Groomer to Be Featured at Democrat Convention
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Groomer to Be Featured at Democrat Convention

from Moonbattery:


To get an idea of what we are ruled by with Democrats in control, consider that the child groomer and male menstrual product salesman Jeffrey Marsh will be a featured guest at the Democratic National Convention.

Watch as Marsh explicitly encourages children to shut out their parents, the better for perverts to corrupt and prey upon them:


When a guy wearing a cross between a dress and a clown suit encourages children to “go no contact” with their parents, he is more likely to belong on a gibbet than a pedestal. Yet it is no surprise that he will be featured at the convention, considering that he personifies the degeneracy, depravity, and straightforward evil that the modern Democratic Party exists to inflict.

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Pedophile Hunters Are Starting To Grow In Popularity. Some Are Taking Justice Into Their Own Hands

by Robert McGreevy, The Daily Caller:

“I surrender,” Marty said, putting his hands up, blood streaking down his cheek, “You got me good.”

Marty, according to Joshua Mundy and Jay Carnicom, allegedly arrived at in the Days Inn parking lot in Fort Wayne, Indiana, that day to meet a 13-year-old girl for sex. Instead, he met Dads Against Predators (DAP), an organization that confronts alleged pedophiles and films the encounters for social media.


Public humiliation is the primary MO for the vast majority of vigilante pedophile hunters, but DAP is different. These guys draw blood, often releasing videos where they openly assault their targets. The Marty sting was brutal.

The Daily Caller is withholding images and identification of some alleged predators, including Marty’s video, because some appearing in this story have neither been charged nor convicted of a crime.

A Daily Caller review of dozens of these kinds of videos from various sting groups shows that while exchanges typically get testy, they almost never get violent. For DAP, however, the moment things get testy, they immediately start pounding on their marks.

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Chicago Businesses Boarding Up Ahead of Democratic National Convention for Fear of Mass Riots
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Chicago Businesses Boarding Up Ahead of Democratic National Convention for Fear of Mass Riots

by Warner Todd Huston, Breitbart:


Chicago businesses are already boarding up their storefronts downtown ahead of Monday’s opening of the Democratic National Convention in anticipation of mass rioting and violence.

Plywood shielding first began showing up Thursday morning as the city’s shopping district opened for business.

“As we know, this city has a poor track record when it comes to protecting businesses,” Scott Shapiro, owner of Syd Jerome, told Chicago’s WLS-TV.


Matthew Perdie/Breitbart News

“We felt it was more prudent to board up, since our customers and their employers have told them to stay home throughout the convention for their own safety,” Shapiro added.

It makes perfect sense for Shapiro to take precautions. His store was one of those destroyed during the riots in 2020.

The retailer added that he does not fear peaceful protesters, but is wary of “the people that embed themselves and take advantage of those protests for their own agenda.”

Shapiro is right to worry. News outlets have reported that violent protest groups are organizing. Some expect domestic terror organization Antifa as well as violence-prone pro-Hamas groups to target the Windy City and many worry that members are being bused into the city from outside.

He is far from the only one to board up his business. Plywood barriers are going up all across the Loop area and the rest of Chicago’s downtown retail sector.

Chicago Businesses Boarding Up Ahead of Democratic National Convention for Fear of Mass Riots

Matthew Perdie/Breitbart News

One boarding company told the media that they have had 40 calls this week alone to begin boarding up the city’s retail businesses.

Meanwhile, the Chicago Police Department (CPD) is warning protesters that violence and property damage will not be tolerated.

CPD Superintendent Larry Snelling warned that the First Amendment does not act as cover for “criminal acts.”

ABC7 reported that Snelling told CNN:

There is a distinct difference between the riot and a peaceful protest, or people who are simply actually exercising their first amendment rights. The first amendment for tat [sic] actions does not include rioting, it doesn’t include criminal acts … It doesn’t include breaking the law. It doesn’t include violence, vandalism, those things that we are not going to tolerate in our city. But if people are showing up here to exercise their first amendment rights, they’re doing it peacefully lawfully, we’re going to protect their rights to do that.”

