UK Labour MP ‘determined’ to bring assisted suicide bill to Parliamentary vote
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UK Labour MP ‘determined’ to bring assisted suicide bill to Parliamentary vote

The UK parliament will vote on a Labour MP’s assisted suicide bill, following Prime Minister Starmer’s July statement that he would allow it to proceed if an MP suggested modifying the nation’s law.

Jake Richards, the MP for Rother Valley, is behind the bill. Richards told The Times that he was picked for the private member’s bill ballot and hopes to amend “the archaic” assisted suicide legislation.

“I’ve campaigned for reforms to assisted dying laws for many years, and immediately upon finding out my name had been picked I was determined to bring this bill forward,” said Richards.

“I hope, and indeed expect, government to give this issue time and for the House to have a free vote, on my bill, or any other that changes the archaic law in this area,” he added.

Almost a decade ago, PM Starmer voted for changes to the law when it was brought for a vote in the Commons.

Richards did not secure a top-seven position in the PMB ballot, which would have ensured a full day of debate. However, he was drawn in the 11th position, which suggests that he is likely to secure some parliamentary time on a Friday sitting to debate a measure of his choosing. It is anticipated that this will be granted in the upcoming year.

Not all are thrilled about possible changes to the nation’s law. Ross Hendry, chief executive of Chrisitan Action, Research, and Education, is opposed to a change in the law, saying assisted suicide “undermines human dignity and puts vulnerable groups at greater risk of abuse and harm.”

“UK politicians should ensure that investment and infrastructure are in place to ensure high-quality palliative care for all people,” he added. “The UK has huge work to do in this area, given a chronic underfunding of this aspect of healthcare. We’d also emphasize the need to enhance suicide prevention, and work towards a society where all lives are considered.”

A separate assisted suicide reform bill has also been selected to be debated in mid-November, which is Lord Falconer of Thoroton, the former Labour justice secretary’s, House of Lord’s bill introduced as the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults.

Nathan Stilwell, a member of the group My Death, My Decision, praised Richard’s legislation: “This is likely to be the first step in changing a law to give adults a compassionate and dignified choice at the end of their lives.”

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Seven members of Tottenham Turks gang jailed in UK for organized kidnap, torture, murder of Turkish DJ
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Seven members of Tottenham Turks gang jailed in UK for organized kidnap, torture, murder of Turkish DJ

Seven men total have been jailed over the organized death of a Turkish DJ. Members of the Tottenham Turks gang kidnapped 43-year-old Koray Alpergin and his 34-year-old girlfriend Gozde Dalbudak and took them to a wine bar where they tortured the radio station owner to death while Dalbudak was locked in a bathroom for 2 days.

Three more men were convicted in relation to the incident on Thursday, while four others were previously convicted and sit in jail. Dylan Weatherley, 20, was sentenced to five years in jail for the manslaughter and kidnapping of Alpergin. Isay Stoyanov, 43 was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment for perverting the course of justice and Kyle Mitchell-Peart, 31, was jailed for six years and four months for two counts of kidnapping and two counts of false imprisonment, per Daily Mail.

Alpergin was kidnapped alongside his girlfriend from his London home by the gang of accomplices and “frog marched” into a white van. They were taken to the Stadium Lounge wine bar where the DJ was tortured and suffered “horrific injuries” while his girlfriend was locked in a bathroom. Alpergin suffered 94 injuries total including 14 broken ribs, severe head injuries, ligature injuries to his neck, and genital injuries, all from which he succumbed to. His body was dumped in a woodland in Essex before being found by a dog walker.
Prosecuting attorney Crispin Aylett stated: “Mr Alpergin was a well-known DJ and pop figure within the Turkish UK community in this country. It is unclear how he came to the attention of an Organised Crime Group who in effect did kidnap, torture, and murder Mr Alpergin. The group believed Mr Alpergin had something of value whether that be money drugs or information. There is a body of evidence the killing was organised by the so-called Tottenham Turks, the well-known organised crime group network.”

