‘Shroud of Turin 2’ is said to be Jesus’ head cloth
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‘Shroud of Turin 2’ is said to be Jesus’ head cloth

As debate rages over the scientific veracity of proving the Shroud of Turin is actually the burial cloth of Jesus Christ, another relic has been drawing attention as the possible head cloth of Christ with an image that actually matches that on the famous Shroud. After falling into disrepute, the authenticity of the Shroud may have been substantiated by a new study that dates the hallowed back 2,000 years, the Daily Mail reported Monday.

But the head cloth of Christ, known as the Sudarium of Oviedo, and housed in a Spanish cathedral might actually be an exciting “discovery” by itself in addition to proving that the Shroud is real.

The Sudarium of Oviedo is also known as ‘the Shroud of Turin 2’ and some who have studied it believe that the image on the cloth – which may have been used to wrap after his death on the cross – is a match for the one on the Shroud and would have been used in the burial procedure.

A sudarium is literally a sweat cloth, used to clean a deceased person’s face from sweat and blood. Unlike the Shroud, the relic in Spain does not bear a discernible face but merely obvious stains.

The Bible, in John 20:6-7, describes how Jesus was wrapped in both a shroud and head covering. The head cloth has a meandering history that says it was recovered by Christian pilgrims in Palestine in 614 and presented to the bishop of Seville. The Sudarium has markings that appear to be remarkably similar to the image on the Shroud.

The person covered by the cloth is the same (AB) as that determined by testing the fabric of the Shroud. The length of the nose is the same in both cases.

In 1984, Dr Alan Whanger of Duke University placed the Shroud over the head cloth and noted “130 points of congruence between the shroud and the facecloth. We feel this is hard evidence that both were in contact with the same person,” the Mail noted.

The exact age of the cloth is unknown and subject to debate. Although its existence is confirmed by historical documents as dating to the ninth century, a radiocarbon test suggests the item is as old as 700. But radiocarbon dating can be rendered inaccurate by foreign substances being present on the material and this might apply to the head cloth as well. Researcher Cesar Barta has said that oils could have contaminated the cloth and produced a false reading, the Mail reported.

This Story originally came from humanevents.com


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VANESSA BATTAGLIA: RFK Jr endorsing Trump was a miracle
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VANESSA BATTAGLIA: RFK Jr endorsing Trump was a miracle

Friday, 23 August 2024 was a day for the history books – books we will need to write, because we know “the day RFK Jr announced and joined Trump’s Unity Party” is not likely to be uttered in the classrooms of governments schools by default. That’s a shame, considering what it would take to compel strong men to enter into such a rare arrangement.

Many, lately, feel called to help save this country, in response to Steve Bannon’s famous hypophora, “What is my task, and what is my purpose?” Many also feel that President Trump is the key implement uniquely appointed for the current historical moment. So it is not far-fetched to consider that we witnessed RFK Jr’s public answer before God in response to the call to form a bond with Trump.

Not only because he described his journey to this moment as fundamentally spiritual and guided by prayer. But because he took a sledgehammer to everything that had been in his way. He painted a huge target on his back. Then he wrapped up by mentioning twice that his family is unhappy with this move, and it grieves him; but it had to be done. He used the pretense of a farewell address, the only RFK Jr speech the mainstream media would relish airing, to go unrelentingly ham until CNN cut away in the middle anyway with the hosts chattering nervously over it.

Jesus warned that families would become divided, and that only he who hates his life in this world will keep it eternally. But you never think it’s going to happen on live TV. You certainly never thought you would see the government working over the weekend to try to make a man hate his life; but the headlines by Monday of that week proved otherwise.

RFK Jr gave a nearly hour-long speech, alone, before a small audience in a dignified but sparsely decorated setting. His wife, Cheryl Hines, incidentally, was not with him. But wives join in support and celebration, not a fight. And this was a fight; he deployed the rhetorical equivalent of a series of Hellfire missiles dead center on his enemies.