“The minute that starts, we have to put an end to it,” Snelling said of violence and rioting, according to Chicago’s WBEZ radio. “When people become comfortable committing acts of violence and vandalism, that’s when it turns into a riot.”

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U.S. Hypocrisy On Supposed Iranian Meddling In The U.S. Election
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U.S. Hypocrisy On Supposed Iranian Meddling In The U.S. Election

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:


(The Future of Freedom Foundation) The FBI is warning Iran not to meddle in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. That’s rich given that it was the U.S. government’s meddling in an Iranian election that is the root cause of the perpetual, ongoing, never-ending animosity between the two regimes today.

While U.S. officials and U.S. interventionists love to point to the 1979 Iranian revolution as the start of the adverse relationship between Iran and the United States, that’s only because they are loathe to recognize wrongdoing on the part of their own government — and especially the part that consists of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA — that is, the national-security state part, which they look upon as their god.


The 1979 revolution in Iran was a direct consequence of U.S. meddling in the electoral process some twenty-six years before. Perhaps “meddle” is too soft a word though. Maybe a better word is “destroy.” In 1953, the U.S. national-security establishment destroyed Iran’s democratic process and laid the foundation for the 1979 Iranian revolution, which then led to the forever war of hostility by the U.S. regime toward the Iranian regime, a hostility that still goes on today.

In 1951, the Iranian parliament elected Mohammad Mossadegh to be prime minister of the country. Widely respected not only in Iran and in other parts of the world, Mossadegh was named Time magazine’s “Man of the Year.”

British officials, however, were not so impressed. That’s because Mossadegh nationalized British oil interests in Iran. To protect against British intervention to recover its oil interests, Mossadegh threw British officials out of the country.

Unable to recover their oil interests, the Brits turned to the U.S. government for help. In 1953, the CIA orchestrated a coup in Iran that resulted in 300 people being killed. The coup succeeded in ousting the democratically elected Mossadegh and restoring to power the unelected Shah of Iran, who proceeded to exercise brutal, omnipotent, dictatorial powers to maintain his iron grip on power. To support him in this endeavor, the CIA helped to train the Shah’s brutal national police force called the SAVAK, which was a combination CIA, FBI, Pentagon, and NSA. The SAVAK specialized in such dark arts as arbitrary arrests, indefinite incarceration without trial, torture, and extrajudicial execution.

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3 Ways to Store a LOT of Water in Smaller Spaces
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3 Ways to Store a LOT of Water in Smaller Spaces

by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:


One of the most common questions I get from folks who don’t live on a large property in a rural area is how to store a lot of water for a long-term emergency. First, let me give you a harsh reality check. If the crisis goes on long enough you will run out of stored water. So this is only a portion of your water preparedness plan. You also need to know how to acquire and filter more water. But that’s beyond the purview of this article.

Let’s talk about how to store a lot of water in a smaller space and how much water you need.


How much water do you need for emergencies?

There’s a “rule” that preppers often quote that suggests you need one gallon of water per person and pet per day in the event of emergencies. That is a decent basic guideline but there are other variables to consider too. Some pets, for example, certainly aren’t going to require an entire gallon of water while larger livestock will need more than a gallon on hot days.

This amount doesn’t take into consideration things like the climate, whether people will be doing strenuous work, or if certain health conditions are in play. It also doesn’t cover the water you’d need for personal hygiene, sanitation, or your garden. The best way to calculate how much water you truly need is to go without running water for a weekend and jot down every drop you use from your stash.

For more information on calculating how much water you’ll need for emergencies, check out this article and this one.

How to store a lot of water

Below, find some options for storing a significant amount of water.