Judge Sarah Whitehouse, presiding over the case, stated during sentencing: “Mr Alpergin had been tortured to death, after he was killed in the early hours of Friday morning his body was moved to different locations before being dumped in a woodland in Loughton. What is clear is the plan to kill Koray Alpergin had been in operation since at least 23 September. As in the early hours of that morning a tracking device had been placed under his car. There is no evidence that anyone of the three of you were involved in any of the planning and organisation of these crimes. I’m satisfied none of you three were central players in the plan, as I said the main players used others to do their dirty work while avoiding detection themselves.”

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American citizen killed in West Bank during anti-war protests
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American citizen killed in West Bank during anti-war protests

On Friday, the State Department confirmed the death of an American citizen who died during a protest against Israel’s settlement expansion in the West Bank. The victim has been identified as Aysenur Ezgi Eygi. She was reportedly shot in the head during a protest march in Beita, near Nablus.

The State Dept. did not provide any specific details regarding the cause of her death. Eygi was a Turkish-American dual national.

Reuters reported that Eygi was allegedly shot in the head by troops with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), citing reports from the official Palestinian news agency WAFA. She was transported to the hospital in critical condition.

“We tried to perform a resuscitation operation on her, but unfortunately she died,” Fouad Nafaa, the head of the Rafidia Hospital in Nablus, told Reuters.

The Israeli military is investigating the report.

“Today (Friday), during Israeli security forces activity adjacent to the area of Beita, the forces responded with fire toward a main instigator of violent activity who hurled rocks at the forces and posed a threat to them,” the IDF said in a statement.

“The IDF is looking into reports that a foreign national was killed as a result of shots fired in the area. The details of the incident and the circumstances in which she was hit are under review,” the IDF added.
The US State Department said in a statement to Fox News: “We are urgently gathering more information about the circumstances of her death and will have more to say as we learn more. We have no higher priority than the safety and security of American citizens.”

Turkey’s foreign ministry condemned the death in a statement, alleging “murder committed by the Netanyahu government.”

“Israel is trying to intimidate all those who come to the aid of the Palestinian people and who fight peacefully against the genocide,” the statement reads. “This policy of violence will not work. The Israeli authorities who commit crimes against humanity and those who unconditionally support them will be held accountable before international courts.”

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World Darts Federation threatens female players if they refuse to compete against trans athletes
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World Darts Federation threatens female players if they refuse to compete against trans athletes

The World Darts Federation has threatened players with disciplinary action if they choose to withdraw from a tournament after it has commenced. This comes after female athletes decided to forfeit in recent competitions in protest of being forced to compete against transgender biological men.

The statement did not address the increasing backlash the organization is experiencing as a result of allowing male athletes to compete against women, as reported by The Blaze.

“Ahead of an important period in the WDF calendar with regional cups, the World Masters and the World Championships, the WDF wishes to clarify its position on player withdrawals,” the federation wrote in a statement. “Once the first dart has been thrown in a tournament, any player that subsequently withdraws from playing a match may be considered to be bringing the game into disrepute and could face disciplinary action.”

“This stance has been taken to suitably protect our Member Countries, their tournaments and tournament sponsors, as well as preserve the integrity of the WDF ranking system,” the organization said.

In May, a UK women’s darts star, Deta Hedman, forfeited her quarterfinal match against Noa-Lynn van Luevan in Denmark. Leuvan, 27, of The Netherlands, is a biological male who transitioned to female and is ranked No. 5 in the world. Hedman is ranked No. 6.

In March, a couple of months prior to the forfeiture, Noa-Lynn van Leuven won the women’s darts championship in the United Kingdom after destroying female competitors in the PDC Women’s Series.

Deta Hedman had originally faked an illness to get out of playing Leuven but ultimately came clean. “No fake illness. I said I wouldn’t play a man in a ladies’ event,” said Hedman, who pulled out of another tournament in July over the same reason.

