US Department of Health and Human Services report confirms fluoride exposure is associated with lower IQ in children

US Department of Health and Human Services report confirms fluoride exposure is associated with lower IQ in children

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:


This month, a long-delayed and censored report on the toxicity of fluoride was published by the US Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) National Toxicology Programme (“NTP”).

The report presents a comprehensive evaluation of the scientific evidence associating fluoride exposure with cognitive and neurodevelopmental health effects.

The NTP report was due to be published in May 2022 however senior officials at the HHS intervened and stopped it from being released.  Over two years later it has now been published.


It suggests a link between fluoride exposure and lower intelligence quotient (“IQ”) in children. The report found that 72 studies examined the association, with 64 showing an inverse relationship. Even at lower concentrations, fluoride exposure was associated with lower IQ.

It has sparked debate due to its caveats, with some media downplaying the report’s significance. Meanwhile, the evidence continues to pile up that water fluoridation is causing harm to Americans

Long-Delayed US Government Report Finally Released, Concludes Fluoride Lowers IQ in Children

By Derrick Broze, 22 August 2024

The long-delayed and censored final report from the US National Toxicology Programme (“NTP”) has found “moderate confidence” that fluoride exposure is “consistently associated with lower IQ in children.”

The NTP report has been the source of controversy over the last couple of years as it became clear that elements of the US government were seeking to prevent its release.

The NTP’s final report, also known as a monograph, reported that 72 studies examined the “association between fluoride exposure and IQ in children,” and 64 of those studied found “an inverse relationship associated between estimated fluoride exposure and IQ in children.”

Of the total 72 studies, the NTP considered 19 of those studies to be “high quality,” and of those high-quality studies, 18 “reported an inverse association between estimated fluoride exposure and IQ in children.”

Even among another 53 studies which were considered to be “low-quality” the NTP found that “46 of the 53 low-quality studies [88%] in children also found evidence of an inverse association between estimated fluoride exposure and IQ in children.”

The NTP is run by the US Department of Health and Human Services to coordinate, evaluate and report on toxicology within public agencies, and is headquartered at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (“NIEHS”).

While these conclusions are breaking news to the vast majority of the public, regular readers of The Last American Vagabond (“TLAV”) have been informed of these conclusions since at least 2020 due to our ongoing coverage of this important matter.

Although the conclusion of the final version of the NTP’s monograph is strongly worded, it is likely to continue to be debated due to certain caveats.

For example, the conclusion mentions “higher estimated fluoride exposures,” which the scientists note are at “drinking water fluoride concentrations that exceed the World Health Organisation Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality of 1.5 mg/L of fluoride.” The NTP scientists call for “more studies” to “fully understand the potential for lower fluoride exposure to affect children’s IQ.”

These caveats are already being used by corporate media to downplay the seriousness of the NTP’s conclusions. One of the most widely distributed articles from the Associated Press is headlined, ‘US government report says fluoride at twice the recommended limit is linked to lower IQ in kids’. The mention of “twice the recommended limit” is designed to misinform the public by having them believe the conclusions do not apply to the US government’s currently recommended levels of 0.7 mg/L of fluoride in the water.

However, buried deep within the NTP’s 324-page report, the scientists make it clear they believe their conclusions apply to the US population. They write (emphasis added):

The NTP scientists take it one step further and conclude:

These additional statements are extremely important because people will likely consume more fluoride because of the multiple sources of exposure, including in processed foods or by cooking with fluoridated water. This especially applies for pregnant mothers and people with kidney problems who will consume more water than the average person.

NTP Scientist’s Long Battle to Preserve the Science

The release of the NTP report coincides with the ongoing legal battle between the US Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) and the Fluoride Action Network (“FAN”). The lawsuit began following the EPA’s 2016 decision to deny the plaintiff’s petition under the Toxic Substances Control Act (“TSCA”). FAN is attempting to prove that fluoride is a neurotoxin and should be regulated or banned under the TSCA.

The second phase of the fluoride lawsuit concluded in February, but Judge Edward Chen has yet to rule on the matter. Now that the final version of the NTP monograph has been released Chen may soon decide to issue his final ruling.

Michael Connett, the lead attorney representing the FAN, told TLAV the NTP’s finding confirms what previous data has shown relating to fluoride and IQ.

