Banned Again
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Banned Again

by Naomi Wolf, Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf:

This is getting really tiresome.

Two days ago, I appeared on the “Alex Jones Show”. I explained to Mr Jones that to me it looked as if there were at least two coups underway at the White House — possibly three:

Clearly the Harris team had taken out of play the Biden team, and now, with a bizarre interview in which Nancy Pelosi was distancing herself from President Biden, it appeared that the Schumer/Pelosi/Obama team was distancing themselves from and gunning (metaphorically) for the Biden and Harris teams.


You remember from my essay here, “Lady MacBiden”, which I wrote shortly after the assassination attempt against Pres Trump, that I warned readers of this Substack that there would be a coup. I warned that it was likely to be related to evidence of a crime committed by the Biden family. I speculated about Mrs Biden and Hunter — and later I warned that the letter of resignation that “President Biden” posted on Twitter, did not have FEC disclaimers required by law by candidates and I warned that the autopen signature looked different from the signature on the letter.

Well, you are welcome. Ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi herself confirmed on Aug 11, 2024 — almost a month after I issued this set of warnings — that a Biden letter “did not sound like” President Biden. And I was right, too, about the alleged crimes committed by the Biden family: The New York Times revealed yesterday that the State Department, after a delay of months, had belatedly responded to the newspaper’s FOIA request by releasing documents confirming that Hunter Biden had unlawfully solicited help from the State Department for his Ukrainian company Burisma — without registering with FARA.

The fact that the White House retained and retained these documents for months after receiving a FOIA request from “the Paper of Record”, and then released them this week, shows me that the Biden family is no longer in power, and that there will be more and more damning documents released, and more and more distancing of others at high levels away from the Biden family, as the campaign gears up. It is also my bet that the Harris/Walz ticket won’t be the final Democratic ticket. The people who managed to take Biden out of the running, are entirely able to take the catastrophically unlikeable Harris out of the running.

All this being said: I described these potential crimes of the Biden family two days ago on Alex Jones, on a video that I can no longer easily find by searching. Half an hour after it aired, I received a notification when I tried to log into “X”, that I had violated copyright and had 48 hours to fill out a form, or else I would be suspended. I went through all of the ‘X Support’ prompts, finally to be told by ‘X Support’ that there was nothing I could do to re-gain my X account, with its 420,000 followers. Sorry.

Now, when I try to log into my account, “X” has no memory of me and no record of my email. People who can see my “X” account say that my face has been removed and my name, replaced by a blank head and shoulder icon, and that all my posts are posted by “dot”. As in “. posted on August 11, 2024.”

I also found that many of my platforms and devices were frozen or inaccessible. I was evicted off of YouTube again — without even the courtesy for a form notification. I also was unable to send emails; my phone froze, and my Mac slowed to a crawl.

Bottom line, this is about the last platform available to me on which to speak to the world. Once again I am too dangerous to “platform.”

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Taliban Parades US Military Equipment
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Taliban Parades US Military Equipment

from Moonbattery:


Some people have actually benefitted from Biden/Harris — for example, the Taliban:

The Taliban celebrated the third anniversary of their return to power Wednesday at a former U.S. air base in Afghanistan…

The Bagram parade was the Taliban’s grandest and most defiant since regaining control of the country in August 2021. …

The Bagram parade was also an opportunity to showcase some of the military hardware abandoned by U.S. and NATO-led forces after decades of war, including helicopters, Humvees and tanks.


You probably recall how our enemies got their hands on so much US ordnance:

The Biden-Harris administration’s poor planning and execution in Afghanistan resulted in the botched withdrawal that killed 13 US service members, left Americans stranded, and allowed billions of dollars in US military equipment to flow into the hands of the Taliban terror group.

Nice to see they are enjoying the gifts involuntarily bestowed upon them by US taxpayers:

The four-star hypocrite who served Biden/Harris as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, was granted an honorary knighthood by the British government, which explicitly cited his “leadership in Afghanistan.” As noted previously,

Aside from his catastrophic “leadership over Afghanistan,” Milley is best known for politicizing the military on behalf of the Democratic Party. Assuming Bob Woodward’s reporting to be accurate, Milley committed treason during the Trump Administration in collusion with communist China. He espouses antiwhite race hate and regards a large percentage of the US population to consist of enemies of the government.

