Krugman: Harris Hasn’t Proposed Price Controls and It’s Good That She Did
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Krugman: Harris Hasn’t Proposed Price Controls and It’s Good That She Did

In Paul Krugman’s latest column, he claims that Kamala Harris hasn’t advocated for price controls, only a ban on price gouging on groceries. Of course, these are the same thing. Krugman’s own principles text defines price controls as “legal restrictions on how high or low a market price may go.” A ban on price gouging is a legal restriction on how high a market price may go. Therefore, even Krugman-the-textbook-author admits that a ban on price gouging is the same as a price ceiling.

In his column, he gives examples of price gouging: “Texas prohibits many businesses from ‘demanding an exorbitant or excessive price’ on things including food and fuel during disasters,” “voters hate it when businesses take advantage of shortages to charge very high prices,” and “some of us still remember the California energy crisis circa 2001, when power producers reduced supply to drive up electricity prices.” Krugman is implying that a crisis constitutes an exception—it’s not a price control if it is implemented in response to a crisis.

But then, if you look at his textbook, he provides these examples of price ceilings:  “price ceilings are typically imposed during crises—wars, harvest failures, natural disasters,” “the U.S. government imposed ceilings on many prices during WWII,” and (this will sound familiar) “Price controls were imposed on California’s wholesale electricity market in 2001, when a shortage created big profits for a few power-generating companies but led to higher electricity bills for consumers.”

Krugman-the-textbook-author says the California energy crisis episode was an example of a price control, but Krugman-the-columnist says it’s not a price control; it’s just a ban on price gouging.

I’d be surprised if it wasn’t Krugman, but this kind of doublespeak is par for the course for him.

In his textbook, Krugman lists all the well-known problems with price ceilings. He says price ceilings result in “inefficiently low quantity,” deadweight loss, the creation of winners and losers, “inefficient allocation to consumers,” “wasted resources,” “inefficiently low quality,” and the emergence of black markets. He says that governments may impose price ceilings because they don’t understand basic microeconomics.

But now, Krugman-the-columnist has changed his tune. In his column, he writes, “you can consider it reasonable to have legal restrictions on price gouging.”


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Exploring the Majesty of God's Creation
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Exploring the Majesty of God’s Creation

Psalm 24:1 is a profound verse that highlights God’s sovereignty over all creation and our responsibility as stewards of His creation.
Here is the verse from the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible:

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein.”

This verse declares that everything in the world belongs to God: the earth itself, its abundance, and all its inhabitants.
It emphasizes that God is the ultimate owner and ruler of all creation, which calls us to acknowledge His majesty and to live responsibly as caretakers of His world.

Theological Insights

1. God’s Sovereignty in Creation:
– The verse highlights the belief that God is the creator and sustainer of all things.
Everything exists by His will and for His glory.
– In the works of theologians like Thomas Aquinas, the beauty and order of creation are seen as reflections of God’s nature.
Aquinas writes in the “Summa Theologica” about the inherent goodness of creation, affirming that everything created by God is good and serves a purpose in His divine plan.

2. Human Stewardship:
– Martin Luther’s teachings emphasize that humans, as part of God’s creation, have a responsibility to steward it wisely.
He saw everyday work, including the care of creation, as a vocation through which Christians serve God and neighbor.
– This stewardship means we are to manage natural resources, care for the environment, and ensure that creation continues to reflect God’s glory.

Reflection on Stewardship

Recognizing that “the earth is the Lord’s” encourages us to approach the environment with reverence and responsibility.
Here are some practical ways to live out this stewardship:

1. Sustainable Living:
– Adopt habits that reduce waste, conserve resources, and promote sustainability.
This can include recycling, using energy-efficient appliances, and supporting eco-friendly products.

2. Environmental Advocacy:
– Engage in or support initiatives that aim to protect and preserve the environment.
This can involve participating in local clean-up projects, supporting conservation efforts, or advocating for policies that promote environmental health.

3. Education and Awareness:
– Educate yourself and others about environmental issues and the importance of stewardship.
This can help foster a community that values and protects God’s creation.


Psalm 24:1 reminds us of the majesty of God’s creation and our role within it.
By understanding and embracing our responsibility as stewards, we honor God and contribute to the well-being of the world He has entrusted to us.
Let this verse inspire us to live in a way that reflects our reverence for God’s creation and our commitment to its care.
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Economics News philosophy Politics Science

China’s competitiveness is driven by low taxation, not by industrial policy

Contrary to popular belief, China’s economy depends much less on central planning than in the past. China is strong in EV development, and the success is due not to government subsidies and direction but to plain good economics.