Much of the speech was a play-by-play of crimes of the Deep State, or as he simply called it, the Democratic Party. “The DNC waged continual legal warfare against both President Trump and myself…” Pow. “[The DNC] ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden.” Pow. “When a predictably awful debate performance precipitated a palace coup against President Biden, the same shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor…” Kaboom. “No policies, no interviews, no debates, only smoke and mirrors and balloons in a highly-produced circus.” Kablooie.  Then he went into a detailed timeline illustrating how the US was the aggressor, guilty of fomenting Ukraine-Russia tension – over several years and multiple administrations. Double kablooie.

How about how Trump called him just hours after being shot? For those who have been praying for Trump’s protection and for a miracle, this gem of a buried lede that RFK Jr unearthed halfway into his speech likely hit the “wow, an actual miracle is happening here” funny bone. This would be the second miracle associated with the failed assassination.

Most candidates running for office eventually drop out and endorse another candidate. But very few are called personally by the leading candidate minutes after emergency care for a gunshot wound. The stark imagery is hard to ignore. RFK Jr may not have arrived at his ultimate position but for Trump’s call. Another sign of the bond that has formed: the news of the call itself came from someone other than Trump. This shows mutual trust and respect, much-needed virtues for the coming times.

Nevertheless, RFK Jr pursued a data-driven decision-making process following the call. We were told he’d reached out to the Harris campaign to see what they had to offer, and was ignored – by the campaign running on defiance of gravity. No wonder Harris’ team didn’t wish to face the obvious electoral math.

Big mistake.

RFK Jr has amassed remarkable capital by sharing his perspectives and values through the political equivalent of small jazz clubs. I attended one such event last year, hosted by the First Principles Forum. He opened with an anecdote about the events that led his uncle, JFK, to say he wanted to “take that CIA and shatter it into a thousand pieces” shortly before he was assassinated. RFK Jr plied the audience with statistics about endocrine disruptors. He talked about falconry. It was sincere, quirky, and compelling. It was also surreal to hear personal anecdotes about assassinations – from a man whose visage is the last tie to that history, the embodiment of “skin in the game” – knowing that he was actively being silenced by the media. Case in point: YouTube removed the video of this referenced speech shortly after it was posted.

RFK Jr placed an existential target on his back that day. Knowing that the Secret Service would recall his protection faster than the FBI destroyed Thomas Matthew Crooks’ body, he went full-frontal scorched-earth. Michigan and Wisconsin would proceed to challenge his intention to be removed from their ballots. Spurious cocaine gossip was sniffed out by the same outlets that had ignored him for the past year.

The jarring report of headline return-fire has only proved RFK Jr’s point: the current occupants of the government have a single-minded agenda of state control, with any inconvenience or potential harm to contenders counted as a bonus.

Getting a jumpstart on dividing the family, RFK Jr’s sister released a pro-Harris X post signed by the other siblings before his speech was even over. Then she gleefully betrayed him in an ABC interview the next day.

But all these attacks over the coming days were too late. Forged in the fire with which he’d burned all the bridges hours earlier, RFK Jr emerged into the pyrotechnics of Trump’s rally a new man. Embracing, in the 2nd most iconic photo in a photo-worthy era, the two men displayed a new, stronger entity – the Unity Party – formed by the crucible of increasingly high-stakes politics. With a brief look of awe over the crowd, RFK Jr found his new family on a stage just hours after executing the speech that would break ties with his siblings on a different stage across town.

RFK Jr is a welcome, strengthening addition for Trump voters. His presence signals a truce on the matter of vaccines and vaccine mandates about which many ardent Trump supporters have inwardly held a grudge. MAHA, or Make America Healthy Again, strikes a resonant chord among the diverse gymrat/homesteader/slonker set who find this issue central to restoring American greatness. And the specter of political assassination – the darkest manifestation of power struggle, a sign that corruption has jammed the gears of transparency – is a skeleton that poetic justice tells us is RFK Jr’s privilege and responsibility to evict from the closet.

