The Need to Confront the Evilness in Evil Leaders

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

When America’s Founders declared on 4 July 1776 their willingness to risk “our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor”, in order to establish justice in their land — our land — they were throwing down the gauntlet to the evil acts that their exploiters had perpetrated upon them, and against their evil perpetrators who had carried it out. They did this not by calling them evil, but by categorizing and providing an itemized list of their “usurpations,” such that “a candid world” would recognize these acts as being the evils that they were. But it would not have succeeded if those evils had not been itemized on the basis of facts that then were well known (especially to their own countrymen).


There is a limit to what victims can bear, before they will risk their lives in revolt. America is not there yet, but it is getting close — close to a Second Revolution.

On February 25th I posted “It’s time to fire President Trump” and presented reasons in domestic policy why Trump is even more brazen than his recent predecessors have been at stripping the American public in order to further enrich America’s billionaires — the economic inequality in this country isn’t high enough for him as it already is, and I documented there that his priorities for where federal spending needs to be cut are the public’s priorities for where federal spending needs to be increased — his priorities are exactly opposite to those the American citizenry hold, so, he is ruling like a dictator, against the public will, regardless of his campaign promises; this is a dictatorship.

America’s Declaration of Independence, as I said, listed usurpations extending over a long time and not merely in the present, and likewise Trump’s violations of his promises and of the public’s priorities are merely more — even if they might be worse — of those that were practiced by his recent predecessors; and, for documenting this, I shall focus here not on domestic policies (like I did on February 25th) but instead on foreign polices. This is a slightly expanded list from Brian Berletic’s list provided on February 18th:

1994: Clinton co-signs Budapest Memorandum enshrining Ukrainian neutrality;

2001: Bush withdraws from Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia;

2003: Bush oversees overthrow of the Georgian government;

2003: Bush 2008: US begins arming and training Georgian forces;

2008: Bush in April invites Ukraine to join NATO in violation of the Budapest Memorandum;

2008: Bush In August — Georgian forces attack Russian peacekeepers triggering Russian-Georgian war;

2009: Obama Under the Obama administration — Secretary Clinton organizes a “reset” with Russia;

2010: Obama & Hillary meet privately w. Yanukovych, fail to get him to back NATO membership

2011: Obama — Following the US-engineered “Arab Spring,” US Senator McCain claims Russia is next;

2014: Obama’s coup replaces Ukraine’s government, installs rabidly anti-Russian one;

2014-2019: Obama-Biden US trains Ukrainian forces;

2019: Trump withdraws from the INF Treaty with Russia;

2019: Trump begins arming Ukrainian military;

2022: Biden — US trained and armed Ukrainian troops begin intensifying operations in the Donbass along Russia’s border followed by the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine;

2022-2025: Biden — US exhausts arms/ammunition in proxy waragainst Russia;

2025: Trump seeks “reset” with Russia, while proposing Western troops enter Ukraine to freeze conflict as the West expands arms/ammunition production.

And that doesn’t even include Trump’s continuing Biden’s policy of unlimited arming and ammunition of Israel so that Israel can exterminate the Gazans and expel or exterminate the Palestinians in the West Bank.

NONE of these things, either, reflect the priorities of the American people, and each of these extremely aggressive U.S. Governmental policies brings Americans (as a nation) into international disrepute — which Americans likewise do not want.

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