History Didn’t End: The Return of the Draft

War, Economy, and State merges with Radio Rothbard on this episode, with Zachary Yost joining Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop for a look at the draft. The three discuss the rising interest in the draft throughout the West, including the expansion of selective service in the US and calls for an expanded “citizen army” in Europe. What would a modern draft look like, and what is the potential political fallout?

“The Return of the Military Draft” by Raphael S. Cohen: https://Mises.org/RR_199_A

“It’s Wrong to Draft Women. It’s Also Wrong to Draft Men.” by Ryan McMaken: https://Mises.org/RR_199_B

“The US Military Is Laying the Groundwork to Reinstitute the Draft” by Zachary Yost: https://Mises.org/RR_199_C

“The Present Age by Robert A. Nisbet: https://Mises.org/RR_199_D

“Why Conservatives Hate War” by William S. Lind: https://Mises.org/RR_199_E

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Originally Posted at https://mises.org/

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