MONICA CROWLEY: Leftist elites ‘despise you and everything you stand for’
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MONICA CROWLEY: Leftist elites ‘despise you and everything you stand for’

Monica Crowley, the former Secretary of the Treasury under the Trump administration, hosted War Room on Friday during which she delivered a scathing opening after showcasing a montage of clips of left-wing media spewing vile anti-Trump rhetoric.

She called it “infuriating” to “listen to these communists spew their propaganda as they deliberately destroy the country. Crowley pinpointed one clip in particular of Joy Reid and Elie Mystal in which they say Trump supporters lack compassion and empathy and put themselves above anyone else. She summarized that all of the clips played generally described those in the America First movement as “despicable.”

“And while it is infuriating and incredibly insulting, it’s also very, very clarifying,” she said, adding that the left, including Kamala Harris’ campaign, have resorted to these types of smears which are “nothing new” to conservatives. She reminded viewers of when Barack Obama said conservatives “cling to our guns and our religion” and when Hillary Clinton called them “a basket of deplorables.”

“It’s clarifying to hear them actually say it, and it’s also really politically stupid for them to say it, but they can’t help themselves, because they are the system,” Crowley stated. “They are elitist snobs, but there’s something else going on here. They have a contempt for you and me, but more importantly, for the country, for the declaration, for the Constitution, for free market capitalism, they have a deep contempt for all of those foundational principles, foundational documents, foundational principles.”

She continued: “And those of us who stand up and fight for those things every single day, most of the time they can hide their contempt, but as we get closer to this most important election of our lifetimes, they can no longer hide their contempt. Their contempt pours out of every pore of their body. They spit their contempt.

“This is what they really think of you. You know, the ruling class versus the rest of us. That’s the actual split in this country. It’s less left, right, Republican, Democrat. It is more ruling class versus everybody else.”

She stated that she’s fine being called “despicable” and a “deplorable” so long as it meant she is fighting for the America First movement with Donald Trump at the helm. Especially as the United States steps into the final days before the election, she said it’s important for the right to remember, “They despise you and everything you stand for” and called this election their “endgame” for the “final chapter of their conquering of the United States of America.”

“They thought Donald Trump would be imprisoned by now or dead, which is what the assassination attempt was all about. They thought he would be long gone by now. They cannot believe that the man is not only still standing and drawing breath, but they cannot believe that he is thriving, leading in the polls,” she said.

Crowley concluded by encouraging viewers to do the work to register Republican voters, chase ballots, and advocate for fair elections while spreading the true values of conservatism as Harris’ campaign proves to be “desperate” at this time.

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LIBBY EMMONS: We all had a bully like Kamala Harris
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LIBBY EMMONS: We all had a bully like Kamala Harris

There’s nothing worse than a bunch of mean girls. In middle school, in high school, in the workplace, they all team up to belittle, insult and demean. And while brat may be the fashion of the season, no one really likes a mean girl, and mean girl is what Kamala Harris and her euphoric vibe campaign give most.

Out on the debate stage on Tuesday night, what came across most was her smirk, her attitude, and her refusal to answer questions with any substance. Her supporters speak about her policies, which essentially all amount to “she’s not Trump.” Harris supporting MSNBC pundits say that not only is Trump “despicable,” but so are all his supporters. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has even said that Trump supporters are, in the main, so sexist and racist that they can’t even be considered to be a relevant part of the voting public. The Democrats hate Trump supporters, think the Republican Party should entirely do away with MAGA and now RFK Jrs’ MAHA, and because they are just so mean, they have absolutely no problem saying it, whether on stages or on live TV.

Harris doesn’t have original thoughts, she repeats herself while her supporters say she doesn’t. She contradicts herself and demands everyone believe the brand new thing that spilled from her mouth 5 seconds ago instead of comments she made when she first sought the office she’s vying for now, in the 2020 Democratic primary. Holding up her policy positions today on guns, fracking, socialized health care, border security against her views on those issues just five years ago is enough to give a voter whiplash. Will the real Kamala Harris please stand up? Is there a real Kamala Harris? Or is she like those evil girls in Heathers or the Plastics of Mean Girls?