Original article: China’s competitiveness is driven by low taxation, not by industrial policy

What is the Mises Institute?

The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of Economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard.

Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order. We believe that our foundational ideas are of permanent value, and oppose all efforts at compromise, sellout, and amalgamation of these ideas with fashionable political, cultural, and social doctrines inimical to their spirit.


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The Folly of Legislating against Unfairness
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The Folly of Legislating against Unfairness

In A Cure Worse Than The Disease: Fighting Discrimination Through Government Control, M. Lester O’Shea criticizes the notion that we should legislate against unfairness. He poses the question as follows: “No one defends unfairness. So shouldn’t it be against the law?” In posing the question that way, his point is that the mere fact that we regard something as unfair – or even morally wrong – does not mean we ought to legislate against it. This point is of central importance to his argument against antidiscrimination legislation.

Walter Williams adopts a similar approach in Race and Economics, arguing that the mere fact that free markets are blind to all sorts of interactions and bargains that we might regard as “unfair” does not mean there ought to be some sort of legislative intervention to redress the unfairness. Williams gives the example of minimum wage legislation, arguing that it is folly to introduce laws mandating a wage determined by the government to be “fair,” while overlooking the fact that mandatory wage interventions often lead to worse outcomes including rising unemployment. Williams therefore regards legislative interventions which attempt to “correct” the market by introducing fairness as misguided. He argues that,

Economic theory as such cannot answer questions of fairness. However economic theory can predict the effects of not permitting some people to charge lower prices for what they sell and [offer] higher prices for what they buy.

In the context of racial fairness, Williams points out that focusing on oppression and discrimination, highlighting the racial injustices of the past and attempting to correct them, does not yield solutions to today’s problems: “an acknowledgement of and consensus on those injustices, and on residual discrimination, do not carry us very far in evaluating what is or is not in the best interest of blacks nowadays.”

A further difficulty with legislating for fairness is that many people who attempt to enforce fairness understand fairness as equality – they argue that fairness requires that everyone be treated equally. This is a reasonable argument if equal treatment means treating everyone the same in relation to legal rights and duties. However, once it is proposed to legislate for equality, an entire raft of equal treatment provisions inevitably follows, which has more to do with allocating phony civil rights to favored groups that are viewed as disadvantaged while punishing other groups that are viewed as advantaged. The fairness enterprise then turns out to be yet another social engineering program.

The declaration that all men are created equal does not require legislative enforcement through the superimposition of a further set of “equality rights.” Further, there is no such thing as a right not to be discriminated against, as a right to non-discrimination inevitably infringes upon the freedoms of others. As Rothbard explains,

…anti-discrimination laws or edicts of any sort are evil because they run roughshod over the only fundamental natural right: the right of everyone over his own property. Every property owner should have the absolute right to sell, hire, or lease his money or other property to anyone whom he chooses, which means he has the absolute right to “discriminate” all he damn pleases.

All anyone can claim is the right to the same protections of life, liberty, and property that vest the same way in everyone. The tendency of equality legislation to transmute from formal equality to substantive equality is not an accident or an oversight, but rather inherent in the nature of enforcing fairness.

At an abstract level, it is easy to distinguish between equality and equity, but any attempt to legislate equal or fair treatment relies on a concept of “discrimination,” which in turn requires measurement of outcomes. That is because no advocate of equality enforcement has so far been able to suggest an enforcement mechanism which does not rely on comparison – we know whether two things are equal by comparing them – and comparison, by its very nature, requires measurement. Measurement, in turn, leads to a focus on gaps and inequalities. And, for that reason, legislative enforcement of equality focuses on eradicating gaps or disparities. In practice, eradicating gaps is no different from equalizing outcomes. This is especially true because egalitarians have little or no interest in what causes disparities: they assume a starting point in which everyone is (or should be) equal and set about equalizing conditions without any inquiry into causal factors.

