Thousands of demonstrators flood the streets on Brazilian Independence Day to protest Justice Alexandre de Moraes after ban on X
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Thousands of demonstrators flood the streets on Brazilian Independence Day to protest Justice Alexandre de Moraes after ban on X

Protesters in Brazil took to the streets on Saturday for Brazil’s Independence Day to demand the removal of Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes. The demonstrations erupted in response to de Moraes’ crackdown on free speech, including his recent ban on the social media platform X in the country and fines for those who work around the ban to access the platform.

Thousands of demonstrators dressed in green and yellow and waving Brazilian flags filled the streets to express their discontent with the country’s current leadership. Many held signs protesting the ban on X, with one banner featuring an image of Elon Musk that read, “Thank you for defending our freedom,” according to the Associated Press.

These protests come ahead of Brazil’s municipal elections in October and have drawn significant support from backers of former President Jair Bolsonaro, who is barred from running for office until 2030. Bolsonaro himself weighed in on the unrest, posting on Instagram earlier this week, “A country without liberty can’t celebrate anything this day.”

The ban on X has been a flashpoint, with Justice de Moraes imposing hefty fines on users who continue to post on the platform. This move has been perceived by many protesters as an example of the judiciary and President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s government working together to silence right-wing opposition.

Elon Musk, the owner of X, has encouraged Brazilians to protest these attacks on free speech. He also launched an X account called “Alexandre Files,” dedicated to exposing the “unlawful directives issued to X by Alexandre de Moraes.” The account recently posted a thread focusing on charges brought by de Moraes against Brazilian Senator Marcos do Val after he criticized the justice and the Brazilian police chief on social media. In response, de Moraes ordered the blocking of do Val’s social media accounts.

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STEPHEN DAVIS: Ford to ditch DEI hiring quotas and culture surveys
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STEPHEN DAVIS: Ford to ditch DEI hiring quotas and culture surveys

Ford Motors has announced it will be scaling back its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies, a decision that follows criticism faced by several companies over such initiatives.

Last Wednesday, Ford revealed it would no longer participate in “external culture surveys,” would refrain from using hiring quotas to achieve diversity goals, and would avoid quotas for minority-owned dealerships or suppliers. This policy shift was detailed in an internal memo sent to employees, which was obtained by anti-DEI activist Robby Starbuck. Starbuck, who has frequently shed light on DEI initiatives at major corporations.

“In the past year, we have taken a fresh look at our policies and practices to ensure they support our values, drive business results, and take into account the current landscape, ” Ford CEO Jim Farley stated in the memo. According to the Daily Caller, Ford confirmed the authenticity of the memo shared by Starbuck, noting it was indeed sent out to employees.

Ford’s decision comes in the wake of similar moves by other companies that have faced backlash for their DEI initiatives, particularly those with more conservative-leaning consumers. Lowe’s and Tractor Supply Company are among those that have also decided to backtrack on their DEI efforts.

“This isn’t everything we want but it’s a great start. We’re now forcing multi-billion dollar organizations to change their policies without even posting just from fear they have of being the next company that we expose,” Starbuck said in a post on X regarding Ford’s announcement. “We will continue to communicate with our sources in companies we expose and report on any that step out of line. I can promise that if we have to do a second report, it will be much more aggressive.”

The rollback of DEI policies by these companies signals a shift in response to consumer sentiment, as customers have continued to voice strong opposition to such programs.

This piece first appeared at TPUSA.

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JOBOB: Gavin Newsom to decide on bill banning legacy admissions at private colleges after it was passed by CA legislature
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JOBOB: Gavin Newsom to decide on bill banning legacy admissions at private colleges after it was passed by CA legislature

California Governor Gavin Newsom is set to make a decision on a new bill that would ban private colleges in the state from admitting applicants based on their relationships with alumni. The bill, passed unanimously by the California State Assembly and approved by the Senate, now awaits the governor’s signature.

Authored by Assemblymember Philip Ting, the bill was introduced in response to last summer’s US Supreme Court ruling that prohibits race-based considerations in college admissions.