If Kamala’s campaign is running on vibes, if they don’t want to be judged on policy proposals or her recent record in the White House or in the Senate, if they don’t want her to be held accountable to comments she said back when she first embarked on a presidential run in 2019 and actually took interviews and answered questions, then perhaps vibe is that on which she should be judged. Let’s give it a try.

When Kamala hopped to the top of the ticket, it was at the expense of her boss Joe Biden. He departed the presidential race with a post on X, shortly after he endorsed her—again in a post on X—and how has she treated him since? She’s let him take the fall for any bad decisions made and otherwise entirely ignored him, his legacy, or her complicity in those bad decisions. Problems with the border? Joe’s fault. Service men and women killed in Afghanistan? Joe’s fault. When she was asked on the debate stage directly about the man who chose her to be his running mate, who got her into that White House she coveted so much, she deflected, blamed Trump, pretended he didn’t exist.

I think we all know what it feels like when mean girls pretend you don’t exist. When their eyes scan past you in the hallways at school, when they cut in front of you at the lunch line like you’re not even there. I can’t be the only one among us who was a middle school reject and gets those same popular girl vibes from Ms. Harris. Speaking of which, on multiple occasions, Kamala has chosen to speak at private events for her sorority sisters rather than do the job of the people. She goes out there claiming that she has only ever had one client, the American people, yet, when it comes right down to it and she has to choose between doing the work for the people and chilling with her sisters, she chose her sisters.

She skipped a meeting with Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu to give a speech to her girls instead. As she received the accolades, Netanyahu was making the case for the very existence of his nation to Congress. Kamala couldn’t be bothered, she had more important things to do. Good vibes for her pals, not so much for the rest of us. And what was the media response when Trump called her out for attending a “sorority party” instead of doing her job? Ahem, we were told by the press, that wasn’t a party, it was a “speaking engagement.”

Kamala’s given one interview and it was to her pal Dana Bash on CNN where she didn’t even have to talk for the whole time because she was allowed to bring along her running mate date Tim Walz. Mean girls never show up to a party alone. She hasn’t held a single press conference because she just doesn’t think she has to be accountable to the press, the fourth estate, for her views or positions or anything other than her vibe. As for the one and only debate the candidates will have before the rapidly approaching November contest, she refused to have it on any network than ABC, headed by her best friend, with one of her own sorority sisters for a moderator.

While she was up there, under the specially positioned cameras and lights designed to aid her appearance as a powerful woman replete with vibe chic, she lied about her opponent. She indulged in the spreading of rumors and falsehoods, she made claims about things he’s said that were not true, she misrepresented his positions and his affiliations at length, and at no point did her sorority sister or the simping toady who accompanied her in the job of moderation fact check or call out those lies. That was left to her opposing candidate, who had not only to answer the questions posed to him in his allotted two minutes, but to speak up for himself against the orgy of gossip and rumor levied by Ms. Harris.

This is the ultimate in mean girl behavior: spreading lies and rumors about someone else, someone you think you’re better than, for the sole purpose of making them appear to be lesser and untouchable. Maybe you never experienced it in your youth, but the mean girl impulse to lie, belittle, demean and humiliate the rejects definitely has its own vibe, and it’s not in the least pretty. This is the vibe Kamala gives off to me, that of a mean girl with a steely glint in her eye, lips coated in lies, and a laugh meant to put each of us in our place, somewhere well below the sole of her unsullied Converse All-Stars.

