JOSEPH MANNARINO: It’s time to push back against biological males competing in women’s sports
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JOSEPH MANNARINO: It’s time to push back against biological males competing in women’s sports

Alright, folks, it’s time to address the glaringly obvious: the integrity of women’s sports is under attack, and it’s not coming from where you’d expect. We’re talking about biological men competing in women’s events. This isn’t just a matter of fairness; it’s an outright assault on the hard-won rights and achievements of female athletes. ESPN just fired a female announcer who was critical of men competing in women’s sports, male cyclists continue to dominate in women’s events, and the Olympics is so confused that they couldn’t figure out what a woman is even after biological testing.

Let’s clear this up: women’s sports were created to provide a level playing field for female athletes. Allowing biological men to compete against women turns that playing field into Mount Everest—good luck competing on that. Biological differences—like muscle mass, bone density, and lung capacity—give men a distinct and undeniable advantage. This isn’t discrimination; it’s basic biology and it’s facts.

Imagine training your whole life, only to face someone with an inherent physical advantage. That’s the reality for many female athletes today and I think it’s unacceptable. Women are being literally beaten (yes, physically, with punches) by men in competitions meant to showcase female talent. This isn’t progress; it’s a step back to when women’s sports were seen as a side show, their achievements less valued.

The recent inclusion of biological men (chromosomes don’t lie) in women’s categories at the Olympics has been a particularly cringe-worthy example. The Olympics, once the pinnacle of athletic excellence, now have men taking podium spots in women’s events. This doesn’t just smack of unfairness; it’s a slap in the face to female athletes who’ve sacrificed so much. And let’s talk about those opening ceremonies. What used to be a celebration of global unity now feels like a performance art piece that belongs at a Marxist art gallery. Seriously, I half expected someone to start reciting slam poetry about climate change.

And speaking of the opening ceremonies, they left millions of Catholics shaking their heads. It wasn’t just unnecessary; it was a display of degeneracy and blatant LGBT advocacy, making many viewers wonder if they were watching the Olympics or a new-age cult gathering.

Remember when the Olympics symbolized human achievement and unity? Now it seems more focused on making political statements and appeasing the loudest voices. The ceremonies resemble a ritualistic spectacle, with performances that are not just confusing but often downright offensive to traditional cultures.

This isn’t just an Olympic problem. High schools, colleges, and professional leagues across the United States of America are all grappling with this issue. Policies that allow biological men to compete in women’s sports are driven by a small but vocal minority, leaving the majority of athletes, coaches, and fans watching in frustration as fairness and common sense are tossed aside. And if you dare say anything, brace yourself for the onslaught from the globalist rainbow mafia.

It’s time for those of us who value sanity and the future of women’s sports to speak up. Policies need to reflect biological realities and protect the integrity of women’s competitions.

What message are we sending young athletes and our youth when we allow biological men to dominate women’s sports? We’re telling them their hard work and dedication don’t matter, that their achievements will always be overshadowed by those with inherent physical advantages. And the sad thing is, we live in a world full of people who think this makes sense.

The Olympics and other sports organizations need to remember what made them great: fair competition, respect for all athletes, and a celebration of true excellence. It’s time to end this charade and stand up for the integrity of women’s sports.

The Olympics, once a symbol of global unity and excellence, has been downgraded by these decisions. Let’s reclaim the values that made sports great and ensure every athlete has a fair chance to compete and succeed. Stand up for women’s sports and demand the respect and fairness they deserve.

Joseph is a Conservative Political Commentator and Digital Marketing Strategist. He can be found on X @JoeyMannarinoUS
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Democrats Beg Kamala Harris Not to Release Policy Agenda Before Election 
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Democrats Beg Kamala Harris Not to Release Policy Agenda Before Election 

Democrats appear rattled that they could lose Senate, House, and presidential elections if Vice President Kamala Harris is transparent about policy solutions to reverse the administration’s failures.

Harris, who has not held an unscripted press conference for 26 days since joining the race, is facing calls to not only remain hidden from the press but to keep her proposed policies a secret as she prepares to deliver economic proposals in North Carolina on Friday.

Harris, however, already published several policies, such as socialist-style price controls, subsidies for homeowners, and two policies that copy the Trump-Vance ticket: a child tax credit and no tax on tips.

“She doesn’t need to negotiate against herself. We’ve got the biggest possible tent right now,” Rep. Ann McLane Kuster (D-NH), told Politico. “I don’t think there’s a real strong reason for her to try to weed out any points of view right now.”

