MSNBC Guest: Donald Trump Is 'Exactly Like Hitler'
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MSNBC Guest: Donald Trump Is ‘Exactly Like Hitler’

Reverend Dr. Jacqui Lewis said on MSNBC’s broadcast of “The Saturday Show” that former President Donald Trump is “exactly like” Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

Host Jonathan Capehart said, “Give me your response to what Donald Trump is doing?”

Lewis said, “It’s outrageous but expected by an authoritarian who wants to take us to Nazi Germany. We exploited racism, fascism to Nazi Germany. We know how to do it.”

She continued, “Let’s not pretend that Donald Trump isn’t exactly like Mussolini, exactly like Hitler, he is that guy. I want to say something to the American people. I live in a neighborhood, Jonathan. You and I both have white partners. I live in a nice mixed neighborhood with all kinds of people, including Republican people who are nice people, who shovel your grass, who care about the neighborhood, care about the world, right? You nice people don’t want this guy just because your economy worked better for five minutes under his regime. You nice Christians, you kind, loving Jewish people, we’re not these people. We’re not these people.”

Lewis added, “And we’re not going to get what we want if we elect this fascist, authoritarian weasel.”

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FRONTLINES: Number of foreign-born US citizens reaches highest level in over 100 years
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FRONTLINES: Number of foreign-born US citizens reaches highest level in over 100 years

According to a report by The New York Sun that analyzed 2023 data from the American Community Survey, the proportion of foreign-born US residents rose to 14.3 percent in 2023, up from 13.9 percent in 2022, marking the highest rate since 1910, when it was 14.7 percent. This trend highlights the significant role of immigration in shaping recent US population growth.

“We knew that here you can have savings, live well. Here you can have normal services such as water and electricity,” legal immigrant Luciana Bracho, who moved from Venezuela to Miami, told the outlet. “I like Miami and the opportunities that I have had.”

The data revealed that migrants accounted for more than two-thirds of US population growth in 2023 and nearly three-quarters of the country’s total growth over the past decade. The largest proportion of foreign-born residents in 2023 came from Latin America, rising from 50.3 percent in 2022 to 51.2 percent in 2023. Latin America was the only region with an increase in representation among US foreign-born residents.

In terms of ethnic demographics, US residents identifying as Hispanic increased from 19.1 percent to 19.4 percent, while the share of those identifying as white dropped significantly from 57.7 percent to 57.1 percent. The percentage of those identifying as black also saw a slight decrease, from 12.2 percent to 12.1 percent.

The data further revealed that states experiencing the increases in foreign-born residents included Delaware, Georgia, and New Mexico, while states such as Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, and North Dakota saw slight decreases.

This piece first appeared at TPUSA.

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JOBOB: New Hampshire Supreme Court rules in favor of school district educators hiding transgender status of students from parents
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JOBOB: New Hampshire Supreme Court rules in favor of school district educators hiding transgender status of students from parents

The New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled on Friday to uphold a Manchester School District policy that instructs school officials not to inform parents if their child identifies as transgender. The decision affirms a lower court ruling that had previously dismissed a lawsuit challenging the policy.

The policy in question states that school personnel “should not disclose information that may reveal a student’s transgender status or gender non-confirming presentation to others unless legally required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure.” In 2022, a mother in the district filed a lawsuit, arguing that the policy infringes on her parental rights by preventing her from being informed about her child’s so-called gender identity.

However, in a 3-1 decision, the New Hampshire Supreme Court upheld the previous ruling from a lower court that dismissed the lawsuit. Chief Justice Gordon MacDonald, writing for the majority, stated, “By its terms, the policy does not directly implicate a parent’s ability to raise and care for his or her child,” Chief Justice Gordon MacDonald wrote in the decision.

“We cannot conclude that any interference with parental rights which may result from non-disclosure is of constitutional dimension,” the decision stated.

The mother who filed the lawsuit discovered that her child had requested school officials to use a name associated with the opposite sex. When she learned of this, she asked the school’s faculty to refer to her child by their birth name and pronouns corresponding to their biological sex. However, the school principal informed her that the staff was “held by the district policy” and could not “disclose a student’s choice to parents if asked not to.”

In her dissenting opinion, Justice Melissa Beth Conway argued that “accurate information in response to parents’ inquiries about a child’s expressed gender identity is imperative to the parents’ ability to assist and guide their child.”

Following the decision, the Manchester School District praised the ruling. According to a press release obtained by the Daily Caller, the district stated that the superintendent and district leadership are pleased with the court’s decision to uphold the policy.

This piece first appeared at TPUSA.