Water Barrels

I live in an apartment building as of the writing of this article, and there isn’t a whole lot of extra space for water storage. I purchased a 65-gallon food-safe barrel for $15 from a lady on Facebook Marketplace. The barrel had initially held pickles long ago but she’d used it in her garden to collect rainwater for quite some time, so by the time it got to me, any residual pickle-y smell was long gone.

I keep it on my patio and opted for a color that blends in with the brick of my building. Nobody has paid any attention to it in the year and a half I’ve had it. The bonus to something like this is that I have a second top for it with a screen that I could use for water collection if things went really sideways.

To wash a barrel like this, if you don’t have a hose, visit a DIY car wash and bring your own dish soap. To fill it, I simply filled a 3-gallon container in my kitchen and walked it out until the barrel was full.

Mine doesn’t have any bells and whistles. I’d need to dip water out with a clean ladle if it came to using this for consumption. But if you have the money to do so, you can get “upcycled” water barrels on Amazon that have spigots and water catchment conversion kits delivered to your door within a couple of days. You can also pick up rain barrels at many local hardware stores. Just make sure it comes with a solid lid you can put on for storage and you’ll be all set.

Please note that water weighs 8.3 pounds per gallon. That means that my filled barrel weighs almost 540 pounds, not including the weight of the barrel. Be sure that the place you plan to keep your barrel can withstand the weight.

Bathtub water bladders

Another place you can store water in a smaller space is the bathtub. I suggest a Water Bob (100 gallons) or an Aqua Pod (65 gallons) for this. These are BPA-free plastic bladders that attach to the faucet of your tub to fill with water. Once the bladder is full, then you detach it from the faucet and put on the cap. This closed container keeps your water safe and free from contamination.

Obviously, you need to know the emergency is about to happen to use a bathtub water container. These are great if a storm is blowing up or some other type of crisis is imminent.

IBC Totes

Another option, if you have the space and an area that can hold around 2500 pounds, is a food-grade IBC Tote. These are large, 275-gallon plastic cubes that come in a metal cage for added support. They’re not cheap but you can sometimes find a reconditioned one. I kept a couple of these when I lived in California. The unit itself weighs around 150 pounds.

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Growing and Preparing Dried Beans – Part 1
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Growing and Preparing Dried Beans – Part 1

by AF, Survival Blog:

Do you remember your first assigned chore from childhood? Starting at age four, I was tasked with walking up the ridge to my grandparent’s home every Monday around five o’clock to bring home our portion of the week’s pinto beans. To my knowledge, my grandmother fixed pintos every Monday from the late 1940s through the late 1990s. On Sunday evening she would spill out the dry beans on her kitchen table, then “look them” for stones or debris then sweep them into a large bowl to soak overnight.


On Monday morning the beans were rinsed, moved into a large pot, covered with water and set on the wood cook stove in preparation to feed the family and whomever might stop by. A little bit of salt, pepper and a piece of cured streaked meat were the seasonings and as surely as night follows day, the beans were served along with stewed potatoes and cornbread. Given that leftovers were heated on the stove top, any beans not eaten early in the week would be approaching refried consistency by Thursdays. When my mother took over fixing the beans, the recipe stayed the same and the beans were tasty but the low and slow wood stove imparted flavor couldn’t be duplicated.

Several years ago, a friend of my wife’s mentioned that she and her husband had begun growing their own pinto beans and bragged on how much better they tasted than store-bought dried beans. Having said the same thing to others myself about home-grown carrots, tomato, broccoli and umpteen other vegetables, I had to stop and ask “Really?”  After all, we are talking about a dried bean – how could the flavor be much different between store-bought and homegrown? Shortly thereafter the proverbial gauntlet was thrown when we had a pair of dishes ruined when store-bought dried beans failed to hydrate and soften. Thus, the challenge of growing our own dried beans was accepted. Spoiler alert: my wife’s friend was right.

