Poll: Donald Trump Takes Lead over Kamala Harris in Michigan
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Poll: Donald Trump Takes Lead over Kamala Harris in Michigan

Former President Donald Trump has taken a narrow lead over Vice President Kamala Harris in Michigan, according to a recent poll.

A WDIV/Detroit News poll conducted between August 26-August 29, found that 44.7 percent of “likely voters” in Michigan supported Trump, while 43.5 percent supported Harris.

The poll also found that 4.7 percent of voters supported former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., while 2.3 percent said they supported a third-party candidate for president, and 4.8 percent said they were undecided.

The poll also found that among 91 percent of “definite voters,” 45.7 percent expressed support for Harris, while 44.1 percent said they supported Trump. Another 3.9 percent of voters expressed support for Kennedy, 2.3 percent expressed support for a third-party candidate, and 3.9 said they were still undecided.

This comes after a previous poll conducted by ActiVote between July 28-August 28, 2024, found that 50.1 percent of “likely” voters supported Harris, while 49.9 percent expressed support for Trump for president.

Another poll from AARP, conducted between August 7-8, 2024, found that Trump led Harris, 45 percent to 43 percent, in Michigan. Kennedy received six percent of support, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independent left-wing presidential candidate Cornel West were both tied at one percent.

A recent Reuters/Ipsos survey also found that Trump was leading Harris in seven battleground states such as Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Michigan, and Nevada.

The survey found that in those “seven states where the 2020 election was closest,” the former president held a 45 percent to 43 percent lead over Harris.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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McCain's Son Feigns Outrage over Trump Cemetery Visit Despit Dad's Ad
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McCain’s Son Feigns Outrage over Trump Cemetery Visit Despit Dad’s Ad

Army 1st Lt. Jimmy McCain, the son of late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), feigned outrage over former President Donald Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery despite his father making an ad there.

During an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Tuesday, the younger McCain blasted Trump for honoring the 13 fallen U.S. service members who were killed during the 2021 Abbey Gate bombing in Afghanistan.

When asked “why” he had described Trump’s visit to the cemetery as a “violation,” McCain explained that the people buried at the cemetery “don’t have an opinion” and the point of the cemetery is to go and “show respect for the men and women” who have served.

“As you well know, sir, Arlington Cemetery is sacred to all people who are members of the military, all people who have served in uniform,” McCain said. “It’s a sacred area. There’s three generations of McCains that are buried there. It’s a violation because these rules are set in place. … the point of Arlington Cemetery is to go and show respect for the men and women who have given their lives for this country. When you make it political, you take away the respect of the people who are there.”

The comment from the younger McCain comes after his father used footage from Arlington National Cemetery in a campaign advertisement in 1999.

A spokesman from McCain’s campaign revealed in November 1999 that footage from the cemetery would be removed from the campaign ad, according to the Los Angeles Times:

The Army said this week that the Arizonan’s campaign did not ask permission to film him at the cemetery. Any request to do so would have been denied because partisan activity is banned at Army installations, the Army said. McCain acknowledged that his campaign erred and sent a letter to the Army saying that the scenes would be cut.

When Tapper mentioned how his father had used footage from Arlington National Cemetery in an ad and how Trump’s visit to the cemetery had “bothered” McCain’s son, the younger McCain pointed out that his father “pulled it down.”

“The first thing about John McCain, you don’t spend that long in politics without messing up once or twice,” the younger McCain said. “The main point is that he pulled it down and he understood the solemn — the sanctified nature of that — of Arlington National Cemetery. So, if Donald Trump pulled it down and apologized, it would be the right thing to do.”

In the aftermath of Trump’s visit to the cemetery, NPR released an article alleging that Trump campaign officials had gotten into a ” verbal and physical altercation” with a cemetery official who had been attempting to prevent them from filming and taking photos in Section 60 of the cemetery.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung addressed the allegations by explaining that a “private photographer was permitted on the premises.”

Cheung also shared a photo in a post on X showing that “only” Trump was allowed to “have an official photographer and/or videographer outside of the main media pool” at the cemetery.