Aileen de Graff and Anca Zijlstra, two female Dutch players, also expressed fury over the inclusion of van Leuven, which caused them to withdraw from the Netherlands national team. De Graff is ranked No. 2 in the world, while Zijlstra takes the No. 18 spot.
Hedman has been distributing petitions at darts events, such as the Welsh Open in late August. She is urging others to support her call for a women-only darts division.

“Women and girls deserve fair competition in darts, and this means we need our own category, restricted to those born female,” the petition states. “We believe a women’s section in darts is hugely important for the growth of darts.

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Muslim woman enters London church, screams she was there ‘to kill the God of Jews’
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Muslim woman enters London church, screams she was there ‘to kill the God of Jews’

A Muslim woman was arrested after screaming “Allahu Akbar” and “I am here to kill the God of the Jews” during a Sunday morning church service in North London. She was carried out in custody with restraints on her legs and feet after she allegedly began throwing punches and kicks at police officers. She has been released on bail.

In an exclusive with the Daily Mail, Pastor Regan King of the evangelical Angel Church in Islington recounted how the crazed Muslim woman entered his service around 11 am last Sunday and began shouting Islamic calls to prayer in Arabic and attempting to appeal to the kids of the congregation. She then said she would “kill the God of the Jews.” King’s wife is Jewish and he promptly moved her and his kids to safety before demanding the woman leave, which made her more aggressive.

Police arrived on the scene 10 minutes after the woman took control of the church’s sound system and began screaming “Allahu Akbar.” She apparently thought one of the officers was Muslim and tried to appeal to him, calling him “brother” and saying “Remember Allah” in Arabic. However the officer was not Muslim and did not speak Arabic. She was promptly arrested on suspicion of a religiously-aggravated public order offense, but not without a fight.

Metropolitan Police confirmed the woman was taken into custody for that aggravated offense and assaulting emergency workers, then later “released on bail pending further enquiries.”

King said his family and congregation were shaken by the incident but would carry on with increased security. He was able to record the woman ranting before police arrived.

He stated to the Mail: “My family and I are deeply concerned and shaken by this incident, especially my wife who is Jewish. She is traumatised and now fears going outside. Since October 7 especially, as a family and church, we have experienced multiple incidents of antisemitism and anti-Christianity. Yet we are undeterred and will continue to operate as usual albeit with plans for increasing our security.”

He added: “As a church we welcomed people of all backgrounds without partiality into our doors to hear and be transformed by the message of Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, who brings salvation to all who trust Him. The darkness of our world would threaten to divide, discourage, and destroy, yet it cannot conquer the light of Christ’s truth. While this incident created significant concern and distress, we did what never fails – we prayed.

“Jesus calls us to love our enemies and to bless those who curse and do good to those who hate. This does not mean, however, that we do not desire both justice and mercy in this matter and we pray for our neighbours wellbeing and salvation. We remain unintimidated from fulfilling our calling to be Christ’s light and show His love in our community. We extend our gratitude to the members of Islington’s Metropolitan police who attended and dealt with the situation in a timely way.”


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Judge Juan Merchan Postpones Donald Trump's Sentencing Until After Election
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Judge Juan Merchan Postpones Donald Trump’s Sentencing Until After Election

Judge Juan Merchan postponed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s sentencing for his business records conviction until after the election, delivering the former president a significant victory.

After a previous delay, Trump’s sentencing had been set for September 18. Merchan has now pushed the sentencing date further — to November 26.

Trump requested the delay to attain more time to challenge the conviction.

This is not Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s first setback after successfully convicting Trump on 34 counts in May. After a Supreme Court ruling in July that said that presidents enjoy presidential immunity for official acts, Trump has requested Merchan throw out his conviction, prompting the initial sentencing delay.

Trump has also attacked Merchan for profiting financially from his prosecution. The House Judiciary Committee has subpoenaed his daughter, Loren Merchan, for all documents related to her company’s work for Democrat campaigns, including the Biden-Harris campaign, which has attacked Trump for his legal battles, including those inside Merchan’s courtroom.

