Originally Posted At WDW Pro YouTube Channel
To walk the streets of Dublin, Paris, or Rome today is to witness entire societies falling apart.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) told “The Alex Marlow Show” that House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA)’s spending bill will be “hugely harmful” to President-elect Donald Trump if it passes Congress.
The post Exclusive—Sen. Josh Hawley: Speaker Johnson’s Spending Bill Is ‘Hugely Harmful to President Trump’ appeared first on Breitbart.
The pork-packed spending bill negotiated by House Speaker Mike Johnson and unveiled days before its Friday deadline is an “embarrassment,” Sen. Josh Hawley said during an appearance on “The Alex Marlow Show.”
The post Exclusive — Sen. Josh Hawley: Speaker Mike Johnson Is ‘Trying to Jam’ Spending Bill ‘Down Our Throats’ appeared first on Breitbart.
“I will personally pay for you to fly out from New Jersey all the way to Phoenix so you can try to get the MAGA hats off of me and my brother’s heads.”
Congressional leadership slipped a provision into the stopgap spending bill that would block or stymie investigations into Congress.
The post Hill Leaders Slipped Scheme into Spending Bill to Block, Stymie Investigations into Congress appeared first on Breitbart.
“I usually hate this cliche, but this is the closest thing we have to a ticking time bomb,” a senior US counterterrorism official told Politico.
According to the Pentagon’s annual “China Military Power Report,” the country is currently on track to develop 1,000 warheads by 2030.