Harris’s honeymoon phase of the campaign energized some Democrats, while others raised concerns against doing anything that could end the phase.

RELATED — Trump: Harris’s Honeymoon Period Will End When People Get to Know Her


“They [voters] have very little knowledge about who she is, what her job has actually been,” one battleground-district House Democrat said. “They know Trump. They know what his policies are. They don’t know Kamala. And so Kamala has a ton of room right now to define herself.”

Seventy percent of registered Democrats and independents who voted for President Joe Biden in 2020 are mostly in the dark about many of Harris’s controversial and radical positions, a recent poll showed.

The warnings appear to be sinking in. Harris campaign advisers worry about publicly releasing “thorny details” of their economic plan because the specifics might backfire on the campaign, several people familiar with the discussions told the Wall Street Journal.

“Instead, they expect small shifts in emphasis that highlight her résumé and priorities” to hide the details of her agenda “amid concerns from some Democrats that releasing a lengthy plan could open the vice president up to criticism from Republicans and members of her party,” the Journal reported.

“Kamala needs to stop insulting the intelligence of voters and speak for herself to explain why she is running from every liberal policy she has ever supported,” the Trump campaign’s national press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, said in a statement, ripping Harris. “The mainstream media needs to stop being complicit in her lies and demand answers.”

The media have not interviewed Harris on television since June 24, 2024. The last time the press reportedly questioned her at a solo news conference was eight months ago — on December 2, 2023.

One reason Harris could be running a “basement” media strategy is to navigate policy debates within her own party. Anonymous campaign aides reportedly flipped-flopped on five of her radical-left policies, such as socialized medicine and fracking.

“There’s already uncertainty with just what does she believe, what she would do,” Jeff Nobers, executive director of Pittsburgh Works Together, told the Washington Post about Harris’s promise to ban fracking. “And if she doesn’t support a ban on fracking, what is her energy policy plan?”

Wendell Husebo is a political reporter with Breitbart News and a former RNC War Room Analyst. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality. Follow Wendell on “X” @WendellHusebø or on Truth Social @WendellHusebo.

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Taliban stages military parade with weapons Biden-Harris admin left behind during botched Afghanistan withdrawal
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Taliban stages military parade with weapons Biden-Harris admin left behind during botched Afghanistan withdrawal

On Wednesday, Taliban members paraded around a former American air base with abandoned American vehicles and weapons in observance of the third anniversary of the disastrous American pullout from Afghanistan. The Biden administration left behind billions of dollars in US military supplies while 13 US servicemembers were killed by a suicide bomber.

The Taliban flag was flown by a motorcycle formation and uniformed soldiers marched with light and heavy machine guns in commemoration of the takeover. Kabul’s streets were covered with pickup trucks that were packed with militant males of all ages.

According to Fox News, Taliban Cabinet members celebrated accomplishments like fortifying Islamic law and putting in place a military apparatus that purportedly offered “peace and security.”

Speaking to a global audience, the Taliban urged the West to communicate and work with the nation’s leaders. As of right now, no nation acknowledges the Taliban as the official government of Afghanistan.

“The Islamic Emirate eliminated internal differences and expanded the scope of unity and cooperation in the country. No one will be allowed to interfere in internal affairs, and Afghan soil will not be used against any country,” said Deputy Prime Minister Maulvi Abdul Kabir on Wednesday.

America’s fight to overthrow the Taliban and find the al-Qaeda members accountable for the 9/11 attacks was centered around Bagram Airfield. US Army Veteran Bill Roggio told Fox News: “This is the Taliban rubbing their victory over us in our face,” adding that, “The Biden administration’s effort to get out of Afghanistan quickly has led to the Taliban having an American-supplied arsenal.”

Suicide bombers killed 183 people, including 13 US service members, during a mass evacuation at Kabul airport on August 26, 2021. The United States replied by unleashing two drone strikes on suspects of ISIS-K terrorists, one of which killed ten Afghan civilians, including seven children. The failures of the withdrawal from Afghanistan have been placed on the Biden administration which experts have described as significant incompetence.

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EXCLUSIVE: Kash Patel says the Trump-Vance campaign will ‘steamroll’ the Harris-Walz campaign
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EXCLUSIVE: Kash Patel says the Trump-Vance campaign will ‘steamroll’ the Harris-Walz campaign

Jack Posobiec was joined by Kash Patel on Thursday’s episode of Human Events Daily during which he illustrated what the coming weeks look like for the Trump Campaign.

