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Moderna fine

Moderna, 'inappropriate financial inducement', brought 'discredit upon the pharmaceutical industry'.

Moderna under fire after children offered cash to test Covid vaccine

Company targeted 12 to 18 year-olds through WhatsApp with payments of £1,500


Moderna has been rebuked by regulators

Moderna ordered to pay £14,000

(Moderna, total revenue was $6.8 billion in 2023)

Moderna representative had sent a WhatsApp message offering £1,500 to children to be subjects in covid booster trials.

NextCove trial

The offer was made by a paediatrician from an unnamed NHS trust

UK Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA)


Ruled that the offer amounted to “inappropriate financial inducement”,

found the company had brought “discredit upon the pharmaceutical industry”.

UK Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority




A research ethics committee

Warned about the “large amount of money” that Moderna was offering,

voiced concern it was “much higher than would be considered a reasonable reimbursement”.

The Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations (2004)


It is prohibited for incentives or financial inducements to be given to children or their parents.

Complaint was filed in the UK


On behalf of the Children’s Covid Vaccines Advisory Council


In a statement, the PMCPA ruled

“On balance, the panel considered that this brought discredit upon and reduced confidence in the pharmaceutical industry.”

Moderna must provide a written undertaking that the practice will “cease forthwith” and pay for administrative costs.

Esther McVey MP

(formerly of the APPG on Covid-19 vaccine damage)

“A charge of £14,000 to a company that enjoyed a total revenue of $6.8 billion in 2023 is hardly likely to make them think twice before breaking the rules again.

“Not only are the charges too small but when they come, they come too late. There is a major backlog in handling these kinds of complaints, with a recent case against Moderna taking the PMCPA 18 months to consider.

“The system is clearly broken and failing to keep patients safe from misleading information and advertising about medicines.

The public’s trust in healthcare authorities will only continue to be damaged unless meaningful action is taken.”

Corporate interests vs the public’s right to know

By Rt Hon Esther McVey

It is time for real transparency in clinical research.

The case details the company’s inappropriate and unacceptable use of social media and big financial incentives to recruit healthy children into its Covid-19 vaccine trial.

For me, this case prompts further questions about how and why Moderna’s NextCOVE trial was ever approved in the first place.

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As Unrest In Communist China Grows, So Does Its Aggression On The World Stage

As Unrest In Communist China Grows, So Does Its Aggression On The World Stage

As Unrest In Communist China Grows, So Does Its Aggression On The World Stage

Authored by James Gorrie via The Epoch Times,

At this point, China’s declining economic situation is well documented. The damage is too large to cover up with propaganda, and the Chinese people know it. Even the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) 75th anniversary was austere. Negative economic factors have been building for years.

China was already having problems in 2018 and 2019 with the Trump administration’s imposition of steep tariffs on Chinese goods. But the COVID-19 pandemic and the CCP’s extreme “zero-COVID” three-year lockdown period made China’s economic downturn much worse.

China Is Being Tested

As we approach the last quarter of 2024, the CCP is being tested by unprecedented domestic economic conditions. As a result, civil unrest is 18 percent higher than last year. The slowdown has many facets, of course. We’ll name just a few in this space.

One big factor is the real estate sector, which is about 30 percent of GDP. It continues to crater, and at the time of this writing, there is no recovery in sight. Home prices and sales continue to decline. What’s more, Chinese consumers are buying less, with consumer spending making up just 38 percent of GDP. By contrast, that figure is 60–70 percent in developed countries.

Sloth and Disillusion

Not unexpectedly, unemployment among China’s youth (ages 16–24) had been at least 21 percent and likely higher when the CCP stopped publishing unemployment figures in June 2023. Then, in December of that year, the CCP released new statistics from a new method of measuring youth unemployment, which did not include students. That new approach dropped that figure down to 14.9 percent, but that’s still almost three times higher than China’s national rate of 5.1 percent.

High jobless rates for young people hinder future growth potential and have added to the “lie flat” trend amongst many in China’s new generation, who have little hope of or ambition to obtain the lifestyle that their parents enjoyed.

