JACK POSOBIEC with ANTHONY CONSTANTINO: Biden’s border crisis wrecked southern AND northern borders

Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec called into question the official numbers given by federal statistics bureaus as to how many illegal immigrants are actually in the United States. Official estimates vary, though low estimates hold that number at around 11.4 million.

“In reality, those numbers aren’t reflected because we don’t know the true number of illegals here, and of course they’re working illegally, so the papers aren’t reflected in the market,” Posobiec said before introducing his guest, Sticker Mule CEO Anthony Constantino.

Constanino, who employs 1,200 people legally, says that illegal immigrants often come across the border and have trouble finding employment, leading to them causing crime and violence.

Costantino brought attention to the issue of illegal immigrants coming across  the Canadian border. In recent years, an influx of illegal immigrants has been observed from Canada, with some Latin Americans and other ethnic groups flying into America’s northern neighbor to then cross into the US. Constantino also brought attention to incidents of illegal migrants who attempt to cross from Canada who then end up dying on the cold trek across.

Over 21,000 illegal immigrants attempted to cross into the United States from Canada during the first ten months of 2024, according to figures released by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

A significant portion of these crossings—approximately 18,000—occurred in the “Swanton Sector,” a border region where Ontario and Quebec converge with New York State, Vermont, and New Hampshire. This area has become a hotspot for illegal crossings, drawing increased attention from both US and Canadian authorities.

In response to the rise in illegal border activity and threats from President-elect Donald Trump of imposing tariffs, the Trudeau government pledged to introduce unspecified measures to strengthen the enforcement of Canada’s immigration laws, though nothing productive or concrete has been announced yet.

“You’re practically in Canada. You’re so far north… but you’re still dealing with migrants from South America, it’s out of control,” Posobiec said to Constantino, whose business lies right on the northern border in New York.

Posobiec also spoke about how much worse the situation left by former President Joe Biden is than it had originally seemed: “We’re realizing that, even as far as we thought it was, we had no idea how bad it had gotten in the United States.”

“I think you’re right, it’s way worse than people ever thought,” Constantino said.

Watch the full episode below.

This Story originally came from humanevents.com