Donald Trump Promises to 'End the Era of Inflation, Mayhem, and Misery'
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Donald Trump Promises to ‘End the Era of Inflation, Mayhem, and Misery’

Former President Donald Trump unveiled a pledge on Wednesday to fight inflation by cutting energy prices in half, securing the borders from illegal immigration, bringing supply chains back to U.S. soil, and reducing regulatory burdens on American businesses.

In remarks that drew a sharp contrast to the policies of the Biden-Harris administration, Trump told an audience in Asheville, North Carolina, that he would cut energy costs in half, restore home affordability by securing borders and deporting illegal immigrants, impose 10 to 20 percent tariffs on imports from countries he accused of taking advantage of the U.S., and end taxes on tips and Social Security income.

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Trump has long criticized the Biden-Harris administration’s energy policies, saying they sparked the surge of inflation that sent prices rising at the fastest rate in four decades. On Wednesday, Trump expanded this line of criticism, arguing that the Biden-Harris administration had eased back on its restrictions on fossil fuels for political reasons and predicting that if elected Harris would return to the anti-fossil fuel, anti-fracking policies she has long defended.

“Now they’re drilling, but the day after the election—if they win this election—the drilling stops,” Trump said. “By contrast, I am announcing today that under my leadership the United States will commit to the ambitious goal of slashing energy prices by half.”

Trump said he would reverse the Biden-Harris policies that thwart energy extraction in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. He also promised to end the electric vehicle mandates put in place by the administration.

Trump sought to connect Vice President Kamala Harris to the current administration’s economic problems, especially runaway inflation, pointing out that she was one of the biggest cheerleaders for Biden’s economic policies and the critical tie-breaking vote for many of his key pieces of legislation.

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“Kamala has declared that tackling inflation will be a day one priority. Think about it. For her, day one was three-and-a-half years ago,” Trump said. “She says her plan is going to bring down prices. Why didn’t you do it? You’ve been there three-and-a-half years.”

Trump outlined a hopeful, bright vision for the country and the U.S. economy.

“We will have prosperity and we will have peace,” he said. “We will end the era of inflation, mayhem, and misery.”

“Vote Trump and your incomes will soar, your savings will grow, young people will be able to afford a home, and we’ll bring back the American dream better and stronger than ever before,” Trump said.

The surge in illegal immigration during the Biden-Harris administration has pushed up housing prices and strained government budgets, Trump argued.

“I will seal the border. I will send them all back to their countries where they belong. Prices will come down, come down dramatically, and come down fast,” Trump said.

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Trump said that the surge in immigration is also endangering the health of Social Security and Medicare. He promised to shore up those programs by deporting illegal immigrants who might someday become a drain on them.

He also said that he would end taxation of Social Security benefits, pointing out that when the tax was first introduced during the Reagan administration it only affected a small number of wealthy beneficiaries. Because the threshold triggering taxes was not indexed for inflation, however, it now imposes taxes on retirees with below the median income in the U.S. That problem has become even worse in recent years thanks to the surge in inflation under Biden-Harris.

Trump reiterated his plans to end taxes on tips and to make the individual tax cuts enacted during his presidency permanent.

On trade, Trump went further than he has in the past, promising to impose tariffs of between 10 and 20 percent on “foreign countries that have been ripping us off for years.” In earlier statements, Trump had proposed a 10 percent tariff.

The tariffs will “bring back millions and millions of jobs and bring in billions and billions of dollars,” Trump said.

Trump asked his audience to contrast his administration to the current Biden-Harris regime.

“Does anyone feel richer under Kamala Harris and crooked Joe? Is anything less expensive?” Trump said. “Are you better off with Harris and Biden than you were under a person named Donald Trump?”

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Trump Vows to Sign Executive Order 'Directing' Agencies to Defeat Inflation
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Trump Vows to Sign Executive Order ‘Directing’ Agencies to Defeat Inflation

Former President Donald Trump vowed that if elected president, he would “sign an executive order directing” each cabinet secretary and agency head to “use every tool” they had to defeat inflation.

“On my first day back in the Oval Office, I will sign an executive order directing every cabinet secretary and agency head to use every tool and authority at their disposal to defeat inflation and to bring consumer prices rapidly down,” Trump told the crowd from Asheville, North Carolina.

Trump’s comments come as the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced on Wednesday that inflation had risen in July. The consumer price index was reported to have climbed up to 2.9 in July, up from a year ago.