Patel, a senior adviser to Donald Trump, stated that the Trump campaign has a team of extremely strong leaders including Tim Murdoch who will be doing more than just rallies and digital media going into November.

He stated that Trump and JD Vance “are two names we need to take out to the American people on a daily basis, get past the mainstream media. Those are the names we want people talking about because their policies are the best to deliver. Those are the names that we want because Americans have decided that Donald Trump and JD Vance are the best policies for national security, for the economy, for diplomacy, to end the forever wars, to take on the cartels, to defeat the terrorists and so much more.”

“Biden, Harris, Walz have no policies, but what they do have is a bunch of staffers running around them, looking for the Hollywood headlights. And that is not how you run a campaign. It’s good for a two-week bump, but it’s going to end, and that burn is going to go out, and we’re going to see policy meet reality, and it’s going to steamroll, in my opinion, the Biden-Harris campaign,” he continued.

Watch the full episode below.

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Caruzo: My Country Tried Kamala-Style Price Controls -- It Led Venezuela to Disaster
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Caruzo: My Country Tried Kamala-Style Price Controls — It Led Venezuela to Disaster

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris is reportedly planning to introduce a price control scheme for food and groceries in America should she be elected – an alarming proposal to hear as a Venezuelan, who experienced the rampant shortages and economic chaos of price controls in the flesh.

I lived through the majority of the past 25 years of the disaster known as Venezuela’s socialist revolution, having only been able to flee from Venezuela a couple of months ago. Throughout the past 20 years or so, late socialist dictator Hugo Chávez and then his successor, Nicolás Maduro, signed off on several iterations of price controls in the same style as Harris’s reported policies, each one more disastrous than the last.

The prospect of buying things “cheaper” due to price controls may seem enticing. Who wouldn’t love to save a couple dollars here and there, especially under Bidenflation, which every single one of my American friends has been slammed by. But roughly two decades of price controls in Venezuela ultimately gave forth to severe shortages, rationing, corruption, and just unpleasant experiences and misery all around.

It got so bad that the Maduro regime, while still officially implementing price controls, has quietly stopped enforcing them for the most part. They have not publicly said why but, maybe, they finally realized how disastrous it is.

Venezuela’s price control disaster is a two-decades-old tale that began in early 2003. At that time, Hugo Chávez established severe price controls and imposed strict profit margins on meat, chicken, cheese, sugar, coffee, beans, milk, and other items. I remember that, for a time, the plan seemed to “function,” but this only lasted for so long and, by the late 2000s, shortages of the regulated items were commonplace. The price controls, together with inflation, led to situations where a kilogram of onions was more expensive than a kilogram of meat.

It’s very simple, really: who would want to produce and sell items at a loss? And if you do, how long can you sustain that? Not for long.

By 2011, Chávez doubled down on price controls. In addition to what was already subject to price regulations, Chávez added water, fruit juice, soap, bleach, dishwasher soap, detergent, toiletries like shampoo soap and deodorant, toilet paper, and even diapers to the list.

The new price control scheme sought to punish “capitalist” traders who “speculated” against the people by further imposing disciplinary actions should they disrespect the profit margins established by the socialist regime. Chávez said that the regulatory scheme was a new mechanism for the “transition to socialism” and a socialist economy that puts an end to the “vices of capitalism.”

Hugo Chávez died in 2013, but unfortunately, the price controls did not die with him.

If Chávez had doubled down on price controls before dying, Maduro tripled down on what he inherited. The rest is a tale you may already know: severe ID-based rationing of the regulated items and the implementation of fingerprint scanners to further clamp down on regulations, and just sheer socialist absurdity.

File/Customers walk through a public market in the Quinta Crespo neighborhood of Caracas, Venezuela, Dec. 11, 2022. Half of Venezuelan households do not receive enough income to cover the Food Basket, which puts them in a situation of extreme poverty, according to the 2023 Living Conditions Survey released Wednesday, March 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix, File)

To give you an example of how bad it all got with price regulations, in 2015, Maduro regime officials came up with a convoluted math “formula” to set a regulated price for eggs. The price was unrealistic and unsustainable by all measures, to the point that I vividly remember my mother telling me not to throw away the cardboard packaging that the eggs came in because, without it, a nearby market would not sell us eggs. The eggs were so over-regulated that they ended up costing far less than the two pieces of cardboard.