Bradley Jaye is a Capitol Hill Correspondent for Breitbart News. Follow him on X/Twitter at @BradleyAJaye.

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China ends international adoptions after decades of sending orphaned babies to western parents
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China ends international adoptions after decades of sending orphaned babies to western parents

China will no longer be allowing international adoptions effective immediately, according to a recent press brief. This comes after China has spent the last three decades allowing foreigners to adopt its orphaned babies, with hundreds of thousands of babies going to parents in Western countries such as the United States and Europe.

However, the country has established a slight exemption. It will allow foreign nationals to adopt Chinese-born children only if they are direct ancestral relatives or stepchildren, as reported by The Times. Foreign parents who have already begun the adoption process will no longer be allowed to continue with the adoption.

Chinese government spokeswoman Mao Ning told reporters: “In the future, except for foreign nationals coming to China to adopt children who are collateral relatives within three generations or stepchildren, China will no longer place children for adoption abroad.”

International adoptions increased in China after the one-child policy was introduced in 1979, which led to the abandonment of hundreds of thousands of babies, mostly girls since boys were culturally preferred. They were often left in the street.

The United States has been the primary recipient of Chinese orphans over the last 30 years. Spanish couples also adopted thousands of Chinese babies; however, the number of such adoptions to Great Britain and other European nations was significantly lower.

While the adoption process granted orphans the opportunity for a better life, it also came with abuses.

The amounts paid by foreigners, which were not considerably high by Western standards, were considered to be a lot in poorer parts of China. This resulted in allegations of corruption and babies being “stolen to order.” In the 1980s and 1990s, the domestic adoption “market” was served by a thriving trade in kidnapped babies, as per The Times.

Additionally, parents who gave birth to disabled infants and were unable to afford surgeries became aware that international charities would cover the cost of life-saving surgeries for abandoned children. As a result, parents would put their disabled children up for adoption.

Yanzhong Huang, an expert on global health systems at the US Council on Foreign Relations, wrote on X that the change to the adoption policy would negatively impact disabled Chinese children.

“The largest victims are likely children with special needs who were abandoned by their Chinese parents,” he said. “Few Chinese families are willing to adopt these children. As a result, most of them will likely have to remain in orphanages for life.”
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PETER MURPHY: RFK Jr. repudiated the Left on its out-of-touch climate policy
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PETER MURPHY: RFK Jr. repudiated the Left on its out-of-touch climate policy

“I didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me.”

Those words were not spoken by Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. last week. Rather, they are words of our nation’s 40th president, Ronald Wilson Reagan, who voted for Franklin Roosevelt for President all four times he headed the ticket. By the 1960s, Reagan made the formal Party switch.

The political transformation of Bobby Kennedy Jr., one of the scions of Democratic Party royalty and longtime environmental activist and lawyer, may be as impactful as Reagan’s more gradual evolution. Kennedy left his party last year to become an Independent, and recently endorsed Donald Trump for president.

A less sensational but very significant, related evolution by Bobby Kennedy, Jr comes from his views on climate change, which were discussed this week when he was interviewed by Tucker Carlson on his podcast.

Mr. Kennedy mentioned that America is undergoing a major political realignment between the two major parties, Democrat and Republican, of which Kennedy himself is an example of this current trend. One of the ways that is manifest is the Democrats’ climate agenda, specifically its embrace of “carbon orthodoxy.” As the Democratic Party has become the “party of the elites,” Kennedy asserted, “Democrats have become subsumed in this carbon orthodoxy, that the only issue is carbon.”

“Everything is measured by its carbon footprint as in how many tons of carbon something produces,” Kennedy said, which is “something you should never do as an environmentalist… commodify and quantify everything.” Rather, Kennedy stated, “the best thing you can do for climate is restore the soils. Soil absorbs carbon.”

CFACT (Committee For a Constructive Tomorrow) has written that climate policies are increasingly harmful to nature and traditional environmentalism. Kennedy echoed these points by condemning mining (for electric vehicle batteries), mountain clearing (for solar and wind projects), and off-shore wind turbines that are “exterminating the whales” – all policies favored by the present-day Democratic Party from which RFK Jr. departed.