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Media Bury Kamala Harris's Disastrous First Solo Interview
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Media Bury Kamala Harris’s Disastrous First Solo Interview

The mainstream media have buried Vice President Kamala Harris’s first solo interview in the eight weeks since she joined the presidential race, either failing to report it or claiming, falsely, that it was a great success.

Harris spoke to Philadelphia’s WPVI-TV, known as 6 ABC, and struggled to express a coherent thought as she rambled through five straightforward questions from reporter Brian Taff.

The Harris campaign trusted a local ABC affiliate after ABC News’ moderators sided with her during last week’s debate. Taff asked specific questions, but — perhaps given time constraints — did not follow up on Harris’s answers.

Asked for specific policies that would bring down costs and make life more affordable for Americans, for example, Harris talked about her supposedly middle-class upbringing, and how her neighbors cared about their lawns.

Several minutes into her answer, Harris eventually landed on a talking point about an “opportunity economy,” mentioning plans for a tax credit for small business owners and help for down payment for first-time home buyers.

Asked what made her different from President Joe Biden, Harris again struggled. She alluded to the fact that she is younger than Biden (“a new generation of leadership”) and repeated her point about the “opportunity economy.” The rest of her answer was incoherent.

The only time Harris gave a somewhat clear response, on gun control, it was contradictory: “We’re not taking anybody’s guns away,” she said, before saying that she supported an “assault weapons ban” that would do just that.

The interview reinforced fears that Harris cannot respond to unscripted questions, and suggested that her debate performance last week, which many viewers thought was strong, was the result of rehearsed answers. (Indeed, on many occasions during the debate, Harris simply evaded the question she was being asked, most notably the first question: “When it comes to the economy, do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago?”.)

But the mainstream media either failed to report Harris’s disastrous interview, or distorted what happened.

Deadline reported the interview under the headline: “No Mention Of Anyone Eating Pets, Kamala Harris Promises “New Generation Of Leadership” In First Solo TV Interview Since Becoming POTUS Candidate.” Reporter Dominic Patten wrote that  Harris “stuck to her talking points” and “stayed focused on her pitches for the economy, giving working Americans a leg-up, gun ownership, and reducing crime.” (There was no discussion of reducing crime in the interview, and Patten ignored the fact that Harris largely evaded the question of making life more affordable.)

Newsweek published “key takeaways,” telling readers that Harris “gave specifics on her ‘opportunity economy’ plans,” when in fact Harris had avoided specifics, meandering through talking points, especially on her economic policies. gave a more straightforward writeup, but hid the fact that Harris could barely string a sentence together. It cleaned up one of her answers by changing the question Harris was asked. For example, reporter Sareen Habeshian wrote: “Asked about her plan for the economy, Harris pointed to her plans to provide a tax credit for starting a small business and give first-time homebuyers assistance on a down payment.” Harris was not asked about a general economic plan; she was asked for specifics about “bringing down prices and making life more affordable.”

The BBC also published a positive writeup that hid Harris’s poor performance, though it noted — unlike Axios — that when “Harris was asked how she would bring down prices for Americans,” i.e. not a general plan, she mentioned her small business and home ownership plans, and that the “price-tag for the plan and who might qualify are unclear.”

CNN, where Harris gave her first interview of any kind last month since joining the campaign in July, albeit seated alongside running mate Tim Walz, simply published the 6 ABC the interview without further commentary.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of The Agenda: What Trump Should Do in His First 100 Days, available for pre-order on Amazon. He is also the author of The Trumpian Virtues: The Lessons and Legacy of Donald Trump’s Presidency, now available on Audible. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

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Taylor Swift Endorsing Kamala Harris Backfires as Poll Shows More Voters 'Much More Likely' to Vote Trump Over Harris
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Taylor Swift Endorsing Kamala Harris Backfires as Poll Shows More Voters ‘Much More Likely’ to Vote Trump Over Harris

A new poll shows that pop star Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris for president may not have moved the needle in the candidate’s favor, and, in fact, may have backfired.

Surveying 1,120 potential voters between September 11-12 with a ± 3.8% margin of error, the YouGov poll showed that a majority of voters (66 percent) said that Swift’s endorsement made no difference while only 8 percent of voters would either be “somewhat” or “much more likely” to vote for Kamala Harris due to Swift’s endorsement. Conversely, a full 20 percent said they are “somewhat” or “much more likely” to vote for former President Donald Trump.

Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala Harris for president following the first debate last week, though she advised Americans to do their own research. Perhaps, many already have.