In June, the inflation index rate increased by three percent from a year ago.

“We’ll do it very rapidly,” Trump added during his speech. “When you look at the cost of groceries, the cost of bacon went up four and five times. Bacon, I don’t order bacon anymore, it’s too expensive. It will be a whole of government effort to raise the standard of living and make American life affordable again.”

During a recent interview with Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk, Trump commented on how “a lot of people” don’t have the money to be able to afford “a whole cart” of groceries anymore.

Under the Biden administration, grocery prices have seen a sharp increase. In 2021, food prices saw an increase of 6.3 percent and 10.4 percent in 2022, according to TheStreet. In 2023, the increase in food prices was reported to have “slowed” to 2.7 percent.

As Breitbart News reported, a recent YouGov poll found that 77 percent of Americans feel that inflation is a “very important” issue.

Another poll from the Financial Times found that inflation has been among the three top sources of financial stress for 78 percent of voters.

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Ukrainian intelligence agency puts JD Vance on ‘kill-list’: report
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Ukrainian intelligence agency puts JD Vance on ‘kill-list’: report

The Ukrainian intelligence agency Molfar OSINT has reportedly added US Senator JD Vance to its controversial “kill list” on the day it was announced that Vance would be former President Donald Trump’s running mate in the upcoming election. Molfar, an open-source intelligence agency linked to Ukraine’s military and intelligence operations, maintains a list of “foreign propagandists” it deems “enemies of Ukraine.”

“The Molfar OSINT agency has created its own register of foreign propagandists of the terrorist regime of the Russian Federation,” the agency states on its website. “On this page, the names and private data of propagandists are presented, for each person we have evidence of his or her propaganda activities in favor of Russia.”

The individuals on this list are considered national security threats by the agency, which advocates for their removal from public positions, sanctions, investigations, or even targeted assassinations in some cases.

Senator Vance, who has been outspoken about his views on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, was added to the list due to his past comments. His profile on the list cites comments made in 2022 when Vance stated that he “really doesn’t care what happens to Ukraine,” a remark that has drawn significant criticism from the country.

Vance’s profile also points out that he has called Russian President Vladimir Putin an “evil man,” but notes that he has condemned Ukraine as a “corrupt nation run by oligarchs.” More recently, in 2023, Vance expressed the opinion that “it is in America’s interest to accept that Ukraine will have to cede some territory to Russia.”

Molfar’s list includes 153 individuals labeled as Russian foreign propagandists, among them prominent politicians, journalists, and businessmen. Notable figures on the list include Senator Rand Paul, Representative Thomas Massie, and conservative media personality Tucker Carlson, who previously interviewed Putin.

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Peter Schweizer: Tim Walz Tied to Chinese 'Secret Police Stations' That Kidnap CCP Critics
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Peter Schweizer: Tim Walz Tied to Chinese ‘Secret Police Stations’ That Kidnap CCP Critics

Ties between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) are becoming more alarming, with Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer revealing that the VP hopeful is connected to “secret police stations that the Chinese have here in the United States.”

During Schweizer’s latest appearance on Breitbart News Daily, Walz was accused of being connected to a group called Minnesota Global that is allegedly tied to a secret Chinese police station in the Twin Cities:

The New York Times bestselling author claimed that Walz, who was announced as Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate on August 6, is connected to CCP operatives who conduct illegal police activity in the U.S.

While speaking on several of the Minnesota governor’s unsavory links to the Chinese government, Schweizer mentioned the “secret police stations that the Chinese have here in the United States,” which are unofficial but “so-called united front groups that exist in the West.”

Schweizer, who also serves as president of the Government Accountability Institute, said these stations “cooperate with Chinese intelligence” in order to “intimidate Chinese that are living in the United States that don’t like the CCP or [are] critical of the CCP.”

In April 2023, New York police arrested two men for allegedly setting up a secret police station in order to collect information on opponents of the CCP, the Associated Press reported.

“Harry” Lu Jianwang, 61, of the Bronx, and Chen Jinping, 59, of Manhattan, are both U.S. citizens accused of working with Chinese government officials ​​to commit “transnational repression,” according to the outlet.

Such secret police stations have been reported across the U.S., Canada, Europe, and other countries where the CCP has identified Chinese expats who are critical of their government.

According to Laura Harth, a campaign director with Spain-based human rights non-governmental organization (NGO) Safeguard Defenders, they have identified 102 Chinese police service stations operating across 53 countries.

