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Tropical Depression Gordon Public Advisory

WTNT32 KNHC 170236

Tropical Depression Gordon Advisory Number  23
NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL       AL072024
1100 PM AST Mon Sep 16 2024


LOCATION...19.0N 48.8W

There are no coastal watches or warnings in effect.

At 1100 PM AST (0300 UTC), the center of Tropical Depression Gordon
was located near latitude 19.0 North, longitude 48.8 West. The
depression is moving toward the west near 3 mph (6 km/h).  A turn
toward the north is expected during the next day or so, followed by 
a turn toward the north-northeast on Wednesday.

Satellite wind data indicate that the maximum sustained winds are 
near 35 mph (55 km/h) with higher gusts.  Gordon could gradually 
re-intensify by midweek and become a tropical storm again.

The estimated minimum central pressure is 1006 mb (29.71 inches).


Next complete advisory at 500 AM AST.

Forecaster Blake

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Experts Gone Wild | ZeroHedge
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Experts Gone Wild | ZeroHedge

Authored by Mike Scanlon via,

An ability to win hearts and minds has long been seen by America’s leadership as essential to domestic and international politics and security.  For much of the Pax Americana, our government and intelligentsia have poured time, effort, and money into studying how to persuade everyone from allies to enemies and, conversely, how to counter an opponent’s influence campaigns. 

But something essential has changed since the rise of President Donald Trump as a political force. 

During the Cold War, President Dwight Eisenhower spoke up against censorship and for lay readers in the wake of an attempt by Senator Joseph McCarthy’s henchmen to eradicate communist books from libraries:

Don’t join the book burners.  Don’t think you are going to conceal faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed.  Don’t be afraid to go in your library and read every book . . . .

How will we defeat communism unless we know what it is, and what it teaches, and why does it have such an appeal for men, why are so many people swearing allegiance to it?  . . .

And we have got to fight it with something better, not try to conceal the thinking of our own people.  They are part of America.  And even if they think ideas that are contrary to ours, their right to say them, their right to record them, and their right to have them at places where they are accessible to others is unquestioned, or it isn’t America.

These days, America’s most educated have grown distrustful of non-experts and their ability to process dangerous ideas

Our elites have launched a campaign to protect the undereducated from themselves. 

That crusade is not going well. 

As Martin Gurri has pointed out time and time again, America’s thought leaders and information curators are on the ropes.  Academics, think tankers, pundits, and policymakers no longer can hide the fact that they often either have no clue what they are doing or are all too willing to oversell their case—and will purposefully obfuscate or outright lie from time to time to get their way.  

Yet most experts are more than happy to pretend as if nothing were wrong as they claw their way up the professional ladder.  Some insist on singing paeans to themselves while demanding ever-greater protection from open competition and even outside criticism.

Take, for instance, the authorities advocating a muscular foreign policy or demanding robust countermeasures against domestic extremism.  The Global War on Terror was not America’s finest hour.  We lost Afghanistan.  It would be difficult to claim victory in Iraq.  The great hopes of the Arab Spring came to naught

But repeated failures did not cause self-doubt to creep into the minds of credentialed militarists of any stripe.  Most continued to insist that the next war would go our way.  Some have even been trying to expand their territory, such as the counterinsurgency specialists who tout their experience in (wildly unsuccessful) campaigns against international extremism and propaganda when marketing themselves as would-be, should-be leaders of the war against domestic extremism and disinformation. 

There was never any reason to assume that the pro-war clique would fare any better if provided yet another opportunity.  And failures have piled on missed opportunities in the Ukraine to the point where security specialists are, once againscrambling to protect the foreign policy establishment by blaming its most recent fiasco on a lack of American commitment to winning what may always have been an unwinnable war.   

The crisis afflicting much of America’s expert class is less that the internet has made it easier for the public to push back, and more that the elite’s preferred models just don’t work.  For instance, many disinformation experts justify censorship with a model positing that malevolent information drives malevolent acts.  Similarly, some domestic terrorism experts justify increased surveillance with a model positing that terrorists broadcast their “terrorist intent” before engaging in acts of terrorism. 