“I think the best thing about a football locker room, and kind of how I grew up in baseball locker rooms, is that people can come together and achieve a common goal,” said Mahomes. “I think that if we can do that as a nation, I think we can get the best out of each other. I think that is something I do every single day.”

“When I hang out with other people I don’t think about political views,” he continued. “I think about how they treat people. And I was with a lot of great people this weekend.”

Despite the polling, some good news did yield for Harris as a result of Swift’s endorsement, with reports indicating that she drove over 400,000 people to register on

Per USA Today:

As of Wednesday evening, a custom URL shared by Swift on her Instagram story that expired after 24 hours had directed 405,999 visitors to, according to a spokesperson from the General Services Administration (GSA) speaking to USA TODAY on Thursday.

By comparison, in the week leading up to the debate, from Sep 3-9, 2024, received about 30,000 visitors a day.

The Democrats are taking advantage of the pop star’s backing, erecting billboards in Las Vegas and New York City that read “We’re in Our Kamala Era,” a play on Swift Eras Tour.


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Last week, Kansas City Chiefs star quarterback Patrick Mahomes  said he will not endorse a candidate for president this election cycle, even though his wife Brittany has liked pro-Trump posts on social media.

“I’ve always said, I don’t want my place and my platform to be used to endorse a candidate — either way,” Mahomes told reporters last week. “I think my place is to get people registered [to vote], do their research and make their best decision for them and their family. Every time I get asked these questions, I’m going to refer back to that because I think that’s what makes America so great.”

Patrick Mahomes emphasized his appreciation for the fact that Americans can see people of different stripes coming together, such as when he and Brittany were seen with Taylor Swift and her boyfriend Travis Kelce at the US Open tennis tournament in New York.

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Netherlands declares state of emergency over migrant crisis
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Netherlands declares state of emergency over migrant crisis

The Netherlands, under the leadership of Geert Wilders’ right-wing party, announced on Friday that it would be declaring a national state of emergency in an effort to reduce the influx of asylum seekers.

The government plans to end its policy of granting open-ended asylum permits and limit the circumstances under which those granted asylum can bring family members into the country. Currently, around 40,000 asylum seekers enter the Netherlands each year, according to DW.

The emergency law will also allow the Dutch government to suspend decisions on new asylum applications for the next two years and limit the facilities available to asylum seekers.

“We are taking measures to make the Netherlands as unattractive as possible for asylum seekers,” explained Asylum Minister Marjolein Faber in a statement.

To implement these emergency powers to combat its ongoing migrant crisis, the Dutch government will issue a royal decree, allowing it to bypass parliamentary approval, similar to actions taken during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it will need to prove that these policies are legally justified.

The move comes after Geert Wilders’ election victory last year, which was driven by his promise to implement the strictest migration laws in the European Union (EU). In response to the Dutch government’s aims, the EU will likely push back on such policies as members have previously agreed to the EU’s migration pact, and opt-outs are typically discussed during the negotiating phase.

However, the Dutch government has reaffirmed its intention to seek an exemption from the pact.

In response to the Dutch government’s announcement, EU spokesperson Eric Mamer stated, “We have adopted legislation, you don’t opt out of adopted legislation in the EU, that is a general principle.”

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Report: Most of Michigan's 'Uncommitted' Won't Support Kamala Harris
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Report: Most of Michigan’s ‘Uncommitted’ Won’t Support Kamala Harris

It appears Most of Michigan’s “uncommitted” community, which protested the Biden-Harris administration’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war in the Democrat primary, will not back Vice President Kamala Harris in the general election, according to a report.

Ryan Grim, the co-host of Counter Points and editor of Drop Site News, wrote in his newsletter on Substack Friday that the temperature at the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee conference in the Arab-dense city of Dearborn, Michigan, was cold toward Harris:

Much of the talk at the conference was about whether the community would wind up supporting Kamala Harris in the general election. The consensus seemed to be that the vast majority will not do so. Green Party nominee Jill Stein, ahead of Harris in some polls of Muslim voters here, even spoke on opening night and was given quite a warm welcome.

Michigan was notably where the uncommitted movement began. The “Listen to Michigan” campaign aimed to get 10,000 uncommitted votes in the Democrat primary to protest the Biden-Harris administration for a ceasefire in the war.

Listen to Michigan smashed its goal, as the uncommitted option garnered 100,000 votes, approaching the 154,188 vote margin that Biden won Michigan by against former President Donald Trump in the 2020 election. The movement includes Muslims, Arab Americans, young voters, and far-left progressives.