“NTP’s landmark report confirms that there is a large, consistent, and reliable body of scientific research linking fluoride to reduced IQ, and that the doses associated with lower IQ are precariously close to what hundreds of millions of Americans consume every day,” Connett said via text message.

Adding, “This isn’t what people signed up for when we started adding fluoride to the water. We didn’t sign up to add a neurotoxicant to our water. We signed up for something that could help our teeth. Now that we know that it can affect our brain, we really need to go back to square one on this.”

Emails released in early January 2023 as part of the lawsuit reveal that various elements of the US government appear to have been involved in a concerted effort to block the release of the NTP draft report – a report which concluded fluoride is linked to lower IQ in children.

The emails show that NTP scientists believed their work was completed and set a date for May 2022 for publication. However, leadership at the top levels of the Department of Health and Human Services intervened to stop the report from being released.

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Why did Zuckerberg come clean on his collusion with feds to silence the voices of conservative Americans?
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Why did Zuckerberg come clean on his collusion with feds to silence the voices of conservative Americans?

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:


Mark Zuckerberg says he suddenly “regrets” that his company, Meta, bowed to the Biden regime’s pressure to censor content on Facebook, saying in a letter that the interference was “wrong” and he plans to push back if it happens again.

Should we take him seriously? Is this a genuine mia culpa?

According to an article in Politico, Zuckerberg aired his grievances in a letter Monday to the House Judiciary Committee in response to its investigation into content moderation on online platforms. Zuckerberg detailed how senior administration officials leaned on the company to censor certain posts about Covid-19, including humor and satire, and “expressed a lot of frustration” when the social media platform resisted.


Zuckerberg wrote:

“I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it. I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction — and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens again.”

Zuckerberg also expressed regret in the letter for his company’s disgusting effort to memory-hole content related to coverage by the New York Post about Hunter Biden ahead of the 2020 election. This is the story, you will remember, that the FBI falsely warned may have been planted as “Russian disinformation.”

“It’s since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation, and in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story,” he wrote.

Republicans on the committee, led by Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, celebrated the letter in a long series of posts on X, calling it a “big win for free speech.”

But is it? What, if anything, is Congress going to do about this revelation of guilt, which proves what we already knew about how the government outsources its violations of the First Amendment to its partners in the private sector known as Big Tech.

Robert F. Kennedy has an active lawsuit against the federal government and has explained to Tucker Carlson in a recent interview just how involved the feds were in monitoring the social media platforms and then pressuring them to delete or downplay information that the government didn’t want American citizens to know. It didn’t even matter if the information was true. In fact, it was the truth about Covd and the 2020 election that the government feared the most.

In the video below, fast-forward to the 15:47 mark and listen for the next five minutes or so.

If you look at Zuckerberg’s history, he tends to play ball with whatever government holds the reins of power. He cooperates with Chinese communists as easily as he does American globalists. Whatever he needs to do to keep raking in the billions.

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WOW! Brand New Voter Registration Scam Uncovered In MI… Will MI AG Nessel Reveal The Criminals Behind The Scam If She Discovers They’re Tied To Democrats? [VIDEO]
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WOW! Brand New Voter Registration Scam Uncovered In MI… Will MI AG Nessel Reveal The Criminals Behind The Scam If She Discovers They’re Tied To Democrats? [VIDEO]

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

A new voter registration scam has been uncovered in the must-win state of Michigan, whose elections and top law enforcement agency are headed up by Democrats with a less-than-stellar reputation for honesty or fairness.

Last year, The Gateway Pundit reported about a massive statewide voter registration scheme that we discovered after an MI election integrity expert, Phil O’Halloran, shared a shocking MI State Police report with me.


The investigation, which began only one month before the 2020 election, was hidden from the public, and, perhaps even more shocking, it was hidden from Michigan clerks, who are responsible for ensuring the integrity of the elections.

Ann Meisch, the Muskegon, MI clerk, notified the local Muskegon Police Department when she received between 8,000 and 10,000 voter registrations in the mail with the initials “E.M.” (Empower Michigan) and a return address from the Staybridge Hotel in Auburn Hills, MI, (which is on the other side of the state).

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SHOCKING: Over 50,000 British Citizens Have Been Charged For Using “Illegal Words Or Writing”
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SHOCKING: Over 50,000 British Citizens Have Been Charged For Using “Illegal Words Or Writing”

by Jose Nino, Big League Politics:

Over the last month, the United Kingdom has been hit hard by a wave of protests following the gruesome stabbing murder of three little girls at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport, England on July 29, 2024.