Milley’s clever idea to give $billions worth of weapons to the Islamists who provided al Qaeda with a base of operations for 9/11 is not endorsed by Trump:

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Where Kamala Harris Gets Her Campaign Money
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Where Kamala Harris Gets Her Campaign Money

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

According to OpenSecrets, on August 14th,, the Harris For President Campaign Committee has raised $294,201,819, of which 60.19% has come from “Large Contributors” (at least $200) to the campaign.

In addition: “Future Forward USA,” a “hybrid PAC/super PAC” that advertises ONLY for Democratic Party political campaigns, donated (spent for her campaign) $134,220,791.

Two other such organizations, “American Bridge 21st Century” and “The Lincoln Project,” together donated around $50 million.


Political campaigns in America are overwhelmingly predominantly funded by fewer than 1% of the people who are registered to vote. There are about a thousand American billionaires, and even merely the richest 400 of them account for 29.86%, virtually 30%, of ALL the political campaign money. A 2020 academic study (cited on page 80 here — p. 86 of the pdf document) found that, “In 2016, 15,810 individuals, less than 0.0001% of the American population, accounted for half of all political contributions.202”

As I have reported, armaments manufacturers (such as Lockheed) have, ever since 1990, been far higher-performing investments than other Industrials, and than the stock-market as a whole; so, one may reasonably assume that billionaires, since their net worths have risen enormously more steeply than that of the rest of the population ever since 1980, are and have been exceptionally heavily invested in armaments manufacturers (the companies that that sell their products to the Government and that PROFIT FROM WARS).

Both of America’s two political Parties are controlled by the billionaires, and are bringing us closer and closer to a WW3, so that we are now closer to a world-annihilating nuclear war even than during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. (How much attention are the billionaires-controlled ‘news’-media paying to this, which ought to be dominating the front pages everywhere?)

Specifically as regards Kamala Harris: the military dot com news siite headlined on July 25th, “Defense Secretary [Lloyd] Austin Says Kamala Harris Was Always Part of Major National Security Decisions”; “’I’ve seen her help the team, help the president work through some very, very complex issues,’ Austin said, adding that ‘she is a key player.’” Biden and Austin know about our nation’s now annual $1.5 trillion military spending, of which around $900 billion is being paid through the Defense Department, and the rest through other Departments. All of the world’s other 200 nations together spend also $1.5T per year on their militaries; and, so, America spends actually half of the entire planet’s military spending, and I have explained how and why this is done. But the bottom line is that Kamala Harris is one of the persons responsible for it being the case, just as President Biden is, and just as Donald Trump is, and just as Barack Obama is, and just as George W. Bush is, and just as Bill Clinton is. They all are part of the same corruption, which drains money from ALL NON-‘DEFENSE’ SPENDING, even at the same time it causes our nation’s federal debt now to be $35 trillion, which our children and grandchildren will be needing to pay off. Far more than half of all “discretionary” or congressionally budgeted spending by the U.S. Government goes to the military, which is sucking out all of the spending for the things and services that the public needs for their health care, education, social welfare, environment, and infrastructure. Our country is being bled dry by these people — for the benefit of our billionaires, who, basically, fund them.

Obviously, anyone who votes for one of the two Parties’ Presidential candidates is voting for WW3. This is what America’s ‘democracy’ has come to. I publicly challenge anyone to deny it — to allege that ANY source that I have linked-to here is false or in any way untrustworthy. (I have carefully vetted each and every one of them, and would not cite or link to them if I hadn’t.) What is untrustworthy are the arguments to vote for Trump, or for Harris. Without a doubt, WW3 is the one issue that is both existential and urgent. A candidate who is dangerous on that issue is unacceptable, and BOTH of the major-Party candidates are that.

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U.S. Expands Bird Flu Testing For Beef
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U.S. Expands Bird Flu Testing For Beef

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:


The United States ruling class is going to be expanding bird flu testing for beef. As part of its totalitarian response to the ongoing avian influenza outbreak among dairy cattle, the United States Department of Agriculture has announced the testing of beef entering the food supply.