Sloth and disillusion are hardly the stuff that strong economies are made of. The risks and dangers of disaffected youth movements are not unknown in China. The ghost of Tianuare still haunts Chinese authorities, even though the surveillance and control that the CCP has over its people is light ahead of the Tiananmen Square era of 1989.

Embedded Political and Industrial Policies

Still, there are embedded economic realities that can’t easily be changed. Party doctrine dictates that China’s top economic advantage is found in its low levels of domestic consumption and high savings rate. These two factors mean domestic capital flows directly into the state-controlled banking system, which it can then allocate to specific industries. This gives the Party tremendous control over industrial policy and private capital.

For instance, China’s economic and development structures are geared toward high levels of industrial output. That may seem fine, but because China’s political organization and industrial arrangements within the Party are focused on large production capacity and not innovation or differentiation, the outcomes are massive overproduction that is often well beyond global demand and unprofitable factories.

Constant oversupplies, from electric vehicle batteries to electronics, result in Chinese manufacturers dumping massive amounts of cheap products into foreign markets, triggering trade friction such as tariffs and other retaliation, which also make conditions worse in China.

In short, China’s distorted industrial policies tied to a graft-loyalty political system have made it incapable of changing without disrupting the CCP structure and the loyalties that come with it.

No Stopping the Downward Spiral

For these reasons and others, over the past several years, China has found itself in a downward spiral of deflation, falling domestic consumption, and declining confidence in the CCP. What’s more, there are few real options that won’t threaten the CCP’s grip over the country. It must be made clear, however, that with its surveillance capabilities, the Party can handle a loss of confidence in the eyes of the people, but it can’t survive a loss of power. The two are not the same.

What the CCP will do is continue to support some critical areas of the economy, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and military enhancements, while letting other sectors flail without little or no bailouts. Some sectors will eventually return, but not in the near future. This is clear to many within and outside of China, as billions of dollars in investment and capital continue to exit China.

Wolf Warrior Diplomacy Is Alive and Well

This brings us to China’s so-called wolf warrior diplomacy approach toward other nations, which it adopted in 2019 on the cusp of the COVID-19 outbreak and global criticism of Beijing’s disastrous handling of the pandemic. China was already under economic duress due to the rising trade war with the United States. Some observers attribute this approach to personal ambition among China’s diplomatic personnel and/or an attempt to improve the perceived investment environment in China.

Neither makes any sense when it’s understood that Xi Jinping is not allowing diplomats to make their own rules and policies, and pre-wolf warrior investment levels were high. Why would the CCP authorities imagine that increasing aggression on the global stage would make more countries want to invest there? They don’t.

A more realistic rationale for China’s rising aggression on the world stage is that Beijing feels the need to control the narrative at home and intimidate the rest of the world. The spillover between a declining economy and rising unrest is clear. At home, the CCP needs to blame the West and other foreigners for its blatant economic failures not only for exculpatory purposes but also to whip up nationalism and justify further aggressions as economic conditions continue to deteriorate.

Some observers have concluded that Beijing’s days of wolf warrior diplomacy are now over. Current events, however, defy such a conclusion. These include the Chinese regime’s provocative incursions with military planes and boats into or near territorial waters or air space of the United States, Taiwan, and the Philippines, border battles with India, as well as a desire to expand control of the South China Sea. On the global stage, as the return to bullets over diplomacy rises, Beijing sees an opportunity to influence and/or intimidate other nations.

Tyler Durden
Sat, 10/05/2024 – 23:20

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Taylor Swift Endorsing Kamala Harris Backfires as Poll Shows More Voters 'Much More Likely' to Vote Trump Over Harris

Taylor Swift Endorsing Kamala Harris Backfires as Poll Shows More Voters ‘Much More Likely’ to Vote Trump Over Harris

A new poll shows that pop star Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris for president may not have moved the needle in the candidate’s favor, and, in fact, may have backfired. 

The post Taylor Swift Endorsing Kamala Harris Backfires as Poll Shows More Voters ‘Much More Likely’ to Vote Trump Over Harris appeared first on Breitbart.