But, even if most people who commit violent acts were exposed to disinformation or made some announcement of terrorist intent, notably lacking is substantial evidence that a significant percentage of the people exposed to disinformation or of the individuals articulating terrorist intent go on to commit violent acts.  In other words, many of our leading domestic security experts seem unwilling or unable to differentiate between a hypothesis and a theory.  This is suboptimal. 

Worse, the smarter-than-thou crowd continues to push for surveillance and censorship despite the glaring problems with their firmly held beliefs about causality and causation.  The proposition that bad ideas lead to bad acts has been “disproven over and over again.”  And even many of the authorities seeking to elevate their profiles by fearmongering about “stochastic terrorism” must admit that the hateful speech in the establishment’s targets is unregulatable under American law.  Unlike “a call to lynch someone when a mob has gathered nearby,” the “use of mass media to provoke random acts of ideologically motivated violence that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable” just isn’t “advocacy . . .  directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and . . . likely to incite or produce such action.”  It can’t meet the standard required for the government to forbid or punish inflammatory speech.

To the extent that America still cares about freedom of speech or other civil libertiesthe surveilandcensor hacks should be laughed off the stage.  Yet the grandees of the so-called “Censorship-Industrial Complex” are overplaying an incredibly weak hand based on what appears to be little more than blind faith that the public isn’t qualified to question the elite.  This is silly; the emperor has no clothes

The collected academic expertise of the anti-disinformation movement proved itself worthless in the real world because disinformation specialists were incapable of preventing the Biden Administration’s Disinformation Governance Board from falling victim to—of all things—a disinformation campaign.  Given the anti-disinformation crowd’s admitted inability to effectively contest disinformation with speech and counter-speech in open competition, the public has every right to question whether the Biden Administration’s “Ministry of Truth” was meant to institute a de facto censorship regime where progressive- or establishment-led media and social media companies would collude with like-minded state actors to suppress populist voices.  

The disinformation that touched off the anti-disinformation crusade—propaganda propounded by the Russian government during the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections—either appears far too ham-handed to be persuasive or seems all but indistinguishable from arguments and assertions made by America’s most highly esteemed progressive identitarians Given the anti-disinformation cult’s penchant for announcing causation rather than proving it, the public has every right to question whether disinformation specialists operate in a fantasy world of just-so stories where fancy academic degrees and enviable job titles can magically transform an “and” (the Russian government tried to interfere with the 2016 presidential election, and Donald Trump won) into a “so” (the Russian government tried to interfere with the 2016 presidential election, so Donald Trump won). 

The social media-based disinformation campaigns initiated by America’s enemies during the ongoing Trump era seem to be as ineffective as the failed social media-based information campaigns launched by America during the Global War on Terror.  Given how disproportionate the elite’s highly publicized panic over disinformation is to the actual threat from disinformation, the public has every right to question whether our leadership is conjuring up sham crises to exert tighter control over a nation that has grown largely unimpressed by even the shiniest of shiny credentials.

Although the stage has been set for a complete collapse of expert rule, it will be difficult for the current crop of experts to save themselves from—of all things—themselves.  The traditional authority system is almost uniquely unfit to deal with the very public failure of conventional models. 

The incentive structure of America’s credential-granting institutions is out of whack.  Expert careers are advanced by appealing to recognized authorities and representatives of wealthy benefactors  or powerful state actors in a more-or-less closed system, which the establishment zealously protects from outside interference

  • Freedom from open competition allows diplomas and job titles to trump the substance of arguments and the abilities of individuals in the cloistered world of experts.  Authorities can take the ostrich defense or declare victory when faced with a threat to their position, so experts often decry dissent while studiously avoiding anything resembling critical engagement with critiques of their work advanced by deplorables or members of the great unwashed. 

  • The need to appeal to recognized authorities stifles innovation.  Up-and-comers are best advised to avoid heterodox approaches, which are liable to offend a patron, and to adopt whatever orthodox approach happens to be favored by their most powerful backer, regardless of the merit of that approach.  Established experts can use the failed experiment that is peer review to prop up their favorite disproved theory, to advance a fashionable narrative, or to snuff out groundbreaking work capable of challenging the orthodoxies upon which their reputations rest.  