Axel Rudakubana, a 17-year-old male and the son of Rwandan nationals, murdered these young girls in cold blood. Protests immediately popped off the next day in Southport and spread across the UK.


The frustration expressed by protesters represents a general hostility towards the overwhelming wave of non-white immigration that has landed on Albion’s shores in the last 70 years.

As a result of these protests, the regime of Prime Minister Keir Starmer has started to arrest people for making posts on social media that explain uncomfortable truths about the troubling demographic situation in the UK and the harsh realities of non-white crime.

Before the Southport protests kicked off, X user ~~datahazard~~ noted on March 5, that “3300 people [were] arrested in Britain last year for saying naughty words online.”

X owner Elon Musk was surprised by these revelations which he responded to in a tweet in disbelief saying, “3300?”

~~datahazard~~ then responded with an even more revealing analysis of these prosecutions, by posting a bar chart noting that “Over 50,000 Brits in the past decade have been charged with Illegal Words or Writing (Race/Religion subset)”

In another post, he provided further context to the level of “hate speech” policing in the UK by posting a graph of the prosecution of individuals who used so-called “illegal words or writing” prior to Keir Starmer’s assumption of the Prime Minister position. He outlined the following:

The UK increased the number of Illegal Words or Writing cases it brings while achieving an ever higher conviction rate:

– 64% Convicted in 2012 (2425 of 3773)

– 79% Convicted in 2023 (4682 of 5964)

That’s 61,100 cases & 45,000 convictions from 2012-2023, not including those who faced Summary Judgement.

Including Summary Judgements would increase these numbers by an additional 35,100 proceedings & 27,400 convictions — combined, nearly 100,000 cases brought in total.

And, remember, everything in this graph is from before the current regime.

Since the Southport protests kicked off, the Starmer government has continued the trend of going after people who simply engage in peaceful speech. Jordan Parlour, a 28 year-old male, was recently accused of allegedly using threatening words or behavior in several posts from August 1 to  August 5. On top of that, Cheshire Police arrested a woman for allegedly posting “inaccurate information on social media” about the Southport murderer. Authorities contended that her posts had the purpose of stirring up “racial hatred and false communications.”

Overall, things aren’t looking so well in the UK. Like its counterparts in the Anglosphere, the UK has been hit hard by mass migration and the multicultural political cult. It doesn’t help that it has a severe dearth of free speech freedoms. Americans, despite the problems the US is facing at the moment, should be thankful they still enjoy nominal freedoms such as the 1st and 2nd amendments.

If we didn’t have these civil liberties in place, the US would be in a similar situation to the UK if not worse.

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“No One Should Mistake It as Science”: NOAA to Improve Data Transparency as Climate Alarmist “Science” Falls Apart
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“No One Should Mistake It as Science”: NOAA to Improve Data Transparency as Climate Alarmist “Science” Falls Apart

by Nick Pope, The Liberty Daily:

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has committed to improving the “documentation and transparency” of a key data set frequently cited by activists and policymakers to suggest that climate change is getting worse.

Roger Pielke Jr., a former environmental studies professor at the University of Colorado, requested that NOAA correct its billion dollar disasters (BDD) dataset in January, alleging that the dataset’s sourcing and methodology are not sufficiently transparent for the metric to inform policy. NOAA responded to Pielke’s correction request on Aug. 21, admitting that the dataset has not undergone external peer review since 2015 and committing to improving its “documentation and transparency” of the dataset’s component parts going forward.


BDD data keeps track of natural disasters that caused $1 billion or more in inflation-adjusted damages going back to 1980, with NOAA and the Biden White House contending that the increasing frequency of BDD events evidences worsening climate change. However, BDD is an economic statistic rather than an indicator of changing meteorological conditions; the same exact hurricane could hit the same exact city 100 years apart, but the damage totals for each storm would be vastly different given that there are more assets to be destroyed in harm’s way now than there were a century ago.

NOAA BDD RFC Response by Nick Pope on Scribd:

In response to Pielke’s request, NOAA said it would start disclosing more of the publicly available sources that it uses to craft its data, formalize and disclose the steps the agency takes to ensure the BDD data’s “robustness” and set up a peer-review system that is consistent with NOAA’s own policies.