At the time we had a couple of years’ experience growing field peas and research indicated that we could grow drying beans in the same manner. Our growing process begins with driving five-foot-tall T-posts about every eight to ten feet apart to mark out forty-foot-long rows. We then run 14-gauge galvanized fencing wire at roughly 10 inches and 48 inches above ground level. The wire is wrapped around the two end T-posts and short pieces of wire are used to fasten the intermediate posts and wire together.

Early on, we wrapped the primary lengths of wire around the intermediate posts but found that we damaged the wire and shortened its service life as well as had no ability to easily tension the trellis throughout the growing season if needed. We install drip tape along the length of each row on the up-hill side of our trellis posts. Next, we weave jute twine between the parallel trellis wires and secure the twine after every third wrap using a square knot. The intermittent knots prevent the twine from falling away in long spans should it decay or break during the growing season prior to the bean vines reaching the top trellis wire.

To prepare the soil for planting, I run a small Mantis tiller along each side of the drip tape then create a furrow on each side using the corner of a garden hoe. We have found that double rows work well for drying beans and field peas as long as drip irrigation is available. Next, we sprinkle about one and a half cups of a general purpose fertilize (10/10/10 or triple 17 are the most available options here) to each furrow. The furrows are back-dragged to slightly bury the fertilizer, and then the bean or pea seeds are planted. Up until this year, we hand-planted all of our seeds.

To make the process easier on aging backs, we would wear a cloth carpenters’ apron to hold the seed and carry a three-foot-long piece of ¾ inch PVC pipe that we dropped the seed through to keep from bending so much and still control the placement of the seeds within the rows. This year we invested in a garden seeder from Agri Supply Co. and after a slight learning curve, the addition cut our bean and corn planting time by a lot.

Depending on the weather and variety, we have had sprouts break the ground in as few as three days although some varieties have taken close to two weeks. Thus far in our experience, most drying style beans are bush type and common wisdom is that the trellis is not necessary. What we have found though is given our dense planting style with the double rows and the prevalent North wind here, the trellis keeps the beans upright through drying and we lose far less to ground spoilage with the trellis than we did prior to using them. Around the midpoint of the growing season, we will use the drip irrigation to apply liquid fertilizer. This year we also installed three-foot-wide geotextile between the rows to minimize the need to weed. This has really helped thus far and I anticipate we will have less ground loss as the beans begin drying out this fall. By treating the fabric carefully during the season then shaking it off and rolling it up for winter storage, we have been able to get five or more years of use out of it in other areas of the garden before having to buy replacement.

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On Gov. Tim Walz, Covid lockdown fanatic
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On Gov. Tim Walz, Covid lockdown fanatic

by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

Everything is connected. Especially Covid authoritarians.

Before he conspired to violate my civil rights and make Twitter ban my journalism in 2021, Democratic healthcare operative Andrew M. Slavitt was a top Covid advisor to Minnesota governor Tim Walz.


With Slavitt’s encouragement, Walz pushed a tight lockdown on his state. He encouraged residents to snitch on each other on a state-run hotline. And he sharply tightened Minnesota’s rules on gatherings in November 2020, long after it was clear Covid was a threat mainly to the very elderly and could not cause hospital overrun.

How badly did Walz panic in fall 2020? He essentially destroyed Thanksgiving. On Nov. 19, 2020, one week before the holiday, Walz barred “indoor or outdoor [emphasis added] gatherings, except with immediate household members” and added “no person from outside your immediate household should enter your home.” He also closed bars, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, organized sports, and pools.

Of course, months earlier, when protests and riots over the death of George Floyd had rocked Minneapolis in May and June 2020, Walz had taken a different view. “We certainly believe that there’s a right that people have to gather,” he told reporters.

Walz’s crackdowns received less attention than those by Democratic governors in states like California and New York.

But his power grab was arguably more problematic because Minnesota is more closely politically divided than the coastal blue states and Walz’s lockdown faced more open opposition. In spring 2020, the protests were fairly narrow.

But after Walz’s November orders, business owners openly revolted, and police largely refused to enforce the rules.

