Somali migrant who beheaded and stabbed victim 111 times could avoid deportation from Germany
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Somali migrant who beheaded and stabbed victim 111 times could avoid deportation from Germany

A Somalian migrant who beheaded his victim in a brutal murder that included 111 stabbings may avoid deportation from Germany. Prosecutors said that if the government sent him back to Somalia, he would simply return.

Mursal Mohamed Seid, 24, murdered his 52-year-old flatmate Alex K. in a homeless shelter in Regen in July 2021. He confessed to the killing and told police he thought Alex was possessed by demons that he had to kill, the Daily Mail reported.

Court documents state that Seid stabbed his victim 111 times before decapitating him. The victims’ intestines spilled out due to the severity of the stab wounds.

Seid was confined to the high-security ward of the district hospital in Mainkofen, Bavaria, as he purported to have committed the offense in a schizophrenic delusion.

The German immigration authorities are eager to return him to his homeland of Somalia as soon as possible. However, prosecutors are hesitant to issue a deportation order, as they believe that the criminal would return to Germany regardless, according to Bild.

A few weeks after killing his housemate, the Somalian tried to escape the high-security ward of a Bavaria hospital by hiding in a food cart. Seid attempted a second escape last week and sneaked by his psychologist and intern while watching a Disney movie during a family movie night at the ward.

After eight hours on the run, 100 police officers found him three miles from the cinema.

Prosecutors have been debating his deportation for two years. Senior public prosecutor Oliver Baumgartner told Bild: “In this regard, it was necessary to take into account that the convicted person would be free in his home country and that there is no guarantee that he will be treated properly. A return to Germany was considered possible.”

Seid wrote a letter in February that stated he refused to be deported back to Somalia.

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Tourist claims she was gangraped by 5 Pakistani men for 5 days, tied up and dumped on street: report
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Tourist claims she was gangraped by 5 Pakistani men for 5 days, tied up and dumped on street: report

A 28-year-old woman was reportedly gang-raped for five days after being abducted while on vacation in Pakistan. She was dumped out on the street in Islamabad with her hands tied behind her back and her ankles shackled. A passerby found her in distress.

The unidentified woman, who claimed she was from Belgium, told police that she had been in Pakistan for six months when she was abducted and thrown out of a vehicle days later. Police have arrested one male suspect and searched his apartment, the Daily Mail reported.

The Belgium Embassy was unable to confirm the woman’s identity and Pakistan’s security agency said it has no documentation of the woman entering the country. Pakistan does not believe the victim is a foreigner, according to the paper.

The arrested suspect told police that the woman was mentally unwell. She did not have an ID on her, authorities said.

This occurred two years after a 21-year-old American vlogger reported that her guide and an accomplice, who recorded videos of her for the purpose of extortion, had gang-raped her in a Pakistani hotel. Police arrested two men over the alleged incident. The woman had been in Pakistan for three weeks before she claimed she was sexually assaulted.

The investigation into the alleged Belgium woman’s gang rape incident remains ongoing.

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Money-Market Fund Assets Hit Record Highs, Banks See Large Deposit Outflows As Stocks Crashed
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Money-Market Fund Assets Hit Record Highs, Banks See Large Deposit Outflows As Stocks Crashed

As stocks continued to crash last week, money-market funds saw a second week of significant inflows (+$28.4BN) which together with the prior week’s $52.7BN, pushed total MM assets under management to a new record high of $6.216 TN…

Source: Bloomberg

And while bank deposits also saw (huge) inflows the prior week, the week-ending 8/7 saw seasonally-adjusted (SA) US bank deposits plunge $77BN – the biggest weekly drop since Tax Day in April…

Source: Bloomberg

Non-seasonally-adjusted (NSA) deposits also tumbled (by $74BN)…

Source: Bloomberg

Excluding foreign deposits, US bank domestic deposits (SA and NSA) plunged as stocks tumbled (-$70BN and -$78BN respectively)…

Source: Bloomberg

On an SA basis, large banks saw $73.5BN of deposit outflows (the biggest since march 2023 – SVB!) and small banks $3.5BN on inflows. On an NSA basis, large banks suffered an $82BN deposits drawdown while small banks saw $4BN in inflows…

Source: Bloomberg

Fiittingly, on the other side of the ledger, bank loan volumes plunged last week (driven by a $17.6BN drop in loans at large banks offset very modestly by a $0.8BN increase in loan volumes at small banks)…

Source: Bloomberg

Finally, we note that US equity market cap rose this week while bank deposits at The Fed remained flat…

Source: Bloomberg

Will this historically-strong relationship ever re-couple?