When mass testing is conducted, much like during the COVID-19 scamdemic, more cases were found and diagnosed whether humans were sick or not.


Bird Flu Could Be About To Enter The “Mass Testing” Phase

According to a report by the Jerusalem Post, USDA officials, in a call with reporters along with staff from other U.S. ruling class “health” agencies, said the testing will begin in mid-September and urged livestock workers to remain vigilant.

The Overhyped Threat of a Human Bird Flu Pandemic is a Hoax to “Reset” Our Food System

Considering the ruling class continues to blame meat, meat eaters, and the cattle’s methane farts for climate change, it isn’t really a surprise that the bird flu is magically in cows. This is shaping up to be a war on the food supply, and the proper human food at that.

Climate Crisis Activists Seek To Put Meat On Their List Of Banned “Fossil Fuel” Adverts

The USDA in May tested 109 beef samples from dairy cows sent to slaughter and found bird flu virus particles in one cow’s tissue sample. Older dairy cattle are often slaughtered for meat.

Eric Deeble, an undersecretary for marketing and regulatory programs, told reporters that the USDA is confident with the current level of testing conducted by the nation’s dairy farmers.

“I do feel that the response is adequate,” he said. –Jerusalem Post

How much longer until the ruling class suggests we stop drinking milk and eating beef? And then how much time do we have until it’s outright banned? Perhaps this won’t happen, but we are going down the slippery slope right now the we already were on back in 2020. This time, the best source of nutrition for human beings is on the line.

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Five Tries and Out

Five Tries and Out

by Craig Hemke, Sprott Money:


After selling off early last week, the COMEX gold price held critical support and then began to rally. As the new week begins, it begs the question: Could this fifth attempt at a breakout above $2500 finally lead to a new surge higher in price?

We’ll try to answer that question in a minute, but let’s start this week where we left off last week. On August 5, almost all global markets were sharply lower as concerns over the Japanese yen carry trade unwind drove immediate liquidity demands. COMEX gold and silver were hit hard, and though prices had fallen almost precisely to the areas we were expecting, it was pretty hard to pull the trigger on any new buy orders. If you missed last week’s post, I encourage you to read it now.


From that article, here’s yours truly being a little too cautious for his own good:

But that moment has passed.

Gold Market Analysis: Key Support Levels and the Path to $2700

This week we must focus upon what has transpired since, because this is important. Namely, the price of COMEX gold fell to its 50-day moving average last Monday and then held that key technical level as support through Thursday, when it began to turn higher. By Friday, it had not only held the 50-day, it had also moved back above its short-term 20-day moving average.

In my Friday podcast at TF Metals Report, I mentioned that this technical achievement likely foreshadowed another trip to the top of the current price range, and that’s exactly what has occurred. Here’s the chart from last Friday, the 9th:

12 august market analysis 1

And here’s the current chart as I type on Monday, the 12th:

12 august market analysis 1

As you can see on the chart above, the price of Dec24 COMEX gold first tapped $2500 on April 12. It has since revisited that level in mid-May, mid-July, and most recently on August 5. That’s four tries at a breakout from what is a clearly defined trading range. Could this current attempt be the one that finally brings the breakout? Perhaps.

Some of this today is being driven by geopolitical concerns due to current fears of a region-wide war in the Middle East. However, this latest push back toward the top of the range is also being driven by lower interest rates, a falling dollar, and an expectation of multiple fed funds rate cuts before year end.

So what happens if/when COMEX gold does break out above $2525? This has been a frequent topic of discussion in my monthly videos with technical analyst Chris Vermeulen. Chris has repeatedly stated that the next price goal for COMEX gold is somewhere near $2700. He stated this again in the most recent video recorded last week. Here’s a link so that you can watch for yourself:

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Vast Stretches Of America Are So Depressed That They Look Like Something Out Of A Horror Movie
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Vast Stretches Of America Are So Depressed That They Look Like Something Out Of A Horror Movie

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

The wealthy are doing just fine at the moment, but they don’t seem to understand that much of the country is deeply hurting right now.  59 percent of Americans believe that the U.S. economy is currently experiencing a recession, and that is because most of them are personally experiencing economic pain.  Literally just about everything is substantially more expensive in 2024, more major layoffs are being announced with each passing day, and thousands of businesses are going bankrupt.  We haven’t seen a tsunami of economic suffering like this in a long time.