China has denied that they are operating police stations overseas, claiming that such institutions exist to provide services like driver’s license renewals.

Schweizer said the stations are known to kidnap detractors:

What happens is they will literally go around and visit people and say, ‘Hey, you know you need to shut up. You need to stop talking about this. You need to stop being so critical of the government.’

And there actually have been at least half a dozen documented cases where these networks have actually been involved in abducting people, that is, Chinese that are living in the United States, abducting them and sending them back to mainland China.

Going on to refer to one alleged CCP police outpost in the Twin Cities, Schweizer said it is “tied to a group called Minnesota Global, which is a Tim Walz organization.”

“Now Tim Walz in 2020 and since 2020 has talked ad nauseam about the abuse by the police, the Twin Cities police, the local Minneapolis Police, about their terrible behavior with regards to how they arrest people,” the author continued.

“I have not found one criticism that Tim Walz has had of this Chinese secret police station that’s operating in the Twin Cities. So again, you have to wonder, why is there this disconnect?” he posed. “Why are you so critical and brutal on your own country, but you won’t do a scintilla of the same thing as it regards to China?”

“You just have to wonder why the governor is not doing anything about it, why he hasn’t called them out, why he hasn’t said stop doing this, because they’re harassing people in his state,” Schweizer said, noting that Walz’s apparent love for China does not appear to be a case like the Bidens, “where there’s the financial part of it.”

“There’s no evidence that he made oodles of money doing this,” Schweizer clarified. “You know, I think the only thing you can say is it’s, it’s either some sort of philosophical attraction to certain elements of left wing totalitarians, or, you know, to put it in the way I used to say in middle school, is wimpy behavior.”

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Algerian boxer Imane Khelif names JK Rowling, Elon Musk in ‘cyberbullying’ lawsuit amid Olympic gender controversy
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Algerian boxer Imane Khelif names JK Rowling, Elon Musk in ‘cyberbullying’ lawsuit amid Olympic gender controversy

Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, who won gold in the Paris Olympics women’s welterweight boxing division, has filed a lawsuit against author JK Rowling, X owner Elon Musk, and others alleging “cyber harassment” following controversy that Khelif had previously failed gender testing for the 2023 world championships.

Nabil Boudi, Khelif’s attorney, told Variety that both figures had been named in the complaint filed with the anti-online hatred center of the Paris Prosecutor’s Office on Friday. Khelif won a gold medal the same day. “[Donald] Trump tweeted, so whether or not he is named in our lawsuit, he will inevitably be looked into as part of the prosecution,” he added.

The “National Center for the Fight Against Online Hatred,” part of the Paris Prosecutor’s Office, confirmed that it had received the complaint and had launched an investigation.

“On Aug. 13, (The National Center for the Fight Against Online Hatred) contacted the OCLCH (Central Office for the Fight Against Crimes Against Humanity and Hate Crimes) to conduct an investigation into the counts of cyber harassment due to gender, public insult because of gender, public incitement to discrimination and public insult because of origin,” the office said.

According to the Daily Mail, possible punishments for cyberbullying offenses in France include prison sentences of between two to five years and fines reaching £39,000. If prosecuted as online hate speech, fines increase to up to £214,000.

The lawsuit was issued against X, which according to French law means that it was filed against “unknown persons.” Boudi said that this ensures the “prosecution has all the latitude to be able to investigate against all people,” including those who may have posted under pseudonyms.

He said that while the complaint mentioned names, “What we’re asking is that the prosecution investigates not only these people but whoever it feels necessary. If the case goes to court, they will stand trial.”

In regards to the lawsuit being leveled at X, Boudi said it was aimed at users on the platform and not the platform itself. “It’s the responsibility of lawmakers to issue sanctions to platforms, not ours.”

Pedro Diaz, Khelif’s coach, told Variety that the controversy that surrounded Khelif being able to compete “incredibly affected her” and “everyone around her.”

“The first time she fought in the Olympics, there was this crazy storm outside of the ring,” he said, adding that “I had never seen anything so disgusting in my life.”

Khelif came into the spotlight after winning a bout against Italy’s Angela Carini in just 46 seconds after the fighter withdrew from the bout. Khelif was disqualified from the 2023 International Boxing Association’s world championships after the sports body said that Khelif as well as another fighter failed gender eligibility testing. The International Olympic Committee said that Khelif had met all criteria to compete on the world stage in Paris.

