“Lone Nuts” and Political Reality

“Lone Nuts” and Political Reality

by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:


The recent assassination attempt against President Trump at his golf course in Florida leads most people to think that an organization is out to get him, and people are right to think so. The fact that it was the second assassination attempt in a very short time certainly lends credence to this.

But, we are told by the leftwing mass media, we must not think so. Each assassination attempt was the work of a “lone nut,” and the lone nuts had no connection with each other. To think otherwise would be the product of a “conspiracy theory of history,” and that this is the sign of paranoia.

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The great Murray Rothbard memorably satirized this attitude, in response to several political assassinations in 1968: “John F. Kennedy; Malcolm X; Martin Luther King; Robert F. Kennedy; and now George Corley Wallace: the litany of political assassinations and attempts in the last decade rolls on. (And we might add: General Edwin Walker, and George Lincoln Rockwell. In each of these atrocities, we are fed with a line of cant from the liberals and from the Establishment media. In the first place, every one of these assassinations is supposed to have been performed, must have been performed, by ‘one lone nut’ – to which we can add the one lone nut who murdered Lee Harvey Oswald in the prison basement. One loner, a twisted psycho, whose motives are therefore of course puzzling and obscure, and who never, never acted in concert with anyone. (The only exception is the murder of Malcolm, where the evident conspiracy was foisted upon a few lowly members of the Black Muslims.) Even in the case of James Earl Ray, who was mysteriously showered with money, false passports, and double identities, and who vainly tried to claim that he was part of a conspiracy before he was shouted down by the judge and his own lawyer – even there the lone nut theory is stubbornly upheld.

Without going into the myriad details of Assassination Revisionism, doesn’t anyone see a pattern in our litany of murdered and wounded, a pattern that should leap out at anyone willing to believe his eyes? For all of the victims have had one thing in common: all were, to a greater or lesser extent, important anti-Establishment figures, and, what is more, were men with the charismatic capacity to mobilize large sections of the populace against our rulers.

The last line of Murray’s statement explains perfectly why the left wants Trump dead. He is a “loose cannon” who might do or say something that would jeopardize their control of the government. True enough, the unholy alliance of the left with neocon warmongers was largely able to keep Trump under control when he was president before, but they cannot take chances. Trump has been skeptical of unlimited American aid to the pro-Nazi Zelensky government, and he opposes sending nuclear weapons to Ukraine. The unholy cabal cannot take a chance that this might happen.

Some people, although my readers won’t be among them, might object; “Can Americans really be so evil that they would use assassination as a political tool? Oddly enough, these same Americans have no difficulty in accepting that political assassinations elsewhere in the world are the products of conspiracies. But somehow America is different. This is the illusion of American exceptionalism. This notion is false. Americans are governed by the same laws of politics as everyone else, and one of these laws is that the state is a criminal gang. American politicians aren’t guided by high-minded idealism.

There is another reason the left wants to get rid of Trump, and this is that Kamala Harris is a pro-Communist, fanatical feminist, and part black, although she could easily pass as white if she wanted to. She combines in her cackling person the total agenda of the pro-Communist and woke left. Trump is unsound on some economic issues, most notably tariffs and deficit spending, but he is no communist.

Harris is. Her father is a leading Marxist theoretician, and she gives every indication that she follows in his footsteps. Here is some information on her father: “Donald Harris was raised in Jamaica, got his undergraduate degree in London, and later obtained his doctorate from UC Berkeley, where he met Kamala Harris’ mother, Shyamala Gopalan.

Trump’s claim stems from an article in a 1976 issue of The Stanford Daily, where he was deemed a ‘Marxist’ scholar from an opposition party after Stanford granted him tenure because he was ‘too charismatic, a pied piper leading students astray from neo-Classical economics.’

In 1976, Donald Harris wrote his most famous book, ‘Capital Accumulation and Income Distribution.’ The book critiques mainstream economic theories and proposes an alternative model by synthesizing the work of David Ricardo, Michael Kalecki, and, most notably, Karl Marx.”

If we wonder which organization is a likely suspect in the Trump assassination attempts, we don’t have far to look, although whether these suspicions prove to be correct must await further investigation. The CIA has been involved in numerous assassination plots since its inception.

Read More @ LewRockwell.com

Originally Posted at https://www.sgtreport.com

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