All who found spiritual meaning in President Trump’s sparing should also consider the changing of hearts inspired by that act, and the great good that can yet come from it. RFK Jr’s speech is available in text and video, as is the Trump rally; history made before our eyes.
This Story originally came from humanevents.com


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LIBBY EMMONS: The New York Times is actively trying to crush democracy
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LIBBY EMMONS: The New York Times is actively trying to crush democracy

The paper of record in the United States is actively engaged in undermining the foundations of our republic. If asked, I’m sure that the guest columnists and opinion editors would simply say that they are asking questions, but in fact the foundation the paper has been laying, for a few years now, is one upon which the remaking of the Constitution to abandon its founding ideals has begun.

The New York Times has been calling for the end of democratic process on the false premise that in some way this might save it. The two primary targets are the Electoral College and the Supreme Court. Many on the left think the former should be abolished, as it does not allow for majority rule and the latter should be expanded for the same reason.

With headlines like “The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous,” “Why I Won’t Vote,” “The First Amendment Is Out of Control,” and “Elections Are Bad for Democracy,” for which the title was later changed over backlash, the Times is creating the conditions for authoritarianism. The Times has published so many of these columns, like “The Constitution is Broken and Should not be Reclaimed,” “Let’s Give Up on the Constitution,” “The Constitution Won’t Save Us From Trump,” and “This Is the Story of How Lincoln Broke the U.S. Constitution.” Calling our foundational laws dangerous? Detailing the reasons to not uphold one’s duty to vote? Alleging that the First Amendment is too broad in protecting Americans’ free speech? Claiming elections themselves are bad for democracy? Encouraging Americans to literally give up on their founding documents? What does all that sound like?

Jennifer Szalai’s article about how “dangerous” the Constitution is takes aim at the Electoral College, that body of the American politic that protects the nation from being subjected to a tyranny of the majority. It gives smaller states a say in the election of the nation’s president in an egalitarian spirit similar to that which allows for every state to have an equal say in the Senate, with two senators each and gives every state at least one representative in the US House of Representatives. But for Szalai and the Times, not allowing the major population centers to run rough-shod over the entire American populace has created a “tyranny of the minority.”

“The argument that what ails the country’s politics isn’t simply the president, or Congress, or the Supreme Court, but the founding document that presides over all three, has been gaining traction, especially among liberals,” writes Szalai, as she details so many accounts of complaints from leftist scholars and authors who think the Electoral College is just a racist remnant of a dying republic.

“The anguish is,” Szalai writes, “in some sense, a flip side of veneration. Americans have long assumed that the Constitution could save us; a growing chorus now wonders whether we need to be saved from it.” As she digs into the history used to justify the racism of the document, namely that the founders could not agree on whether or not to chuck slavery in the document.

The compromise reached by delegates at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia was that the Southern states could not count those they kept enslaved as full persons as it would give those states an unfair advantage in the House and because those representatives would necessarily be representing people who were not permitted to vote. Instead, those enslaved persons would count as only 3/5ths. This widely misunderstood provision was a way to keep the union intact, not a way to legitimize slavery. So, too, was the Electoral College.

Szalai explores the view that these elements and a refusal to change them results in a “Constitution worship” of originalists. She writes “the damages of Constitution worship extend to the structure of the political system itself. National politics gets increasingly funneled through the judiciary, with control of the courts — especially the Supreme Court — becoming a way to consolidate power regardless of what the majority of people want. This disempowerment of majorities, combined with political gridlock and institutional paralysis outside the judiciary, fuels popular disaffection. The document that’s supposed to be a bulwark against authoritarianism can end up fostering the widespread cynicism that helps authoritarianism grow.”

This argument states that a refusal to allow a tyranny of the majority results in authoritarianism, rather than seeing that a tyranny of the majority IS authoritarianism. Many, if not all, of the checks and balances elucidated in the Constitution are designed to prevent the mob from obliterating the individual. Each of our cherished amendments in the Bill of Rights testifies to the importance and necessity of individual liberty over group think and group actions. Our criminal code of due process bears that out. At the federal level, there’s a reason there are three branches of government, including a bicameral legislature. It’s to ensure that the people have as much say as possible, as much opportunity to be heard, whether on large or small matters.