In the view of many egalitarians, fairness is only achieved when everyone enjoys equal material circumstances. Rawls’s difference principle is said to be the relevant approach in determining what is “fair,” namely the principle that fairness is achieved by introducing measures which are “to the advantage of the least well-off class in society,” even if this means sacrificing private property rights. As David Gordon has argued in “Is Rawls Stupid?” far from defending a robust concept of private property, Rawls states that, “Two wider conceptions of the right of property as a basic liberty are to be avoided. One conception extends this right to include certain rights of acquisition and bequest, as well as the right to own means of production and natural resources.” In that sense, Rawls recognizes that his conceptualization of fairness as equality is incompatible with a strong defense of property rights.

Legislating for fairness, in reality, operates to the detriment of private property rights. The folly of legislating for fairness is that ultimately such legislation is incompatible with the liberties associated with private property such as freedom of expression, freedom of association, and freedom of contract.


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‘British Bill Gates’ feared dead after super yacht sinks in Mediterranean
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‘British Bill Gates’ feared dead after super yacht sinks in Mediterranean

British technology tycoon Mike Lynch – known as the “British Bill Gates” is missing at sea after a reported tornado struck his superyacht off the coast of Sicily, the Independent reports.

Lynch and daughter, Hannah, 18, and four others are missing after the “Bayesian” sailboat sank early Monday morning with 22 people on board, 10 crew and 12 guests. The guests included British, Canadian and American friends of the billionaire. Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, was rescued after the sinking and was one of 15 survivors.

Some of Lynch’s guests served on the entrepreneur’s legal team and were invited to accompany Lynch after he was recently acquitted after a long trial for fraud. Lynch spent years defending himself in court from US accusations that he fraudulently inflated the worth of a company he sold to Hewlett Packard for $11 billion. He was acquitted after a trial in San Francisco, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The sinking is being investigated by a team of prosecutors in the nearby Sicilian town of Termini. Another defendant in the Hewlett Packard fraud case was also a victim of a freak accident. Stephen Chamberlain, Lynch’s former vice president of finance, died Saturday when he was hit by a car while jogging.

The crew could only react to the tornado at the last minute. The Italian Coast Guard said that no distress signal was received from the yacht. Karsten Borner, the captain of the rescue boat told RAI TV that the “yacht tipped to its side and sank within a few minutes. It all happened in really little time.”

Rescue efforts are still underway Monday evening as divers investigate the wreck of the ship that sunk to about 164 feet deep.

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Ukraine, Russia were ‘heading for partial ceasefire talks’ in Qatar ahead of new offensive, energy infrastructure attacks
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Ukraine, Russia were ‘heading for partial ceasefire talks’ in Qatar ahead of new offensive, energy infrastructure attacks

Ukraine may have lost its last chance to secure a peace treaty with Russia over its shared war that has grinded on for two-and-a-half years.

Ukraine and Russia were planning a clandestine meeting in Doha, Qatar this month to begin partial ceasefire talks that might have evolved into a full-fledged peace treaty, The Washington Post reports.

But Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky scuttled that opportunity when he invaded Russia and began an advance into Kursk, a historical marking where the largest tank battle in history occurred in July 1943 and the Red Army defeated Nazi Germany’s last offensive on the Eastern Front.

Ukraine’s incursion into Russian territory has resulted in damage to a nuclear energy plant. Both Russia and Ukraine blame each other for that attack.

For the last year of the war, Russia has focused on degrading Ukraine’s power grid with cruise missile and drone strikes. The attacks have severely limited Ukraine’s functioning power base and blackouts are common. Ukraine has targeted Russia’s oil facilities and succeeded in reducing the amount of petroleum that Russia can refine by about 15 percent, The Post notes.

Delegates to the Qatar conference were optimistic that they could produce a document that would lead to a comprehensive agreement to end hostilities, anonymous sources told The Post.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky remain miles apart on any peace treaty. Zelenskyy is expecting Putin to withdraw Russian forces out of all areas occupied in Ukraine during the current war as well as from the Crimea.

Russia is expecting Ukraine to relinquish control of much of the Donbass region where the Russian population has expressed an eagerness to secede from Ukraine.

Ukraine is vanquished in terms of military personnel and can only survive with further and escalated NATO arms assistance – which carries with it the increasing risk of direct conflict with Russia and the potential for nuclear war.

Russia and Ukraine haven’t had any peace talks since very early in war, as The Post notes, so this development in Qatar was a rare opportunity to break the silence.

A diplomat who spoke to The Post said the talks were at first postponed after Ukraine moved into the Kursk region.