“If race can’t be a factor, Ting and other supporters believe wealth or relationships shouldn’t be considered either,” Ting’s office explained in a press release.

“Equal opportunity is the name of the game here. Everyone should be considered fairly,” Ting stated. “Hard work, good grades, and a well-rounded background should earn you a spot in the incoming class – not the size of the check your family can write or who you’re related to. If we value diversity in higher education, we must level the playing field. That means making the college application process more fair and equitable.”

The practice of “legacy admissions”—where colleges favor applicants related to alumni—has already been banned in four other states. Illinois recently enacted a ban on legacy admissions for public colleges and universities, while Maryland became the only state to ban the practice in both private and public institutions, according to Fox News.

A similar bill, the “Fair College Admissions for Students Act,” was introduced in Congress last year, aiming to ban legacy admissions nationwide. Although it has not made significant progress, at the time there appeared to be potential for bipartisan support.

If Governor Newsom signs the bill into law, California would join other states in banning legacy preferences, which would dramatically reshape the admissions process at private colleges across the state.

This piece first appeared at TPUSA.

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"Plagiarism Is Plagiarism" Says Scholar Whose Work Was Lifted By Critical Race Theorist
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“Plagiarism Is Plagiarism” Says Scholar Whose Work Was Lifted By Critical Race Theorist

By Ann Daily Moreno of The College Fix

A recent complaint filed with the University of Washington alleges that Professor Robin DiAngelo, a white critical race theorist and alumnus of the school, plagiarized minority scholars and others, largely within her dissertation to earn a PhD in philosophy.

The 20-page complaint, first reported by the Washington Free Beacon, outlines nearly a half-dozen scholars whose previous writings appear to have not been properly cited in DiAngelo’s work — despite her saying it’s vital to “always cite and give credit to the work of BIPOC people who have informed your thinking.”

Only one of the scholars whose work was allegedly plagiarized by DiAngelo responded to The College Fix’s request for comment — University of Melbourne professorial fellow Bronwyn Davies — whose work with co-author Rom Harré has been found in a couple of sentences within DiAngelo’s writing.

“Plagiarism is plagiarism and it is not acceptable,” Davies told The College Fix when reached for comment. “But in a thesis on Critical Race Theory, it would seem to be even more egregious.”

DiAngelo’s 2004 dissertation “Whiteness in Racial Dialogue: A Discourse Analysis” appears to lift two paragraphs from Northeastern University Asian-American Professor Thomas Nakayama, and his coauthor, Robert Krizek, without proper attribution, the Beacon reported.

The complaint also “describes dozens of cases in which DiAngelo, who rakes in almost $1 million a year in speaking fees, passed off the work of others as her own,” it added, pointing out that although DiAngelo cited her sources in the bibliography, she did not give proper attribution for in text-citations, according to the complaint, filed anonymously.

Davies describes herself as a “new materialist,” but said she is familiar with critical race theory and told The Fix she does not have “any particular dispute” with the ideology. She said it is “interesting” how the work she was doing 30 years ago is currently being used by critical race theory scholars like DiAngelo.

As for the sentences DiAngelo lifted, Davies told The Fix: “I think this falls within any definition of plagiarism, which is a pretty serious [offense] according to the rules of most universities.”

“However,” she added, “her failure to give proper attribution may not be intentional; it may be ignorance.”

“What I would like to say is that all academic work is in conversation, one way or another, with work that others have done or are doing,” she said.

“Weaving one’s own words together with the words of another involves both acknowledging they are not your own words … while not interrupting the flow of whatever idea it is you are trying to express.”

Davies said she does not have an opinion about any consequences DiAngelo should face, saying it’s up to the university.

However, Davies also said there is “a lot of trust” in publishing one’s ideas and she hopes that whoever reads her ideas will “gain new insights and benefits in their own thinking and writing.”