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AUSTIN PETERSEN: Kamala Harris’ capital gains tax proposal is coming for you, not only the billionaires
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AUSTIN PETERSEN: Kamala Harris’ capital gains tax proposal is coming for you, not only the billionaires

Vice President Kamala Harris has thrown her support behind a Biden administration plan to tax unrealized gains—stock holdings that have increased in value but have not yet been sold. They claim that they only plan to target the wealthiest Americans. If history is any indication however, the tax will eventually be aimed at the middle class. And if recent history is any indication, Harris could turn on this policy on a dime if she thinks it won’t help her get elected.

Last week, Harris’ team sent flunkie Bharat Rama on CNBC to make the case for the tax, and got laughed at by host Joe Kernen for his lame-brained comparison of unrealized capital gains taxes to property taxes. The hosts took turns taking Rama to the woodshed, explaining the difference between a use tax, where someone actually gets to make use of their property, vs. an unrealized gains tax where no value has been created for the taxpayer yet. And to add insult to injury, the CNBC hosts finished him off by reminding him that property taxes actually go to things like schools and firefighters. You know, things people actually use? Added to Rama’s humiliation during the live segment was the terse reminder from the panelists that stock values can shift much faster than home values.

Under our current system, capital gains are only taxed when an asset is sold. This makes sense—taxes are paid on realized income, not on hypothetical, fluctuating values. But Harris and her progressive allies want to change this, imposing a levy on assets as their value increases, even if they are never cashed in. But imagine investors who bought $100,000 worth of stock on Jan. 1. And say the stock’s value hit $125,000 on Dec. 31. They’d be subject to a tax on the $25,000 gain even if the stock was never sold. Harris’ team is claiming that this would affect a narrow slice of the population for now, specifically those with a net worth of at least $100 million.

Of course anyone who wasn’t a D student in history will note that once the government establishes a new form of taxation, it rarely stays confined to its original target.

When the 16th Amendment was ratified in 1913, income tax rates were low, and only a tiny fraction of Americans were affected. Initially, the tax rate was just 1% on incomes above $3,000 (about $82,000 in today’s dollars), with a top rate of 7% on incomes over $500,000 (about $13.7 million today). The tax was only supposed to hit the wealthy, but it quickly expanded to cover more and more Americans. By the 1940s, millions of middle-class families were subject to income taxes at much higher rates. What started as a tax on the rich became a burden on everyone. The middle class is still suffering from the income tax today.

The Harris-backed proposal is just the latest example of this trend. Proponents argue that taxing unrealized gains would close a “loophole” that allows the wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. But this rhetoric is misleading. The so-called “buy, borrow, die” strategy—where wealthy individuals borrow against their assets without selling them—has been legal and widely used for decades. Changing the rules now would not only be unfair but also economically destabilizing.

Imagine being taxed on the value of your home as it fluctuates with the housing market, regardless of whether you sell it. If the market tanks, you’re stuck paying taxes on a value that no longer exists. This is precisely what could happen with Harris’ proposal. While the administration claims the tax would be assessed over five years to account for market volatility, this doesn’t eliminate the risk. It’s a risky gamble that could hurt more Americans than it helps.

Conservatives rightly argue that this proposal undermines the fundamental principles of property rights and financial privacy. The idea that the government could tax you on value you haven’t realized is not only absurd but also dangerous. It opens the door to even more invasive forms of taxation in the future.

Moreover, the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Moore v. United States raises new legal questions about the government’s power to tax in this way. While the ruling did not explicitly block a wealth tax, it suggested that future challenges could succeed. Harris’ plan would likely face significant legal and legislative hurdles, but the mere fact that it’s being seriously considered should alarm every American who values their financial freedom.

The Biden administration has framed this proposal as a “billionaire minimum income tax,” but let’s not be fooled. What starts with billionaires often ends with the rest of us. The administration’s own Treasury Department admits that “preferential treatment for unrealized gains disproportionately benefits high-wealth taxpayers.” History proves that once this door is opened, it won’t just be the wealthy who are affected.