If you live in a wealthy area in a good part of the country, you may wonder what all of the fuss is about.

If you and everyone around you is still doing well, life may still seem quite good.

But the truth is that there are vast stretches of this country that are so depressed that they literally look like something out of a horror movie.

There are many communities that are so plagued by poverty, drugs, homelessness, violence and theft that it seems like there is no possible way that things could ever turn around.

A man named Drew Binksy recently visited one of the poorest parts of West Virginia, and he discovered that most of the people there are living in poverty

‘Most of [the residents] live below the poverty line and life expectancy is well below the national average.

‘Many families rely on Government assistance just to get by and there’s limited access to healthcare.’

Today, tens of millions of Americans are heavily dependent on the checks that they get from the government each month.

In areas where most people have lost hope of ever finding a better life, drug addiction often runs rampant, and that is precisely what Binksy witnessed

He also notes that ‘crystal meth and Fentanyl addictions run wild’ in the state, while many people are ‘living so isolated, they have their own dialect.’

The content creator starts his journey in Bluefield and as he wanders through the once prosperous manufacturing city, he says it feels like he has stepped into ‘a forgotten world.’

He continues: ‘Empty streets and closed shops stretch as far as the eye can see. It’s like life just stopped.’

This is where the entire country is heading.

Just a few days ago, I wrote about the “retail apocalypse” that is rapidly spreading across America.

Thousands upon thousands of stores are closing, and most of those abandoned stores will not be filled any time soon.

But at least they will make convenient locations for drug addicts to gather.

According to one woman that Binksy interviewed, 30 percent of the people in her community are into illegal drugs…

One woman in the store tells the camera crew: ‘We’re the poorest county in the United States or we were.

‘About 30 per cent of our community are dopers, druggies… more than 30 per cent!’

The same conditions are being repeated in rural community after rural community all over America.

Sadly, the standard of living in our rural communities is going to continue to go down because the cost of living just keeps going up

The cost of frozen noncarbonated juices and drinks has risen by 19.2 percent from July 2023 – the most of any grocery item.

Eggs, meanwhile, have increased by 19.1 percent in price, and frankfurters are now 9.7 percent more expensive.

The cost of bacon, beef roasts, pork chops and butter have also risen notably in the last year.

In terms of non-food items, car insurance is the biggest riser in the last year – with an 18.6 percent price hike.

We have already reached a stage where a large portion of the population cannot even afford the basics.

As I shared yesterday, I was absolutely shocked to learn that 39 percent of Americans have been forced to skip meals so that they will have enough money to make their housing payments…

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Zelensky begs UK for missiles to fire at Russian forces—UK refuses
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Kursk was low hanging fruit. What now for Zelensky and his allusions?

Zelensky may well have taken the Kursk option to try and draw Russian troops out of the Donbas or from a small enclave on the Ukrainian side nearby that was taken recently. Militarily of course this makes sense and most analysts present this as the main point of the exercise. Whatever Putin does, it will be a draw from other resources in other places and so he strikes the Russian leader hard with one blow.

Politically also, Zelensky knows that the pressure will be on Putin to do something to settle the Kursk issue. Russians did not think, when they were given the picture of Ukraine and Moscow’s objectives, that it would involve a spill over war into their own country. And so that merely piles on the pressure for Putin to deal with the Kursk “provocation”.

But there are other factors which Zelensky has on his mind, behind the Kursk ruse. The Ukrainian president, for the first time, has reached out to Putin and his officials recently when he invited Russia to a peace conference in November. This is a first of its kind, in that the initiative is actually Ukraine’s and that Putin is invited. Clearly, Zelensky believes that he needs to make a move before the U.S. elections are over, given that a Trump victory might push him to give up much more than his political expediency will allow. Having Kursk in his war chest will be very useful, not because of the tiny amount of land that Ukraine army actually has, but for the symbolism, as a card to play when negotiations actually start.