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Germany demolishes Grafenrheinfeld cooling towers as nuclear power is phased out in the country
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Germany demolishes Grafenrheinfeld cooling towers as nuclear power is phased out in the country

Germany demolished two cooling towers at its decommissioned Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant in controlled blasts on Friday.

The plant, which was once a symbol of Germany’s energy independence, was taken out of service in 2015 after 33 years, per DPA. Germany was reportedly alarmed by Japan’s Fukushima nuclear accident in March 2011 and then-chancellor Angela Merkel declared nuclear power would be phased out in the country after 6 decades of the country’s reliance on it.

Eight older nuclear plants were decommissioned in the summer of 2011 and the last three were shut down in April of 2023. Grafenrheinfeld marks the second demolition of cooling towers from a decommissioned German nuclear power plant, the first being in May 2020 at the Philippsburg nuclear power plant.

The cost to blow up the cooling towers was over €3 million. Dismantling of Grafenrheinfeld started in 2018 and will take around another decade to complete according to the project manager. He stated that over two-thirds of the material from the demolished cooling towers can be reused.

Onlookers were allowed to watch the demolition from a safe distance.

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AUSTIN PETERSEN: Aussie Rachel ‘Raygun’ Gunn’s ‘rigging’ accusation is an object lesson in merit trumping victimhood
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AUSTIN PETERSEN: Aussie Rachel ‘Raygun’ Gunn’s ‘rigging’ accusation is an object lesson in merit trumping victimhood

Aussie Olympic break-dancer Rachel Gunn, a female leftist white professor (this is important), received zero points for her terrible breakdancing in the 2024 Paris Games. Her goofy kangaroo hops and lackluster spins have already spawned a million memes and laughter across the globe.

You might be tempted to just laugh at her antics too, and give her credit, as Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese did, since she at least “had a crack,” and “good on her.” But frankly, I’m more inclined to side with Dr. Dre’s take when he said, “It was funny, I got some laughs out of it, but what the f**k? […] There are incredible breakdancers out right now; I don’t know how that happened.”

How indeed, Dr. Dre?

The first thing you need to know is that “breakdancer” Rachel Gunn, AKA Raygunn, wrote her doctoral thesis on the subject, “Deterritorializing gender in Sydney’s breakdancing scene: a B-girl’s experience of B-boying.”

Because of course. It couldn’t be that she was just a normal person who enjoyed dancing and somehow ended up way out of her league on the world stage. Her push to get a spot in the Olympics was all about DEI, ie demanding a place as a woman in a “male dominated” sport.

What could be more woke? And what could be a better example of affluent white female liberal (AWFL) behavior than the fact that she is engaging in cultural appropriation (something I thought was a big woke no-no) of a sport that’s traditionally dominated by minorities? Leftists like Gunn will gladly insert themselves where they don’t belong to advance her feminist victimhood agenda. So why no mention of breaking down the color barriers in the “sport,” Rachel?

To their credit, many in the black community are agreeing with Dr. Dre, such as Human Events columnist Adam Coleman who wrote on X that Gunn can’t “PhD her way into being extremely athletic.”

One X user put it well when he said, “real ivory tower academic move to misapply an intersectional justice lens onto a Black cultural thing and think that it becomes a system that marginalizes you because you’re a white lady that didn’t grow up in the culture.”

As it turns out, Dr. Dre was right, there are better breakdancers out there. But Rachel Gunn is accused of managing the qualification process so that she would be guaranteed a spot, despite the fact she couldn’t qualify for a barn dance. A petition titled “Someone who hates corruption” is calling for action and accountability in the selection process for the Olympics, focusing on chef de mission Anna Meares and breakdancer Rachel Gunn.

The petition, addressed to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, accuses Gunn of manipulating the selection process to her advantage, claiming more talented breakdancers were unfairly overlooked. It demands public apologies from Gunn and Meares, an investigation into the selection process, and scrutiny of Gunn’s business dealings. The petition has garnered over 23,000 signatures in just two days. To her credit, the Sydney Morning Herald is claiming the gaming of the selection process is not true.