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Germany issues warrant for Ukrainian diver over 2022 Nord Stream pipeline explosion
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Germany issues warrant for Ukrainian diver over 2022 Nord Stream pipeline explosion

Authorities in Germany have issued an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian man suspected of being involved in the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines. The suspect is believed to have been part of a diving team that planted explosives on the pipelines, which were damaged in September 2022.

A diving instructor, identified only as Volodymyr Z, allegedly dove 80 meters to place the explosives that caused four gas leaks in the pipelines, rendering them inoperable, according to The Guardian. The Nord Stream pipelines, which transport gas from Russia to Germany beneath the Baltic Sea, were critically damaged at a time when European countries were seeking to reduce their reliance on Russian energy due to Russia’s war against Ukraine.

The explosion also damaged the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which had not yet become operational as Germany had suspended its certification process when the war began.

The suspect is believed to have lived in Poland. German authorities requested his arrest in June, but he reportedly went into hiding. On Wednesday, Polish authorities confirmed that they had received a European arrest warrant for Volodymyr Z. However, the Polish public prosecutor’s office stated that “Ultimately, Volodymyr Z was not detained, as he left the territory of Poland at the beginning of July this year, crossing the Polish-Ukrainian border.”

There is currently no reported evidence linking Volodymyr Z to the Ukrainian government. Russia had previously accused the US of being behind the explosion, a claim the US has denied. In March 2023, German media reported that a pro-Ukrainian group was responsible for the attack, though the Ukrainian government denied any involvement.

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Kamalanomics: The Worst Food Inflation in Nearly Half A Century
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Kamalanomics: The Worst Food Inflation in Nearly Half A Century

As Americans stroll the grocery aisles, confronted with sticker shock at every turn, a central issue that has plagued the Biden-Harris administration since its inception comes into focus: inflation is still taking its toll.

It is not just any inflation, but the kind that strikes at the heart of every family’s kitchen—grocery prices.

The numbers tell a grim story. Polls consistently show that inflation is the top concern for voters, and it’s easy to see why. Under the Biden-Harris administration, the cost of “food at home”—bureaucratese for groceries—has surged by over 21 percent.

A recent YouGov poll found that a staggering 77 percent of Americans consider inflation a “very important” issue. A poll for the Financial Times found that 78 percent of registered voters say inflation has been one of the three biggest sources of personal financial stress.

Food inflation is at the heart of voter anxiety over price increases. The Financial Times poll found that seventy-eight percent of voters said food inflation is a major drag on their financial situation.

Despite the rhetoric from the White House, which seeks to downplay this issue by pointing to recent moderations in price increases, the fact remains that grocery prices have skyrocketed under Harris’s watch. Harris played a pivotal role in the legislative agenda that led us to this point. Her tie-breaking votes in the Senate helped push through trillions in spending, which many economists say helped fuel the inflation crisis.

The first 42 months of the the Biden-Harris administration have seen the biggest increase in food inflation under any president since Jimmy Carter. It is the third largest increase over the first three-and-a-half years of a presidential term ever recorded in data going back to 1952, trailing Carter’s record and Nixon’s second term.

By contrast, grocery prices rose just 6.3 percent over the first 42 months of Donald Trump’s presidency.

Food prices are still rising. The index for food rose 0.2 percent in July and was up 0.1 percent for the category covering groceries, the second straight month of rising prices following four months of negative readings on the consumer price index for food at home.

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VANESSA BATTAGLIA: Tim Walz is the Chinese Communist Party’s useful idiot
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VANESSA BATTAGLIA: Tim Walz is the Chinese Communist Party’s useful idiot

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is a conflicted individual. Influenced at a young age through a Harvard-sponsored China teaching-tourism program, Walz maintains a lifelong dedication to China fueled by fun experiences in his youth. His early dreams for China’s liberation from communist rule have not worked out, yet he has plodded along through the last 30 years in deference to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in his business and political dealings. In other words, he is the perfect VP pick to produce an America-last, doublethinking, emotionally invested, China-forward agenda.

Already a member of the Army National Guard, Walz sought and was one of the first-ever to receive a year-long WorldTeach job in China in 1989. He felt that “China was coming.” Somehow, the Army National Guard permitted this extended trip to a non-allied country during Walz’ contract, and did not recall him even after the Tiananmen Square massacre in the months leading to Desert Shield.