Vice President Kamala Harris later issued a statement attacking Trump for visiting the cemetery and described it as a “political stunt.”

In response to Harris’s statement, Trump released videos from several family members of the 13 fallen U.S. servicemembers who lost their lives during the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, slamming Harris for “playing politics” and releasing a “heinous, vile and disgusting” statement.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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States Should Pass Proof of Citizenship Laws to Register to Vote
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States Should Pass Proof of Citizenship Laws to Register to Vote

Now that the Supreme Court has affirmed states can require proof of citizenship to register to vote, Republican governors and lawmakers should pass such election integrity measures ahead of Election Day, calling special sessions if their state constitution allows it.

Congress passed the Help America Vote Act in 2002 (HAVA), which created the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). That law also empowered the EAC to design a federal voter registration form that could be used in every state as an alternative to each state’s standard form.

Arizona has required proof of citizenship to register since 2004. In 2013, the Supreme Court noted in Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council that HAVA allows people to register to vote with a federal form and does not require citizenship proof, and EAC designed a form that does not require proof. So the court held 7-2 that only federal law applies when people use the federal form, which means that people using that form in Arizona do not need to prove they are citizens.

More recently, Arizona passed an election integrity law in 2022. That law extended Arizona’s proof-of-citizenship requirement to also cover presidential elections and vote by mail. The Left sued and the case is on appeal. While that appeal is ongoing, the Supreme Court split on what to do with that statute while the lawsuit continues.

Last month the justices upheld the provision requiring proof of citizenship when registering on a state form. However, they allowed a lower court to block the provisions requiring that same proof for presidential voting and mail-in voting.

Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch voted to uphold the proof requirement for the entire Arizona law. The liberal justices, plus Amy Coney Barrett, voted to block all of it. John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh took the middle position that carried the day.

But this ruling also suggests next steps for public policy: Five justices agree that states can require proof of citizenship to register to vote. In a year when Virginia removes over 6,000 noncitizens from its voter rolls and then Texas does the same, lawmakers should realize that even a small number of illegal aliens casting votes can change the outcome of a close election.

Now a majority of the Supreme Court has signaled that requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote is allowed under federal law. And polls show over 86 percent of Americans agree that noncitizens should never participate in U.S. elections.

All that being the case, Republican governors should call their legislatures into special session if their state constitutions and state laws give governors the option to do so on short notice. They should convene and immediately pass a requirement like Arizona’s.

Our elections will become more secure and voter confidence in our system will be strengthened. And poll numbers like those shown above indicate that voters will applaud these laws. It is both good policy and good politics — which is every politician’s dream tea.

The election is only two months away. But so many states have registration deadlines shorter than that — some even allow people to both register and vote at the same time on Election Day — that these laws could do some real good very quickly, starting in 2024.

For states where the law does not allow calling special sessions so quickly, conservatives should run on this issue, promising to introduce legislation in January. But in states where the laws on the books allow an option like this, there is not a moment to lose.

Ken Blackwell is Chairman of the Center for Election Integrity at America First Policy Institute and served as a U.S. Ambassador and Ohio Secretary of State.

Breitbart News senior legal contributor Ken Klukowski is a lawyer who served in the White House and Justice Department. Follow him on X (formerly Twitter) @kenklukowski.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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Feds: Top Aide to Govs. Cuomo, Hochul Worked as Agent of Influence for China
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Feds: Top Aide to Govs. Cuomo, Hochul Worked as Agent of Influence for China

A former top aide to New York Govs. Andrew Cuomo (D) and Kathy Hochul (D) used her high-ranking position in the state’s government to peddle influence for China and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) while profiting millions in the process, an unsealed federal indictment alleges.

On Tuesday, federal prosecutors unsealed the indictment against 41-year-old Linda Sun, born in China and a naturalized American citizen, and her husband, 40-year-old Chris Hu. The indictment charges the couple with operating a money laundering and bank fraud scheme thanks in part to Sun’s allegedly acting as an agent of influence for China while working in Cuomo and Hochul’s administrations.

