Democrats Are Instructed By The False, Historically Doomed Trinity Of ‘Isms’ — Communism, Socialism, And Fascism, Different Suits Fashioned By Likeminded Political Tailors

Democrats Are Instructed By The False, Historically Doomed Trinity Of ‘Isms’ — Communism, Socialism, And Fascism, Different Suits Fashioned By Likeminded Political Tailors

by Victoria White Berger, All News Pipeline:

It would be good to feel better about life after January 20, 2025. But wait… We all know that we’ll be more than ‘just lucky’ to get out of this political hellhole intact by February 2025.

Not only do we have the multiple not-so-veiled threats against Trump’s life — coming from the likes of Schumer, Pelosi, Jeffries, and their devotees — to the stock market crash predictors who daily warn clients that somehow, ‘mysteriously,’ Trump will not be inaugurated even if elected. We also have the two actual attempts on Trump’s life thus far. We have the legal and the media and the financial wars against him.


Hillary Clinton launched this, so naturally she’s now doubled down on her signature effort to dehumanize Trump. The truth about Hillary’s Russia scams is out but that still has no effect on his enemies. They have known all along that Hillary was, and is, a con.

To the Democrat Party bosses, as well, and to the Swamp, and to the globalists, Trump is a monster only because he is a real and standing threat, again, to their own long-term ambitions and vices. Patriotism is not (contrary to the recent Hillary endorsement by the NY Times, with its forked tongue) what moves the Democrats. The NYT said today that Kamala is the only ‘patriotic’ choice. Who knew? She sure hasn’t told us.

The Democrats do not like being out of office, nor do they hand over the reins in good faith. Look at Lincoln, Bush (see Al Gore), and of course Richard Nixon, who got away with far less than your average rogue Democrat. Hillary Clinton took some of the White House’s bespoke dinner china when she left (that was hers, right?). The Obamas were hideously ungracious to the incoming Trumps (the Obamas wouldn’t even leave town, ‘eva!). Democrats are adverse to being nice, to playing fair, and to just going.

One clear reason the Jan. 6 prosecutorial cheerleaders are trying to hold on to a last shred of credibility is: what if they have to pull off a fake insurrection again? Can they count on Antifa to whip it up? Will Congress have a leg to stand on? What if there is no Mike Pence to give them cover this time? What if the votes do go back to the states? What if the Republicans go belly up again?

Alternatively, what if the Pentagon actually obeys its commander in chief and does provide legitimate security for the Congress and the crowd? What if the Congress is forced, this time, to follow the constitutional procedures it is charged with, in certifying the election if the votes have been tallied without prejudice?

What will the Democrats do if there is no question that they have lost the race, by both electoral and popular vote, and as losers they have nowhere to go, no way to cheat any further, no roadblocks in place, no last-minute criminal arrests of an incumbent president to pull off, no assassination to engineer, no scandals terrible enough to pull up the stops.

Will the Congress even pretend to do the right thing?

What if they have to wait until after January 20 to bring President Trump down, because nothing else has worked? Will they be stopped? Can they be stopped?

Trump’s Democrat- and- Friends enemies say that their hatred is about ‘saving our democracy.’ They say it is about ‘joy,” or ‘security’ or ‘fairness.’ None of those terms apply. It is not and never has been about Trump. It is about massive power — securing it, sustaining it, and dictating the decimation of a nation, America, for their globalist paymasters, and to save their own monetized fannies. It won’t work.

Why won’t it work? Because they are instructed by the false, historically doomed trinity of ‘isms’ — communism, socialism, and fascism, different suits fashioned by likeminded political tailors. “Isms’ that have or will destroy nations.

So, what regrets the Democrats will almost instantly enjoy if Kamala steps up to ‘govern’! Welcome to hell on earth. It will be too late, barring divine intervention, to turn back USA’s national doomsday clock. The Democrats must know she can’t do it right or even a little right, even if she wanted to. But the ‘winners’ will be royally stuck with a suddenly apparent, dud act.

Or: will our blessed nation be reinaugurated, and will its detractors finally let up? Will the endless carping, invasions, vitriol, and lies hit a pause button? Will the Democrats redirect their energies to the field for 2029, or just go away?

Will we finally have some domestic peace, and will the foreign wars stop?

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