We should reject this proposal for what it is: a dangerous overreach that could set a precedent for taxing everything from your retirement savings to the value of your home. If we don’t draw the line here, where will it end? Today, it’s the billionaires; tomorrow, it’s you.
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Putin warns US, UK will be at war with Russia if Ukraine uses NATO long-range missiles
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Putin warns US, UK will be at war with Russia if Ukraine uses NATO long-range missiles

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday that the NATO alliance would be “at war” with his country if Ukraine gets approval to use long-range missiles provided by the West to strike inside Russia.

Putin stated to a Russian reporter that Ukraine “is already striking with the help of drones and other means, but when it comes to using high-precision long-range Western-made weapons, it’s a completely different story,” adding that Ukraine would not have the technology to be able to do this without the help of the EU or the United States. “This would in a significant way change the very nature of the conflict … It would mean that NATO countries, The United States, European countries, are at war with Russia.”

This comes a day after United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken indicated that President Joe Biden is expected to lift a ban on British Storm Shadow Missiles being used by Ukraine to fire into Russia with the help of US-made technology. The United States and the United Kingdom reportedly resumed conversations regarding the utilization of Storm Shadows following the shipment of new Iranian weaponry to Russia.

“Russia has now received shipments of these ballistic missiles and will likely use them within weeks in Ukraine against Ukrainians,” Blinken said. “This is a threat, not only to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people but to all of Europe.”

Blinken traveled to Ukraine on Wednesday to meet with Ukraine’s Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, to discuss the lift on the ban and is expected to return to Washington, DC on Friday with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer to further the conversations.
In February, Putin discussed the possibility of the US and Europe sending troops from NATO countries to fight with Ukraine, saying that they “must, in the end, understand” that “all this truly threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, and therefore the destruction of civilization.”

“We also have weapons that can strike targets on their territory,” he said. “Do they not understand this?”

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JACK POSOBIEC and MICHAEL KNOWLES: Kamala Harris did not address the big problems her admin must answer for in debate
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JACK POSOBIEC and MICHAEL KNOWLES: Kamala Harris did not address the big problems her admin must answer for in debate

Jack Posobiec hosted Michael Knowles on Thursday’s episode of Human Events Daily during which they discussed Kamala Harris’ performance in the presidential debate against Donald Trump Tuesday night.

Knowles highlighted that Harris’ “biggest flop” of the entire night was the way she answered the first question she was asked which was, “are voters better off today than they were three and a half years ago?”

Harris, the current Vice President under the Biden administration, struggled through her answer and did not address it directly, but rather gave a “soliloquy about being a middle-class kid” and talked about how she wants opportunity.

“Well, what was she going to say? Her administration has been a total failure,” Knowles stated, adding that the maybe five percent of people who are still categorically undecided voters want a “simple answer” as the price of groceries and housing skyrocket and illegal aliens ransack the country. He noted that even Democrats are unhappy with the way the border czar has handled immigration. The narrative that cats and dogs are being eaten by Haitians in Ohio, he said, is “just an evocative way to drive home the problem of mass migration in a similar way that Trump did in 2015 and 2016 when he talked about all the murderers and rapists crossing the border from Mexico.”

Knowles stated that these are the big ticket items that Harris did not have answers for on Tuesday.

Watch the full episode below.

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REVEALED: Here’s where eating dogs is still legal
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REVEALED: Here’s where eating dogs is still legal

The consumption of dog meat is a centuries-old practice in many parts of the globe. While it is frowned upon in most Western countries and banned in many others, dog meat is regarded as a staple food in Asian and African countries, similar to how beef and poultry are in Western cultures.

Although many Westerners find the consumption of house pets, such as dogs and cats, to be abhorrent, it is important to note that other cultures and religions may hold the same disdain for commonly consumed Western meats.

Dog meat has played a substantial role in numerous cultures throughout history and continues to do so. Here is a list of countries where eating dogs is still legal, as per the World Population Review.