“Academic publishing is a huge global conversation that is often exciting, and invariably stimulates the production of new ideas and new conversations,” Davies told The Fix. “It makes me sad, and a little disappointed that, in this case, my place in the conversation has not been acknowledged—but only a little.”

Davies also said that she “wonders” about DiAngelo’s ethics since DiAngelo makes millions of dollars in events, but she is also “happy” her words could “still be helpful to the student in developing her own ideas.”

Reached for comment by The College Fix, University of Washington spokesperson Dana Robinson Slote stated campus leaders “are committed to the integrity of research conducted at the University of Washington.”

“Complaints such as this are confidential under institutional policy and relevant federal regulations. Therefore, I cannot speak to or verify the accuracy of any purported complaint, or excerpt from a complaint, that has allegedly been submitted.”

Slote refers to the university’s policies in University of Washington’s Executive Order 61.

Charleen Wilcox, spokesperson for the College of Education, where the alleged plagiarism took place and where DiAngelo currently serves as an affiliate associate professor, told The College Fix the school “does not have any comment at this time.”

DiAngelo, who has not yet replied to requests for comment, is the author of New York Times bestseller “White Fragility,” a book that DiAngelo says was written to help people of color.

DiAngelo has also been involved with the Seattle Office of Civil Rights, appointed as a leader in the mayor’s race and social justice initiative and has, in addition, reportedly made nearly $1 million per year from speaker fees and leading “anti-racism” trainings, some of which can be found on her website.

The Seattle Office of Civil Rights has not yet replied to a request for comment.

Stacey Lee, an Asian-American professor of education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has also been apparently plagiarized by DiAngelo in her dissertation. DiAngelo changed only one sentence, as seen circulating on X and in the original complaint.

Some other scholars whom DiAngelo is accused of plagiarizing include classmate Kristin Gates Cloyes from her PhD program, Debian Marty, an emerita professor of communication at California State University, Monterey Bay, Cynthia Levine-Rasky, associate professor of Sociology at Queen University, and Harré, a philosopher and psychologist, died in 2019.


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Exclusive -- Ric Grenell Breaks Down Arab Movement Toward Trump: He Promises 'Peace'
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Exclusive — Ric Grenell Breaks Down Arab Movement Toward Trump: He Promises ‘Peace’

Arab Americans are moving toward former President Donald Trump because he is promising “peace,” Ric Grenell, former acting Director of National Intelligence and a top Trump ally, said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.

Host Matthew Boyle cited a poll showing that 30 percent of Muslim voters are going to back Trump in this election over Vice President Kamala Harris.

“That’s an increase of at least seven percent since 2020 where Trump got about 23 percent of the Muslim vote. You’ve been tracking this whole uncommitted [movement],” Boyle said, explaining that it morphed into the “abandon Harris movement.”

“Well, one of the reasons in 2016 why I joined the Trump team is because I had spent eight years working in the Bush administration. I spent eight years at the U.N. inside the Security Council, watching us foment war and push for regime change,” Grenell said, explaining that he watched these “neocon ideas” failing.

“They were not working, and no one was willing to say it. You know, Dick Cheney was the leader of this regime change movement, and a lot of Republicans and even Democrats joined him in talking about the benefits of regime change,” he said, noting it did not work, and the U.S. lost “a lot of money, a lot of treasure, [and] blood.”

“What happened in 2016–that is that Donald Trump was the only one to call it out. It wasn’t popular back then to take on the Bushes and the Romneys and the McCains and all of the strategy of pro-war and neocon policy, but Donald Trump had the backbone to say, ‘You know what, guys, this isn’t working. And I know I’m running in a Republican primary, but it’s not working, and I’m going to do something different.’ And I remember back then that every single foreign policy person who I knew in the establishment called me to say, you will never work in foreign policy again if you support this guy. He is wrong, and I did it anyway, and Donald Trump proved to be right,” he said. “Now, fast forward. He didn’t start any wars.”

Speaking specifically about Arab Americans moving toward Trump, Grenell said he has been “spearheading a strategy of talking to the Arab Americans in Detroit and in Phoenix, where they have a huge, powerful base.”