  • The authority system even incents experts to exaggerate.  To draw attention in crowded fields or obtain grant money from activist sources, specialists commonly conflate advocacy with analysis, make overly dire predictions, then demand radical measures to avert the impending crises.  And very rarely are experts punished for getting things wrong.  It is therefore reasonable for specialists to stake out the most aggressive position possible, rather than the most accurate or defensible one. 

The expert system has broken down and requires structural reform.  For example, it is as if academia—the crown jewel of the authority system—were designed to be as unfair and inefficient as possible.

  • Despite our knowledge that the “Next Big Thing” tends to be hit upon by someone who is young or new to a discipline and often languishes until the then-dominant cohort of scholars loses control over the field, the tenure system concentrates power and authority in exactly the wrong hands—those of established professors. 

  • The deference afforded to tenured faculty within the American academy not only makes our colleges and universities incredibly hostile environments for truly innovative ideas, but also creates ideal conditions for alpha-sycophants valiant enough to kowtow their way to the top

  • Protecting academic authorities from the consequences of their actions over-incents “brave stands” (by rendering them bravery-free) and allows indefensible arguments to overrun the academy and occasionally leak into the wider world—often to the detriment of the very non-elites whom the scholarly elite purports to represent.

In short, despite all the exhortations by the Spencerians in the mainstream media and other establishment outlets about the need for academics to remain a self-regulating profession, the greatest threats to the advance of learning and to academic freedom come from within the academy and are, at minimum, exacerbated by a system that permits faculty self-governance. 

It’s high time for a round of creative destructionThe non-experts who oversee or fund America’s colleges and universities should consider doing away with tenure and exposing academics to the crucible of competition.  After all, pretty much everyone outside the Ivory Tower realizes that the fairest and most efficient way to deal with the replication crisis in the social sciences is an employment crisis among social scientists


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Hillary Clinton Calls Trump ‘Danger to Our Country' After 2nd Assassination Attempt
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Hillary Clinton Calls Trump ‘Danger to Our Country’ After 2nd Assassination Attempt

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” that former President Donald Trump’s politics of “hate and division” put the United States’ security in danger.

Clinton said, “I’m very hopeful, and even optimistic that Americans who do not want to see a continuation of this politics of hate and division will reject Trump.”

She continued, “The object in this case is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world. You know, they were merciless about what they saw as President Biden’s problems in the debate and calling for him to withdraw. I believe Donald Trump has disqualified himself over and over and over again to be a presidential candidate, let alone a president.”

Clinton added, “I do think more and more Americans are rejecting the kind of chaos that he represents. We can’t go back. That’s what the Harris campaign says all the time. We’re not going back. We’re not going back to, you know, what he failed to do to protect American lives during COVID. We’re not going back to the, you know, romance with dictators that puts innocent lives at risk and puts America’s security in danger. We can’t go back and give this very dangerous man another chance to do harm to our country and the world.”

Follow Pam Key on X @pamkeyNEN

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Alleged Donald Trump Assassin Previously Known to FBI
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Alleged Donald Trump Assassin Previously Known to FBI

Former President Donald Trump’s alleged would-be assassin was previously on the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) radar, Special Agent Jeffrey B. Veltri said during a press conference on Monday.

Veltri, the special agent in charge for the Miami field office, said the suspect, 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh, was the subject of a previously closed 2019 tip to the agency in which it was alleged that Routh was in possession of a firearm as a felon.

“And, following up on the tip, the alleged complainant was interviewed and did not verify — I repeat — did not verify providing the initial information. The FBI passed that information to local law enforcement and Honolulu,” Veltri said at the press conference at the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.

Veltri noted that, in 2002, Routh was charged and convicted in North Carolina for possession of a weapon of mass destruction. Routh allegedly barricaded himself and had a standoff with police. The Greensboro News & Record noted that once the standoff ended, Routh was arrested and “charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a weapon of mass destruction, referring to a fully automatic machine gun.”

“Law enforcement checks also revealed that from 1997 to 2010, the subject had numerous felony charges for stolen goods,” Veltri said.