“NOAA made some difficult admissions here about the fact that the BDD tabulation has failed to meet their standards for scientific integrity and information quality,” Pielke, who believes climate change is a serious problem, told the DCNF. “The BDD tabulation is clever marketing and the media love it. However, no one should mistake it as science.”

Pielke addressed NOAA’s response to his request in an Aug. 21 post to his Substack page, writing that “these responses and admissions clearly indicate that the NOAA tabulation is not suitable for research.” He added that NOAA’s response to his correction request concedes that “historical versions of the tabulation (and thus new entries and changes to it) are only available since 2020,” meaning “that 40 of (almost) 44 years of the tabulation lack basic information on the loss estimates and how they were originally compiled.”

While BDD’s critics contend it is a flawed metric to use as a proxy for the intensity of climate change, the statistic was used in a landmark climate report published by the Biden administration in 2023 and cited as evidence to support the administration’s freeze on approvals for new liquified natural gas export terminals by Deputy Energy Secretary David Turk in written testimony submitted to Congress in February.

“NOAA notes that the RFC [request for correction] did not identify specific data points that need correcting. In conducting its review of the RFC, NOAA has not identified any data inaccuracies in the Billion Dollar Disaster data set,” an agency spokesperson said in a statement shared with the Daily Caller News Foundation. “NOAA has determined the U.S. Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters data set meets the threshold for influential scientific information (ISI) under NOAA’s Information Quality Guidelines. As a result, NOAA will review and update its management practices for the data set.”

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Another Major Western Nation is Promising Mass Deportations
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Another Major Western Nation is Promising Mass Deportations

by Christopher Tomlinson, The National Pulse:


German leftist Chancellor Olaf Scholz has promised to increase deportations of illegals following the fatal stabbing attack that left three people dead in Solingen as it was revealed the suspect in the case is an Islamic State-allied failed asylum seeker, who should have been deported a year ago.

“We will have to do everything we can to ensure that those who cannot and are not allowed to stay in Germany are repatriated and deported,” Scholz said Monday, August 26, during a visit to the site of the killings. “This was terrorism, terrorism against us all,” he said.


Credit for the attack, which took place last weekend, was claimed by the Islamic State terror group shortly afterward, and it was revealed that the Syrian migrant who turned himself in to police had been subject to deportation over a year ago.

The 26-year-old Syrian had seen his asylum application in Germany rejected because he had first arrived in the European Union in Bulgaria, and under the Dublin rules, migrants can only apply for asylum in the first EU member state they arrive in.

However, the Syrian went underground for a number of months, and despite reappearing, German authorities did not deport him but sent him to live in an asylum accommodation in Solingen.

Scholz has made similar promises to crack down on surging migrant crime as recently as July, following another stabbing by an asylum seeker, allegedly changing his prior open-door policies.

The supposed change comes as the populist anti-mass migration Alternative for Germany (AfD) has surged ahead of the three regional elections set for next month in Thuringia, Brandenburg, and Saxony.

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Zuckerberg Is Sorry for Censoring Facebook for the Biden/Harris Administration
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Zuckerberg Is Sorry for Censoring Facebook for the Biden/Harris Administration

by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:


Mark Zuckerberg sent a bombshell letter to Congress proving yet another of our silly little conspiracy theories right. He admitted that the Biden/Harris administration had asked his company to censor posts about the Hunter Biden laptop and Covid-19.

In a letter addressed to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, Zuckerberg explained.


He told Jordan that in 2021, “senior officials” from the Biden administration and White House “repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire.”

When Facebook did not agree with the censorship, Zuckerberg said, the Biden administration expressed a lot of frustration.

“Ultimately, it was our decision whether or not to take content down, and we own our decisions, including COVID-19-related changes we made to our enforcement in the wake of this pressure,” Zuckerberg wrote. “I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it. (source)

But it wasn’t only information about Covid that they covered up. Hunter Biden’s laptop story could have changed the outcome of the last election, and mentions of this, too, were erased from Facebook and Instagram.

Zuckerberg also said that Facebook shouldn’t have censored the NY Post‘s Hunter Biden laptop story – and said that the FBI had warned the platform “about a potential Russian disinformation operation about the Biden family and Burisma in the lead up to the 2020 election.”