From 2021 to 2023, she competed in various international events, typically placing low on the leaderboard, with rankings ranging between 40th and 70th, as reported by the Olympics website. Despite her struggles, she hadn’t qualified for the Paris Games until the Oceania Championships in Sydney, Australia. However, something changed at that event. Gunn unexpectedly outperformed all her competitors, securing a first-place finish and finally qualifying for the Olympic Games somehow. She’s accused of preventing other actual talented breakdancers from appearing to compete against her.

Anna Meares, a former professional cyclist/Australia’s chef de mission, advanced Gunn’s feminist victimhood narrative, saying, “If you don’t know Rachael’s story, in 2008, she was locked in a room crying being involved in a male-dominated sport as the only woman, and it took great courage for her to continue on and fight for her opportunity to participate in a sport that she loved.”

So, she locked herself in a room crying because she was in a male dominated sport? And for that she deserves sympathy? A spot in the Olympics? Maybe if she had locked herself in a room practicing instead of crying she might have actually improved to have been good enough to represent her nation honorably.

Meares then went on to describe Gunn as the best female breakdancer in the country, which would be even funnier than Gunn’s dancing if it weren’t an obvious lie.

Gunn turned what used to be a celebration of black culture and the freewheeling 1980’s into a crude parody. Her antics are a prime example of how the left seeks privilege through race and gender, only to completely ignore their own rules when a white woman wants to use her gender to exploit black culture.

Leftists who seek to be victims for the reason that it grants them special privileges are often said to be competing in the “Victim Olympics,” and the saddest commentary of all is that apparently playing the victim can take you to the real Olympics as well. But there is one upside to this: in the actual Olympics they aren’t handing out any gold-plated participation trophies. In the actual Olympics, if you don’t have merit, you get memed to death. In the actual Olympics, being a victim still matters less than being excellent. And if you ask me, there’s a lesson there for society at large.
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UK LGBTQ Pride founder charged with 37 child sex crimes: report
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UK LGBTQ Pride founder charged with 37 child sex crimes: report

The founder of a prominent LGBTQ Pride organization in the United Kingdom has been charged with 37 child sex abuse crimes, including rape and conspiracy to kidnap a child. All victims were under the age of 13, police said.

Stephen Ireland, 40, of Surrey, was arrested on Wednesday along with his colleague David Sutton, 26, who has been charged with 22 offenses. Ireland founded Pride in Surrey, the largest LGBT Pride organization in the county, and Sutton volunteered for his organization, as reported by Reduxx.

The 37 child sex crime offenses that Ireland has been charged with include rape of a child under 13; two counts of causing a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity (penetrative); sexual assault of a child under 13; sexual communication with a child; causing a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity (non-penetrative); six counts of making indecent photographs of children; two counts of possession of an extreme pornographic image; two counts of possession of prohibited images of children; five counts of distributing indecent photographs of a child, and one count of publishing an obscene article, according to Surrey Police.

The additional charges – that Sutton also received – include six counts of conspiracy to sexually assault a child; one count of conspiracy to kidnap a child; four counts of arranging the commission of a child sex offense; one count of conspiracy to administer a substance with intent; one count of publishing an obscene article; one count of voyeurism; and one count of perverting the course of justice.

Police said the horrifying atrocities occurred between Aug. 2022 and July 2024. Ireland and Sutton have been remanded to custody pending a hearing. Details about the alleged crimes have not yet been made public, and the investigation remains ongoing. Additionally, Ireland’s profile on the Pride in Surrey website has been scrubbed. The organization had him listed as its inclusions director.

Anyone with information that could help the case is requested to get in touch with Surrey Police by contacting 101 or via their online reporting facility, referencing reference number PR/45240080974. If someone has information and would prefer not to communicate with the police directly, they can call Crimestoppers, an independent organization, at 0800 555 111.

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JOSEPH MANNARINO: It’s time to push back against biological males competing in women’s sports
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JOSEPH MANNARINO: It’s time to push back against biological males competing in women’s sports

Alright, folks, it’s time to address the glaringly obvious: the integrity of women’s sports is under attack, and it’s not coming from where you’d expect. We’re talking about biological men competing in women’s events. This isn’t just a matter of fairness; it’s an outright assault on the hard-won rights and achievements of female athletes. ESPN just fired a female announcer who was critical of men competing in women’s sports, male cyclists continue to dominate in women’s events, and the Olympics is so confused that they couldn’t figure out what a woman is even after biological testing.

