Left-Wing Salon Likens Trump’s Policies to Nazism: ‘Plans to Turn USA into Type of Fourth Reich’

Left-Wing Salon Likens Trump's Policies to Nazism: ‘Plans to Turn USA into Type of Fourth Reich’

Donald Trump’s immigration plans and rhetoric are similar to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler’s, according to a recent Salon piece warning that Trump “plans to turn America into a type of Fourth Reich,” targeting immigrants and minorities with “white supremacy” and “racism.”

The Thursday essay, titled “The mission creep of hate: Trump’s dehumanization targets beyond immigrants,” is a blistering attack on Donald Trump penned by Salon politics staff writer Chauncey DeVega, who likens the former president’s policies and rhetoric to that of Hitler and Nazi Germany.

“Donald Trump and his surrogates are continuing to channel and amplify Nazism and Adolf Hitler,” he writes. “This is not random or happenstance. It is part of a strategy.”

The article accuses Trump of fostering “feral politics” — a strategy of division and hatred aimed at immigrants, minorities, and political opponents — which are “made even more explosive and toxic by adding blatant white supremacy, racism, and antisemitism.”

According to DeVega, Trump and his surrogates “have increased their antisemitism, racism, and white supremacy (and misogyny and hostile sexism) greatly in the last few weeks as the polls and other metrics show him tied with if not behind Kamala Harris, a Black South Asian woman, in the presidential election.”

He further argued that Nazism and racial fascism, and “other antidemocratic and illiberal political belief systems and ideologies in its orbit” are “resurgent in the form of Trumpism, American fascism, and the larger global antidemocracy movement.”

DeVega, who has a history of expressing radical anti-Republican rhetoric, then claims “there are many examples of Donald Trump’s embrace and channeling of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis as part of his chorus of hate and plans to turn America into a type of Fourth Reich.”

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The piece highlights Trump’s recent claims about Haitian immigrants, alleging they’re “stealing and eating white people’s dogs and cats.” It argues this is an extension of a broader Trump plan for racial “purification” that echoes Nazi Germany’s tactics.

Arguing that Trump’s focus isn’t limited to illegal immigrants, but targets anyone his movement deems undesirable — citizen or not — DeVega asserts that Trump’s “ethnic cleansing plan” and “purges” won’t stop here. “They will expand to include any people who Trump and his MAGA movement and the other neofascists designate as the ‘enemy,’” he insists.

The essay also highlights Trump’s posts on Truth Social, where he has called for deporting “terrorists, criminals, and mentally insane” from U.S. cities. DeVega draws parallels between Trump’s language and the Nazi practice of stripping citizenship from Jews and other minorities, alleging Trump intends to replicate similar policies.

“In the 40 or so days until Election Day, Donald Trump and his surrogates are only going to increase their channeling and amplification of the Nazis and Hitler. The stakes of the 2024 election are truly existential for American democracy and freedom,” he warns.

The article paints a dystopian picture of America under Trump, warning that his “stormtroopers” will round up anyone they believe does not belong, calling it a precursor to mass deportations. It also cautions that Trump’s platform could escalate into violent, state-sponsored oppression, similar to Hitler’s policies against Jews and other minorities.

As Breitbart News previously reported, instead of toning down the rhetoric in the aftermath of a second assassination attempt on Trump’s life earlier this month, Democrats and establishment media have increased their rhetoric. Trump himself cast blame on the Biden-Harris administration for their “rhetoric” being behind the threat to his life.

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Comparisons to fascism have long been a staple of Trump’s opposition, particularly regarding his policies on immigration.

In December, a Salon piece accused former President Donald Trump and MAGA ideology of corrupting family values and posing an existential threat to American democracy, while suggesting he unapologetically echoes fascist and Nazi rhetoric.

Last June, he accused the GOP of being a “de facto terrorist organization” as well as the “world’s largest white supremacist” group.

Last March, DeVega claimed today’s Republican Party and larger “conservative” movement are “waging a fascist war against multiracial pluralist democracy and human freedom.”

Previously, he said Democrats don’t want unity with the GOP “fascists,” as he accused Republicans of seeking to create a society in which black people “have no rights the white man is bound to respect.”

The senior politics writer also claimed the GOP has morphed from an “evil insect” into a full-blown “terrorist organization,” while accusing Republicans and Trump supporters of seeking a war against American democracy, encouraging widescale violence against the left and minorities, and using “stochastic terrorism” to achieve their aims.

Previously, a shockingly anti-white and anti-Christian Salon piece by DeVega referred to “the Republican fascist movement” as “objectively evil,” hoping that “people of color” die out in the battle against “multiracial democracy,” while accusing “white Christians” of embracing lies, terrorism, white supremacy, and fascism.

In another essay penned by DeVega, the left-wing writer accused Republicans of resembling “good Germans” of the Nazi era — wishing to believe they are decent people while hiding behind “fictions of plausible deniability for the evils committed by their leader,” as he described today’s conservatism as seeking “friendly fascism” masked in an appeal to return to “traditional values.”

Joshua Klein is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at jklein@breitbart.com. Follow him on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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