The couple were arrested and arraigned in federal court in Brooklyn on Tuesday.

The 64-page indictment is far-reaching, detailing Sun’s alleged work as an agent for China and her husband’s subsequent illegal business dealings in China. In particular, the indictment lays out how Sun allegedly acted on behalf of the CCP while working for Cuomo, who is called “Politician-1,” and Hochul, who is called “Politician-2.” The indictment states:

The defendant LINDA SUN acted at the order, direction, or request of representatives of the [People’s Republic of China (PRC)] government and the CCP to engage in political activities intended to influence the public, including the [New York State (NYS)] government, with respect to the political or public interests of the PRC government and the CCP.

Linda Sun, seen in this photo taken by a local New York media outlet, attends a 2019 protest in Manhattan against the Taiwanese President’s visit to New York City. (Photo via Department of Justice)

Sun, in various instances, allegedly prevented Cuomo and Hochul from working, engaging, and speaking with Taiwanese officials. At the same time, Sun allegedly had Cuomo and Hochul make seemingly pro-China statements to appease CCP officials.

During the Chinese coronavirus pandemic in April 2020, for example, the Taiwanese government donated 200,000 masks to New York. When Taiwanese officials pressed why then-Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul’s office had not made any public announcement about the donation, Sun allegedly phoned her contact in the CCP to make them aware that Hochul would be only privately calling to thank such Taiwanese officials for the donation.

“Taipei economic and cultural office donated 200,000 surgical masks. No formal acknowledgment but I will be arranging for [Politician-2] to call their office to thank them. Just wanted to update you,” Sun allegedly wrote to her CCP contact.

That same month, Sun’s CCP contact told her that various China-based organizations would be donating about 1,000 ventilators to New York’s hospital association amid the pandemic. Sun, the indictment alleges, told her CCP contact that she would have then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo call him to thank him for the donation and that she would have him thank China publicly for the donation.

On April 4, via Twitter, Cuomo publicly thanked China:

In another instance, Sun allegedly worked directly with her CCP contacts to shape a Lunar New Year message that would be delivered by Hochul in early 2021. The CCP contacts got an advance draft of Hochul’s remarks and Sun allegedly made sure that the lieutenant governor made no mention of China’s detention of Uyghurs.

“Based on feedback from a PRC government official, SUN took action to ensure that Politician-2 did not publicly address the detention of Uyghurs in PRC state-run camps in Xinjiang Province,” the indictment reads:

In fact, in her public Lunar New Year message for 2021, Politician-2 did not refer to the plight of Uyghurs in the PRC. PRC Official-1 posted Politician-2’s Lunar New Year message to the PRC Consulate Facebook page. [Emphasis added]

Hochul’s Lunar New Year message remains posted on Facebook:

Sun also allegedly worked hard to ensure that Cuomo, as New York governor, did not officially recognize Taiwan and did not refer to China as the “Republic of China.”

“In late August 2019, the defendant LINDA SUN provided an edit to a draft statement by Politician-1 in order to avoid any state recognition of Taiwan,” the indictment states:

The draft statement commemorated soldiers and veterans of the U.S. and Taiwanese armed forces. SUN’s sole proposed edit to the statement was the following: “Politically can we refrain from using the phrase ‘Republic of China’ so as to avoid creating an international incident by recognizing Taiwan.” In an internal email, SUN eventually indicated her approval of a draft statement that removed all references to the “Republic of China.” [Emphasis added]

In June 2018, Sun allegedly committed visa fraud and forged formal invitations to invite CCP officials from the Henan Province in China to meet with Hochul in New York to discuss enhancing cooperation between the two states.

Hochul can seemingly be seen meeting with the Henan Province officials in a photo included in the indictment:

Photo via Department of Justice

Throughout 2018 and 2019, Sun allegedly worked with her CCP contacts to organize an official trip to China for Hochul where she would visit China’s largest electric bus factory in the Henan Province as well as Zhengzhou University.

The trip ultimately did not happen. Sun told her CCP contacts that she had spoken with Hochul about visiting China and that the lieutenant governor did not want to make such a trip at the time.