The Humane Society International estimates that as many as 30 million dogs are killed annually for human consumption in Asia, the continent where the consumption of dog flesh is most abundant. This estimate encompasses numerous household pets that are frequently unlawfully removed from their residences and transported to be slaughtered.

The consumption of dog meat is most prevalent in the following countries: China, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the Nagaland region of India. However, it is not considered to be popular in these regions.

China is the world’s largest consumer of dog meat, with an estimated 10 million dogs (and four million cats) consumed annually.


Dog meat is predominately consumed for ritual and cultural purposes in roughly 20 African countries. This includes Burkino Faso, Ghana, Liberia, the Central African Republic, certain parts of Nigeria, Cameroon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

African nations consider dog meat a luxury that families look forward to eating. Some of these countries claim that the consumption of dogs can boost one’s libido or sex drive.


In Europe, the consumption of dog meat is generally considered taboo. However, as of 2014, approximately 3 percent of individuals in Switzerland (particularly in rural areas) consume dog meat in the form of traditional sausages or jerky. The sale of dog meat is prohibited by UK law; however, the killing and consumption of dog flesh are permissible provided that the animal is owned by the consumer or killer and is killed in a humane manner.

The Americas

While it is widely frowned upon, the United States does not have a national law that prohibits the consumption of dogs and cats. However, the Dog and Cat Meat Trade Prohibition Act of 2018, signed by then-President Donald Trump, prohibited the “transportation, delivery, possession, and slaughter of dogs and cats for human consumption,” thereby dismantling any non-clandestine businesses that were designed around the practice. The act does make an exception for Native American rituals, as certain tribes have either a history or tradition of consuming dog flesh.

Dog meat is also legal in Canada but it must come from a licensed dog meat processing plant which don’t appear to exist. Mexico has banned eating dogs.


The slaughter and consumption of both cats and canines are explicitly prohibited in only one of Australia’s 16 states and territories – South Australia. Nevertheless, the sale of cat and dog meat is illegal throughout the entire nation.

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Free speech advocates join Alliance Defending Freedom in open letter to Brazil’s Parliament demanding end to government censorship of X
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Free speech advocates join Alliance Defending Freedom in open letter to Brazil’s Parliament demanding end to government censorship of X

Free speech advocates have rallied together to send a signed open letter to the Brazilian parliament on Thursday after Elon Musk’s social media platform X was banned by Chief Justice Alexandre de Moraes amid an ongoing battle surrounding censorship of accounts and content.

The Alliance Defending Freedom International (ADF International) had last week asked the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to take action to re-instate X in Brazil. Until then, they are “working to keep pressure on Brazilian authorities at a high by sending this letter” according to inside sources who spoke with Human Events. Human Events Senior Editor Jack Posobiec and The Post Millennial Senior Editor Andy Ngo are among the signatories. Also included are high-profile political pundits such as Riley Gaines, Babylon Bee founder Seth Dillon, Billboard Chris, Zuby, Sara Gonzales, Mario Nawfal, and Eva Vlaardingerbroek.

The open letter is live on ADF International’s website as of Thursday midday and can be signed by anyone in the public. It states, “We urge the Brazilian government to restore the free flow of information, and respect the rights of its citizens to express their views without fear of retribution. Freedom of expression is not negotiable, nor is it a privilege – it is the cornerstone of every democratic society. We must defend it whenever it is under threat, whether in Brazil or anywhere else in the world.”

The battle between de Moraes and Musk dates back to August 8 when X announced the Brazilian judge had ordered accounts expressing certain views to be blocked on the platform in his country. While X initially complied, Musk stepped in and reversed the block, stating that his platform would not hinder free speech. In return, de Moraes began imposing hefty fines on X, even coming after Musk’s other company Starlink by freezing its financial assets. X employees and legal representation were forced to flee the country or face arrest for failure to provide documents related to the accounts in question. On August 30, de Moraes officially blocked X in Brazil and threatened citizens with fines of around $9,000 per day for accessing the platform via VPN.

