Two weeks ago I wrote an article for Human Events titled “The Left must realize that history is turning against the ‘trans’ craze.” My thesis in this article was simple, if the left continues to push the trans agenda, and more specifically in ways that affect children, then our victory in the culture war regarding this issue is imminent. Well, apparently the arbiters of this weird, strangely pedophilic movement didn’t read that article because they are continuing to do exactly what I advised them not to.
In a recent public meeting with several lawmakers, President Trump got into a verbal sparring match with Janet Mills, the Governor of Maine. The reason: President Trump reiterated his policy that bans transgender women, or men (as we have called them for all of human history until about 5 minutes agho) from competing in women’s sports. He then went on to specifically call out that aforementioned governor, who has publicly stated that she will not comply with this mandate and stated that Maine would no longer receive any federal funds should they continue to resist. He also, quite hilariously, took a jab at her political future saying that she should enjoy her life because, essentially, her political future is cooked, and he isn’t wrong.
I honestly have a hard time believing that anyone, regardless of their political affiliation, truly believes that transgender women (men) do not have a competitive advantage in sports. I mean, according to The Science, which we have all been told is the unquestionable standard by which we should form legislation, men have significant and obvious physical advantages over women. To elaborate with an excerpt from one of my previous articles for The Mises Institute: “What the research has shown is that men have a clear advantage when it comes to sports. For starters, men have larger and denser bones, which leads to an increased ability to support muscle mass, as well as an increased mechanical advantage, thus increasing their ability to perform tasks that require strength, speed, and power. Furthermore, men have a much higher VO2 max threshold. In other words, due to biological males having larger hearts than biological females, men’s bodies are much better when it comes to delivering oxygen to their muscles and tissues during exercise.
Now the reason these two disproportionate advantages are important to note is that neither has to do explicitly with testosterone, which is the typical go-to argument of anti-trans activists. “This is to say that, unlike testosterone, which can be increased or decreased via artificial means, bone density, and heart size are not parts of the body that doctors can alter.”
So, yeah. There is no denying that biological men have a distinct physical advantage over women that transcends hormones; and expect this information to reach many more individuals in the near future because Trump’s newly confirmed AG, Pam Bondi, is already preparing lawsuits against these delusional holdouts that will undoubtedly get national exposure. Put another way, keep it up leftists, the more you make this an issue, the more we can expose your patently unscientific arguments in courts of law.
Now, as ridiculous as the Governor of Maine is in her attempts to grandstand against the Trump Administration, she is actually not the most ridiculous example of trans hysteria this month. This is to say, and I know this sounds crazy but its true, residents of Colorado may now face jailtime for posthumously misgendering someone. Yep, you heard that right. Thanks to a bill “sponsored by Democratic state Reps. Karen McCormick and Kyle Brown and state Sen. Mike Weissman, if a document memorializing the decedent’s gender identity is presented, the individual completing the death certificate must record the decedent’s sex based on that identity. If this is thwarted in any way, the penalty is a class 2 misdemeanor, which in Colorado is punishable by up to 120 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $750.”
In other words, if on her deathbed Grandma wanted to be called Jeff and you did not oblige this request at her funeral, well, then the bastion of freedom that is Colorado will either fine you, lock you up, or both. And even worse, according to this new bill, the family members who survive the deceased individual can also request a change to the death certificate themselves “If there is no official document showing the decedent’s gender identity.” Ergo, maybe Grandma didn’t see herself as Jeff, but to score some of those coveted woke points, their radical leftist daughter decides that actually Grandma was a man. It sounds nuts, but this is a real possibility, and given the abuse many leftist parents are already putting their kids through in order to have a “diverse” family, looking at you Charlize Theron, why wouldn’t some of them throw their deceased loved one’s legacy in the trash just to say they had a transgender person in their family?
The most likely use of this law, however, would be the penalize the friends and family of a trans person who, after their death refer to that person by their childhood name, or as “father” if the man had transitioned later in life and demanded to be called “mother.” In the case of parents who find themselves burying their trans child, parents who did not affirm, or who wish to remember the child with the name they gave at birth, could be held criminally liable for doing so.
All in all, despite our warnings, the plummeting support for the trans movement nationally, and legal backlash from the Trump administration, the lefties are not slowing down. But not to worry. Even if it does suck that mentally ill people suffering from gender dysphoria are not getting the help they need and are instead being used as political cannon fodder by the wokesters, this is still a win in the culture war. In other words, as I said a few weeks ago, the more the liberals try and shove this nonsense down sane citizens throats, the more they expose themselves as unscientific, uncompassionate, and perhaps even insane. We just have to sit back and enjoy the show.
This Story originally came from