“And what I love about Donald Trump is that we have three, really two strong messages to Arab Americans that are convincing them to support Trump, but those same two messages are very consistent with what we say to evangelical Christians and to Jews in America,” he said, praising Trump for his consistent messaging.

“Donald Trump is not saying anything different to these groups. Kamala Harris is. She’s secretly trying to say one thing to one group and another to another group. But Donald Trump has two messages. One which is, I produce Arab-Israeli peace agreements. These are hard to do. It’s easy just to let conflict go into war. But Donald Trump didn’t do that. He forged peace between Arab Israel and Israelis. We didn’t have a war. We didn’t have killing,” he said.

“The second point that we say to the Arabs is, what do you expect when you have a government that funds Iran? We, in the Trump administration, had isolated Iran. We had sanctions on Iran. They didn’t have the money to pursue a nuclear weapon and they didn’t have the money to pay their proxies to go start wars,” he said, explaining that these proxies are now “well-funded” because of the actions of President Biden and Harris.


“They dropped the sanctions on Iran, the Trump sanctions,” he said, noting they dropped the sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

“I could argue with the first reason why Putin invaded in Ukraine and started a war in Europe is because he saw the weakness of dropping those sanctions on his pipeline,” he said, noting this was the “same thing [that] happened with the war in Israel.”

“Iran was funded to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions relief, cash and credit. When they got that money, they start paying the Houthis, Hamas, and Hezbollah to wreak havoc. And we’ve seen now the impact of what we have — 17 military ships, American U.S., military ships in the region right now trying to control what’s going on. We don’t have a single peace plan that we’re pushing, but we have 17 warships,” Grenell said, adding that he is sick of watching establishment media figures asking politicians if they are for or against funding for Ukraine.

“This is the question of, do you want more war, or do you not want more war? There’s no one who is pushing a peace plan. We don’t have a State Department that’s tough,” he continued, adding, “I’ve spent 12 years at the State Department, and I know people who are tough.”

“Diplomacy is hard. It’s not about speaking five languages and sitting in Paris at a restaurant. It is forging peace agreements in conflict zones. It’s dangerous. It’s frontline work,” he added.

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern.

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Time To Rebel: We Are Now Entering The Total Censorship Stage Of Global Tyranny
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Time To Rebel: We Are Now Entering The Total Censorship Stage Of Global Tyranny

by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:


The authoritarian regimes of the past century have all followed a pattern of events that is generally predictable. Almost every totalitarian government has been inspired by the ideologies of the political left. Meaning, increasingly bigger government, socialist control of resources, the melding of bureaucracy and corporate entities, demands for “social justice”, collectivist propaganda, the abandonment of individual merit for the sake of the state and the “greater good”, Marxism not just from an economic standpoint but also a cultural standpoint, and finally, the adoption of Futurism.


Futurism is, in my view, the key to all modern authoritarianism. It’s a philosophy that has been present at the birth of nearly every major despotic government in recent memory and it’s the root of leftist ideology today. Futurists argue that history is, for the most part, dead weight. They believe that every notion of heritage, the lessons of the past, the ideals and principles of our forefathers are all irrelevant.

Futurists think nothing is sacred and all new ideas are superior to all old ideas. Therefore, they claim, any society that clings to (or conserves) the old ways needs to be dismantled because it is holding humanity back from progress. In other words, anyone promoting or defending traditional norms must be silenced in the name of “progress.”

I suspect most people reading this at least intuitively understand the monstrous nature of this belief system. The very structure of futurism is based on a lie – The idea that all change is good and that any oppression committed in the name of change is justified.

The Process Of Tyranny

In this process of tyranny there are usually stages of escalation. The first stage is the exploitation of existing social divisions to create an enemy that the rest of the population can be convinced to rally against. This is not to say these divisions aren’t legitimate, they often are. In our era of “multiculturalism” globalists have been inviting many groups of people into the west that are simply incompatible with western values and morals. They will not assimilate and they will only cause conflict, which is the very reason why political puppets continue to keep our borders open.