As part of her and her husband’s services, the indictment alleges that Sun was rewarded with millions from the CCP — allowing them to purchase in cash a $3.6 million home in Manhasset, New York, and a $1.9 million condominium in Honolulu, Hawaii, along with a recently purchased Ferrari Roma.

“SUN never disclosed any benefits she received from representatives of the PRC government and the CCP to the NYS government, as she was required to do as a NYS government employee,” the indictment reads.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at jbinder@breitbart.com. Follow him on Twitter here.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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72-year old woman who was allegedly drugged by husband and raped by 72 men over a decade appears at trial
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72-year old woman who was allegedly drugged by husband and raped by 72 men over a decade appears at trial

A French woman whose husband is accused of drugging her and then inviting dozens of strange men to rape her while unconscious appeared in court Monday for the first time. She waived her right to anonymity in the trial, the Daily Mail reported.

Gisele P., 72, came to the first day of the trial of Dominique P., 71, with her three children. The trial is taking place in Avignon, France.

The husband is accused of planning and executing a series of bizarre, psychotic and perverted sex crimes against his wife, specifically inviting and allowing dozens of men to come to his home near Avignon and rape his wife while she was unconscious. The crimes allegedly occurred between 2011 and 2020.

French police have documented 92 rapes by 72 men and 51 of these accused rapists are standing trial alongside the husband, who appeared as a “normal” father with a good job at the French power corporation, EDF.

Presiding judge Roger Arata has allowed the trial to be open to the public, in accordance with Gisele’s wish for “’complete publicity until the end” of the trial, her lawyer, Stephane Babonneau, told the court. She could have chosen a private trial without any publicity but “that’s what her attackers would have wanted,” said another lawyer named Antoine Camus, according to the Mail.

“For the first time, she will have to live through the rapes that she endured over 10 years” Camus said, noting that Giselle has “no recollection” of being repeatedly sexually violated, something she says she only discovered in 2020.

The couple were married in 1973 after a two year courtship. They had three children together, though Giselle has stated that her husband encouraged her to frequent swinger clubs – something she had no interest in doing. Nonetheless, Giselle described Dominique as a “great guy” who apparently annoyed a “normal sexuality,” or so she thought.

Their eldest son said he could discern no predatory, abnormal or abusive sexuality in his father, who had “always fulfilled his role.” The couple’s daughter also said her father appeared normal and was a positive influence on her life when very young.

Dominique allegedly went from normal to very abnormal in 2011 when he and Giselle were living near Paris and he is accused of orchestrating the first of many rapes.

The veneer over his life began to crumble in 2020 when he was caught by a mall security guard filming upskirt videos of women. He also filmed his wife being raped when she was unconscious and in a fetal position.

The images he caught are alleged to depict dozens of men raping his wife in their home in Mazan, a small town of about 6,000 that is 20 miles from Avignon. Dominique is accused of attracting rapists on a dark pornographic website that catered to sexual abuse fantasies.

Dominique allegedly told investigators that he used strong tranquilizers like Temesta to render his wife unconscious.

This Story originally came from humanevents.com


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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro orders arrest of opposition candidate
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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro orders arrest of opposition candidate

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has ordered police to arrest opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González as the socialist government continues to suppress its political enemies after a disputed election.

The decision will further anger the US and other countries that say Maduro stole the election from González. Maduro has insisted that voters reelected him to a third term in office on July 28, Bloomberg noted.

The regime has arrested thousands of protesters, some children, as it attempts to quell dissent and silence opposition. An estimated 25 people have died. Although banned opposition leader María Corina Machado has appeared in public at three demonstrations, González has remained in hiding since he was declared the loser in the presidential election.

Attorney General Tarek William Saab said Friday that González will be placed in custody for failure to comply with three separate summons related to voting records that seem to indicate he had an overwhelming victory in the presidential vote. Saab has been investigating González and Machado for incitement to disobey laws, insurrection and misinformation, along with other charges.