“That fall, when we saw a New York Post story reporting on corruption allegations involving then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s family, we sent that story to fact-checkers for review and temporarily demoted it while waiting for a reply,” reads the letter. “It’s since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation, and in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story.” (source)

Why does this matter?

Some of you are thinking, “I don’t use Facebook or Instagram. Why should I care?”

As I’ve written before, the level of influence here is utterly massive.

Consider the fact that the “population” of Facebook is bigger than the populations of the US, China, and Brazil combined.

That’s how many people will now only receive one side of the story on things like war, politics, guns, and current events. People will believe what they’re told because there is no alternative information presented. There are no questions asked. It’s literally the textbook definition of brainwashing.

Social media is a massive source of information and influence today. If the information is rigged by entities that support socialism, gun control, and the end of privacy, we’re doomed. 2.2 billion active users will be bombarded with these messages without any real option for the other side of the story.

So regardless of whether you, personally, participate, this will color popular sentiment to a massive degree. It will grow the cognitive dissonance that assures people of things like “the government is your friend” and that “you don’t need to protect yourself, the police will take care of you.”

People who hate freedom will get unfettered access to the minds of 2 billion people. That should scare the crap out of you.

This isn’t the first illicit action that Facebook has taken to hide information.

In 2018, there was a coordinated social media purge that deleted hundreds of alternative news accounts from both Facebook and Twitter. These small websites, just working to share opinions and facts that differed from what the MSM shared, had their lifes’ work completely eradicated. They lost everything they had built and many sites shut down completely at that time.

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U.K. nurses plan to deny healthcare to anyone opposing unlimited illegal immigration
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U.K. nurses plan to deny healthcare to anyone opposing unlimited illegal immigration

by Belle Carter, Natural News:

A registered trade union for those in the profession of nursing in the U.K. has just issued new guidelines on situations where they can refuse to treat and withdraw care from patients and this includes clients who would oppose illegal migration because they deem them “racists.”

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) indicated in the Aug. 6 updated guidelines that some situations may justify refusing treatment, withdrawing care or finding an alternative.


“In response to comments made by Health Secretary Wes Streeting, we’ve updated our guidance on when and how members can refuse to treat a patient in their care. We recognize that every patient interaction is unique and this will be the most difficult decision for RCN members,” RCN said in a statement on its website.

According to RCN, the new set of rules is related to the ongoing racist attacks. It claimed that most of them have targeted nursing staff. The health secretary reportedly expressed commitment to dealing with the “racist abuse of all health workers” and decided that this is grounds for turning away patients.

“I am demanding the government ensures anybody targeting our members pays a very heavy price. Hearing that nurses going to work in Sunderland came under attack is unforgivable,” Professor Nicola Ranger, RCN general secretary and chief executive said. “Migrant nursing staff are precious members of our communities, hardwired into the very DNA of our health and care services. Our international colleagues are welcome, valued and owed a debt of gratitude.”

RCN said that “racism has no place in our society” and as an anti-racist organization, it will take a lead part in tackling this hatred.

The guidelines indicate that nurses can decline and stop treating patients in the following circumstances:

“Where there exists, or there is fear of, physical violence; where there is discriminatory behavior, including racism; where there are health and safety hazards e.g. lack of appropriate equipment; where the care required is outside the scope of competence or training; where there is a conscientious objection, where the client/patient is known to you in a personal capacity and where you are asked to do something unlawful or in breach of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code.”

For healthcare entrepreneur Jonathan Engler, this professional body essentially acting as a social justice organization, “represents an egregious abandonment of longstanding ethical principles” – especially when this particular organization is “simply parroting the government position that anyone who expresses any concern whatsoever about unfettered immigration must automatically be a racist.”

Engler pointed out the particular entry that determines the discriminatory behavior of the patients. “Who is to judge what is racist? Are 95-year-olds who don’t keep up with the latest approved language and use outmoded words such as ‘colored’ to be refused treatment because they are “racist?’”

“The whole point of sacrosanct ethical principles (and inalienable rights for that matter) is that they don’t depend on the prevailing circumstances, since the consideration of such leaves far too much room for post-hoc justification of leaving patients frighteningly vulnerable to the ideological whims of their careers,” he argued. (Related: Dying man refused right to try ivermectin, put on ventilator in a hospital that REFUSES to administer treatments that work.)

