Kamala Harris Is But A Cog In The Democrats' Machine
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Kamala Harris Is But A Cog In The Democrats’ Machine

Authored by J. Peder Zane via RealClearPolitics,

Our fixation on what Kamala Harris knows and believes is rather quaint.

It reflects a traditional view of leadership that Democrats have largely rejected. Instead of decisive figures who guide the nation, the party is driven by untold numbers of elected officials and unelected bureaucrats, academics, and media voices who share a leftwing ideology. Harking back to its earlier history, the party is once again a machine. Its candidates are not visionaries but apparatchiks committed to the program.

The name on the ballot is largely irrelevant. No one is really voting for Harris, but for the party she represents. Still, politics needs a face, so when President Biden’s turned too craggy, she was tapped as a more youthful, attractive spokesmodel. Like Biden, her vacuity is her appeal; she is another empty vessel that Democrat marketing whizzes can fill with blithe slogans – Joy! Freedom!! Goldilocks!!!

Also, like Biden, her lack of insight and conviction is a plus as she is unlikely to offer any pushback to the plan. I’ll stand where you want, say what you want, just please compare me to Lincoln.

If that sounds unfair, note that it is precisely what we have lived through during the stage-managed Biden presidency. As if to underscore the point, the president has been largely MIA since he was selflessly forced, kicking and screaming, to withdraw from the race. Who’s running the government? The machine.

Ironically, Harris’ largely ceremonial role adds a splash of truth to her party’s efforts to hide her. She doesn’t need to grant many interviews or hold press conferences because her own thoughts are largely irrelevant. It doesn’t matter what she knows about the wars in Ukraine and Gaza, the intentions of China and Iran, or about the economy, health care, and education. Those decisions will be made by the machine. All she can do is jam the gears with word salads and gaffes.

Where Republicans argue her positions are unclear, we know exactly what she is offering: more of the same. A Harris presidency will continue to ramp up the leftwing policies that have marked Biden’s term. The Democrats will continue their push to transform America into a woke, quasi-socialist republic like those that dominate the broke and feckless nations of Western Europe. They will give us higher taxes, expanded regulation, mounting national debt, and – perhaps most troubling of all – the ever more strident effort to censor and punish dissenting views.

She is not feeding information into the machine, she is mouthing what it spits out.

Hence, the focus on her life and career, the causes and policies she has embraced, many of which she is now renouncing, are a distraction. What she thinks and feels doesn’t matter. The only real threat is if, as president, she tried to rise above her station and insist on consequential actions during a crisis. Lord, help us.

The problem for Democrats is that many Americans are not happy with the machine’s output. They are disappointed with its policies on the border, the spending that has fueled inflation, the growing divisions along the lines of race and gender, the fearsome global conflicts. Where a visionary leader can adapt to new circumstances, turning, if not on a dime, then a quarter, the machine grinds on. What you’ve seen is what you’re going to get. Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer admitted the obvious last week when he said that if Democrats win control of the government this November, they would likely end the filibuster to pass many of the bills that stalled during the Biden years.

Still, there are elections to win. So Democrats are trying to put lipstick on a pig by selling the same old same old as a new way forward. Chutzpah or genius? Time will tell.

All of this shows the folly of the Trump campaign, which seems to believe it is running against Harris. His schoolyard insults of the vice president raise her stature, casting her as a potential world leader instead of a mouthpiece. It gives hope to Americans who are disappointed with the Biden administration – maybe she will be different. It obscures the fact that Trump’s real opponent is a vast machine, a mighty ship of state that may have no captain at the helm but is irrevocably steering the nation on a dangerous course.

J. Peder Zane is an editor for RealClearInvestigations and a columnist for RealClearPolitics. Follow him on X (formerly Twitter) @jpederzane.


Originally Posted at; https://www.zerohedge.com//

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Kamala Harris Retreats in Scramble to Defend Blue States
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Kamala Harris Retreats in Scramble to Defend Blue States

Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign is going on defense as former President Donald Trump gains steam in blue states after Harris’s failure to achieve a post-convention bump, which most modern campaigns take for granted.

The campaign is sending Harris and her top surrogates — ticket mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and husband Doug Emhoff — to blue states after a weekend of planned swing state visits.