But Walz’s orders were not entirely ignored.

Lisa Hanson, a bar owner in a rural Minnesota town about 100 miles south of Minneapolis, was arrested in early 2021 for keeping her bar open. In December 2021, a jury convicted Hanson of defying the lockdown; she served 60 days in jail and was fined $1,000.

newspaper account of the trial reveals the state judge who oversaw it effectively gave jurors no choice but to find Hanson guilty. He kept Hanson from challenging the constitutionality of Walz’s orders at the tiral. And in his jury instructions, he

told the jurors they must follow the rules of law, even if they don’t agree with them. He said they were obligated to find her guilty if they concluded she operated the bar and restaurant, served food and beverages on-site during the dates cited in the charges, knew of the law’s existence and intentionally violated it.

Huh. A politically motivated trial overseen by an aggressive judge, ending in a preordained conviction. Where have we seen that recently?

As Walz cracked down, Andy Slavitt – who at the time was living in a wealthy Minneapolis suburb called Edina – was among his top advisers. An October 2020 profile of Slavitt called him a “a friend and trusted adviser” to the governor.

At the time, Slavitt had made himself among the loudest and most aggressive pro-lockdown voices on Twitter and nationally. In July 2020, he had tweeted that the United States “can virtually eliminate the [corona]virus any time we decide to” if it engaged in what he called “a 90% lockdown.”

Specifically, Slavitt suggested closing all “bars & restaurants & churches & transit” and “prohibit[ing] interstate travel.”

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12-Year-Olds Could Get Mpox Vaccine in EU if Approved
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12-Year-Olds Could Get Mpox Vaccine in EU if Approved

by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Bavarian Nordic today said it plans to seek European regulatory approval for its mpox vaccine for children ages 12-17. Meanwhile, medical commentator John Campbell, Ph.D., today said he believes the probability of “ongoing sustained transmission” of mpox in the West is “remarkably low.”

Mpox vaccine maker Bavarian Nordic today said it plans to seek European regulatory approval for its vaccine for children ages 12-17 after the World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday declared a global public health emergency.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted the vaccine an “emergency use authorization” for adolescents during the 2022 global mpox outbreak, according to Medical Xpress.

Meanwhile, medical commentator John Campbell, Ph.D., said today on his YouTube show that — based on evidence from the WHO, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and U.K. government official data sources — he believes the probability of “ongoing sustained transmission” of mpox in the West is “remarkably low.”

In May 2022, the WHO announced it would phase out the name “monkeypox” and rename the disease “mpox” to avoid the stigma generated by associating the disease with monkeys.

Mpox typically not transmitted by air

Campbell reviewed official information about mpox, such as how the disease is transmitted and its symptomatic stages.

He said there are two types of mpox: clade 1 and clade 2. Both are typically transmitted via close contact or sexual contact, according to the CDC. Examples include skin-to-skin, mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-skin contact and sex. It can also be spread by touching objects recently touched by a person with the disease, such as towels or sheets.

People can also get mpox from close contact with infected wild animals. Campbell pointed out the likelihood of that occurring in Western countries is slim.

According to the WHO’s mpox factsheet, the virus also can be transmitted via “respiratory droplets or short-range aerosols from prolonged close contact.”

There’s been no confirmed case of airborne transmission in the U.K. so far, Campbell said. “So it’s not looking like that really is a major cause of transmission.”

Common symptoms — which may last 2-4 weeks — include rash (i.e., pus-filled lesions that eventually dry out and turn to scabs), fever, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, back pain, low energy and swollen lymph nodes, according to the WHO.

“It’s going to be fairly obvious when people have got this disease and it’s going to be fairly obvious, as long as people are moderately honest about it, who to avoid for a period,” Campbell said.

Teens generally not at risk of severe disease

Campbell discussed how the first case reported outside of Africa since the WHO’s Wednesday declaration — a person in Sweden — was a returning traveler. “That’s to be expected,” he said. “If a disease is endemic in a particular part of the world, you’re going to get people coming back with it.”