The price regulation of toiletries led to personal situations where I had to get some of them through an off-market “dealer.” These exchanges, often taking place at a street corner near my old apartment, felt like I was doing some shady illegal stuff like purchasing drugs — but no, there I was, buying bar soap to wash my hands and shower, a luxury for when there was actually running water, but that’s a whole other tale.

In late 2018, I went to this store near my home that sold toiletries, perfumes, and other goods in search of soap and shampoo. During those days, the National Guard had staged an “intervention” on the store and they were only letting people purchase one item regardless of what it was. After a long, long line, I ended up only being able to purchase something that was not exactly shampoo, but it would have to do for both me and my brother to wash our hair with.

The price regulations also hit medicine, leading to severe shortages of even the most basic pills, as no one could realistically manufacture them at a loss forever. This led to inhumane situations where I could not even find Omeprazole for my mom’s stomach woes, or antacids during the times when she was receiving chemotherapy for her liver cancer  — an incomplete treatment, by the way, as the Maduro regime, which controlled medicine imports, had long caused a health crisis through socialist mismanagement and stopped importing certain treatments. Maduro’s policies condemned thousands, including my mother, to death due to a lack of the complete required life-saving treatment. This continues to this day.

Antacids were also hard to find after the Maduro regime banned them alongside other items to prevent protesters from using them. As I could not find antacids, all I could do was give her water with baking soda.

The ID and fingerprint-based rationing of items also created an informal bartering system. For example, I was entitled to purchase a certain amount of diapers or baby food per week. I had no need to purchase either of them because there were no babies in my family, but there were parents who needed them.

What was common practice during those days was that I’d spend my weekly diaper allotment for someone else, who would in turn buy something I needed from his or her weekly allotments. Then, once we were out of the eyes of the National Guard or police, we’d trade the items and settle monetary differences.

What was the socialist regime’s “solution” to this? Demanding that parents show their babies’ birth certificates to be eligible to purchase diapers.

RELATED: Billboard of Maduro Set Ablaze Amid Venezuelan Election Protests

If you as a company would not produce toilet paper (at a loss), what was the Maduro regime’s response? Forcefully occupy your factory to make it produce toilet paper at gunpoint, leaving you with the losses.

Certain food companies that produced regulated items like rice or Venezuela’s flagship corn flour were able to offset some of the losses by also producing variants or other products that were not subject to the regulation, such as a specialized corn flour mixture to make cachapas (a sort of corn pancake). The Maduro regime responded to this practice by banning the production of said items.

As I mentioned, these regulations, while still active, are not being enforced, as the Maduro regime has other pressing matters to worry about, such as negotiating with the Biden administration or stealing sham elections. This means that toilet paper, eggs, and other once hard-to-find items can now be easily found on shelves, but for capitalist U.S. dollars instead of socialist bolivars.

If you need another example of the consequences of price controls, look to Cuba’s Castro regime, which announced new price controls in July as part of its “war-time economy” proclamation that seeks to “save socialism” in Cuba, a nation ruined by six decades of price communism.

Argentina, under the socialist government of alleged wife-beater Alberto Fernández, also insisted on price controls throughout Fernández’s disastrous presidency, claiming they would help fight off inflation — which they didn’t. President Javier Milei eliminated the price controls in January, among other policies eliminating socialist economic micromanaging, and inflation in Argentina has dramatically reduced every month as a result.

Christian K. Caruzo is a Venezuelan writer and documents life under socialism. You can follow him on Twitter here.

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Inflation Overload: Kamala Harris Will Propose $25,000 Govt Subsidies for First-Time Homebuyers
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Inflation Overload: Kamala Harris Will Propose $25,000 Govt Subsidies for First-Time Homebuyers

Vice President Kamala Harris will outline sweeping new federal subsidies for first-time homebuyers Friday when she addresses a rally in North Carolina.

Bloomberg reports the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee will propose offering as much as $25,000 for first-time homeowners as down payment aid via funding provided by taxpayers.

Under the program, more than one million first-time home buyers who have a two-year history of on-time rent payments would be eligible for “down-payment support” and leverage into a purchase.

The plan to subsidize housing demand followed an earlier announcement Harris wanted to impose government-controlled pricing on grocery stores in order to protect American consumers from grocery store price hikes, as Breitbart News reported.