“They’ve lost all sense of reality,” Machado posted on X on Monday after the arrest warrant was issued. “By threatening the president-elect they will only unite us more and increase Edmundo González’s support from Venezuelans and the world.”

The arrest order occurred just after the Biden-Harris administration announced that it had seized Maduro’s airplane and flown it from the Dominican Republic where it was captured, to Florida. The US claimed the plane was purchased and operating contrary to US sanctions against Venezuela.

The Venezuelan Supreme Court has affirmed Maduro’s election while President Joe Biden has reportedly offered Maduro amnesty for his alleged crimes if he resigns from the presidency.

Although the Maduro-controlled Venezuelan electoral authority says the president won 54 percent of the vote in the last election, opposition leaders say it can prove that more than 80 percent of polling records indicate that González won handily.

This Story originally came from humanevents.com


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Vet Who Served with Walz Calls His 30 Trips to China 'Really Suspicious'
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Vet Who Served with Walz Calls His 30 Trips to China ‘Really Suspicious’

Tom Shilling, a retired Army sergeant first class who served in Gov. Tim Walz’s (D-MN) unit, said Monday during an interview that the governor’s 30 trips to China while serving in the National Guard “alarms me the most.”

Four veterans who served with Walz, including Schilling, criticized the Democrat vice-presidential candidate during an interview on the Megyn Kelly Show for lying about his retired rank and for deciding to retire just before his unit deployed to Iraq.

WATCH — Watch Tim Walz Lie About His Rank, Insinuate to Gold Star Parents He “Came Back” from War:


Schilling said, “The thing that alarms me the most on this, that I heard on the news, was he’s been to China 30 times. He’s a high-ranking person, and in Nebraska they had an artillery unit and they were dealing with classified stuff that they were firing.”

“And he went to China like 30 times. And I think that’s really suspicious. I’d really like to hear more about that, before we’ve got a problem with China, with people buying off some of our congressmen. It’s all over the place, besides the Stolen Valor and all the stuff he did, now with this it’s just not right, especially with China,” Schilling said.

Walz has bragged that he visited China about 30 times, including when he was a member of the National Guard. Walz joined the National Guard in 1981, first visited China in 1989 to 1990, and would return in 1993 with high school students, with help and funding from the Chinese government. After he got married on the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, he brought his wife there in 1994 for his honeymoon, along with more students and with more funding from the Chinese government. He and his wife started a small for-private business bringing students to China on summer tours.

Watch the video:

Security experts recently told Breitbart News that service members with security clearances would be required to report trips to countries hostile to U.S. interests beforehand. Breitbart News has asked the Minnesota National Guard if Walz had a security clearance while serving, but did not get a response. House Armed Services Military Personnel Subcommittee Chairman Jim Banks (R-IN), a Navy veteran, has also queried the Pentagon for answers, but has also received no response.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) is also conducting an investigation into Walz’s travels to China and has requested information from the FBI about whether or not they ever warned Walz about security risks in dealing with China. His deadline for a response from the FBI was August 30, but an aide told Breitbart News he has still not received a response.

Army Command Sergeant Major (Ret.) Tom Behrends, who was also interviewed, added, “Well, if you sold out your Guard unit and abandoned them, I mean, what are you going to do at the national level?”

Follow Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong on “X”, Truth Social, or on Facebook.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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Islamic State claims responsibility for suicide bombing in Kabul that killed 6 civilians
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Islamic State claims responsibility for suicide bombing in Kabul that killed 6 civilians

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility Tuesday for a suicide bombing in Kabul that killed at least six people in Afghanistan’s capital city. The terrorist organization said the blast was in retaliation for the Taliban reopening a detention center at its high-security Bagram base, ABC News reported.

Bagram was originally built by forces of the Soviet Union that occupied parts of the country during the Afghan war in the 1980s. The base was taken over by US forces that entered Afghanistan after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City and the Pentagon. After the Islamist Taliban seized power in 2021, they took control of the base.

“The attack came in retaliation for Muslim prisoners in Taliban prisons, especially after their transfer to the notorious ‘Bagram’ prison, in a repeat of the American era and its practices against prisoners,” Islamic State said in a Telegram post.