In Dearborn, Biden actually lost to the uncommitted option by a wide margin. Uncommitted drew 6,432 votes (57 percent), while Biden followed with 4,526 votes (40 percent).

The movement spread to other states, like Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania, as the Biden-Harris administration failed to secure a ceasefire deal. What is more, Biden signed legislation sending $26.3 billion in defense support to Israel in April, even after the uncommitted movement had made waves in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

The divide on the left has persisted, if not worsened, despite Harris supplanting Biden at the top of the ticket in July. During her first interview with CNN, well over a month after becoming the presumptive Democrat nominee, Harris doubled down on her and Biden’s Israel policies.

She initially skirted a question from CNN’s Dana Bash about potentially withholding “some U.S. weapons shipments to Israel.” Bash followed up, asking, “But no change in policy in terms of arms and so forth?”

“No, we have to get a deal done,” Harris said.

“I remain committed — since I’ve been on October 8 — to what we must do to work toward a two-state solution where Israel is secure and, in equal measure, the Palestinians have security, self-determination, and dignity,” she went on to add.

Grim analyzed the interview the next day while hosting Breaking Points alongside the show’s regular host, Krystal Ball, and drilled down on Bash’s use of “some” in her line of question.

“The Biden administration has even said they would restrict ‘some’ weapons, like the 2,000-pound bombs used for offensive purposes,” he said.

“People keep saying that Harris is better rhetorically and more empathetic. Where’s the empathy there, when you’re actually not even standing by the tiniest of concessions that the Biden administration, her administration has made?” he added.

Grim’s report Friday also comes as Harris is losing to the Green Party’s Jill Stein and Trump with Muslim voters in Michigan, according to a poll from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

The survey found that 40 percent of the Muslims who responded back Stein, 18 percent support Trump, and 12 percent back Harris. Another 21 percent are undecided.

The United Arab Emirates has notably categorized CAIR as a terrorist organization, and a U.S. federal judge ruled in 2009 that evidence existed “to establish” ties between CAIR and Hamas, as Breitbart News has noted:

In 2007-8, CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the terror financing trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. That case, in turn, led the FBI to discontinue its work with the organization. In 2009, a federal judge ruled that the government “produced ample evidence to establish” the ties of CAIR with Hamas, the Palestinian terror organization. The United Arab Emirates labeled CAIR a terrorist organization in 2014 (a decision that the Obama administration opposed).

The August 25-27 CAIR/Molitical Consulting LLC survey included 1,478 responses, “1076 of which were verified and matched to the national voter file,” and the margin of error is ±2.95 percentage points.

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Exclusive–Bernie Moreno: Sherrod Brown Resorts to Attacks Because 'His Record Is So Abysmal'
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Exclusive–Bernie Moreno: Sherrod Brown Resorts to Attacks Because ‘His Record Is So Abysmal’

Ohio Republican Senate candidate Bernie Moreno told Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday that his opponent, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), is opting for attacks over substance because “his record is so abysmal.”

Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle asked Moreno, a very successful businessman who built one of the largest auto dealership groups in the United States, about attacks Brown has levied against him regarding a lawsuit over wages at a Massachusetts dealership he used to own.

The lawsuit, from two former employees, came after the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled in a separate case, unrelated to Moreno, that commissioned salespeople were entitled to overtime, and the ruling was retroactively applied statewide, according to the Republican Senate nominee.

“Sherrod Brown’s never had a job that wasn’t being an elected official. So, of course, he’s going to vilify anybody who had a real job that wasn’t being paid for by the taxpayer with no accountability. So let’s just get that out of the way,” Moreno said.


Breitbart · Bernie Moreno – September 14, 2024

He detailed how he built his business from one dealership into fifteen, with thirty brands company-wide.

“We succeeded because I had great people working in my company,” he said. “I knew that my job was to take care of my people, and then the people who worked with me would take care of my clients. And that recipe worked.”

“We were one of the most awarded dealer groups in the country, not just because we sold a lot of cars, but because we took great care of our team members and our clients,” he added. “In fact, the Cleveland Plain Dealer rated my company one of the best places to work in Northeast Ohio multiple years in a row.”

Moreno said that Brown has “latched on to one particular case at a Massachusetts dealership in which the salespeople at a furniture store, nothing to do with me, sued the furniture store saying that commissioned salespeople were entitled to overtime.”

The lawsuit reached the Massachusetts Supreme Court, which ruled, long after Moreno had sold his dealership, that commissioned salespeople are entitled to retroactive overtime pay, affecting all commissioned businesses in the Bay State.