On Wednesday, Harris will reportedly visit New Hampshire — where she enjoyed only a four-point advantage, according to an Emerson College/WHDH survey before the convention — for a campaign event yet to be announced. Walz will be in his home state of Minnesota, where Trump has cut Harris’s lead from ten to only five points since Walz joined the ticket, according to two KTSP/SurveyUSA polls. Emhoff will reportedly cross the Potomac River for a fundraising trip in Virginia, another state where Trump has polled unexpectedly strong in the 2024 cycle.

An occasional detour during the usual long campaign season is not irregular. However, these trips are noteworthy for a nascent campaign only cobbled together after President Joe Biden’s implosion that must make every day count with barely two months before Election Day.

The blue state visits follow a weekend of planned swing state visits and, before that, a multi-day joint Harris-Walz romp through Georgia that left many pundits scratching their heads.

The unconventional scheduling is on the heels of a terrible week, highlighted by the campaign’s trashing of 13 Gold Star families — an attack that blew up spectacularly in the campaign’s face.

In another sign that the campaign is flailing, it is reportedly planning to send Biden to the campaign trail.

An ABC News/Ipsos poll revealed Sunday that Harris received “no overall bounce in support” after formally accepting her party’s nomination at the Democratic National Convention.

Bradley Jaye is a Capitol Hill Correspondent for Breitbart News. Follow him on X/Twitter at @BradleyAJaye.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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Irish teacher jailed for third time after refusing to use students’ preferred pronouns
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Irish teacher jailed for third time after refusing to use students’ preferred pronouns

A judge in Ireland sent evangelical Christian teacher Enoch Burke to jail for the third time because he refused to comply with a court order that prevents him from trespassing at Wilson’s Hospital School, where he has protested gender ideology policies, the Irish Examiner reported.

Justice Michael Quinn ruled that Burke should be imprisoned again for breaching the terms of a previous injunction that Burke not be allowed near the school. Quinn said the injunction has never been repealed.

The judge said “conclusive evidence had been put before the court,” demonstrating that Burke had been in the school’s vicinity on several occasions since Aug. 22. Quinn assessed this to be contempt for his ruling and sent Burke to Mountjoy Prison and adjourned proceedings until Oct. 11.

Quinn said Burke can get out of jail if he swears to not return to the school. The judge said he based his decision on testimony from the school’s acting principal, John Galligan, and its board of management chairman, who both said Burke’s presence near the school was a disruption.

Burke appeared before the court Monday evening after being arrested in front of the school earlier that day. The teacher Mr Burke was brought to the court on Monday evening following his arrest at the school’s campus that afternoon. Burke, who came to court with members of his family, said he was being punished because he refuses to condone “the hellish ideology of transgenderism

Burke was first suspended from his school for protesting a gender ideology session and asking the principal why students were being allowed to choose their pronouns. Burke acknowledged Monday that he expected to be sent back to jail even though he was being denied his right to exercise his religious convictions when he refused to call a student “they,” instead of a pronoun reflecting his or her biological sex.

The teacher said he understands that he is being persecuted for opposing gender ideology and “transgenderism” and that his civil rights had been “trampled into the ground.” but that “the truth will rise up again.”

He claimed that the truth about the case, namely that the litigation is all about his opposition to “transgenderism”, was being “trampled into the ground” but added “that the truth will rise up again.” When he was told that he would have to return to prison, the teacher said he would “have to answer to God.”

This Story originally came from humanevents.com


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Venezuelan prosecutors seek arrest of opposition presidential candidate: official
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Venezuelan prosecutors seek arrest of opposition presidential candidate: official

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Retired Military Leaders Slam Tim Walz for Dodging Iraq Deployment
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Retired Military Leaders Slam Tim Walz for Dodging Iraq Deployment

Retired military leaders who served with Democrat vice-presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) in the Minnesota National Guard slammed him for retiring after he knew his unit would deploy to Iraq, during an interview on the Megyn Kelly Show that aired Monday.

Army Command Sergeant Major (Ret.) Paul Herr called Walz leaving his unit “morally indefensible.”

Herr explained that, at the time, Walz was the senior enlisted leader of his battalion, and his job was to prepare troops under him as they readied to deploy to Iraq.

“Us as non-commissioned officers … I don’t think people [have] a good understanding of our role in the military. When push comes to shove, we got officers that are appointed over us, and our jobs, to make sure that those soldiers are motivated and educated and trained to the best of their ability with all the assets at hand to carry out the orders of the president of the United States and the officers appointed over them,” Herr said.