Let’s clear this up: women’s sports were created to provide a level playing field for female athletes. Allowing biological men to compete against women turns that playing field into Mount Everest—good luck competing on that. Biological differences—like muscle mass, bone density, and lung capacity—give men a distinct and undeniable advantage. This isn’t discrimination; it’s basic biology and it’s facts.

Imagine training your whole life, only to face someone with an inherent physical advantage. That’s the reality for many female athletes today and I think it’s unacceptable. Women are being literally beaten (yes, physically, with punches) by men in competitions meant to showcase female talent. This isn’t progress; it’s a step back to when women’s sports were seen as a side show, their achievements less valued.

The recent inclusion of biological men (chromosomes don’t lie) in women’s categories at the Olympics has been a particularly cringe-worthy example. The Olympics, once the pinnacle of athletic excellence, now have men taking podium spots in women’s events. This doesn’t just smack of unfairness; it’s a slap in the face to female athletes who’ve sacrificed so much. And let’s talk about those opening ceremonies. What used to be a celebration of global unity now feels like a performance art piece that belongs at a Marxist art gallery. Seriously, I half expected someone to start reciting slam poetry about climate change.

And speaking of the opening ceremonies, they left millions of Catholics shaking their heads. It wasn’t just unnecessary; it was a display of degeneracy and blatant LGBT advocacy, making many viewers wonder if they were watching the Olympics or a new-age cult gathering.

Remember when the Olympics symbolized human achievement and unity? Now it seems more focused on making political statements and appeasing the loudest voices. The ceremonies resemble a ritualistic spectacle, with performances that are not just confusing but often downright offensive to traditional cultures.

This isn’t just an Olympic problem. High schools, colleges, and professional leagues across the United States of America are all grappling with this issue. Policies that allow biological men to compete in women’s sports are driven by a small but vocal minority, leaving the majority of athletes, coaches, and fans watching in frustration as fairness and common sense are tossed aside. And if you dare say anything, brace yourself for the onslaught from the globalist rainbow mafia.

It’s time for those of us who value sanity and the future of women’s sports to speak up. Policies need to reflect biological realities and protect the integrity of women’s competitions.

What message are we sending young athletes and our youth when we allow biological men to dominate women’s sports? We’re telling them their hard work and dedication don’t matter, that their achievements will always be overshadowed by those with inherent physical advantages. And the sad thing is, we live in a world full of people who think this makes sense.

The Olympics and other sports organizations need to remember what made them great: fair competition, respect for all athletes, and a celebration of true excellence. It’s time to end this charade and stand up for the integrity of women’s sports.

The Olympics, once a symbol of global unity and excellence, has been downgraded by these decisions. Let’s reclaim the values that made sports great and ensure every athlete has a fair chance to compete and succeed. Stand up for women’s sports and demand the respect and fairness they deserve.

Joseph is a Conservative Political Commentator and Digital Marketing Strategist. He can be found on X @JoeyMannarinoUS
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Taliban stages military parade with weapons Biden-Harris admin left behind during botched Afghanistan withdrawal
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Taliban stages military parade with weapons Biden-Harris admin left behind during botched Afghanistan withdrawal

On Wednesday, Taliban members paraded around a former American air base with abandoned American vehicles and weapons in observance of the third anniversary of the disastrous American pullout from Afghanistan. The Biden administration left behind billions of dollars in US military supplies while 13 US servicemembers were killed by a suicide bomber.

The Taliban flag was flown by a motorcycle formation and uniformed soldiers marched with light and heavy machine guns in commemoration of the takeover. Kabul’s streets were covered with pickup trucks that were packed with militant males of all ages.

According to Fox News, Taliban Cabinet members celebrated accomplishments like fortifying Islamic law and putting in place a military apparatus that purportedly offered “peace and security.”

Speaking to a global audience, the Taliban urged the West to communicate and work with the nation’s leaders. As of right now, no nation acknowledges the Taliban as the official government of Afghanistan.

“The Islamic Emirate eliminated internal differences and expanded the scope of unity and cooperation in the country. No one will be allowed to interfere in internal affairs, and Afghan soil will not be used against any country,” said Deputy Prime Minister Maulvi Abdul Kabir on Wednesday.

America’s fight to overthrow the Taliban and find the al-Qaeda members accountable for the 9/11 attacks was centered around Bagram Airfield. US Army Veteran Bill Roggio told Fox News: “This is the Taliban rubbing their victory over us in our face,” adding that, “The Biden administration’s effort to get out of Afghanistan quickly has led to the Taliban having an American-supplied arsenal.”