“The Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled a year after I sold my dealership, by the way, they ruled that in Massachusetts, commission salespeople are entitled to overtime, which would have been perfectly fine because, of course, we would have followed whatever law existed at that moment in time,” he detailed.

“But they made the ruling retroactive, so they went backward and said, ‘If you don’t agree with our interpretation of wage law, you owe all this overtime,’” he continued. “Every commission business in Massachusetts was affected whether it’s a furniture store, a car dealership, not just my business,” he added.

Following that Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling, two of Moreno’s former employees brought a lawsuit against him.

“I had probably 60 salespeople during the four years I owned that dealership,” he said. “Two of them that, by the way, were the worst performing salespeople in terms of showing up on time–these were salespeople that made $150,000 to $200,000 a year. If they showed up 35 hours in the week, it was a big deal; in fact, one of them was fired because he didn’t show up to work on time. They sued me.”

“Of course, an uber-liberal Boston jury heard the case for a week and, in seven to ten minutes, decided exactly how much overtime these two salespeople were entitled to,” Moreno continued. “It was in the teens, you know, maybe 12, 13,14, $15,000 over three and a half years, between the two of them; they awarded that. And, of course, in Massachusetts, you’re subjected to crazy penalties and attorney fees, and that’s how it got $400,000.”

Moreno said the process demonstrates the importance of Supreme Court races in states that have them, like Ohio, emphasizing, “If you put radical lunatics in these courts, they’re going destroy this country.”

He added that Brown has to resort to bogus attacks instead of focusing on substance because Brown’s “record is so abysmal.”

“His record is open borders, high prices, instability all over the world, an assault on American energy, and a failure to stand up to China,” Moreno said. “That’s how we’re going to win this race: by focusing on that.”

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

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Mark Matson: Kamala's Tax Policies Are an 'American Dream Destroyer'
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Mark Matson: Kamala’s Tax Policies Are an ‘American Dream Destroyer’

Mark Matson, a financial expert and author of Experiencing the American Dream, told Breitbart News Saturday Vice President Kamala Harris’s proposed policies are an “American Dream destroyer.”

Maston wrote Experiencing the American Dream: How to Invest Your Time, Energy, and Money to Create an Extraordinary Life, a book on how to invest to cultivate Americans’ financial future. The book releases on Sunday.

Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle asked if the American dream is slipping away for many Americans.

Matson responded, “We have to fight for it. This is really a fight for the future of the country. Are we going to go down the socialist, Communist road and have the Communist dream? Or, are we going to have the American Dream that’s funded by capitalism and free markets and entrepreneurship?”

The author then cited a Wall Street Journal study that the American dream largely includes:

  • Owning a home
  • Having a family and children
  • Being able to send one’s children to college
  • Being able to retire

“All of these things became more difficult under this administration,” Matson said.

Matson said that Harris has proposed many harmful policies, including higher taxes, price controls, and regulations, which run counter to the American dream.

He said these policies are “an American dream destroyer.”

Boyle then asked what policies a potential future Trump administration would have to enact to help Americans achieve their dream.

Matson said that they have to keep the Trump tax cuts, noting that if they expired, Americans may experience 20 to 30 percent higher taxes.

He also called to reduce capital gains and keep taxes on corporations low.

Matson said that Trump should have “capital gains stay at 20 percent or go down to zero. That’s already your money, you grew it to fulfill your family dreams. You should not be putting a 28 percent on corporations.”

With lower corporate rates, Matson said that more businesses would “want to come to America and create jobs.”

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.

Sean Moran is a policy reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on X @SeanMoran3.

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NYT Removes Nazi Language from Headline of Criticism of JD Vance
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NYT Removes Nazi Language from Headline of Criticism of JD Vance

The New York Times removed a controversial headline of a column critical of Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), Donald Trump’s running mate.

The original headline – “JD Vance’s Blood-and-Soil Nationalism Finds Its Target” – used a term closely associated with the Nazi Party during Adolf Hitler’s reign of Germany.

The use of “blood and soil” generated an immediate backlash of accusations that the paper tied Vance’s America First policies with German nationalism espoused by the Nazi party.

The heat appears to have spurred the paper to edit its headline to “Shouldn’t JD Vance Represent All of Ohio?”

But screenshots of the original headline live on.

The New York Times and other establishment media outlets have overwhelmingly given Trump and Vance negative coverage, while praising Harris and her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN).

The outlet praised Harris for her supposed decisive debate night victory Tuesday, despite polls conducted after the debate showing Trump continued to rise.

Bradley Jaye is a Capitol Hill Correspondent for Breitbart News. Follow him on X/Twitter at @BradleyAJaye.

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