“The First Amendment Is Out of Control” states that protecting free speech and free expression is a problem for national security. “Elections Are Bad for Democracy” posits that “we might be better off eliminating elections altogether.” Meanwhile, “Why I Won’t Vote,” published on Independence Day, claims that “Voting is, strictly speaking, pointless.” In each of these, authors make claims that America would be better without its core tenets, that the country would be better if citizens gave up their right to self-determination.

We hear so much about democracy, who is attacking it, who is trying to save it, and with a sleight of hand, the Times, and their allied Democrats, have twisted the rhetoric to make it appear that destroying democracy is the way to save it and that upholding individual rights is somehow anti-democratic. Both of these are lies.

Is the Times being edgy? Salacious? Controversial? Maybe. But it’s also more than likely that the Times is planting seeds to normalize these ideas, to bring about the idea as commonplace that the majority should bowl over all opposition, crushing the little guy, and our individual rights, under their trampling heels.

This Story originally came from humanevents.com


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X reveals Brazil Supreme Court judge de Moraes banned opposition politician from criticizing his abuse of power
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X reveals Brazil Supreme Court judge de Moraes banned opposition politician from criticizing his abuse of power

Elon Musk‘s social media platform X established an account on Sunday dedicated to exposing Brazilian Supreme Court chief justice Alexandre de Moraes’ misdeeds and abuses of power. The account is called the Alexandre Files and Musk has promised a “daily data dump” of the “crimes” de Moraes has committed in response to his nationwide ban of X in Brazil.

“He can block this platform in Brazil, but he can’t stop the whole world from knowing his illegal, shameful & hypocritical deeds. Karma’s a b*tch bro,” Musk wrote.

The first thread posted on the account focuses on charges de Moraes brought against Brazilian senator Marcos do Val after he called out the chief justice and the Brazilian police chief on social media, saying that the police chief was acting as de Moraes’ “henchman” and violating Brazilian citizens’ “human rights.” Do Val also reposted content that called out the illegal nature of searches that were carried out by police under the direction of de Moraes.

In response, de Moraes blocked all of do Val’s social media accounts.


“In a decision issued on August 18, Alexandre de Moraes elaborated on the reasons for some of his illegal orders. In summary, he explains that anyone who seeks to expose him or his accomplices – in any way – must be silenced in the name of “democracy.”

“Below, we focus on de Moraes’ charges against a sitting Brazilian Senator, Marcos do Val, based on do Val’s social media posts. For these “crimes,” de Moraes ordered platforms to silence Senator do Val by blocking all of his social media accounts, in violation of Articles 5 and 220 of the Brazilian Constitution.

“De Moraes contends that Senator do Val committed a crime in the following (now-deleted) post by denouncing the Chief of the Brazilian Federal Police, Fabio Alvarez Shor, for acting as de Moraes’ henchman and violating Brazilians’ human rights on de Moraes’s orders.

“Pointing out that De Moraes and the Brazilian police chief are engaging in human rights violations is now a crime in Brazil.