The press conference was held a day after the assassination attempt on Trump at his golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida. The incident was the second attempt on Trump’s life in two months, the first occurring during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, in July when a bullet struck Trump’s ear and left his face bloodied as he was speaking to the crowd.

Defiant: Bloodied Trump Pumps Fist to Crowd After Shooting at Rally


As Breitbart News reported, Routh allegedly hid in the bushes near Trump International Golf Course, where he appeared to be lying in wait for Trump, who was golfing, to come into his view. Federal prosecutors on Monday said that Routh concealed himself there for almost 12 hours before the incident.

Routh had with him a rifle with a scope, backpacks, and a Go-Pro, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s office.

Breitbart News reported:

Secret Service agents, who apparently travel a hole or two ahead of Trump while he’s golfing to secure the area, encountered Routh before he was able to fire rounds at the 45th president.

An agent apparently shot at Routh, who then fled the scene in a vehicle. A witness was able to take photos of the getaway car and its tag, the sheriff’s office said. From there, law enforcement caught up to the suspect and took him into custody.

The FBI now says it is investigating an apparent second assassination attempt against Trump. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), meanwhile, announced that the state of Florida will conduct its own investigation into what happened separate from the federal investigation.


Veltri said FBI agents attempted to interview Routh, but “he invoked his right to an attorney in the last 24 hours.”

Veltri said various law enforcement agencies are working to obtain and execute search warrants of Routh’s vehicle and devices, including those at his previous known addresses. The FBI is also interviewing Secret Service agents on the scene and seven civilian witnesses. The agency’s Honolulu and Charlotte field offices have initiated interviews with several family members, friends, and former colleagues, Veltri said.

“The subject had an active online presence, and we are going through what he posted and any searches he conducted online,” he added.

Routh appears to have been obsessed with the Ukraine War — on the Ukrainian side — and was interviewed by the New York Times about his efforts to recruit volunteers to travel to Ukraine to fight against Russia in the war. He also reportedly had a Biden-Harris bumper sticker on a truck outside his home in Hawaii and appears to have donated to Democrats 19 times, FEC filings show.

“In addition, we’re going through media reports and public statements He made that he wanted to recruit Afghan soldiers and others to fight for Ukraine,” Veltri said.

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Trump After 2nd Assassination Attempt: 'There's Something Going on, Perhaps It's God'
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Trump After 2nd Assassination Attempt: ‘There’s Something Going on, Perhaps It’s God’

Former President Donald Trump said, “There’s something going on, perhaps it’s God,” one day after surviving a second assassination attempt within the span of two months.

“There’s something going on, perhaps it’s God wanting me to be president to save this country,” Trump quipped in a Monday night X Space. “Nobody knows.”

Listen Below:

Trump then recalled the first assassination attempt against him, saying, “When I made the right turn, it’s very unusual because the people weren’t on the right, the people who were standing out in front of me. When I turned my head at an exact 90 degree angle, the bullet came zooming by and clipped my ear.”

“And then yesterday, you had another one [assassination attempt] with a different result, actually, a much better result because we lost Corey [Comperatore],” the 45th president said, adding that two other rally goers, David Dutch and James Copenhaver, were severely injured.

On July 13, Trump narrowly survived the first assassination attempt against him after Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire while he was delivering his remarks during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Two months later, on September 15, Trump survived a second assassination attempt on his life after wannabe assassin suspect Ryan Wesley Routh was caught hiding in the bushes near Trump International Golf Course, where he appeared to be lying in wait for Trump, who was golfing, to come into his view.

Routh had with him a rifle with a scope, backpacks, and a Go-Pro, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s office.

Secret Service agents, who apparently travel a hole or two ahead of Trump while he is golfing to secure the area, reportedly encountered Routh before he was able to fire rounds at the 45th president.

“A Secret Service agent had seen a barrel of an AK-47,” Trump explained in the Monday night X Space. “He started shooting at the barrel. He started shooting in the bushes. He could only see the barrel — based on that, he started shooting.”

The agent “ran toward the target and was shooting,” Trump said.

“Those were the shots we heard. The other one [Routh] never got a shot off,” Trump continued. “And [Routh] ran across the street and hopped into his truck or car.”