RELATED VIDEO — U.S. Veteran: Tim Walz Should Drop Out of Presidential Race for Lying About His Rank:

Matt Perdie / Breitbart News

“Back in World War I, when we were doing trench warfare, the officer would blow the whistle to leave the trenches and charge the enemy across the line. The non-commissioned officers’ job is to make sure that they’re motivated to the hilt, to come out of those trenches, and I’m going to be the point of the spear,” he added.

Herr said if he had told his troops, “Not today, I’m not going — you guys go right ahead,” that would be “a morale crusher.”

“It chews away at the fabric of the military and its ability to do its mission. It may not legally be wrong [but] it is morally indefensible,” Herr said.

Supporters of Walz argue that he retired from the National Guard in May 2005, two months before his unit was officially alerted of an upcoming deployment, but the retired leaders said that, as a senior enlisted leader, he likely knew of the deployment months before.

WATCH — Watch Tim Walz Lie About His Rank, Insinuate to Gold Star Parents He “Came Back” from War:


Indeed, in March 2005, Walz put out a statement about a possible upcoming deployment for his unit, and said, “As Command Sergeant Major I have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion for Iraq, but also to serve if called on. I am dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability, whether that is in Washington DC or in Iraq.”

Herr said he and other senior enlisted leaders could have retired like Walz.

“We didn’t. We had other soldiers that put their lives on total lockdown because of this, because they went to defend their country,” he said. “I’m not going to let my soldiers go forward without me. I trained them. I put myself right there with them. I’m going to suffer every hardship that they do. And that’s the position [Walz] was in. That’s the exact position he was in. And he walked away from it. He wasn’t gonna, he didn’t care. It was all about him.”

Follow Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong on “X”, Truth Social, or on Facebook.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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NHC Data in GIS Formats

NHC Data in GIS Formats

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Please note these GIS datasets are provided as a convenience to users. Support for these data may not always be available or timely in nature. For issues directly related to the datasets below, please contact us.

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‡ Dataset in shapefile and kml/kmz formats

* Probabilistic Storm Surge is available when U.S. Hurricane Watches/Warnings are in effect

‡ Wind Speed Probabilities (WSP)

This dataset is available in shapefile and kml/kmz formats.

The wind speed probabilities data also can be found through the National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) at the following locations:

Technical information on accessing and using NDFD elements can be found at https://graphical.weather.gov/docs/datamanagement.php.

Additional Resources

To see other National Weather Service data available in GIS formats, please visit www.weather.gov/gis.

The NOAA Ocean Service’s nowCOAST project provides real-time links to many of these GIS datasets via WMS.
More information on accessing these data is available here.

NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management maintains a detailed online interactive mapping tool called Historical Hurricane Tracks at coast.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/tools/hurricanes.html. This tool offers users the ability to search and display global tropical cyclone data. The information can also be downloaded in widely-used GIS data formats.

When using the Historical Hurricane Tracks tool, the left side bar allows you to query storms by their location, name, year, etc. Search options can easily be refineed for the storm (or storms) that are of interest to the user. Please note that the Historical Hurricane Tracks interface will not contain data for the current season until the storms have had their entire datasets analyzed. For example, the 2011 season should be online by early 2012.

Another good source of vulnerability maps and GIS data is NOAA’s Digital Coast.
This website provides data required by coastal resource management professionals, as well as the tools, training, and information needed to turn these data into useful information.


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Kamala Harris Loses Support in Post-Democrat Convention Poll
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Kamala Harris Loses Support in Post-Democrat Convention Poll

Vice President Kamala Harris has lost support after the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, according to a Redfield & Wilton Strategies poll.

The results signal her campaign’s sputtering momentum.

The poll, published Monday, finds that 44 percent of the 2,500 self-reported likely voter respondents sampled on August 29 back Harris over former President Donald Trump, who draws 42 percent of support. Another eight percent are undecided, while four percent would vote for another candidate. A margin of error was not provided.

Harris is down three points from a Redfield & Wilton strategies poll taken on August 21, the third day of the DNC, while Trump is down two points. This marks a net one-point swing Trump’s way, showing no bump for Harris since she accepted her party’s nomination.

The current poll also shows that Trump’s latest indictment over his challenge of the 2020 election results has not harmed his prospects. Moreover, the survey reveals how Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s departure from the field and endorsement of Trump has affected the race.