Walz was bought off with trinkets. He noted of his initial time in China as a school teacher that “they gave me more gifts than I could bring home. It was an excellent experience,” blithely unaware that he was in the process of being groomed and won over. “No matter how long I live, I’ll never be treated that well again,” Walz noted eerily about the overseas stint during a time of historic unrest.

Walz selects tasteful attire for chaperoning school children.

In a critique of the CCP, Walz said at the conclusion of the teaching gig of China that “if they had the proper leadership, there are no limits on what they could accomplish.” A fine hypothesis in 1990, but the fundamental leadership under the CCP has not changed. Accordingly, nothing else about China’s circumstances has meaningfully changed. Yet Walz pressed ahead in doing business with the same adversarial communist government of China.

He soon formed a business in 1994 accompanying school children to see the China of poor “leadership.” The CCP, evidently overlooking Walz’s disapproval, welcomed his business “with a special invitation from the Chinese government.” Remarkably, Walz was able to create this politically fraught venture at the age of 30, with no prior business experience in China, or in general. That the Chinese government “paid a large part of the cost” of these trips suggests strong endorsement and control of the activities.

Walz revealed logical contradictions in explaining his intentions for these student trips. He told the Nebraska Star-Herald in 1993 that he wanted the Chinese people oppressed under communism to “see what’s on the outside” by meeting his American students. But he also advised his students before embarking to “downplay their American-ness” to “avoid stereotypes the Chinese have that every American is rich.” Apparently to Walz, to be American is to be “rich,” and that is a bad thing – even if the goal is for Chinese to witness what America’s about.

One of the trips escorting students doubled as his honeymoon. Fitting; he chose the 5th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre for his wedding day as “he wanted to have a date he’ll always remember.” Gwen Whipple was either a very understanding bride-to-be, or into it. Walz would go on to co-sponsor Congressional resolutions condemning China’s censorship of events related to Tiananmen Square. Evidently a bloody mass murder event was great enough for his wedding date but terrible enough to censure in contradiction of a big portion of his professional past.

Also: since the CCP has had a long record of censoring any reference to the Tiananmen Square event including imprisoning violators, why would it sponsor and endorse a business led by a man who publicly memorialized the event with his own wedding? This dispensation for Walz can only be explained by special status, dismissal in the court of public opinion as an un-serious person, or both.

Walz is proud of his China ties, citing his experience as credentials for dealing with the CCP. In an extended video shared by Michael Sobolik on X, Walz says of the CCP that “if we’re on the same sheet of music, two of the world’s great super-powers… there’s many collaborative things we can do together.” Walz uses CCP-friendly rhetoric by lumping the US and China together as “two great super-powers.” As well, Walz in this remark has abandoned his rejection of the CCP 35 years ago, and feels that it is possible to be on the “same sheet of music” with the same CCP now.

On an archived page from Walz’ Congressional website from the period of 2007-2019, he noted that he has “many concerns about China’s poor human rights record. China’s brutal suppression of pro-democracy advocates, Falun Gong practitioners, Christians, and other critics of the ruling Communist Party is an affront to basic human decency. Additionally, I strongly believe in the need to establish rule of law, freeing the Chinese people from facing imprisonment based on the whims of party leaders.” This is the place Walz saw fit to bring school girls from 1994 to 2003, allowing them to independently “see what they want to see, do what they want to do and get there on their own bicycles”?

As Minnesota Governor since 2019, Walz lately finds himself begging for Chinese investment. He noted in the same year that his state’s “farmers remain in desperate need of a U.S. trade deal with China,” upon returning empty-handed from a trade mission there. However history shows that the CCP only wants to sell to us, or profit from our land, but not buy from us.

Natalie Winters broke the story on X that in 2019, Governor Walz was a headline speaker at the national convention of the US China Peoples Friendship Association (USCPFA). This event was hosted in Minnesota, likely because of the strong ties Minnesota has with China.

The national USCPFA was established in 1974; the Minnesota chapter, one of the oldest, was incorporated in the same year. China-oriented “friendship associations” have been identified through think tank studies as influence organizations working through the CCP’s United Front to capture foreign elites.

The Minnesota USCPFA spawned a “Minnesota China Friendship Garden Society” in 2005 to pursue the creation of a China Friendship Garden, ultimately funded with $50k of Minnesota taxpayer dollars in 2014 through Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. This is an example of how CCP-linked influence organizations marshal US money to spread pro-CCP messaging.