Russia “didn’t call off the talks, they said give us time,” the diplomat told The Post. Ukraine wanted to send its people to Qatar regardless of the Russian response but this was rejected by the host nation

Zelenskyy’s office told The Post that the peace summit was canceled not because of the Kursk adventure but “due to the situation in the Middle East,” and that a video conference was still possible.

Putin’s office did not reply to The Post when asked for clarification

But a “Russian academic” close to the Russian government told The Post that the talks are effectively dead. “You know our Russian leadership usually does not make any compromises under pressure,” the person noted.

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BREAKING: Jack Posobiec infiltrates DNC protests, confronts abortion activists
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BREAKING: Jack Posobiec infiltrates DNC protests, confronts abortion activists

Jack Posobiec broadcast Human Events Daily live from the DNC protests in Chicago on Monday, wearing a keffiyeh and moving among the crowd, confronting “abortion demons” as well as trans Marxists holding up flags emblazoned with the hammer and sickle.

Posobiec spoke to two activist women, asking “Are you upset because you couldn’t get into the abortion van on time?” Planned Parenthood of Great Rivers brought their mobile abortion van to town, offering free abortions and vasectomies. Both sets of appointments filled up fast.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about?” The woman said. She went on to say that she wasn’t upset about missing out on the abortion van since she’s “not even f*cking anyone right now.” Posobiec asked her to watch her language, but she would not.

“How many abortions have you had? How many abortions have you had today?” Posobiec asked the other woman.
“I’m getting paid by George Soros to have an abortion on the stage,” one woman said while her friend laughed, “with no drugs.”
“Which way you going?” Posobiec asked.

“What do you mean which way?”

“To have an abortion.”

“What kind of abortions are there, Jack?” She asked.

“There’s pills, there’s tools, which way?”

“So it’s gonna be on stage,” she said, “so a normal person would think that they would use tools, right, and vacuum it out and do all of that. Like, if I took a pill, that takes several days, and nothing happens, you won’t see anything. So you should probably, like, study how female anatomy works.”

Abortion is a mainstay of the DNC platform and the Democrat plan for abortion, should the party attain the White House with Kamala Harris, is to legalize the practice at the federal level. “With a Democratic Congress, we will pass national legislation to make Roe the law of the land again,” the platform reads before also promising to “repeal the Hyde Amendment,” which prevents federal funds from being used to terminate pregnancies.

Posobiec said that this wasn’t the first time he’d run into her, but that he’d encountered her in Philadelphia, as well, where she’d confronted him. Posobiec was approached by an interviewer, identifying himself as with Slate, and gave a man on the street interview, both of them holding mics. “We’re actually live, just so you know,” Posobiec told the reporter.

“What’s your main experience been here so far?” the reporter asked.

“I think it’s been a little tame, to be honest,” Posobiec said. “Y’know, we were expecting a little more of a raucous atmosphere, maybe it’s because of the heat.”

“Do you feel like the conversations you’ve had have been sensible or kind of crazy, or what?”

“Mostly sensible, yeah,” Posobiec said, going on to say “it’s been interesting to track, one of the things I’ve been asking about is, are there people here who support this who also support Harris versus people who don’t support Harris. I would say it’s about 50/50 so far, just of who I’ve talked to.

While he said he saw many anti-Kamala Harris signs, Posobiec said he spoke to many people at the protests who are pro-Kamala, despite their presence at the protest. “They wanna vote for her,” he said. “Some of the Code Pink sites were saying ‘we think it’s part of a new generation, and that’s what she’s part of.’ But, we’ve also seen a lot of people who say ‘I don’t support any of the candidates, and I would say that’s probably more the prevailing sentiment here at the protests.”

“They are not here in support of Biden, they’re not here in support of Harris. They’re calling her Killer Kamala. They’re calling him Genocide Joe,” Posobiec said.

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Crown prince Mohammed bin Salman to create ‘Louvre of Saudi Arabia’ after purchase of $450 MILLION da Vinci painting
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Crown prince Mohammed bin Salman to create ‘Louvre of Saudi Arabia’ after purchase of $450 MILLION da Vinci painting

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia reportedly has plans to create the “Louvre of Saudi Arabia” featuring a $450 million Leonardo Da Vinci painting he purchased in 2017. The painting, Salvator Mundi, has allegedly been sitting in storage in Geneva since its purchase, as the Crown Prince plans to reveal it once the museum is open.

