AUSTIN PETERSEN: Kamala Harris’ 5 biggest debate lies

AUSTIN PETERSEN: Kamala Harris’ 5 biggest debate lies

Kamala Harris took the stage at the debate and dished out more fiction than fact. Despite ABC News’ biased moderators going to bat for her, we aren’t planning on letting her deceits go unanswered. From misleading claims about U.S. military deployments to twisted statistics on the economy, she wasn’t shy about bending the truth to fit her narrative. Here are the top five whoppers Harris tried to sell—spoiler alert: they didn’t hold up under the slightest scrutiny.

1. Kamala Harris isn’t coming for your guns apparently

TRUMP: “She has a plan to defund the police. She has a plan to confiscate everybody’s gun. She planned to not allow fracking in Pennsylvania or anywhere else,” Trump said.

HARRIS: “I’ve made very clear my position on fracking and then this business about taking everyone’s guns away. Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We’re not taking anybody’s guns away. So stop with the continuous lying about this stuff.”

Kamala Harris has long been one of the most aggressive advocates for gun control in the Democratic Party. As Vice President, she oversees the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, where she champions initiatives like universal background checks, red flag laws, and an assault weapons ban. Her support for measures like a “mandatory buyback” of semi-automatic firearms shows a clear intent to push for gun confiscation, an extreme stance that alarms Second Amendment advocates. In her 2020 presidential run, Harris even pledged to use executive action to advance gun control if Congress didn’t act within 100 days​.

Her record stretches back to her time as California’s Attorney General, where she fought to uphold stringent gun laws, including supporting a handgun ban in the landmark Heller case. In that instance, Harris argued that the Second Amendment didn’t protect an individual’s right to bear arms—an argument the Supreme Court rejected​. This is her core belief system. Bernie Sanders recently said on Meet the Press, he believed she hasn’t abandoned any of her core progressive views. I believe him.

The NRA shared a clip of Harris, who, when asked about the millions of “assault weapons” in the United States, stated, “We have to have a buyback program. And I support a mandatory buyback program.” How do you buy back something you never purchased in the first place? It’s just confiscation without proper legislation.

2. Net-zero or drill baby, drill?

TRUMP: “If she won the election, fracking in Pennsylvania will end on day one.”

HARRIS: “I will not ban fracking. I have not banned fracking as Vice President of the United States. In fact, I was the tie-breaking vote on the Inflation Reduction Act, which opened new leases for fracking.”

Kamala Harris’ stance on fracking has been anything but consistent. During her 2019 presidential campaign, she unequivocally stated she was “in favor of banning fracking.” Yet, in typical political fashion, that bold claim has since evolved. While Harris, along with progressive heavyweights like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, has expressed support for a fracking ban, the practicality of such a position remains in question.

Even President Biden, who initially campaigned on “no new fracking,” had to walk back his position, acknowledging its role in the energy transition. So, was Harris genuinely committed to a fracking ban, or was she pandering to her base?

IWF Center for Energy and Conservation director Gabriella Hoffmanreacted to Harris’ remarks on fracking in an interview with Fox News, saying, “Given that she supports net-zero — it’s on every single letterhead, executive order — there’s no way one can deduce that she supports fracking.’

3. Kamala Harris’ migrating positions on immigration

HARRIS: “The United States Congress came up with a border security bill, which I supported,” Harris said. “You know what happened to that bill? Donald Trump called up some folks in Congress and said, ‘Kill the bill.’”

Kamala Harris is in favor of decriminalizing illegal immigration, taxpayer funded gender transitions for illegals, defunding ICE, and ending ICE detainers, at least according to a survey for the ACLU that she filled out as recently as 2019. There is just no universe where Kamala Harris isn’t a far left open-borders progressive on immigration.

VP Harris’ push to resurrect the failed bipartisan Border Act of 2024 is political theater, aimed at salvaging her shaky immigration record. The Border Act, which Harris now touts as a centerpiece of her immigration platform, did initially fall apart after vocal opposition from Trump and a lack of GOP support. Even key Republican senators, like James Lankford, who had initially negotiated the bill, ultimately voted against it when it was reintroduced in May. While the bill included some common sense measures, such as emergency restrictions on crossings and increased border security funding, it also contained highly contentious provisions, including $60 billion in aid to Ukraine and increased visa numbers, which alienated both Republicans and Democrats.

Harris’ attempt to blame Trump for the bill’s failure ignores her own party’s divisions on immigration policy. Progressive Democrats criticized the bill for not going far enough, while Republicans saw it as a political ploy. Harris may claim to have found her footing on immigration, but her shifting positions make it hard to take her newfound hawkishness seriously.

Kamala Harris’ flip-flop on the border wall issue is nothing short of political opportunism. Speaking of Trump’s border wall, Harris called it a “medieval vanity project” and “un-American,” Harris has now reversed her stance, expressing support for spending hundreds of millions of dollars on the very border wall she once condemned. The change in tone is likely tied to the increasing pressure her campaign faces on the issue of illegal immigration, where Trump continues to dominate voter confidence.​

4. Project 2025: Trump has no plan but his plan is Project 2025, which isn’t his plan, so he has no plan

HARRIS: “You’re going to hear from the same old tired playbook, a bunch of lies, grievances and name-calling. What you’re going to hear is a dangerous and detailed playbook called Project 2025.”

So, which is it? Does Donald Trump have a plan, and that plan is Project 2025? Or is Harris’ post debate tweet “Donald Trump has no plan for you,” what she really thinks? It’s Schrodinger’s plan! The plan both exists and doesn’t exist and if you open up the box it’s just a Haitian munching on the cat, who is dead.

The Harris campaign has lied repeatedly about the Trump campaign’s affiliation with the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025. Polls have shown that Democratic attacks using this are effective, so they repeat this lie as often as they do the Snopes debunked “fine people on both sides,” lie. “As you know, and as she knows better than anyone, I have nothing to do with Project 2025. That’s out there. I haven’t read it. I don’t want to read it purposely. I’m not going to read it,” Trump responded.

Trump has repeatedly tried to distance himself from this project, and the backlash from some conservatives over his lack of support for it have forced him to spend some political capital in the party. Regardless, another lie from the Harris campaign that deserved answering.

5. You’re not in the Army now: Kamala Harris’ combat lies

VP Harris: “And as of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone, in any war zone around the world, the first time this century,” Harris said.

This statement is blatantly false. The U.S. still has nearly 1,000 troops in Syria and 2,500 in Iraq, according to the Department of Defense. These soldiers remain in harm’s way, as evidenced by ongoing raids and attacks, including a recent operation in Iraq that left seven U.S. soldiers injured and a January drone attack that killed three servicemen in Jordan.

Despite Harris’ assertion, the global military footprint is vast, with 170,000 U.S. troops stationed across more than 800 bases worldwide. Recent Pentagon deployments in response to the Gaza war only highlight the continuing global engagement of American forces.

Harris’ misleading statement ignores the reality of U.S. military involvement overseas and minimizes the risks faced by our troops in places like Syria, Iraq, and beyond. This administration’s track record shows a willingness to downplay the extent of American military commitments while pushing a narrative that doesn’t align with the facts on the ground.

In conclusion, The Harris/Walz campaign will most assuredly continue to lie, slander, defame, cheat, defraud, and weaponize the justice system against Trump throughout this campaign. But no matter what happens in November, win or lose, we at Human Events will be here to ensure you get the facts and to counter the mainstream media bias from leftist apparatchiks at ABC News.

This Story originally came from


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