The open letter from ADF International warns that the “situation extends far beyond Brazil, serving as a striking example of a growing trend of censorship by government officials, who are becoming increasingly aggressive in suppressing speech they find objectionable,” adding, “If this censorship in Brazil is allowed to persist, it could set a dangerous precedent that quickly spreads. Recently, other world leaders have expressed pro-censorship sentiments, and there is no quicker path to the demise of democracy than the erosion of free speech.”

ADF International has recently taken up free speech violation cases in other countries such as Finland, Mexico, Egypt, Australia, and England and have been vocal opponents of recent bills that expand the definition of “hate speech” in Ireland and Scotland.

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Finalist for Miss Switzerland’s husband strangled, ‘pureed’ her in blender: report
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Finalist for Miss Switzerland’s husband strangled, ‘pureed’ her in blender: report

A former Miss Switzerland contestant was brutally murdered by her husband, who dismembered her body before blending portions of it into a “puree,” Swiss officials said.

Kristina Joksimovic, 38, of Binningen, was found dead in her home on February 13. Her husband, Thomas Joksimovic, 41, has been arrested and charged for her murder. He reportedly admitted to killing Kristina to police in March, claiming self-defense against his wife who allegedly came after him with a knife. However, authorities found no evidence of self-defense.

Medical experts determined Kristina’s cause of death to be strangulation, and new evidence released by investigators revealed additional details about the heinous crime.

An autopsy report obtained by BZ Bazel shows that Joksimovic’s body was dismembered with a knife, jigsaw, and garden shears. Several of her body parts were then “pureed” in a hand blender before being dissolved in a chemical solution.

Thomas Joksimovic was arrested by police the day after her death after reporting to authorities that he discovered her dead body dismembered in the laundry room.

He appealed for his release on Wednesday but the judge rejected the motion.

Prosecutors argued during the hearing that Thomas showed “a noticeably high level of criminal energy, lack of empathy and cold-bloodedness after killing his wife.”

The couple had two young daughters.

Joksimovic was a finalist for Miss Switzerland in 2007 and was crowned Miss Northwest Switzerland. In 2013, she mentored model Dominique Rinderknecht for the Miss Universe pageant and subsequently operated her own business as a catwalk coach.

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Iran seeks BRICS-led new world ‘security structure’
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Iran seeks BRICS-led new world ‘security structure’

Iran proposed the creation of a “BRICS Security Commission” to establish a “new security structure in the international arena” to support the “order and security of the future world.” Ali Akbar Ahmadian, secretary-general of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), made the suggestion while speaking at a BRICS meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Wednesday.

The BRICS Security Commission would address issues such as “terrorism, fundamentalism, narcotics, misappropriation of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, maritime insecurity, human trafficking, unauthorized biological activities as well as threats in cyberspace,” as reported by Breitbart News.

This is despite Iran’s status as the global leader in state-sponsored terrorism, as well as other BRICS countries’ cruelty against their adversaries and civilians.

It appears that Iran is sincerely interested in establishing a commission to formalize the United States’ retirement as a global security guarantor. Ahmadian has arranged a meeting with representatives from the expanded “BRICS+” list of associated nations and aspiring members, which includes Indonesia, Turkey, Vietnam, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, after departing the BRICS security meeting in St. Petersburg to meet with Russian officials.

The BRICS alliance – which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – has been increasing as developing countries wish to eliminate their dependence on the US dollar. At the beginning of 2024, Iran, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) were admitted as members. Saudi Arabia has also verbally consented to membership but has not yet formalized its involvement in the organization. Argentina was extended an invitation to participate; however, it declined.