“Today I come to the public to denounce a serious problem that is affecting the integrity of our nation and the security of our citizens. It is the Federal Police chief, Fabio Alvarez Shor, who has acted as the foreman of Minister Alexandre de Moraes, committing serious violations against the Constitution and the human rights of Brazilians. This delegate, hitherto unknown, has been hiding from social networks, but Brazil needs to know who is the executor of Alexandre de Moraes’ illegal orders. Shor has been raiding homes with illegal search warrants, pointing guns in the faces of children, and confiscating cell phones from those children. These actions are inhumane and unacceptable, and are being carried out under the false flag of the Federal Police, when in fact they are direct orders from Alexandre de Moraes, with the connivance of this cowardly delegate. In addition, it is important to note that Fábio Alvarez Shor disappeared from social networks after the murder of Federal Police agent Wilton Tapajós, in 2012. At that time, Shor was also an agent and later became a police chief. He was a witness in the process, as he was involved in Operation Monte Carlo that investigated Carlinhos Cachoeira. After the crime, which occurred in 2012, and the fear that spread among the federal police officers of the operation, Shor completely disappeared from social networks in 2013, probably out of fear. I want to take this opportunity to communicate to the press and the general public that the Federal Police is being used improperly. When it is said that the Federal Police determined, investigated, or indicted, it is actually Alexandre de Moraes who is behind it, with the consent of delegate Fábio Alvarez Shor. This delegate is already on the list of the International Criminal Court, and this was not for lack of warning. I have always warned that complying with illegal orders is, in itself, an illegality. I have received complaints from members of the Federal Police themselves who can no longer bear to see so many injustices. They are beginning to expose the outrage they feel, not only at the fulfillment of the illegal orders, but at the additional evils this delegate imposes on patriots and innocent citizens. It is unfortunate that people dedicated to the protection and security of the country are being betrayed by those who should be its leaders. Brazil, it’s time to make this delegate known. His name is already listed in the Organization of American States (OAS) and the International Criminal Court, and it will only be a matter of time before justice is served. Below is a message I received from a group of outraged federal police officers ‘This son of a bitch is police chief Fábio Alvarez Shor, who for years managed to remain anonymous, without photos on the internet. He is responsible for arresting innocent patriots and making thousands of children cry for their parents. He broke into the room of journalist Eustáquio’s daughter to take a child’s cell phone, and also indicted Bolsonaro. THIS COWARD HAS TO BECOME FAMOUS’ This is an outburst and a denunciation of a serious problem that can no longer be ignored. Brazil needs to know the truth and demand justice against those who abuse their power and violate the rights of citizens.”

“De Moraes likewise considers it a crime for Senator do Val to have “reposted on his social network on ‘Instagram’ a video published by teenager Mariana Volf Pedro Eustaquio,” daughter of journalist Oswaldo Eustaquio Filho.

“In the video, ‘children were filmed who would have been victims of Federal Police Delegate Fábio Alvarez Shor, for alleged abuses practiced when carrying out search and seizure warrants.’

“According to De Moraes, the now-deleted post below from Senator Do Val was also a crime because it threatened to expose criminal conduct by members of the Brazilian Federal Police acting under the direction of Alexandre de Moraes.

“Friends and acquaintances of the Federal Police, I want to share with you a message of extreme importance about individual responsibility in complying with illegal orders. Recently, in a conversation with the top leadership of the U.S. government, it was pointed out that, since the Nuremberg trials, it has been internationally recognized that individuals cannot exempt themselves from legal responsibility simply by claiming that they were following orders from above. This principle reinforces that the defense of “was only following orders” has since not exempted individual responsibility for acts that violate human rights. Federal police officers in Brazil need to be aware of this seriousness, which ranges from losing their passports to having assets seized and spending 22 years in a closed regime. We are working together with other international human rights bodies and have already gathered the names of all the federal police officers who appear in each investigation: investigators, experts, agents and delegates who acted illegally when carrying out arrest, search and seizure orders, among other illegalities already reported and already included in our dossier. Much is still to come to the detriment of those who violated human rights, whether they comply with an order from the superior or not. The wealth of details we have about each member of the Federal Police who contributed to illegal actions is impressive. We know what processes they have worked on, what anti-constitutional decisions they have made, and what actions have infringed on human rights. We have an extensive list of these police officers and they will all answer for their actions, as there is already sufficient evidence of the commission of crimes against human rights in all investigations. There is no more room for excuses such as: ‘I’m just following orders.’ I take this opportunity to thank you, on behalf of all the work that has been contributing for years both to us in the US and to Brazil.”

“De Moraes also takes issue with the following now-deleted post from the Senator. De Moraes does not even contend the post is false. His complaint seems to be that the post embarrassed him and the Brazilian Federal Police.