Harris’s housing proposal, which is designed to ease the progress of young buyers onto the property ladder, has sparked critics to ask: Won’t every home-seller just increase their sale price by $25,000?

Harris will apparently offer details on the plan during a speech in Raleigh, North Carolina, according to campaign officials.

The initiative would only be open to individuals who have consistently paid their rent on time for at least two years as Harris seeks to stop the fall in homeownership the Biden administration has been party to.

“For many Americans, paying rent and other bills makes it nearly impossible to save for a down payment, effectively locking them out of the housing market,” Harris’s campaign said in a statement. “This plan will give them the opportunity to own a home and build wealth.”

The vice president’s office has not yet disclosed the full mechanics of how the $25,000 support will be delivered, though it is anticipated to be a direct grant rather than a tax credit, the Maine Wire reports.

No indication has been given of the exact sum total the government is expecting to disperse in the taxpayer-funded handout or how this will impact inflation.

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Blue State Blues: Chicago, Destroyed by Democrat Misrule, Is the Perfect Backdrop for the DNC
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Blue State Blues: Chicago, Destroyed by Democrat Misrule, Is the Perfect Backdrop for the DNC

It was the summer of 1996. Chicago was on a high.

Michael Jordan had come out of his brief retirement to lead the Bulls to the best-ever season at the time, winning the first of what would be a “three-peat” of NBA championships.

Crime was down. The economy was soaring. Notorious slums were being cleared, hopefully to be replaced by mixed-income developments.

A guy named Daley was the mayor. A guy named Obama had yet to be elected to anything.

I was 19 years old, and I was covering the Democratic National Convention for Harvard’s college radio station. It was easy to commute to the United Center — the House That Michael Built — from my parents’ home in the Near North suburb of Skokie.

I interviewed Al Franken and Ariana Huffington. I bumped into one of the Baldwin brothers, who mistook me for someone else and invited me to a party. I tried to hang out with Bill Maher, who made fun of me.

Chicago had never been better.

Perhaps everyone remembers their youth that way. I had great summer jobs, dividing my time between an internship for Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun (D-IL), and an internship for National Public Radio’s local affiliate. I dated a girl from the office; we made out on the beach all night.

But teenage nostalgia aside, Chicago really was better then. There were problems — poverty, gangs, bad schools — but things seemed to be getting better.

There were a couple of shadows. One was 1968, the last time Democrats had held a convention in Chicago. That had been a disaster, as anti-war protesters clashed with police outside. Party bigwigs — none bigger than Daley Sr. — shut down the activists, who had seen one of their heroes, Sen. Robert Kennedy (D-NY), assassinated in L.A. Radicals hoisted a Viet Cong flag in Grant Park.

Voters saw the chaos in Chicago and turned to Republican Richard Nixon.

The other shadow was in my office — or, rather, the Senator’s office. She had disappeared on an unannounced trip to Nigeria, which was then run by a murderous dictator. When she returned to Chicago, she was hounded by the media. No one wanted to be seen with her onstage — least of all President Bill Clinton. He had survived Whitewater, thus far; the Lewinsky affair had not yet come to light. He was on top of the polls; the Senator could only bring him down.

The convention was smooth, and easy. It had its moments of drama: a wheelchair-bound Christopher Reeve speaking to the delegates; the grand balloon drop at the end. And it was a triumph for the Democratic Party, and for the City of Chicago.

Daley was following Clinton’s “new Democrat” policy formula: a focus on economic growth, with a strong social safety net. The old welfare state, like the housing projects, was being dismantled. A bright new future beckoned.

Nearly thirty years later, Democrats seem to think they can coast on Chicago’s past glory. Its skyline remains magical; Lake Michigan is still a brilliant, inviting blue.

But everything else has changed.

Crime is out of control; Chicago is the murder capital of America. The infrastructure is crumbling; the schools are worse than they have ever been. Taxes keep rising, but they can never hope to cover the city’s unfunded pension liabilities. Anyone who can move is leaving.

What changed? Daley ran a corrupt regime, but understood voters would overlook corruption if services were good. Enter Rahm Emanuel, who brought an air of suburban entitlement and could not get along with the city’s fractious constituencies.

He was replaced by the atrocious Lori Lightfoot, who let the Black Lives Matter riots run wild. Voters rejected her last year — only to elect Brandon Johnson, who is even more radical.

There is no hope for change.

Chicago is in a political death spiral, common to one-party systems throughout the Third World. One failed left-wing politician is followed by another; the idea of electing a Republican, or even a moderate Democrat, is unthinkable.