The share of undecided Americans in this poll is four points higher than the August 21 poll, which had Kennedy at three percent of support. The option “other” has also increased by four percent, indicating lesser-known third-party candidates have drawn some of Kennedy’s support.

The race between Trump and Harris is much closer than the contest between Trump and President Joe Biden at a similar point in the 2020 cycle, according to a Redfield & Wilton poll at the time. The August 20, 2020, survey of 2,000 respondents found Biden with a 10-point advantage over Trump.

In that poll, Biden and Trump registered at 49 percent and 39 percent, respectively. Nine percent were undecided, while three percent went to third-party candidates. Harris is underperforming Biden by five points, while Trump outperforms his previous mark by three points.

The latest poll finds the most influential issues are the economy, immigration, and abortion. When asked to pick three issues that would most impact their vote, 62 percent selected the economy, 36 percent chose immigration, and 34 percent said abortion.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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RFK Jr. on the All-In Podcast, says we are “going to see a very different President Trump than we did in the first term”.

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Ukraine seeks to sell weapons produced by their own defense companies
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Ukraine seeks to sell weapons produced by their own defense companies

As the war with Russia overtakes it in terms of both men and material, Ukraine is considering the task of exporting weapons produced by the country’s limited munitions manufacturers.

The National Association of Defense Industry Enterprises of Ukraine (NAUDI) stated that it believes selling military arms to other countries could be crucial to building Ukraine’s staggering economy, Militarnyi reported.

“At present, the issue of scaling up production can only compete with the issue of financing it,” said Dmytro Natalukha, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Development, as participants discussed just how a country that is in dire need of all military supplies can consider selling them.

NAUDI predicted that defense product sales could bring in another $2 billion in tax revenue over the next one-and-a-half years – provided Ukraine remains undefeated in the war with Russia. While the Ukrainian defense industry can produce up to $20 billion in armaments a year, the government has only budgeted $6 billion per annum for the purchase of weapons.

“Currently, due to the lack of funding, defense companies may go bankrupt, as all working capital is invested in the development of new technologies and expansion of production,” the meeting minutes noted.

NAUDI maintains that the foreign sales will not only boost production and wealth for the defense industry but create the new taxes necessary for the government to continue to fund the war with Russia.

“Today, Ukrainian manufacturers have no direct legal ban on exporting their products and goods, but in the context of the active war, the issue of allowing arms exports becomes particularly complicated and important,” said Oleksandr Marikovskyi, chairman of the subcommittee on regional cooperation and trade, according to Militarnyi.

Ukraine is investigating how a US-supplied F-16 fighter jet was destroyed and the pilot killed. It was on the brink of ceasefire talks with Russia before Ukrainian forces invaded the Kursk region of Russia, scuttling talks.

This Story originally came from humanevents.com


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'Habitual Liar': Retired Military Leaders Slam Walz for Lying About Rank
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‘Habitual Liar’: Retired Military Leaders Slam Walz for Lying About Rank

Four retired military leaders slammed Democrat presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) for inflating his military record and dodging a deployment to Iraq in an interview on The Megyn Kelly Show that aired Monday.

Minnesota National Guard Command Sergeant Major (Ret.) Paul Herr called Walz a “habitual liar.”

“He’s a habitual liar. He lies about everything! He lies about stuff that doesn’t make sense,” Herr said.

Walz claimed for nearly two decades he was a “retired command sergeant major” when he was actually a “retired master sergeant” — one rank below.

Herr, who appeared with three other retired senior leaders in the Minnesota National Guard, noted that Walz has lied about other things as well.

“He says all these things like, ‘I was a football coach.’ You were assistant coach and you were fired because of a DUI that you lied about being deaf to try and get out of whatever you were trying to get out of there,” he said.

Walz also lied about carrying weapons “in war” when he never deployed to a combat zone. The Harris-Walz campaign claimed he “misspoke” and then Walz himself during a recent interview with CNN blamed it on grammar and speaking passionately.

Walz also lied about using in vitro fertilization to conceive his two children, when his wife used intra uterine insemination instead.

“I mean, it just it’s just one habitual lie after another. They keep piling up, and eventually, you can’t present enough blankets to cover it up,” Herr said.

Follow Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong on ”X”, Truth Social, or on Facebook. 

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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