And yet this move comes with a high price which indicates also the level of desperation that Zelensky is in and we can, arguably, attest that Russia didn’t see it coming. If Zelensky loses the Kursk patch, then the humiliation and the loss of support from the military and its families will be unprecedented. If Kursk backfires, it might well cost him everything. The risks of course are not only with Zelensky alone but weigh heavily on the West also. For Western elites to goad him on and then congratulate him is both foolish and reckless. For Putin to refuse to be baited into a full-out war with NATO one can only comment that his patience is not unlimited – especially when now his political élan has taken a knock. There have been many moments in the past couple of years when this has happened before and he always survives the rough and tumble of Russian politics. But this time Zelensky will have to be seen to be paying the price for poking the Russian bear in the cage once too hard.

There is also another important development which is running concurrent to these events which is the role that Belarus could play in the coming months. Ukraine has repeatedly operated drones in the country’s airspace and been warned of the consequences. Recently tanks from Belarus were sent to the border, cranking up tensions even more if Ukraine angers Minsk once more. Zelensky certainly likes to skate on thin ice but presumably the two F16s which he has taken delivery of will amuse him no end. His own propaganda team are filming the two jets flying in tandem all over the country, presumably with two retired U.S. pilots in the cockpit, and dumping it all on social media to give the impression there is an air force made up of these American fighters. Hilarious. Expect more smoke and mirrors as we get closer to November.

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‘Nation-State’ Fiscal Policy Is Like Declaring War On The American Economy
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‘Nation-State’ Fiscal Policy Is Like Declaring War On The American Economy

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:


(The Mises Institute) The 2024 Republican National Convention will be remembered for the raw emotions evoked by an attempted assassination the preceding weekend of its presidential nominee Donald Trump and for the now mostly Trumpified Republicans posing as the populist champions of American workers against the elitist Democrats.

This convention, however, should be remembered for another reason too. It marks the entrenchment of an organized “national conservative” movement within the party that espouses an anti-free-market ideology, overtly scorning individual liberty in favor of a powerful nation-state. This shift in Republican thinking is most clearly evident in Trump’s choice of J.D. Vance as the party’s nominee for vice president (who recently explained his “NatCon” principles in a Foundation for American Innovation podcast) but is also hinted at in Trump’s advocacy of retaliatory tariffs in his acceptance speech:


“And right now as we speak large factories, just started, are being built across the border in Mexico. So with all the other things happening on our border and they’re being built by China to make cars and to sell them into our country, no tax, no anything. The United Auto Workers ought to be ashamed for allowing this to happen and the leader of the United Auto Workers should be fired immediately and every single auto worker, union and non-union should be voting for Donald Trump because we’re gonna bring back car manufacturing and we’re gonna bring it back fast. The ability, some of the largest auto plants anywhere in the world, think of it, in the world.

“We’re going to bring it back, we’re going to make them, we don’t, we don’t mind that happening. But those plants are going to be built in the United States and our people are going to man those plants and if they don’t agree with us, we’ll put a tariff of approximately 100 to 200% on each car, and they will be unsellable in the United States.”

For his part, Vance closely echoes the talking points of such NatCon champions as American Compass and the Claremont Institute. While conceding that free markets are better than government planners at allocating resources and empowering people to meet each other’s needs (Vance even cites the Austrian economist F.A. Hayek on that point), NatCons like Vance protest that America already has a de facto industrial policy that punishes capital-intensive industries while leaving them vulnerable to the malign policies of the Chinese Communists. According to the NatCons, Americans have a moral obligation to reorient their existing interventionism toward favoring American victims of Communist Chinese policies, not continue to favor the Wall Street and Big Tech elites that profit from the existing globalist order.

There are two fundamental errors in the NatCon portrait of America’s deindustrialization and the NatCon recommendation of “industrial policy” as a remedy, one theoretical, the other historical. From a theoretical perspective, the erection of new trade barriers and fresh governmental malinvestments of labor and other productive inputs can only diminish, not increase, the productivity of workers and thus can only lead to a deterioration of their living standards.