Free speech does not exist: Donald Trump was prevented from speaking in the city in 2016 by a left-wing riot that had the support of local leaders. Pro-Palestinian mobs threaten to turn the city upside down when the Democrats arrive.

Biden personally chose Chicago as the city in which he would accept the Democratic nomination. No one is quite sure why.

Illinois’ votes in the Electoral College are a foregone conclusion. Obama came out of Chicago — sort of — but now he lives among the elite on Martha’s Vineyard.

Boeing left. Billionaire Ken Griffin left and took his company with him. Even the Chicago Bears are thinking of leaving — for the suburbs. And Biden has left — the 2024 race, not Chicago.

Chicago is the perfect backdrop to the Democratic National Convention — if the goal is to warn of the tragic results of rule by the Democrats.

There is no turning back; not even repeated federal bailouts can save the city. A fiscal Great Chicago Fire looms — and bankruptcy may be the only solution for the city, and the state, cutting out the cronies and starting over.

I’ll still make time for the beach. But good luck to Kamala Harris in making her case in Chicago.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of “”The Agenda: What Trump Should Do in His First 100 Days,” available for pre-order on Amazon. He is also the author of “The Trumpian Virtues: The Lessons and Legacy of Donald Trump’s Presidency,” now available on Audible. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

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MARLOW: Dem Voters Back Harris for Her 'Vibe', Not Accomplishments
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MARLOW: Dem Voters Back Harris for Her ‘Vibe’, Not Accomplishments

Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow pointed out that Democrats’ reasons for supporting Vice President Kamala Harris for president consisted of her “vibe,” and her being “good for women.”

During an interview on the Charlie Kirk Show, Marlow referred to a video in which Frontlines reporter Kalen D’Almeida questioned several supporters of Harris at a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, and asked them what Harris’s accomplishments were. Marlow noted that among the reasons listed as to why people were supporting Harris, none of the people listed a “single accomplishment.”

“What Kamala Harris’s greatest accomplishment has been as VP?” D’Almeida asked one man.

“Uhm, I mean honestly, I’m not too into politics, I’m just here for the vibe,” the man answered.

A second man stated, “Becoming the first female vice president.”

“So, becoming, just becoming the vp is the best accomplishment?” D’Almeida asked, to which the person responded, “Yeah, absolutely.”

“Being a good person,” a woman told D’Almeida, to which another woman agreed and added that Harris seems “really good for women.”

“Harris is there with the energy, she has a lot of enthusiasm, so it’s important to get behind her,” the second guy added.

Marlow interjected to point out that “so far” voters had stated they supported Harris for her “vibe,” because she was “good for women,” and that she “won the vice presidency.”

“So far, we’ve got vibe, so the main thing is she’s got a good vibe. She’s good for women, which presumably means she likes abortions. I don’t know if it’s necessarily good for women, how she rose to the top. People like her, so she’s got enthusiasm, which is, a lot of this is astroturfed by the media. Which is – recall, she didn’t even make it to Iowa in the 2020 primary – and that she won the vice presidency, which you know, some of you in the audience might not think that that is a great accomplishment for a number of reasons. So far, that’s it. Not a single accomplishment. She’s got a great vibe and she won.”

When asked about their favorite policies from Harris, one lady admitted that she wished she knew “more about” Harris’s policies.

“My favorite policies, oh my gosh,” one lady said. “See, I wish they would tell us more about that because I honestly don’t know. I know she’s done some good work with immigration even though they say opposite.”

“What do they say?” D’Almeida asked.

“Well, what is it, she’s the ‘border czar’,” the lady answered, mockingly, as she seemed to assume the right would. “And, it’s her fault that all these immigrants are coming over, you know, to cross the border right now, which I don’t think they are.”

One person stated that they did not think there was “an issue with the border at all,” while admitting that “illegal immigrants are coming to America.” The person stated that they feel America is about “letting people come in and do what they’d like.”

“Yeah, I feel like yes, illegal immigrants are coming to America, but that’s what America’s all about, is to come to America and live that American dream,” the person explained to D’Almeida. “Because America isn’t just for the whites, it’s not just for the blacks, it’s not just for the Mexicans. It’s for everyone around the world, we’re supposed to be a country of letting people come in and do what they’d like. I mean, I understand that they say the border crisis is causing all these drug issues and it’s causing crime, but in my opinion, there’s crime everywhere. You can go to New York, you can go to Canada, you can go anywhere across the world and there’s going to be crime regardless.”