These divisions can be exploited to create conflict and chaos, which is then used by governments as an excuse to crack down on their political enemies. In the US and EU it’s conservatives, the very people that are trying to defend the historical ideals of our respective nations, that are being labeled public enemy #1. We are the ever present bogeyman of the 21st Century.

It’s not only because we defend the heritage and principles that helped to create the greatest civilization in the history of the world (western civilization). It’s also because because we keep talking about uncomfortable truths.

The futurists rely on disinformation in order to spread their Utopian philosophy and they can only continue to survive by silencing all other contrary ideas. All futurist regimes eventually turn to mass censorship in order to function. They cannot stand in the light of truth, so they must keep the people in perpetual darkness.

Slow At First, Then All At Once…

There are many readers who will argue that we’ve been in this stage for decades now. I would argue that we haven’t seen anything yet. We’ve only been living under covert censorship. The pandemic lockdown effort was the moment of the shift when Democrats and Big Tech companies began to openly demand that counter-information be suppressed. Though, most of that censorship was still under the table.

Meta CEO and Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg recently admitted that the Biden Administration pressured Facebook behind the scenes to censor Covid-19 information that was contrary to the government narrative.  This is highly unconstitutional and criminal.  Biden and Harris should be up on impeachment charges and, in my view, anyone involved should face prison time.  Will that happen?  Probably not.

This brand of censorship is insidious, but rigging algorithms to hide search results or booting people off of social media is not exactly the same as creating laws to intimidate or punish those that speak out. That’s the stage we’re entering right now; the open mass censorship era has arrived.

In Brazil, leftist authoritarians have shut down Elon Musk’s X (formerly Twitter) because Musk has refused to institute their censorship model on his social media site. To Musk’s credit, he has been willing to lose Brazil’s business and stand by his principles.

The developments in the UK are another blatant example, with the government now trying to hunt down and imprison people for the most minor of actions (a British teen was recently put in prison for two years for merely flying a British flag near a Mosque). Anyone who stands against multiculturalism (and futurism) risks being arrested and thrown in a cage.

UK authorities have suggested that Elon Musk should be charged and that other Americans should be extradited for promoting conservative values on immigration or arguing in favor of British protests. We’re just pointing out that there’s only two ways this can go: Either the British people rebel and violently overthrow the globalist puppets in their own government, or, they will become slaves living in fear within their own country.

It sounds truly insane; all of this drama over basic free speech rights, but this is the world we are now approaching and leftists are happily supporting the transition.

Mass Censorship Is A Path To Inevitable Rebellion

Musk has stated that he believes X will eventually be shut down in the US should Kamala Harris gain the presidency in the November election, and I’m inclined to agree. Look at what the establishment did to social media newcomer Parler when they started gaining traction; the elites simply shut down their ability to function efficiently on the web grow their user base. Under a Harris regime they will feel emboldened to go even further.

The rhetoric of the Democrats is quite clear – They are anti-free speech and they view certain ideas as a threat to our THEIR society.

For example, the far-left New York Times published an article this week that gave credence to mass censorship, including the Brazilian government’s decision on X. They highlight the positives of giving Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes sweeping online censorship powers. They described this move as an ‘effective solution to the vexing problem of right-wing threats to Democracy.’

They fall just short of institutionally endorsing the censorship of X and even ask if Brazil perhaps “went too far” (obviously the answer is yes), but at the same time they suggest that this trend is a “new normal” that Big Tech companies will have to navigate. And, their article insinuates that if Musk wants to counter government censorship demands he should do it through civil courts instead of defying such tyranny directly. In other words, they argue Musk doesn’t have the right to stand against them.

Frankly, a rebellion doesn’t need to ask for permission to rebel.

The New York Times also had a lot to say about the problem of freedom and the US Constitution in an article titled ‘The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?’ They again try to tie the events of January 6th to the necessity of censorship, promoting the false narrative of an attempted “insurrection” in which no one was armed and no one was killed (except one of the conservative protesters).

