by Donald Jeffries, “I Protest”:
Building the new Technocracy
I haven’t written much lately about Donald Trump. The man I christened Trumpenstein. After all, there is only so much you can write about any one individual, even one who is at the center of all political discourse now. He continues to effortlessly shuffle back and forth between populist rhetoric and RINO reality.
He has undeniably given his MAGA faithful more red meat this time around. RFK, Jr. was the most revolutionary presidential appointee of my lifetime. He is openly promising to dismantle the Medical Industrial Complex. Imagine having food without red dye and countless dangerous, unnecessary preservatives? Or clean tap water to drink? I am very dubious that RFK, Jr. will be approved as HHS secretary, or any other position in government. But Trump vowed to use his power of “Recess Appointments” to get RFK, Jr., Tulsi, and Matt Gaetz through a Congress that was never going to approve them. So what happened to all that “Recess Appointments” talk? Gaetz summarily withdrew, after the contrived scandal which grew out of an extortion attempt on his wealthy father was revived by Congress and our state controlled media. His replacement, Pam Bondi, won’t be draining any swamp.
I wrote in detail about the Gaetz “scandal” in the last issue of American Free Press. Basically, there was another Florida politician named Greenberg. Not O’Malley. He was caught doing some very nasty things, including trafficking underage girls. He knew Gaetz to some degree, and when the authorities set out to prosecute him, he attempted to throw Gaetz under the bus in order to reduce his own sentence. It’s a complicated case, but there was no seventeen year old girl with Gaetz. Gaetz’s father recorded the extortion attempt, but the FBI still refuses to release it. Instead, our hopelessly doormat “free press” continues to parrot the discredited charges against Gaetz. And the “ethics” committee in Congress released a new report detailing the phony allegations. They don’t want someone like Gaetz running the FBI. Possibly abolishing it. At the very least, perhaps targeting real Deep State villains.
As for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., he will have to depend upon a “representative” body that will be voting on his nomination, consisting of senators who have received “hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions from the pharmaceutical industry,” in the words of The Federalist. Outside of AIPAC (and Gaetz, by the way, was one of only two Republicans in Congress to refuse their money), the pharmaceutical lobby is the most powerful one on Capitol Hill. Kennedy has promised “beacons of Transparency, to end the Chronic Disease epidemic, and to Make America Great and Healthy Again!” A supportive Rep. Chip Roy called RFK, Jr. a “disruptor,” and looked forward to working with him. As always in character, Trumpenstein lashed out at Roy, a seeming MAGA figure, for opposing the most recent continuing resolution spending bill. Trump called Roy “weak and ineffective,” and urged someone to primary him.
The food fight with Roy revealed Trump’s latest, inexplicable policy position. He now opposes any debt ceiling limit, which obviously clashes with MAGA supporters, and even many traditional Republican politicians. He called it “a meaningless concept.” In 2023, Trump reacted to that particular looming government shutdown quite differently, telling Republicans to stand firm, since Democrats would “absolutely cave because you don’t want to have that happen, but it’s better than what we’re doing right now because we’re spending money like drunken sailors.” Trump, like every other politician, ignores the fact that the national debt is not taxpayer debt. Taxpayers never approved borrowing from China or anywhere else, and couldn’t begin to understand the machinations of our unaudited Federal Reserve counterfeit banking system. We should instead simply repudiate the debt.
Trump has sounded very sensible in his past comments on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Just last year, he said, “I don’t think in terms of winning and losing, I think in terms of getting it settled so we stop killing all these people.” After mocking Ukrainian President, former actor Volodymyr Zelensky (I’ve decided on just using one “y” at the end of his name- for unexplained reasons, the world doesn’t seem sure of the spelling, and I can be as lazy as any other ‘Murrican) as “the greatest salesman on earth” for extorting tens of billions of dollars from the U.S. government, and promising to cut aid and begin peace talks, Trump now is declaring he will continue aiding Ukraine. It’s a Trumpenstein Project thing, you wouldn’t understand. Even if Trump does manage to negotiate an end to the dispute, he, and every one of his appointees, are fully on board with escalating tensions with Iran.
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