his best, Trump echoes Ronald Reagan.

Read More @ alexberenson.substack.com

Originally Posted at https://www.sgtreport.com