The 45th president added that a woman who caught a glimpse the incident followed Routh in her vehicle and took photos of his license plate, and then gave the photos to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.

“Amazingly, a civilian in that area saw something that looked very suspicious and drove their car to the back of his truck and took pictures of the license plate, gave them to the sheriff’s office,” Trump said.

“And within a fairly short period of time, they tracked him down on the highway — and they got him,” former President Trump added.

Watch: Bodycam Footage Shows Attempted Trump Shooting Suspect Arrest

Martin County Sheriff’s Office / Facebook

This is the second X Space Trump has spoken in. The 45th president first joined an X Space on August 12 for a live, unscripted interview with X owner and tech mogul Elon Musk.

Alana Mastrangelo is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow her on Facebook and X at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.

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by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:


Tucker Carlson: “If they think that there’s a chance that Trump could win decisively enough in November that they can’t steal it, then I think their only option there is to in some way throw the society into chaos as they did during COVID which was the pretext for changing the way we vote and letting people vote anonymously without IDs and drop boxes and a month before the election.


They completely changed everything allowing Mark Zuckerberg to spend $400 million to control the mechanics of the election. That would not have been allowed except under a state of national emergency provided them by the virus they created in a lab in Wuhan, COVID.

It’s pretty simple. If they feel like they’re gonna lose we will have some kind of crisis. I think it’s most likely to be a war with Iran which they want anyway, but who knows.”

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JACK POSOBIEC: ‘They’re trying to kill President Trump and they’re not going to stop’
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JACK POSOBIEC: ‘They’re trying to kill President Trump and they’re not going to stop’

After Donald Trump was targeted by an alleged would-be assassin for the second time in just over two months on Sunday, Jack Posobiec theorized that the deep state would not stop trying to kill the GOP presidential nominee during Monday’s episode of Human Events Daily.

Posobiec explained that the largest question yet to be answered surrounding the suspect, Ryan Routh, is about his direct ties with Ukrainian operations. Routh wrote books about Ukraine and was “directly tied with foreign fighter groups” going to the war-torn country as well as financial aid going to the Azov battalion.

Routh had been previously profiled by major mainstream media outlets including the New York Times over his ongoing attempts to bring foreign fighters from Kabul to Kyiv.

“There’s no question in my mind that he has overlapped with the national security agencies, and I can exclusively report from my sources that he did receive battlefield training in Ukraine,” Posobiec said, adding that the backpacks the potential shooter had with him contained ceramic tiles which could be used as “makeshift body armor.”

Routh had set these backpacks up against a fence to form a sniper’s nest hidden in the bushes surrounding Trump’s golf course in West Palm Beach where he reportedly hid for almost 12 hours before being spotted by secret security who shot at him. He fled and was later apprehended.

“Is it possible that these tactics were learned on the battlefield in Ukraine or from Ukrainian forces?” Posobiec pondered. “Was this a blowback? And the other question, by the way, how did he get a rifle if this guy was a former felon who wasn’t supposed to have a firearm with the serial number shaved off? Folks, you better get your head in the game. They are trying to kill President Trump, and they’re not going to stop.”

Watch the full episode below.

This Story originally came from


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“Throw Society Into Chaos” – Tucker Outlines Dem Plan As Harris ‘Honeymoon’ Fades

Tucker Carlson said the quiet part out loud in a brief comment last last week. Uncomfortable truths about the “party of democracy”…

If they think that there’s a chance that Trump could win decisively enough in November that they can’t steal it, then I think their only option there is to in some way throw the society into chaos as they did during COVID which was the pretext for changing the way we vote and letting people vote anonymously without IDs and drop boxes and a month before the election.”

We all know what happened then (and we, the people, acquiesced so quickly):

They completely changed everything allowing Mark Zuckerberg to spend $400 million to control the mechanics of the election. That would not have been allowed except under a state of national emergency provided them by the virus they created in a lab in Wuhan, COVID.”

So, given what they have shown themselves capable of, who can really argue they would not do it (or worse) again:

It’s pretty simple. If they feel like they’re gonna lose we will have some kind of crisis. I think it’s most likely to be a war with Iran which they want anyway, but who knows.”