“COMPLAINT – The security operation of the delegations of the G20 meeting, which will take place in Brazil in November, is threatened by lack of money. Remembering that it is the DIP/PF that is responsible for this security and is busy carrying out political operations at the behest of AM. Here is the document we got today. #senadormarcosdoval.”

“Lastly, de Moraes considers it a crime for Senator do Val to say he would be ‘investigat[ing]’ the Federal Police who carry out de Moraes’ orders, because Senator do Val’s references to an investigation were ‘intimidat[ing].’ In Brazil today, directing intimidating words at those in power is a crime.

“STF has been investigating Federal Police since the beginning of the year! The STF is investigating a group of federal police officers who worked in the previous government who “were only following orders”. As I have been saying that complying with illegal orders is also a crime as it is in our Constitution and in the Penal Code. All the orders that the minister has demanded for the Federal Police to comply with are illegal. Whether for those who are in charge or for those who comply: Today it is this group; tomorrow, it will be you. The PGR was not in favor of the arrests of the operation, including a Federal Police officer who was escorting Bolsonaro, but the minister disregarded the PGR’s manifestation. The illegalities that Minister Alexandre de Moraes has been accused of committing involve a series of controversial and allegedly ‘unconstitutional actions’.”

This Story originally came from humanevents.com


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Tim Walz's Attorney General, Keith Ellison, Celebrates Brazil Banning X
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Tim Walz’s Attorney General, Keith Ellison, Celebrates Brazil Banning X

Keith Ellison, attorney general for Minnesota – the state where Kamala Harris VP pick Tim Walz serves as governor – on Monday celebrated Brazil’s supreme court banning Elon Musk’s X from the country.

In a post on X for Labor Day, Keith Ellison said in response to the ban, “Obrigado Brasil!” – “Thanks, Brazil!”

His post prompted severe online reactions.

“Tim Walz’s attorney general in Minnesota — Keith Ellison — thanks Brasil for crushing free speech platform X,” said The Federalist editor-in-chief Mollie Hemmingway.

As Breitbart News reported, Brazil blocked “Elon Musk’s X social media platform after the SpaceX and Tesla CEO refused to comply with the nation’s demands to blacklist certain accounts.

Musk claimed on his platform that the country also froze the assets of Starlink, his satellite internet company.

“Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered the country’s telecom agency to block access to X across Brazil, adding that anyone caught trying to access the social media platform could be fined nearly $9,000 per day, according to a report by the New York Times,” it added. “The move reportedly came after Musk closed his X office in Brazil after Moraes threatened to make arrests over ignoring his demands to remove X accounts that he said broke Brazilian laws.”

Paul Roland Bois directed the award-winning Christian tech thrillerEXEMPLUM, which has a 100% Rotten Tomatoes critic rating and can be viewed for FREE on YouTube or Tubi. “Better than Killers of the Flower Moon,” wrote Mark Judge. “You haven’t seen a story like this before,” wrote Christian Toto. A high-quality, ad-free rental can also be streamed on Google PlayVimeo on Demand, or YouTube Movies. Follow him on X @prolandfilms or Instagram @prolandfilms.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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The Unlikely 2024 Movie Revival: How Defeating Woke Defeated FLOPS! the Pro Show LIVE Ep 99
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The Unlikely 2024 Movie Revival: How Defeating Woke Defeated FLOPS! the Pro Show LIVE Ep 99

Originally Posted At WDW Pro YouTube Channel



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Kamala Harris Retreats in Scramble to Defend Blue States
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Kamala Harris Retreats in Scramble to Defend Blue States

Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign is going on defense as former President Donald Trump gains steam in blue states after Harris’s failure to achieve a post-convention bump, which most modern campaigns take for granted.

The campaign is sending Harris and her top surrogates — ticket mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and husband Doug Emhoff — to blue states after a weekend of planned swing state visits.

