WASHINGTON — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Breitbart News exclusively that he and President Donald Trump are completely in agreement that the Islamic Republic of Iran should never get a nuclear weapon.
Netanyahu, who spoke Thursday evening with Breitbart News after his meeting with Trump earlier in the week at the White House, said that while Iran has “never been weaker,” “it’s not over,” and the Iranians must never get a nuclear weapon.
“I think we’ve changed the Middle East by the bold actions Israel has taken,” Netanyahu said. “We massively damaged the Iranian terror axis. It’s never been weaker. But it’s not over. An important component is to make sure that Iran does not get nuclear weapons.”
Netanyahu noted that Trump also agreed with blocking Iran from ever getting a nuclear weapon, as Trump made clear at the joint press conference with the Israeli leader on Tuesday evening.
“President Trump said as much, and I think he hit on the main point,” Netanyahu said. “They’re not going to get into how that can be achieved, but setting the goal clearly that must be achieved I think is a precondition for completing the historic change of the Middle East and creating a new future for Arabs and Jews alike. It is actually preventing something that is dangerous for the entire world, dangerous for Israel, and dangerous for the United States. You don’t want the Ayatollah regime with nuclear weapons. That’s a clear and present danger to the peace of the world.”
Netanyahu added that there is “definitely” interest throughout the Middle East in expanding the Abraham Accords and reaching more peace and economic normalization deals with Israel, saying there is “no question about that.” But, he said, to get there it must clear that Iran will never get a nuclear weapon and that Hamas is totally destroyed.
“But I think there are two important initiatives that have to be met,” Netanyahu said. “One, make sure that Iran doesn’t have nuclear weapons. And the second is get rid of Hamas. These are the two things that I think will enable us to proceed to other peace accords. Right now, it doesn’t really matter what people say publicly. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is where does the power shift? Once the power shifts conclusively and irreversibly towards the U.S. axis, then many peace agreements are possible not only with many Arab countries but also with the Muslim countries.”
More from Netanyahu’s exclusive interview with Breitbart News is forthcoming.
Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com