Watch the full comment by Tucker Carlson below:


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News Science Weather

Tropical Depression Gordon Public Advisory

WTNT32 KNHC 162140

Tropical Depression Gordon Advisory Number  22
NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL       AL072024
500 PM AST Mon Sep 16 2024


LOCATION...19.0N 48.5W

There are no coastal watches or warnings in effect.

At 500 PM AST (2100 UTC), the center of Tropical Depression Gordon
was located near latitude 19.0 North, longitude 48.5 West.  The
depression is moving toward the west near 6 mph (9 km/h).  A turn 
toward the northwest and north is expected during the next day or 
so, followed by a turn toward the north-northeast on Wednesday.

Maximum sustained winds remain near 35 mph (55 km/h) with higher 
gusts.  Little change in strength is forecast during the next 48 

The estimated minimum central pressure is 1006 mb (29.71 inches).


Next complete advisory at 1100 PM AST.

Forecaster Pasch

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Does Kamala Harris want to decriminalize fentanyl and other drugs – and release people convicted of possessing them?
News Politics

Does Kamala Harris want to decriminalize fentanyl and other drugs – and release people convicted of possessing them?

by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

She did in 2019. In the wake of the titanic failure of Oregon’s experiment with drug decriminalization, has she changed her views? And will anyone ask her?

The question to Kamala Harris at a 2019 Texas conference couldn’t have been clearer:

“Would you broadly use your pardon power as president to release federal prisoners who are in prison merely for drug possession and drug-related crimes?” [emphasis added]


Harris, four months into her failed 2020 presidential run, responded just as clearly:

“Absolutely, and we have to have the courage to recognize there are a lot of folks who have been incarcerated who should not have been incarcerated.”

These days, Harris isn’t so courageous when it comes to drug policy.

These days, she goes out of her way to obscure her views.

The “issues” page on her 2024 campaign Website says nothing about her oft-repeated view cannabis should be federally legalized – much less more controversial questions, like whether she favors decriminalizing the use of drugs like fentanyl and cocaine.

But from 2017 through 2019, as Harris was trying to gain Democratic support for her presidential run, she was not so cautious. She repeatedly said the United States needed to pivot to treating drug use as a public health crisis, not an issue for the criminal justice system – words drug policy “reformers” understand as code for decriminalizing possession and use.

In 2019, Harris let the mask slip all the way. In response to a question from the American Civil Liberties Union asking, “will you support the decriminalization at the federal level of all [emphasis added] drug possession for personal use?” —

Harris answered yes.

Decriminalization is not the same as full legalization, which allows the open production, trafficking, marketing and sale of drugs. Still, decriminalization lets users possess drugs for personal consumption and thus means that they cannot be arrested in most cases.

Like the question about pardons Harris faced at the “She The People” conference on April 24, 2019, in Houston, the ACLU’s question clearly included drugs other than cannabis, and Harris didn’t answer it that way.

Further, in a 15-page position paper on criminal justice she released for her 2019 campaign – a paper that contains the details so lacking from her “issues” Website today – Harris wrote, “it is past time to end the failed war on drugs, and it begins with legalizing marijuana.” [emphasis in original]

She added she supported “rehabilitation over incarceration for drug-related offenses.”

In other words, Harris saw cannabis legalization as only the first step in broader efforts to reduce penalties on drugs.

(You tell ‘em! But not now, don’t tell ‘em now! Things have changed.)


It is fair to say that Harris’s views aren’t as popular now as they were five years ago.

The crime spike that followed the Black Lives Matter-led effort to defund the police led many Americans to rethink the left’s softer approach to criminal justice. So did the breakdown in public order in the downtowns of many cities – particularly on the West Coast.

Meanwhile, “harm reduction” policies like increasing access to the overdose reduction drug naloxone and spending on addiction treatment have made no visible dent in the fentanyl/opioid crisis. In fact, deaths are higher under the Biden administration than Donald Trump’s presidency.

But the biggest and most visible failure of drug decriminalization since 2019 came in Oregon. That state abandoned a first-in-the-nation decriminalization effort this March, only three years after it began, because of soaring overdose deaths and crime.

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