Michael Moore: Trump Might Be Deporting Illegals Who Could ‘Cure Cancer’ or Stop an Asteroid

Michael Moore is expressing concern that President Donald Trump’s administration may be deporting illegal immigrants with the potential to make huge scientific breakthroughs, like curing cancer or stopping an asteroid on a path to decimate Earth.

“Who’s really being removed by ICE tonight? The child who would’ve discovered the cure for cancer in 2046? The 9th grade nerd who would’ve stopped that Astroid [sic] that’s gonna hit us in 2032?” Moore wrote in a Substack post published Tuesday.

In an attempt to make his point, the Fahrenheit 9/11 director went on to cite the father of late Apple CEO Steve Jobs, Abdulfattah Jandali, who was born in Syria.

“We get nothing from that Syrian Muslim who sired a Jr. Abdulfattah. A nothing-migrant with a nothing-out-of-wedlock-baby,” Moore wrote. “Except… that ‘nothing-baby’ was soon adopted and given an American name — Steve Jobs. Yes, that Steve Jobs.”

“I am grateful for that Muslim migrant baby being born here 70 years ago today. Because if he hadn’t, it’s possible we would have none of his inventions,” Moore continued, adding, “We would also have no TED LASSO.”

The Bowling for Columbine director then suggested he is much more enlightened than the 77.3 million Americans who voted for President Trump, whom he called “bigots” that “constantly rail against” illegal aliens.

“This little story, I hope, will give pause to any bigot who constantly rails against the danger we are all in because of these ‘filthy, lowlife aliens,’” Moore declared.

“Those of us who count ourselves as part of the ‘non-hater’ demographic of Americans cannot even begin to add up or ascertain the innumerable ways our lives have been made better by our beloved immigrant neighbors,” the Sicko filmmaker added.

“ICE agents all across America are banging down doors to remove the dangerous ‘illegals,’” Moore said. “But one of them might’ve been the guy who tomorrow was going to help rebuild a children’s playground across town — but he is now in shackles on a military cargo plane on its way to Guatemala.”

Notably, the Trump administration has executed a nationwide apprehension of accused child rapists, human/drug traffickers, gang members, and other violent criminals who have been residing in the U.S. illegally.

This is a mandate by the American people, as President Trump — who ran his 2024 campaign strongly on deporting illegal aliens — won the election in a landslide victory, with Americans giving him not just the Electoral College, but the popular vote and every swing state as well.

Alana Mastrangelo is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow her on Facebook and X at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com