St. Paul, Minnesota has had a sister-city relationship with Changsha, China since 1988. Sister-city relationships are starting to be recognized by lawmakers as governed by the CCP’s United Front; Indiana recently passed a bill banning sister-city relationships with China, but Governor Walz has yet to do so for Minnesota. In fact, the friendship garden funded with taxpayer money is called the “St.Paul – Changsha China Friendship Garden,” both named after and reinforcing the sister-city agreement.

Representative, and then Governor, Walz could have reflected and subsequently rejected any of these arrangements, as all of the Governors have been warned (and some have since opted) to do. But Governor Walz has not, and so he owns it.

Tim Walz is a truly captured elite, the ideological product of the CCP’s tourism-based charm offensive. He contributed to the system with his own company, which was in turn endorsed and subsidized by the CCP. Walz has given up on his early criticisms of the CCP simply because the CCP did not give up first, and because it’s the easier path. This is the destructive path down which he would let this country slide as VP.
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HUMAN EVENTS: Kamala Harris’ campaign isn’t about joy, it’s about toxic positivity
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HUMAN EVENTS: Kamala Harris’ campaign isn’t about joy, it’s about toxic positivity

In Pixar’s great film “Inside Out,” the personification of Joy (played by Amy Poehler), spends most of the movie learning a hard lesson: that Riley, the pre-teen girl who she’s a part of, needs access to the feeling of Sadness (played by Phyllis Smith) because, as Joy marvels at the end, when Riley was in trouble, people “came to help because of Sadness.” The film has been described, aptly, as a meditation on the idea of toxic positivity, ie the pressure to stay happy no matter what, which prevents people from coping with their circumstances.

It is appropriate, therefore, that Kamala Harris’ idea-free campaign (literally, there’s no policy page on her website at all) has resorted to invoking the concept of “joy” as their campaign theme. In what should be a record for irony (and gall), Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) told The Hill that Harris and her running mate Tim Walz are “the happy warriors that are out there fighting a good cause. … It’s not about personal character destruction or having to tear someone down.” To which we only have two responses:

Firstly, no character destruction? Really? This from the campaign that has resorted to calling its opponents “weird” like the sociopathic Queen Bee Regina George in Mean Girls (someone who their own supporter Megan Thee Stallion openly admires)? This from the campaign that has been doing its damnedest, through the captured media, to paint Trump’s vice-presidential selection J.D. Vance as a closet Nazi (even as actual antisemites flock to the Left)? Yeah. Sure. Whatever.

But secondly, and more importantly, okay, you say they’re happy warriors. Some of us remember when Republicans always used to demand that in their politicians, until 2008 and 2012 came along and that presentation ran into an obvious question: If you’re a happy warrior, then what, exactly, are you happy about?

That’s not a rhetorical question. We genuinely want to know. What, exactly, does Kamala Harris have to be happy about, besides the fact that she gets to run for president without the indignity of a primary? What part of the current administration – in which, you’ll recall, she’s the number two leader – is she happy about? The stock market crashing? Record high border crossings? Inflation getting so consistently bad that experts are now forecasting a recession? A former president being shot because his Secret Service detail acts like the cast of Big Brother? Crime spiking? Anemic job growth? Their own infrastructure projects melting down to the tune of $84 billion? Seriously, Democrats: what possible on-the-ground reality suggests that “joy” is the appropriate response right now?

To be clear, the problem isn’t that this campaign theme is contentless, though it is. Barack Obama won two terms on the back of “hope” and “change,” which had about as much definition as the average Antifa protester’s arms. But the thing about “hope” and “change” is that they at least acknowledge the emotional reality which most voters felt in 2008 and 2012. After all, you don’t need “hope” when things are good, and you don’t want “change” unless the status quo isn’t working. The genius of Obama’s slogans was that, in acknowledging that voters needed hope and change, they allowed the voters’ imaginations to fill in whatever their definition of positive change was when pulling the lever for the Obama campaign. Granted, for most people, that turned out to be something quite different from what Obama had in mind, but by the time he was president, it was too late.