“We’re seeing record levels of citizenship for immigrants – that are being announced by Democrats,” Marlow interjected. “Now, I’m all fine with immigration if it is for people we know are going to be helping the country. That’s not what we’re getting right now. We’re getting illegal immigration and then we’re getting people getting fast tracked, then they and their progeny become Democrats. That’s the goal. That’s what we’re seeing. That is the immigration policy of the [Biden-Harris administration.] These people are acting as though they’re not sure there’s an illegal immigration crisis, [and] that is an indictment of our media.”

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53-year-old UK ‘keyboard warrior’ gets 15-month jail term for Facebook post saying ‘blow the mosque up’ after riots over murdered school girls
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53-year-old UK ‘keyboard warrior’ gets 15-month jail term for Facebook post saying ‘blow the mosque up’ after riots over murdered school girls

A 53-year-old woman in the UK has been jailed for 15 months after posting a Facebook comment in a community group that read “Blow the mosque up with the adults in it. She reportedly lived a “quiet, sheltered” life as the primary caretaker of her disabled husband.

Julie Sweeney pleaded guilty to sending a communication to convey a threat of death or serious harm, per The Guardian. In response to a photo of people cleaning up an area affected by the protests-turned-riots in Southport after three young school girls were stabbed to death by the son of Rwandan immigrants, she commented, “It’s absolutely ridiculous. Don’t protect the mosques. Blow the mosque up with the adults in it.”

The judge presiding over the case stated: “You should have been looking at the news and media with horror like every right-minded person. Instead, you chose to take part in stirring up hatred. You had a big audience. You threatened a mosque … It truly was a terrible threat.”

He added that “so-called keyboard warriors have to learn to take responsibility for their language – particularly in the context of the disorder that was going on around the country,” and told Sweeney “even people like you need to go to prison.”

Sweeney’s defense attorney told the court “This was a single comment on a single day. She lives a quiet, sheltered life in Cheshire and has not troubled the courts in her long life. Her character references show she lives a kind and compassionate lifestyle.” He added his client had accepted that what she wrote was wrong.

Her husband had also written a “heart-rending” letter to the judge to no avail and Sweeney was sentenced to 25 months in jail on Thursday. This comes after the UK declared that a dedicated team of authorities would be monitoring social media platforms for any materials deemed to be “inciting racial hatred” and would charge those who even comment or repost materials. Last week a man was jailed for posting emojis depicting minorities and a gun on Facebook. Another man was jailed for 3 years for copying and pasting a quote from the wife of a Tory councilor that was critical of mass migration.

This Story originally came from

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Biden-Harris falter on promise to help Panama stem flow of migrants through Darien Gap
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Biden-Harris falter on promise to help Panama stem flow of migrants through Darien Gap

The Panamanian government expressed frustrations about the Biden-Harris administration faltering on its promise to help the country stop the flow of migrants traveling through the Darien Gap, which is home to the main passageway used by migrants heading to the United States from South America.

President Jose Raul Mulino said during a press brief last week that the Biden-Harris administration has not provided the financial assistance they promised for repatriation flights. Unlike prior government leadership, Mulino has remained steadfast in his mission to thwart the flow of migrants passing through the dangerous Darien Gap.

But Mulino said he can’t do this without the aid that the Biden-Harris administration promised, as reported by Reuters. “The ball is in their court, we have done everything we can do,” said Mulino. “Their border is in Panama, not in Texas,” he added.

The official stated that the absence of American follow-through is likely “political,” but it has become increasingly urgent in response to a new wave of Venezuelans, who have been among the highest population of migrants crossing through Panama for an extended period, and are currently escaping a new round of political violence.
Panama aims to significantly increase the number of Venezuelans who are expelled by air to Colombia in order to “alter their perspective” and discourage them from undertaking the perilous journey. However, the Panamanian official stated that his nation cannot continue to operate independently any longer.

“We understand that we need logistical support to reinforce the expulsion of migrants…so we can avoid the movement and the normal flow to the United States. We need to change the migration politics of the border of the United States so we can send a very clear message to the migrants,” said a senior government official, per the NYP.

Given the current unrest in Venezuela and the measly $6 million the White House reportedly promised Panama for air expulsions, critics argue the delay in funds is inexcusable. This is because Panama is finally willing to curb US-bound immigration.

This Story originally came from


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