Bavarian Nordic CEO Paul Chaplin said in a statement, “Children and adolescents are disproportionately affected by mpox in the ongoing outbreak in Africa, highlighting the importance and urgency to broaden the access to vaccines and therapies for this vulnerable population.”

However, according to the CDC, adolescents — as an age group — are not generally at risk for developing severe disease from mpox. Those at risk of severe disease are people with weakened immune systems, children younger than 1, people with a history of eczema and pregnant women.

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New Video Appears to Show DC Police Units Planting a J6 Pipe Bomb
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New Video Appears to Show DC Police Units Planting a J6 Pipe Bomb

from The Conservative Treehouse:


One of the great mysteries about the January 6, 2021, events is the lack of curiosity by the FBI about who planted the pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC headquarters.   Amid all of the available CCTV video and surveillance technology exploited by the justice department, their transparent unwillingness to identify the pipe bomber has always been a dog that did not bark.

The Occam’s Razor explanation for why DC and federal law enforcement have been incurious, points to law enforcement actually planting the bombs.  New CCTV video seems to show exactly that.


Shortly after 12:51pm a DC police SUV appears next to the park bench where the pipe bomb was discovered. [Video Below] A man with a bag exits the SUV, points to the bench, pulls up his right coat collar to obscure his face from the camera located across the street, then walks to the bench with the bag.  The “pipe bomb” device allegedly was found at 1:05 p.m. by a plainclothes officer from the Capitol Police.

I am not going to repeat the reporting above, the timelines therein, or the granular details painstakingly outlined.  The research is solid, informative and accurate.  Instead, my focus is about “why” the pipe bombs were planted.

Nancy Pelosi, Kevin McCarthy (House) along with Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence (Senate) did not want the January 6th certification of electors challenged.  If you suspect the 85 million votes for Joe Biden might have been manufactured (mail-in ballots), then you understand the DC motive to avoid any electoral challenge that might have resulted in state level legislative inquiry and/or vote counting review.

To avoid the challenge to the electoral certification process, a lengthy and very formal process where the Senate must separate from the House as each state is formally questioned/challenged and a debate/vote on each state’s set of electors takes place (minimum 2 hours each state), an EMERGENCY process triggered by the House Speaker (Pelosi) was needed.   That’s where the pipe bombs come into play.

♦ We have previously detailed the motives HERE.

The J6 pipe bombs were the insurance policy, in the event the feds (Ray Epps et al) couldn’t get the crowd to comply with the FBI provocations.

In essence, if no one stormed the Capitol, the finding of the two pipe bombs would have then been the emergency needed to stop the electoral process, evacuate congress and trigger the emergency session.  Which explains why the FBI had/has no interest in the DC pipe bomb suspects.

As it turned out, the DC crew (Pelosi et al) didn’t need the “pipe bomb emergency” because the manufactured riot (opening the doors to the Capitol building etc.) worked.  The J6 emergency need was fulfilled by the “riot” within the Capitol building; the bomb narrative was not needed.

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WHO to Issue Global ‘Guidance’ to Nations on Handling Monkeypox Outbreak
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WHO to Issue Global ‘Guidance’ to Nations on Handling Monkeypox Outbreak

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Globalists at the unelected World Health Organization (WHO) are preparing to issue the governments of sovereign nations with global “guidance” on handling the monkeypox outbreak.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the United Nations “health” agency, issued the warning from the WHO’s headquarters in Switzerland.

It comes as China announced it will monitor people and goods entering the country for monkeypox for the next six months.


Meanwhile, Pakistan confirmed the first case in Asia of a new monkeypox variant, just one day after Sweden reported the first case outside Africa.

The WHO declared a public health emergency of international concern earlier this week over the upsurge of monkeypox, or “mpox” as it is now called, in Africa

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