Does “joy” work the same way? Well, again, what do the voters have to be happy about? We know what Kamala’s most partisan supporters have to be happy about – the fact that they get to vote for the cool wine aunt who has #brat vibes and also isn’t being visibly mummified before our eyes unlike their last candidate – but come on, how much pull does that version of happiness have beyond TikTok and Mrs. Frazzled? The problem with “joy” is that it invites every voter who’s sitting at their kitchen table trying to make ends meet and realizing they’re buying less for more money to take one look at Kamala’s gyrating, contentless vibes campaign and wonder, perhaps even woundedly, “what does she have to be happy about? She’s one of the people who got us into this mess.”

Moreover, unlike “hope” and “change,” “joy” is an emotion which inherently favors the status quo. No one who’s happy wants to change anything and harsh their vibe. So, if Kamala’s theme is “joy,” then doesn’t that mean she just wants to keep doing more of the same? Actually, that’s not even a question. We know she wants to keep doing more of the same, not just in terms of policy (where her woke bona fides are obvious), but also in terms of the campaign trail. That is to say, what the theme of “joy” is really about, when you cut through the code, is the fact that Kamala’s team wants nothing to change between now and November. She wants to go on smiling her way through speeches in front of friendly audiences, with as few debates, as few interviews, and as few unscripted moments as she can possibly get away with. And like the overgrown Spring Fling Queen she is, she thinks just snapping “Ugh, why are you so sad” at anyone who dares to ask questions or point out her record is enough to get through the election, when everyone will (presumably) just pull the lever for her in order to keep the vibes going, regardless of whether it will actually improve their own circumstances.

Will it work? If we were talking about an election in peacetime, with a roaring economy and a contented populace, then yeah, it probably would. But that’s not the world we live in. No one, including Kamala Harris’ own voters, has much of anything to be happy about outside of the minor dopamine hit Kamala’s campaign is providing them on social media, which will fade before long. In fact, not only will it fade, but to most Americans who aren’t afflicted with Kamala’s brand of yassified brain rot, it’ll seem shockingly unempathetic. To borrow from Robert De Niro in Joker, the average voter will eventually think, “I’m struggling to feed my family and you’re laughing?”

Well, yes, they are. Because the thing is, the Democrats have nothing else. They can’t offer a plan for how to make people happy; that would require them to be honest about their goals – goals no American actually wants to vote for. They just have to keep grinning like the Joker himself and praying no one notices how hard they’re clenching their teeth or how hard their muscles are straining to maintain the rictus. Fortunately, the GOP is not so afflicted. Which is why the candidate of “joy” is going to learn the same lesson as Joy herself in “Inside Out”: yes, people do come to help because of sadness. And one person in particular is going to help.

His name is Donald J. Trump.
This Story originally came from


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Squad Member Ilhan Omar Wins Reelection in Primary Race
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Squad Member Ilhan Omar Wins Reelection in Primary Race

Squad member Rep. Ilhan Omar (R-MN) won her primary race for Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District on Tuesday evening.

Omar received 67,524 votes, or 56.2 percent of the vote, while Don Samuels, a former member of the Minneapolis City Council, received 51,581 votes, or 42.9 percent of the vote, according to the Associated Press (AP).

Another candidate, Abena McKenzie, received 456 votes, or 0.4 percent of the vote, while opponent Nate Schluter received votes 567, or 0.5 percent of the vote.

The Associated Press called the race at 10:39 p.m.

Omar’s win comes after two other Squad members, Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) and Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) lost their primary races.

The Minnesota congresswoman previously narrowly defeated Samuels in the last election cycle. Samuels ended up losing by just over two percent of the vote and received 48.2 percent, while Omar received 50.3 percent.

A poll conducted by Lake Research Partners in July found that Omar had a “sizable lead over Samuels” of 27 points, with Omar receiving 60 percent of support, while Samuels led by 33 percent, according to Newsweek. This poll was conducted on behalf of Omar’s campaign.

Another poll conducted in February by Victoria Research & Consulting, this time on behalf of Samuels campaign, found that Omar received 49 percent of support, while Samuels received 30 percent of support, according to the outlet.

Omar has faced criticism regarding her anti-Israel views. Omar, along with fellow Squad members Bowman and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), are facing a class-action lawsuit and have been accused of “inciting and encouraging” the anti-Israel protests and encampment that occurred at Columbia University in the spring.

The congresswoman has also supported the withholding of artillery and other weapons to Israel.

In February 2023, Omar was ousted from her position on the Foreign Affairs Committee due to her previous derogatory remarks about Jewish people.

Omar will face Republican candidate Dalia Al-Aqidi in November.

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