On Wednesday, Harris will reportedly visit New Hampshire — where she enjoyed only a four-point advantage, according to an Emerson College/WHDH survey before the convention — for a campaign event yet to be announced. Walz will be in his home state of Minnesota, where Trump has cut Harris’s lead from ten to only five points since Walz joined the ticket, according to two KTSP/SurveyUSA polls. Emhoff will reportedly cross the Potomac River for a fundraising trip in Virginia, another state where Trump has polled unexpectedly strong in the 2024 cycle.

An occasional detour during the usual long campaign season is not irregular. However, these trips are noteworthy for a nascent campaign only cobbled together after President Joe Biden’s implosion that must make every day count with barely two months before Election Day.

The blue state visits follow a weekend of planned swing state visits and, before that, a multi-day joint Harris-Walz romp through Georgia that left many pundits scratching their heads.

The unconventional scheduling is on the heels of a terrible week, highlighted by the campaign’s trashing of 13 Gold Star families — an attack that blew up spectacularly in the campaign’s face.

In another sign that the campaign is flailing, it is reportedly planning to send Biden to the campaign trail.

An ABC News/Ipsos poll revealed Sunday that Harris received “no overall bounce in support” after formally accepting her party’s nomination at the Democratic National Convention.

Bradley Jaye is a Capitol Hill Correspondent for Breitbart News. Follow him on X/Twitter at @BradleyAJaye.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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Irish teacher jailed for third time after refusing to use students’ preferred pronouns
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Irish teacher jailed for third time after refusing to use students’ preferred pronouns

A judge in Ireland sent evangelical Christian teacher Enoch Burke to jail for the third time because he refused to comply with a court order that prevents him from trespassing at Wilson’s Hospital School, where he has protested gender ideology policies, the Irish Examiner reported.

Justice Michael Quinn ruled that Burke should be imprisoned again for breaching the terms of a previous injunction that Burke not be allowed near the school. Quinn said the injunction has never been repealed.

The judge said “conclusive evidence had been put before the court,” demonstrating that Burke had been in the school’s vicinity on several occasions since Aug. 22. Quinn assessed this to be contempt for his ruling and sent Burke to Mountjoy Prison and adjourned proceedings until Oct. 11.

Quinn said Burke can get out of jail if he swears to not return to the school. The judge said he based his decision on testimony from the school’s acting principal, John Galligan, and its board of management chairman, who both said Burke’s presence near the school was a disruption.

Burke appeared before the court Monday evening after being arrested in front of the school earlier that day. The teacher Mr Burke was brought to the court on Monday evening following his arrest at the school’s campus that afternoon. Burke, who came to court with members of his family, said he was being punished because he refuses to condone “the hellish ideology of transgenderism

Burke was first suspended from his school for protesting a gender ideology session and asking the principal why students were being allowed to choose their pronouns. Burke acknowledged Monday that he expected to be sent back to jail even though he was being denied his right to exercise his religious convictions when he refused to call a student “they,” instead of a pronoun reflecting his or her biological sex.

The teacher said he understands that he is being persecuted for opposing gender ideology and “transgenderism” and that his civil rights had been “trampled into the ground.” but that “the truth will rise up again.”

He claimed that the truth about the case, namely that the litigation is all about his opposition to “transgenderism”, was being “trampled into the ground” but added “that the truth will rise up again.” When he was told that he would have to return to prison, the teacher said he would “have to answer to God.”

This Story originally came from humanevents.com


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Retired Military Leaders Slam Tim Walz for Dodging Iraq Deployment
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Retired Military Leaders Slam Tim Walz for Dodging Iraq Deployment

Retired military leaders who served with Democrat vice-presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) in the Minnesota National Guard slammed him for retiring after he knew his unit would deploy to Iraq, during an interview on the Megyn Kelly Show that aired Monday.

Army Command Sergeant Major (Ret.) Paul Herr called Walz leaving his unit “morally indefensible.”

Herr explained that, at the time, Walz was the senior enlisted leader of his battalion, and his job was to prepare troops under him as they readied to deploy to Iraq.