The Times asserts that the danger of the constitution is that it gives the public the freedom to vote for a person like Trump. An act which they claim allows for the document’s own destruction.

The true irony is that Trump’s popularity would be non-existent if it wasn’t for the political left’s constant attempts to institute a socialist dystopia that erases the Bill of Rights. Nothing happens in a vacuum and these people never take responsibility for their own behavior. They spent three years ignoring the constitution in the name of medical authoritarianism over a virus with a tiny median Infection Fatality Rate of only 0.23%. Then they started gaslighting the public about how conservatives are a threat to democracy.

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Big Lots Prepares to File for Bankruptcy amid Inflation and Declining Sales
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Big Lots Prepares to File for Bankruptcy amid Inflation and Declining Sales

The retailer known as Big Lots is preparing to file for bankruptcy as other companies across the United States have recently done.

Individuals with knowledge of the situation said the discount home goods store may file as early as Sunday, Bloomberg reported on Friday, noting the company is planning to sell its stores through a court-supervised process.

The article continued:

The company will continue to operate under Chapter 11 protection, the people said, and is in the process of lining up a so-called stalking horse bid, meaning it’s subject to better offers should any materialize. The company has been working with advisers from AlixPartners and Guggenheim Partners on the bankruptcy and sale process.

Big Lots, which has around 1,400 stores and employs over 30,000 people, has suffered from declining sales for years, including in recent quarters as rising inflation squeezed the wallets of its budget-conscious shoppers. Its share price has plunged to around $0.50, after peaking above $72 in 2021.

The news comes after the restaurant chain Red Lobster filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy followed by affordable gym chain Blink Fitness, and Rite Aid pharmacy closed all its stores in Michigan and Ohio amid that company’s recent bankruptcy filings.

Inflation has been plaguing Americans struggling to make ends meet in President Joe Biden’s (D) economy, and the middle class is now too poor to shop for their needs at dollar stores, Breitbart News’s John Carney reported on Wednesday.

“Dollar Tree’s latest earnings report offers a grim reflection on the state of the American economy. What we are witnessing is not just a minor fluctuation in retail performance, but a broader indictment of an economy that, under the stewardship of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, has manifestly lost its way,” Carney wrote.

“The Biden-Harris administration, with its reckless fiscal expansions and ideological hubris, has forced consumers into a corner. It was inevitable that even the affluent would feel the blow; and now, with Dollar Tree’s stock plunging nearly 25 percent, the axe has finally bitten into the grain,” he stated.

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Political Realignment: 88 Big-Business Leaders Endorse Kamala Harris
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Political Realignment: 88 Big-Business Leaders Endorse Kamala Harris

Eighty-eight big-business leaders signed a letter Friday endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for president, underscoring the ongoing political realignment since 2016.

Before former President Donald Trump won the presidency, the Republican Party appeared to be the party of big-business and corporate interests. Now the Democrat party is taking up that mantle in the banner of globalism and “democracy,” a reformation of political identities dating back to Franklin D. Roosevelt and beyond.

“We endorse Kamala Harris’s election as President of the United States,” the big-business leaders wrote:

Her election is the best way to support the continued strength, security, and reliability of our democracy and economy. With Kamala Harris in the White House, the business community can be confident that it will have a President who wants American industries to thrive. As a partner to President Biden, Vice President Harris has a strong record of advancing actions to spur business investment in the United States and ensure American businesses can compete and win in the global market. She will continue to advance fair and predictable policies that support the rule of law, stability, and a sound business environment, and she will strive to give every American the opportunity to pursue the American dream.