Crown Prince Mohammed told Bernard Haykel, a professor of Near Eastern studies at Princetown University, said he wanted to “build a very large museum in Riyadh,” the Saudi capital, and have the painting as its “anchor object” that would attract millions of tourists. He also told him that he wishes to replicate the Louvre which houses the Mona Lisa, another one of Da Vinci’s pieces.

Haykel said that bin Salman’s purchase of the piece “was also a deliberate challenge to Saudi Arabia’s conservative Islamic leadership,” per The Times. “The idea was that you would have a painting by Leonardo that would hang in that museum and help attract tourists,” Haykel said. “You could also put another spin on [it] and say this is one of the most important paintings in the western world of Jesus and we own it.”

The crown prince’s purchase of Salvator Mundi has never been officially confirmed and rumors that it has been hanging in his palace or yacht have been dispelled by the Saudi culture minister, Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Farhan al-Saud. There has also been a discrepancy historically in how much involvement da Vinci had with it. Some speculate it may have been painted by his students.

The 2017 bidding war for the painting started at $100 million and the final price of $450 million far surpassed the previous record for a public sale of any artwork. It also had an extremely sharp increase in value in the last 2 decades. It had been purchased in the United States in 2005 for $1,175.

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ROD THOMSON: To win with undecided voters, Trump should make them his spokespeople
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ROD THOMSON: To win with undecided voters, Trump should make them his spokespeople

If this election comes down to Trump’s personality versus an astroturfed, media faux version of Harris’ personality, Trump’s odds of winning plummet. His negatives are deeply baked into the American electorate, which is why his support ceiling seems cemented at 48 percent.

Meanwhile, Harris appears to be “joyfully” singing her way through a campaign of tightly scripted, controlled appearances with a media just humiliating itself in groveling obeisance to whatever the Harris campaign demands — including never holding a basic press conference or discussing issues. The Time magazine cover with an image of her eliciting the Obama images is the perfect example.

The campaign season is now incredibly condensed to easily bypass this monolithic attempt to gaslight Americans on Harris’ off-putting personality and horrific policy stances. And time long ran out on changing American’s negatives on Trump. If getting shot in the head in an assassination attempt didn’t do it, nothing will.

Trump’s schtick makes too many issues about himself and how badly he has been treated. Almost all of his complaints are legitimate and completely fair. The established power structure is trying everything — everything — to take him out. However, it is clear those issues just don’t matter to swing voters. The base roars about them, but the people deciding the election don’t.

This is reality. But there is a breakthrough lane for Trump if he can just adjust his focus some.

A recent NBC News panel of black Philadelphia voters showed the way. They were asked at one point if inflation was hurting them. An older woman became impassioned on the question. She was not identified by name, but here are her words, and she got quite emotional about it.

“Inflation is hitting me hard. I blame the federal government. If a working class mom who works as a paralegal cannot buy a $2 bell pepper because it is now $5, imagine a mother living on food stamps. Imagine a mom making minimum wage trying to feed children,” she said, choking up with tears in her eyes. “They’re killing us without killing us, if you understand that…It’s, how about, feed my children and I don’t eat. But I have to go to work.”

That is powerful. And while she considers Trump a criminal, she and the entire rest of the black voters on the panel said they are undecided on who they will vote for and believe their votes are taken for granted. By whom, seems pretty obvious. Their take on issues are largely not conservative, but the economy and inflation came up again and again. That is Bidenflation and a wide open door.

But if Trump only talks about how low inflation was under his administration and how strong the economy was, he will mostly fall on deaf ears among undecided voters. However, if he marries that with real life examples, that’s something different. Tell real Americans’ stories. And more importantly, let them tell their stories in their words. Invite non-celebrities to rallies to tell their stories of grief over the past four years.

Trump actually will fight for average, hard-working Americans. He’s proven that as President. But a lot of people don’t know that because of media gaslighting and Trump’s focus on being wronged. So he needs to bypass the media at rallies and in commercials. Let people tell their stories of woe, and end with how you hear their pain and will ensure a return to a strong economy, low energy prices, increasing wages for the working class.

These personal stories are powerful and they bypass the game-playing that is done with baked federal statistics on the economy. Americans know inflation is an ongoing problem and the economy feels weak. Stats may show inflation has come down, but prices are still going up, on top of the huge amounts they went up before.

After the economy, let Americans tell their stories of carnage because of the open southern border. Rapes, murders, fentanyl deaths. Horrific stories. Then explain how you will return to a secure border that Harris has allowed to remain open to 10 million illegals.

