Bosnian janitor opens fire at school over labor dispute

Bosnian janitor opens fire at school over labor dispute

A tragic incident took place on Wednesday morning when a gunman at a high school in Bosnia, who is believed to have been a former employee at the school, opened fire with an automatic weapon, leaving three employees killed.

The shooting took place around 10:15 am in Sanski Most, which is located roughly 180 miles from the Bosnian capital Sarajevo, and left the school community in shock and mourning. The gunman is believed to be a former janitor at the school.

According to local police, the gunman targeted specific individuals within the school, fatally shooting the principal, a secretary, and a teacher before turning the weapon on himself. Law enforcement reported that the gunman attempted to commit suicide and was gravely injured. He was subsequently taken to a hospital, where he remains in serious condition.

The suspect is believed to have had a history of conflicts with the school’s management, as he was unhappy with his job and had been under disciplinary proceedings, according to a report from The Daily Mail. The motive for the attack appears to have been rooted in these longstanding disagreements.

At the time of the shooting, the school was closed for the summer, and no students were present. The school staff, who witnessed the tragic event, are reportedly in a “state of shock” as police continue their investigation into the incident.

“We are trying to comprehend why this happened,” said Mayor Faris Hasanbegovic at a news conference. “There are no words or justification for this.”

Authorities are working to understand and investigate the full circumstances surrounding the shooting.

This Story originally came from


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