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Government and Private Groups Still Unite to Target Election “Misinformation”
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Government and Private Groups Still Unite to Target Election “Misinformation”

by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) – a part of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – has been enlisting private entities to help achieve one of its goals.

According to CISA, it would be to combat election misinformation and secure “election infrastructure” – while according to critics, it is to continue with the mission of censoring lawful speech “disfavored” by the current authorities seeking to remain where they are after November – by hook or crook.


CISA doesn’t feel the need to hide this activity that has been taking place since 2018 through a program called the Election Infrastructure Subsector Coordinating Council (SCC). It is here that US government entities – federal, state, and local – meet private groups (“partners” as CISA calls them).

We obtained the latest document for you here.

What’s coordinated here, according to the agency, and as was reported by The Federalist, is the reduction of “cyber, physical, and operational security risks to election infrastructure.” The coordination is done to the point where government and private sector have adopted “a unified approach.”

Information sharing ahead of the presidential election is also happening as SCC works with the Government Coordinating Council (GCC).

According to CISA, this collaboration is now “unprecedented” while what is referred to as “private sector owners and operators” sit, as part of SCC, in meetings with the FBI and election officials.

But CISA has other partners – the Election Integrity Project (EIP), formed months before the 2020 election, which has been blasted by the House Judiciary Committee as a tool for the government to bypass the First Amendment and censor speech.

The CISA site has a document, “Mis-, Dis-, and Malinformation: Planning and Incident Response Guide for Election Officials,” put together by CISA/GCC Joint Mis/Disinformation Working Group.

In it, CISA “defines” what each of its targets is supposed to be, and ends up doing what all “misinformation warriors” do – offer subjective and broad descriptions susceptible to interpretation, instead of clear definitions.

For example, “malinformation” is said to be information “based on fact, but used out of context to mislead, harm, or manipulate.”

The document mentions “delegitimization of election results” as one form of mis, dis, and mal information.

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WATCH: NASA’s DEI Training Links ‘Objectivity’ and ‘Individualism’ to White Supremacy
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WATCH: NASA’s DEI Training Links ‘Objectivity’ and ‘Individualism’ to White Supremacy

from Your News:

NASA’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training has come under fire for suggesting that traits like ‘objectivity’ and ‘individualism’ are linked to white supremacy, sparking widespread criticism.

By your NEWS Media Newsroom

NASA’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training is facing sharp criticism after a video surfaced online linking concepts such as ‘objectivity’ and ‘individualism’ to white supremacy. The training, which aims to foster a more inclusive workplace, has been accused of promoting divisive ideas under the guise of equity.


The controversy began when a video allegedly featuring a NASA engineer expressing guilt over not being inclusive enough in her projects was shared online. In the video, the engineer speaks about her desire to create spaces where everyone feels welcome and acknowledges her past shortcomings in making her work equally inclusive for people of color.

“In doing this work of examining my own intentions and actions, I can see that there’s so much more I could have done to make the projects I’ve led equally welcoming to Black, Indigenous, and people of color as they were to white people,” she said. “I feel a lot of shame and regret about that.”

The video then transitions to a lesson plan slide titled “white supremacy culture,” which highlights terms like ‘fear of open conflict,’ ‘objectivity,’ and ‘individualism’ as traits linked to white supremacy. The training suggests that these traits, often valued by white people, can limit how work is conducted and hinder connections with diverse communities.

“These concepts can really limit the way we go about doing our work and the way we connect with communities from different cultural backgrounds,” a trainer says in the video.

The date of the video is unclear, but it echoes similar content previously revealed by the Wall Street Journal in 2022. In those reports, NASA’s DEI training modules were criticized for promoting ideas that some deemed controversial, such as suggesting the term ‘African American’ can make Black individuals feel excluded or that being ‘colorblind’ limits inclusivity.

The recent backlash adds to the growing scrutiny of NASA’s extensive DEI initiatives, which are among the most comprehensive within the federal government. Each division within NASA has its own DEI mission statement, reflecting the agency’s commitment to diversity.

However, NASA’s dedication to diversity has not shielded it from criticism, particularly regarding the perceived impact on its core missions. For example, NASA’s recent reliance on SpaceX to bring home astronauts from the Boeing Starliner spacecraft—after a mission extended far beyond its original timeframe—has raised questions about the balance between diversity initiatives and operational effectiveness.

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