True or not, the impression is that the Trump campaign was left-footed by Biden’s sudden departure and the elevation of BIPOC Kamala. It has been “stumbling” in media-speak. While the slavish media response to Harris should have been expected, it still must be dealt with.

In a North Carolina speech Wednesday, Trump pitched his economic plans, but continually strayed from the topic and used no human examples. Trump will be Trump, for great and terrible. But at one point, he said of the economy: “They say it’s the most important subject. I don’t know that it is.” Whether it is or not, undecided voters and frankly voters overall say it is. And they decide elections (well, them and those who harvest and count the ballots).

Harris also gave a speech in North Carolina two days later where she called for the normal, ambiguous leftist claptrap that never works, such as a federal ban on corporate price gouging. She also tried to distance herself from Biden’s terrible economic legacy, which tanked his approval ratings.

Trump cannot let that happen. He must anchor her to all of Biden’s policies, and he can most effectively do that with the stories of real Americans and their personal struggles under the Biden-Harris policies.

And it doesn’t hurt to remind Americans that a world on fire totally under Biden-Harris damages our economy and raises energy and food prices. It also inflames our open border. Again, tying this to the stories of real Americans as told by real Americans, is a powerful message to those deciding the election.

Rod Thomson is a former daily newspaper reporter and columnist, Salem radio host and ABC TV commentator, and current Founder of The Thomson Group, a Florida-based political consulting firm. He has eight children and seven grandchildren and a rapacious hunger to fight for America for them. Follow him on Twitter at @Rod_Thomson. Email him at [email protected].
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UK to release criminals early from jail to accommodate ‘keyboard warriors,’ protesters arrested after riots over school girl murders
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UK to release criminals early from jail to accommodate ‘keyboard warriors,’ protesters arrested after riots over school girl murders

Britain’s prisons are set to release prisoners in order to make room for those locked up due to the recent riots that took place after three school girls were stabbed to death by the son of Rwandan immigrants. Many of those who are facing prison terms were convicted over social media posts. Some 460 people have been arrested due to the riots so far.

“The UK is turning into a police state,” Elon Musk said. “Keyboard warriors” are facing specific scrutiny from the judiciary, with one man facing jail time for posts said to have “instigated” riots. A 53-year-old woman who posted “burn the mosque down” and is the only caretaker for her disabled husband was sentenced to 15 months in prison. 12-year-old boys are also among those convicted.

The prisoner release plan, called Operation Early Dawn, was “triggered for a week in March,” The Times reports, and it requires police to release suspects on bail if confinement space is lacking. In this case, the plan will be enacted in the North East and Yorkshire, Cumbria and Lancashire, and Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire regions.

The riots are being blamed for the expansion of these measures and it’s believed, per a senior government source cited by The Times, that “the large numbers of people imprisoned for their role in the riots will probably lead to emergency early release measures staying in place for longer than expected.” 567 new prison cells have been opened ahead of schedule to cope with the demand.

“From September 10, thousands of prisoners will start being released 40 percent of the way through their sentence as part of the emergency measures announced last month,” The Times reports.

Those ministers calling for use of the plan claim that no one who poses a threat to public safety would be released. Speaking to the BBC, chairman of the Prison Officers’ Association Mark Fairhurst said “we will guarantee a prison cell. We will make sure that those people who need to be in prison will be in prison. Not necessarily in the area in which they live, they might be two, three hundred miles from home, but we will guarantee a prison cell.”

When asked how he could make that guarantee due to the tight quarters, the official said “they are tight and that’s why we’ve initiated Operation Early Dawn. So basically, the easiest way to describe it is ‘one in one out.’ So as people get released, we can then pick up people from police department cells and take them to court and we will triage that three times a day.”

Fairhurst said “This is all a result of the rioters. Last week we had the biggest influx of new receptions I’ve seen for quite some time. We had 397 new receptions. As of Friday we only had 340 spaces left in the adult closed male estate, which is feeling the most pressure.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point [on Monday morning] the Ministry of Justice would announce that Operation Early Dawn kicks into play at some point next week, probably Tuesday onwards,” Fairhurst continued.

“You’re now clogging up police cells, so they haven’t got the power to arrest people and put them away in a police cell,” he said. “It has a massive knock-on effect on the entire criminal justice system.”

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