CIA personnel were stationed at Bagram and used torture to extract information from Afghan prisoners. The Taliban announced on Sunday that the prison at Bagram would be reopened and that the General Directorate of Intelligence now had responsibility for its operation after years of the facility being closed. The Taliban indicated that some prisoners had been moved to the prison but who they were, according to Reuters.

Kabul police said all of those who died in the suicide bombing attack were civilians and did not speculate as to what the bomber’s intended target was.

The Islamic State is claiming that 45 people were killed in the blast, including some Taliban authorities, and that the bomber had sought to kill employees of Afghanistan’s judicial services. Reuters has been unable to independently verify either the number killed or the site bombed.

Islamic State-Khurasan, a local affiliate of the Middle East-based Islamic State group, is fighting an internecine war against the Taliban. Although the Taliban has claimed it has effectively defeated the group, it hasn’t stopped the group from its terrorist activities in Afghanistan.

Islamic State militants continue to earn infamy around the world for their terrorist activities that they have claimed responsibility for including a mass stabbing in Germany, a concert hall shooting in Russia and a bombing in Iran.

The Taliban runs Afghanistan in a strictly Islamist fashion. The regime has banned women from speaking or showing their faces in public.

The Taliban recently fired hundreds of men from its security detail because they were beardless. The regime has actually outlawed barbers in some parts of the country from shaving or trimming beards, saying the dictate is part of Sharia law. This week, the leadership staged a massive parade of military hardware left by US forces during President Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Kabul in 2021. Women living in the ultra-Islamic regime can only travel if they’re married.This Story originally came from humanevents.com


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Biden-Harris Admin Negotiates Bus Passage Through Mexico for Migrants Using CBP-One 'Asylum' App
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Biden-Harris Admin Negotiates Bus Passage Through Mexico for Migrants Using CBP-One ‘Asylum’ App

The latest development between the Biden/Harris administration and the government of Mexico on the immigration front will see migrants provided bussing from two southern Mexico cities to the United States border. The plan will provide the migrants headed to the United States with meals and security during travel from the two cities to the U.S. destination where the migrant’s asylum appointments are scheduled under the CBP-One application.

The government of Mexico’s National Institute of Migration (INM) announced the new program in a Spanish-language notice issued on Saturday, referring to the initiative as the “Secure Emerging Mobility Corridor.” The two departure cities in southern Mexico will be Villahermosa, Tabasco, and Tapachula, Chiapas.

The new transportation program will allow authorities in Mexico to manage better the flow of migrants traveling into the country’s interior by scheduling free travel services as appointments to be released into the United States are scheduled under the CBP-One program. Currently, 1,450 migrants are released into the United States daily under the Biden/Harris CBP-One asylum application. The migrants are not required to pass a credible fear interview, which is usually the first hurdle to a successful asylum claim.

Biden-Harris DHS official Manuel Padilla and U.S. Border Patrol Chief Jason meet with Mexican immigration officials. (Photo: Mexico INM)

The program’s announcement comes a week after authorities with Mexico’s INM and Biden/Harris administration representatives met in Mexico to expand the geographic region in Mexico where migrants can request CBP-One asylum appointments. The program had restricted access to schedule appointments in central and northern Mexico until last week. Allowing the appointment in southern Mexico will now allow both governments to regulate the flow of migrant travel through Mexico.

The program will offer participating migrants an immigration permit that allows them to legally travel through the country for 20 days. According to the announcement, INM will coordinate security for the buses to the United States border with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.

The program may face challenges due to the difficulty some migrants experience dealing with cartel violence and the lack of job opportunities in southern Mexico as they maneuver through the CBP-One application, attempting to receive an appointment. Many migrants leave the border city of Tapachula, Chiapas, in southern Mexico for larger central Mexican cities such as the nation’s capital of Mexico City, where job opportunities are more abundant.

Randy Clark is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol.  Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector. Follow him on X (formerly Twitter) @RandyClarkBBTX.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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