“Us as non-commissioned officers … I don’t think people [have] a good understanding of our role in the military. When push comes to shove, we got officers that are appointed over us, and our jobs, to make sure that those soldiers are motivated and educated and trained to the best of their ability with all the assets at hand to carry out the orders of the president of the United States and the officers appointed over them,” Herr said.

RELATED VIDEO — U.S. Veteran: Tim Walz Should Drop Out of Presidential Race for Lying About His Rank:

Matt Perdie / Breitbart News

“Back in World War I, when we were doing trench warfare, the officer would blow the whistle to leave the trenches and charge the enemy across the line. The non-commissioned officers’ job is to make sure that they’re motivated to the hilt, to come out of those trenches, and I’m going to be the point of the spear,” he added.

Herr said if he had told his troops, “Not today, I’m not going — you guys go right ahead,” that would be “a morale crusher.”

“It chews away at the fabric of the military and its ability to do its mission. It may not legally be wrong [but] it is morally indefensible,” Herr said.

Supporters of Walz argue that he retired from the National Guard in May 2005, two months before his unit was officially alerted of an upcoming deployment, but the retired leaders said that, as a senior enlisted leader, he likely knew of the deployment months before.

WATCH — Watch Tim Walz Lie About His Rank, Insinuate to Gold Star Parents He “Came Back” from War:


Indeed, in March 2005, Walz put out a statement about a possible upcoming deployment for his unit, and said, “As Command Sergeant Major I have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion for Iraq, but also to serve if called on. I am dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability, whether that is in Washington DC or in Iraq.”

Herr said he and other senior enlisted leaders could have retired like Walz.

“We didn’t. We had other soldiers that put their lives on total lockdown because of this, because they went to defend their country,” he said. “I’m not going to let my soldiers go forward without me. I trained them. I put myself right there with them. I’m going to suffer every hardship that they do. And that’s the position [Walz] was in. That’s the exact position he was in. And he walked away from it. He wasn’t gonna, he didn’t care. It was all about him.”

Follow Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong on “X”, Truth Social, or on Facebook.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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Kamala Harris Loses Support in Post-Democrat Convention Poll
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Kamala Harris Loses Support in Post-Democrat Convention Poll

Vice President Kamala Harris has lost support after the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, according to a Redfield & Wilton Strategies poll.

The results signal her campaign’s sputtering momentum.

The poll, published Monday, finds that 44 percent of the 2,500 self-reported likely voter respondents sampled on August 29 back Harris over former President Donald Trump, who draws 42 percent of support. Another eight percent are undecided, while four percent would vote for another candidate. A margin of error was not provided.

Harris is down three points from a Redfield & Wilton strategies poll taken on August 21, the third day of the DNC, while Trump is down two points. This marks a net one-point swing Trump’s way, showing no bump for Harris since she accepted her party’s nomination.

The current poll also shows that Trump’s latest indictment over his challenge of the 2020 election results has not harmed his prospects. Moreover, the survey reveals how Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s departure from the field and endorsement of Trump has affected the race.

The share of undecided Americans in this poll is four points higher than the August 21 poll, which had Kennedy at three percent of support. The option “other” has also increased by four percent, indicating lesser-known third-party candidates have drawn some of Kennedy’s support.

The race between Trump and Harris is much closer than the contest between Trump and President Joe Biden at a similar point in the 2020 cycle, according to a Redfield & Wilton poll at the time. The August 20, 2020, survey of 2,000 respondents found Biden with a 10-point advantage over Trump.

In that poll, Biden and Trump registered at 49 percent and 39 percent, respectively. Nine percent were undecided, while three percent went to third-party candidates. Harris is underperforming Biden by five points, while Trump outperforms his previous mark by three points.

The latest poll finds the most influential issues are the economy, immigration, and abortion. When asked to pick three issues that would most impact their vote, 62 percent selected the economy, 36 percent chose immigration, and 34 percent said abortion.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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