Mr. Kennedy especially was critical of carbon capture pipelines, that are “wreaking havoc with agricultural lands across the Midwest, stealing private property rights with eminent domain…it is a useless technology that does not work; it’s all a boondoggle.”

“That’s what has become of the environmental movement in this country,” Kennedy said, “and if you depart from that orthodoxy, then you’re expelled from it.”

Kennedy acknowledged that he is “pretty much” expelled. And bravo for him; it’s a badge of honor.

The expulsion of Kennedy is more due to the government/corporate climate movement, where hundreds of billions of dollars are made by investment firms that are financing wind turbines, solar panels, carbon capture and other climate boondoggles than a war on nature itself. Kennedy singled out Goldman Sachs and Black Rock for cashing in on these climate policies.

Bobby Kennedy, Jr expressed an astute awareness that today’s climate agenda is not true environmentalism that respects and protects nature, as CFACT and numerous other activists and scientists have long argued. Perhaps the most riveting moment of his talk on the Carlson podcast was when he explained the importance of nature and the reasons we should be environmentalists, that there is a “spiritual connection.”

“When we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the Divine [and] understand who God is and what our own potential is and our duties as human beings,” Kennedy stated. “We preserve nature because we love our children; nature enriches us.”He went on to say that nature also “connects us to previous generations of human beings.”

The fact that Bobby Kennedy, Jr can generate so much news—and reaction—reveals the long-standing legacy of the Kennedy family, especially President John Kennedy, Bobby’s uncle, and his father, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, both of whom were the victims of assassins’ bullets.

As Bobby Jr., Robert’s third child, said during his speech recently when he endorsed Donald Trump for president, the Democratic Party has changed in significant ways from prior generations by embracing government censorship, “forever wars,” and corporate power, including over climate policies at war with wildlife, sea life, oceans and landscapes.

Agree with Bobby Kennedy, Jr or not, he has become a profile in courage, to coin the title of the book authored by his Uncle Jack nearly 70 years ago. But the scorn he is enduring from Democratic Party politicians and at least some of his own siblings, ultimately will be insignificant and fleeting.

More importantly, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s understanding of and his attack on the government and corporate collusion of climate policies that are harmful to nature and working, middle class Americans will be a more impactful and positive legacy.

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KENNY CODY: The Democrats’ lawfare against RFK Jr. proves they fear him
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KENNY CODY: The Democrats’ lawfare against RFK Jr. proves they fear him

On August 23rd, Independent candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. dropped out of the 2024 Presidential race with a twist. First, on the day he dropped out, Kennedy gave one of the most critical


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Weaker Than Expected: U.S. Added 142,000 Jobs in August, Earlier Months Revised Down, Manufacturing Jobs Crash
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Weaker Than Expected: U.S. Added 142,000 Jobs in August, Earlier Months Revised Down, Manufacturing Jobs Crash

U.S. job growth was significantly weaker than expected in August and job growth in prior months was revised down, suggesting that the labor market is even weaker than it looks.

The economy added 142,000 jobs, the Labor Department said on Friday.

Economists had forecast 160,000 jobs for the month.

The prior month’s jobs estimate was revised down from 114,000 to 89,000 and the June figure was revised down by 60,000 to just 118,000.

The unemployment rate dipped to 4.2 percent from 4.3 percent in July .The labor force participation rate remained at 62.7 percent, around where it has been for the past year.

Average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls increased by 14 cents, or 0.4 percent, to $35.21. Over the past year, average hourly earnings have increased by 3.8 percent. This was higher than expected.

Private sector payrolls grew by 118,000, missing expectations for 136,000. The July private sector estimate was revised down from 97,000 to 74,000.

The manufacturing sector shed 24,000 jobs, six times the expectation. The July figure, however, was revised up to show growth of 6,000 jobs rather than the earlier estimate of 1,000.

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