Ahmadian was promoting the notion that the post-World War II security order was in its final stages of collapse under the Biden-Harris administration, but his thesis did not seem to be well-received as his comments were mostly ignored outside of Iranian state media.This Story originally came from


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NICOLE RUSSELL: Heartbreaking lessons have been learned since the Georgia school shooting
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NICOLE RUSSELL: Heartbreaking lessons have been learned since the Georgia school shooting

Another school year, another school shooting and four innocent people, two students and two teachers, are dead. As a mom with children in school, this news is always horrifying and disheartening. We are still learning what happened last Wednesday, but some of the information we have thus far may provide insight into what we must continue to do to protect our children in their place of learning.

One of the most important things we’ve learned is that on Wednesday, the morning of the shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia, the mother of the school shooter received a text from her 14-year-old son with a cryptic message prompting her to call the school about an “extreme emergency.” It is not clear what she communicated to the school but such a warning — especially now in hindsight — seems like it could have been potentially life-saving.

This knowledge raises questions about the school’s protocol for emergencies or warnings, even vague ones: Was the school immediately put on lock down? Why was the student in question not immediately removed from the classroom based on the warning? Was it simply too late?

CNN reported that about 30 minutes passed from the mother’s call to the school and the time police were notified of the shooting. It’s unfortunate that either the warning was too late or somehow the student was not able to be removed from the classroom in time before he became violent.

As is the case with most school shootings, there were additional potential warning signs that the shooter might become involved in criminal activity. In May 2023, the FBI received a tip about online threats to commit a school shooting. Law enforcement followed up and spoke to the shooter’s father, Colin Gray about his guns and the would-be shooter who denied making threats. Because authorities could not substantiate the threats, the investigation closed.

But the warning signs were there. In particular, like many school shooters, this boy’s home life seemed troubled and chaotic.

Even after law enforcement visited the father and son, Colin Gray gave his son the gun he eventually used in the shooting last week. Colin Gray has already been charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children.

Even though Gray had told authorities he had been trying to involve his son in hunting, outdoorsmanship and gun safety, if his son was struggling with mental health, making threats or his life at home was chaotic, giving him a gun at that time seems like a poor decision. However, plenty of fathers and sons enjoy hunting or target practice without becoming alleged criminals too.

It’s difficult to say what red flag laws might have prevented Gray from owning a gun or gifting one to his son. Perhaps there are some and this case could be used as an example to examine how they might be written to be more effective.

The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office told schools to monitor the potential shooter but it’s not clear what that entailed and if this was communicated to schools when he moved to a different county and enrolled in a different high school.

The shooter lived only with his father, Colin Gray, and a family member has now come forward saying he was “evil” and responsible for his son’s mental health struggles. The family member said Colin Gray deserves the death penalty. The shooter will be tried as an adult but the maximum sentence he could receive is life in prison, due to his age.

If there is a silver lining to this tragic crime or if there are lessons to be learned beyond examining red flag laws and loopholes, it’s that school resource officers were heroes and are a boon to school districts with safety concerns. In the Georgia shooting, as soon as SRO’s encountered the shooter, reports say he gave up.

In an ideal world, there would be no school shooters and preventative measures in the form of laws would achieve this 100% of the time. But until then, hardening schools and other “soft” targets must be paramount.

In 2022, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp reinforced school safety with several key measures, including funding via grants for training of SRO’s. In 2019, Kemp provided almost $70 million in school security grants so that every public school received $30,000 for school security measures.

Thanks to those measures, the SRO’s at Apalachee High School have undoubtedly saved countless lives. While funding SRO’s is expensive, it seems vital.

As was the case with the last several school shootings, including Nashville, Uvalde and Parkland, warning signs become clear in hindsight. The key is to determine if or how policies can be crafted that might better utilize such warnings before the shooting occurs. Unfortunately, such warnings are often piecemeal; scattered among a school counselor, parent and a member of law enforcement, all who only see one sliver of the entire picture before it becomes a tragic event. The Georgia shooting is awful and the four innocent victims deserve justice. Hopefully some of the information we have learned can help us collectively determine how to prevent this from happening again.

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