Suicide bombers killed 183 people, including 13 US service members, during a mass evacuation at Kabul airport on August 26, 2021. The United States replied by unleashing two drone strikes on suspects of ISIS-K terrorists, one of which killed ten Afghan civilians, including seven children. The failures of the withdrawal from Afghanistan have been placed on the Biden administration which experts have described as significant incompetence.

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EXCLUSIVE: Kash Patel says the Trump-Vance campaign will ‘steamroll’ the Harris-Walz campaign
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EXCLUSIVE: Kash Patel says the Trump-Vance campaign will ‘steamroll’ the Harris-Walz campaign

Jack Posobiec was joined by Kash Patel on Thursday’s episode of Human Events Daily during which he illustrated what the coming weeks look like for the Trump Campaign.

Patel, a senior adviser to Donald Trump, stated that the Trump campaign has a team of extremely strong leaders including Tim Murdoch who will be doing more than just rallies and digital media going into November.

He stated that Trump and JD Vance “are two names we need to take out to the American people on a daily basis, get past the mainstream media. Those are the names we want people talking about because their policies are the best to deliver. Those are the names that we want because Americans have decided that Donald Trump and JD Vance are the best policies for national security, for the economy, for diplomacy, to end the forever wars, to take on the cartels, to defeat the terrorists and so much more.”

“Biden, Harris, Walz have no policies, but what they do have is a bunch of staffers running around them, looking for the Hollywood headlights. And that is not how you run a campaign. It’s good for a two-week bump, but it’s going to end, and that burn is going to go out, and we’re going to see policy meet reality, and it’s going to steamroll, in my opinion, the Biden-Harris campaign,” he continued.

Watch the full episode below.

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US Lying About Non-Involvement In Kursk Attack: Kremlin
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US Lying About Non-Involvement In Kursk Attack: Kremlin

A top aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the United States of lying when it says it had no foreknowledge of the Ukrainian offensive into Kursk, which has now surpassed ten days and forced over 120,000 civilians to evacuate.

“The US leadership’s claims of non-involvement in Kiev’s actions in Kursk Region do not correspond to reality… Without their participation and direct support, Kiev would not have ventured into Russian territory,” advisor and former Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev told Izvestia in a fresh interview. He went so far as to accuse NATO intelligence agencies in assisting directly.

Following similar White House statements claiming the US was in the dark about the daring cross-border operation, a Pentagon official on Wednesday asserted, “We didn’t get any advanced notification.”

Nikolai Patrushev, Getty Images

“What the Ukrainians were able to do was operational security, and that is something that I think we should be giving credit for. It definitely surprised the Russians,” the defense official said.

But Patrushev, who now oversees Russia’s global maritime strategy, said that it was the West which “put the criminal junta at the head of Ukraine,” and it remains that “NATO countries have supplied Kiev with weapons, military instructors, and continuous intelligence while controlling the actions of neo-Nazis.”

He continued with his accusations, according to RT’s translation:

“This criminal action stems from anticipation of the imminent collapse of the neo-Nazi Kiev regime,… the residents of Ukraine are suffering for the sake of American interests, as the US has turned the country into a military anti-Russian project.”

Putin said last week in the wake of the attack, and as it became clear that Ukraine forces actually held some territory in Kursk, that the possibility for peace talks with Kiev are now completely off.

 Patrushev explained further, “Washington’s efforts have created all the prerequisites for Ukraine to lose its sovereignty and part of its territories, including those coveted by some American allies.”

A Thursday New York Times report declared that this operation has embarrassed Putin and exposed weaknesses. And US officials further say that the fight is about to get a lot dirtier and more risky, in expectation of future sabotage and cross-border campaigns. 

“American officials say Ukraine will have to build on the operation, with other daring operations that can push back against Russia’s sense that its victory is inevitable,” wrote the NY Times. “Whether that will include more cross-border incursionssecret sabotage missions or other yet-to-be-planned operations remains to be seen.”

These future operations might involve use of US-supplied equipment, just like with the current Kurks mission: “The lack of warning to Kyiv’s foremost Western ally took on even greater meaning when it became clear that Ukraine was using American-supplied vehicles, arms and munitions to help carry out the bold ground operation into Russia,” the report continues.


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