Victim or Villain?

So far, 2025 has been anything from dull. The incoming president has been sentenced for 34 felony counts, California is facing some of the most severe wildfires in American history, and the Republican side of the aisle is discussing buying Greenland and making Canada the 51st state. Yes, this year is certainly setting itself up—for … Read more

In Defense of Free Market Radicalism

In Defense of Free Market Radicalism

People typically believe that a true free market economy would turn our society into a huge dystopia, but none of the critics can explain why they hold to such beliefs. The only “good” view of the free market economy is a radical commitment to free markets.

Should Central Banks Accommodate Increases in Demand for Money?

Should Central Banks Accommodate Increases in Demand for Money?

One of the fallacies pushed by monetary economists is that a growing economy needs a growing supply of money in order to prevent deflation, which they claim is as harmful as inflation. However, as Austrians point out, there is no “optimum” amount of money in the economy, since prices adjust.