The leaders who signed the letter include:

  • James Murdoch, former CEO of 21st Century Fox and an heir to the Murdoch family empire
  • Philanthropist Lynn Forester de Rothschild
  • Ted Leonsis, owner of the NBA’s Washington Wizards
  • Jeffrey Katzenberg, founder and managing partner of Wndr and former chairman of Walt Disney Studios
  • Philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs
  • Facebook cofounder Dustin Moskovitz
  • NBA Hall of Famer and billionaire businessman Magic Johnson
  • Entrepreneur Mark Cuban
  • Former LinkedIn CEO Reid Hoffman
One of the biggest issues in corporate America is the question of tariffs. Trump is a strong supporter of tariffs to protect American workers. His proposals are especially popular in the Rust Belt states where the U.S. government allowed big-business leaders to ship manufacturing jobs out of the U.S. “In Michigan, the auto industry is doing very poorly because jobs are starting to leave. They are losing, you know, the electric vehicle mandate,” Trump said in May of the Biden-Harris administration.

A majority of voters support the United States placing a ten percent tariff on all imports, a J.L. Partners/Daily Mail poll recently found.

The issue of tariffs is one of the longest-running debates in U.S. history. Tariffs generate revenue for the federal government and encourage domestic production in some industries by acting as a protective barrier against foreign competitors.

As Breitbart News reported, average tariffs increased to as high as 60 percent before declining to 20 percent between 1790 and 1860, according to Douglas A. Irwin’s “Trade Policy in American Economic History.” From 1861 to 1933, average tariffs increased to 50 percent. Since 1934, tariffs declined to an average of about 5 percent due to the rise of an idea dubbed “free trade.”

Free trade sidelined tariffs in policy debate until 2016 when Trump campaigned on America First policies that protect American producers.

Some economists believe “free trade” is a radical idea born to profit the global elites.

RELATED — Trump on Putin’s Kamala Endorsement: “I Don’t Know if I’m Insulted or He Did Me a Favor”

Right Side Broadcasting Network

Wendell Husebo is a political reporter with Breitbart News and a former GOP War Room Analyst. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality. Follow Wendell on “X” @WendellHusebø or on Truth Social @WendellHusebo.

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US Wants To Deploy New Missiles To Japan Banned By INF Treaty
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US Wants To Deploy New Missiles To Japan Banned By INF Treaty

Authored by Dave DeCamp via,

The US wants to deploy a previously banned missile system to Japan for military drills, Nikkei Asia has reported. The Typhon missile launcher is a ground-based system that can fire nuclear-capable Tomahawk missiles, which have a range of more than 1,000 miles.

Ground-based missiles with a range between 310 and 3,400 miles were banned by the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which the US withdrew from in 2019. The Typhon also fires SM-6 missiles, which can hit targets up to 290 miles away.

The US deployed a Typhon system to the Philippines for military drills, a move that China viewed as a major provocation. The missile system was sent to the Philippines for several months. It was first deployed for the drills that started in April, and Manila said it would be pulled out in September, meaning it could still be there.

The Philippines said China expressed “very dramatic” alarm over the deployment of the Typhon system. Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said the deployment “put the entire region under the fire of the United States (and) brought huge risks of war into the region.”

US Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said on Wednesday that she told Japanese officials the US wanted to deploy the Typhon to Japan next. “We’ve made our interest in this clear with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces,” she said at a Defense News conference in Virginia.

Wormuth said the US would also look to keep it in Japan for several months. “Our goal…in the Army has been to really try to have as much combat-credible capability forward” in the Indo-Pacific west of the international dateline,” she said, according to Nikkei.

Wormuth claimed the deployment “strengthens deterrence” in the region and said the missile system has “gotten the attention of China.” She said there is “a lot of potential” for moving US troops and equipment around Japan’s southwestern islands, which are near Taiwan.

US officials say the US is building up its military presence near China in the name of deterrence, but the steps have only escalated tensions in the region, making a conflict more likely. Wormuth and other US officials are also openly planning for a direct confrontation with China despite the obvious risk of nuclear war.

Wormuth said last year that the US was preparing to fight and win a war with China. “I personally am not of the view that an amphibious invasion of Taiwan is imminent,” she said. “But we obviously have to prepare, to be prepared to fight and win that war.”


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SpaceX’s Exciting Super Heavy Catch Test – Fire Time Is Approaching!

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