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by Barbara, Expose News:

The concept of the “Fourth Turning” has captivated the attention of sociologists, historians, and the general public alike. Introduced by authors William Strauss and Neil Howe in their seminal 1997 book “The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy,” this theory suggests that history unfolds in a cyclical pattern, marked by recurring generational archetypes and significant societal transformations.


The Theory of Generational Cycles

Strauss and Howe’s theory posits that history moves in cycles, each lasting roughly 80 to 100 years, known as a saeculum. Each saeculum is divided into four turnings, each spanning about 20-25 years. These turnings are periods of societal mood and behaviour, characterised by distinct generational archetypes that shape and are shaped by the prevailing cultural, political, and economic conditions.

  1. The High: This first turning follows a crisis and is marked by strong institutions, collective confidence, and a sense of purpose. Individualism is downplayed in favor of a more unified society. The most recent High occurred in the post-World War II era, during the late 1940s and 1950s, characterized by economic prosperity and institutional stability.
  2. The Awakening: The second turning is a time of spiritual upheaval and questioning of established norms. It often leads to a cultural revolution, as people seek personal and spiritual autonomy. The 1960s and 1970s exemplified the last Awakening, with movements advocating for civil rights, women’s liberation, and environmentalism.
  3. The Unraveling: The third turning sees the weakening of institutions and a shift towards individualism. Society becomes more fragmented, and the sense of collective purpose diminishes. The late 1980s through the 2000s represented this period, marked by cultural wars, political polarization, and institutional distrust.
  4. The Crisis: The fourth turning is a period of major upheaval and transformation, often involving wars, revolutions, or other significant disruptions. It is a time when society redefines itself and establishes new institutional structures. According to Strauss and Howe, the current Crisis began with the 2008 financial collapse and is expected to continue through the 2020s, potentially concluding with a major societal reformation.

Generational Archetypes

Each turning produces a distinct generational archetype, each with its own set of characteristics, values, and behaviors. These archetypes recur in a fixed order, shaping the cultural and political landscape of their time.

  1. Prophets (Boomers): Born during or after a High, Prophets grow up as indulged children during an Awakening, come of age as self-absorbed young crusaders of an Unraveling, and age into moralistic leaders during a Crisis. The Baby Boomer generation (1943-1960) is the most recent example of this archetype.
  2. Nomads (Generation X): Born during an Awakening, Nomads grow up as under-protected children during an Unraveling, come of age as alienated young adults during a Crisis, and age into pragmatic leaders during a High. Generation X (1961-1981) exemplifies this archetype.
  3. Heroes (Millennials): Born during an Unraveling, Heroes grow up as increasingly protected children during a Crisis, come of age as team-oriented young optimists during a High, and age into energetic midlife leaders during an Awakening. Millennials (1982-2004) are the current Hero archetype.
  4. Artists (Generation Z): Born during a Crisis, Artists grow up as overprotected children during a High, come of age as sensitive young adults during an Awakening, and age into empathetic leaders during an Unraveling. Generation Z (2005-present) represents this emerging archetype.

Implications and Criticisms

The Fourth Turning theory offers a framework for understanding historical patterns and forecasting future trends. Its implications suggest that we are currently in a period of profound change, potentially leading to a significant transformation of societal structures by the end of the 2020s.

Current geopolitical and societal changes, and the breakdown of trust between governments, and the people they are here to serve, have created a ominous vacuum. People across the globe have felt an unease for a while, and perhaps, this theory could explain why.

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Ukraine and NATO Launch New Provocations
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Ukraine and NATO Launch New Provocations

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

The attack on the Kursk region of Russia by Ukrainian forces is being hailed by War Hawks as a possible turning point in the war, one which exposes Russian weaknesses and the importance of resupplying Ukraine with more military aid.  However, it more closely resembles two campaigns by a desperate Hitler’s forces, the Battle of Kursk in July 1943 and the Battle of the Bulge, ending on January 25, 1944, during which it became evident that the allies would soon be victorious.  The positive spin on Ukraine is designed to inspire western countries to continue backing NATO’s proxy war — with devastating consequences for the people of Ukraine.  For a dialogue among military professionals and political activists on ending the proxy war in Ukraine, use the link to watch the dialogue from last Friday’s International Peace Coalition Zoom call, linked here:


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