U.S. Sells Out Its People in Secret UN Pact: Freedom Sacrificed, Global Control Imposed (Video)

U.S. Sells Out Its People in Secret UN Pact: Freedom Sacrificed, Global Control Imposed (Video)

from RAIR Foundation:

This past weekend, leaders from around the world quietly signed the ‘Pact for the Future’ at the United Nations in New York. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny warns that this pact is a dangerous move, accelerating the UN’s 2030 agenda under the misleading banner of sustainability and public health. Shockingly, the United States signed the agreement without any public debate, ignoring the severe, long-term threats it poses to national sovereignty and individual freedom. Tenpenny argues that this pact is part of a broader, more alarming agenda aimed at fundamentally reshaping society in disturbing ways.

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A Global Digital Prison

Central to the pact, Tenpenny warns, is the introduction of a biometric digital ID system. “This is not just about becoming a citizen of your country; you will become a global citizen, fully tracked and controlled,” she says. Once implemented, this ID will give global bureaucrats unprecedented power over individuals’ lives, linking them to a global system of governance that could dictate everything from their travel plans to their ability to make basic purchases.

This is more than a technology upgrade – it’s about consolidating control. Tenpenny argues that the global elite, who pushed this agenda, are setting up a system where ordinary citizens are perpetually under surveillance. With every move tracked, and every decision monitored, the concept of privacy will become a relic of the past.

Dissident Voices Erased

Worse still, this digital future comes with severe punishments for anyone who dares to speak out. In this new system, those who voice dissenting opinions will be labeled as spreading “disinformation,” and the consequences will be dire. “People who spread what the system deems disinformation will face punishment – including blocked bank accounts, restrictions on travel, and even being locked out of everyday purchases,” Tenpenny reveals.

This chilling vision of the future is not some distant possibility. Tenpenny emphasizes that this system is already being implemented in stages, and it’s only a matter of time before governments around the world begin to enforce these draconian measures. “This is what’s coming our way,” she warns.

A Runaround of Democracy

Dr. Tenpenny highlights a dangerous maneuver known as the ‘silence procedure,’ which allowed the pact to pass without resistance. This procedure ensured that the pact would be adopted without debate unless a government officially objected. And so, 193 nations, including the United States, are now bound by this ‘totalitarian’ agreement. “This was the World Health Organization’s way of sneaking in their agenda after failing to pass the treaty they originally wanted,” she says.

The pact represents not just a power grab, but a clear bypass of democratic processes. “Unelected bureaucrats at the United Nations are making decisions about our country’s future and our sovereignty,” Tenpenny asserts, accusing governments of being complicit in handing over control to these global entities.

The Next Step in Global Domination?

In Dr. Tenpenny’s view, this pact marks the final step toward the establishment of a One World Government. “We’ve been talking about the onset of One World Order, one world government, one world money for a long time. It’s no longer coming – it’s here,” she says.

The implications of this global pact are enormous. By combining biometric data, artificial intelligence, and ruthless censorship under the guise of combatting ‘disinformation,’ global leaders are orchestrating a system where ordinary citizens can be locked out of society with the push of a button.

A Call to Action

Dr. Tenpenny’s message is clear: time is running out. She urges everyone to prepare themselves for this new reality, advising people to stock up on essentials, including food, water, and ways to communicate off-grid. More than that, she encourages action at the local level, particularly calling on constitutional sheriffs to refuse to enforce these tyrannical measures in their counties.

Read More @ RAIRFoundation.com

Originally Posted at https://www.sgtreport.com

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