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"Big Cold Front Coming This Weekend" 

“Big Cold Front Coming This Weekend” 

“Big Cold Front Coming This Weekend” 

A cold front is set to sweep across the eastern half of the US, a reminder that planet Earth is not on fire as some leftist corporate media outlets repeat like a broken record for years, if not decades. Even if there is some warming, these media outlets fire up the propaganda cannons squarely at fossil fuels without, as of recently, even mentioning the 2022 eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano, the largest underwater explosion ever recorded by modern scientific instruments, blasting an enormous amount of water and volcanic gases into the atmosphere that has been linked to the warming. 

“Big cold front coming this weekend. Sunday AM departure from normals here showing some areas 10+ degrees cooler. Some upper 50’s might reach the upper Gulf. Pumpkin Spice better be in stock and ready to go. Almost time to dig out the Halloween gear,” Mike’s Weather Page wrote on X. 

For the Lower 48, the 30-year, 10-year, and 5-year temperature averages peaked in mid-July and trended lower into September. 

Looking ahead, the 208th edition of the Farmers’ Almanac, titled “Wet Winter Whirlwind” and published last month, warned that “The Northeast is in the bullseye for a barrage of storms this winter…”

The weather prediction formula that Farmers’ Almanac uses revolves around a climate pattern known as La Niña, likely to emerge in September-November. 

Remember that the emergence of La Nina can impact weather conditions across the Lower 48 this coming winter season.

We suspect that as power bills become more unaffordable for working-class households, the number of folks burning wood should only increase to offset the costs. The heating season across the Lower 48 begins to emerge. 

 According to 2023 data from Angi, the average cost of a cord of wood across the US is…

Don’t worry. The far-left corporate media will blame weather cooling on… 

Folks in the Mid-Alantic and Northeast regions might have to pull out their jackets from the closet this weekend.  

Tyler Durden
Fri, 09/06/2024 – 19:40

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America In The Age Of Nero

America In The Age Of Nero

America In The Age Of Nero

Authored by J. Peder Zane via RealClearPolitics,

Americans are like members of a quarrelsome family, so intent on arguing their petty grievances around the kitchen table that they don’t smell the rising smoke from the oven. As our nation fumes and the world burns, neither major party presidential candidate is addressing the lapping flames around us.

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are not simply ignoring our frightening national debtboth vow to ramp it up. Neither candidate has a serious plan to respond to the threats posed by China, Russia, or Iran.

The strangling costs of health care, the sharp decline in mental health, the disintegration of our public schools – which is sharply tied to the breakdown in the family – are all ignored in a race marked by gauzy references to policy and sharp personal attacks.

It’s not just Harris and Trump – our leadership in Washington has long refused to face up to the growing threats to our republic. Their empty promise is that everything is the other side’s fault. Help us annihilate the other guy and everything will be peaches and cream.

A third-grader wouldn’t fall for this nonsense. Neither side can vanquish the other. A Harris victory will not be the death knell of Trump’s populist message; Trump’s win will not defang progressivism’s leftward lurch. Whatever the outcome, we will continue to be a divided, angry nation. And yet, seemingly thoughtful Americans have bought this line hook, line, and sinker.

More importantly, even if one side did seize absolute power, they have no legitimate plan to right the ship of state. Sixty years of Great Society programs have shown us we can’t spend our way out of problems. The 44 years since the Reagan Revolution show us that tax cuts can only set the stage for reforms that have never come – a task that nears the impossible as ever more Americans become dependent on government aid.

America is in a second Age of Nero – our leaders fiddle as the country burns.

In past crises, the strength, resilience, and ingenuity of the American people have saved us from the depths of want and war. It is not clear we retain that grit.

Instead of demanding leadership, we seem content with the bread and circuses of mindless politics more akin to the gladiatorial battle of Rome than the edifying debates of ancient Greece. The broad embrace of victimhood and grievance on both sides has replaced any question of sacrifice for the common good with the desire to demonize our imagined tormentors. If anything, we savor the fight. It makes us feel important, alive – it gives our lives meaning.

Although we have serious problems, we are no longer a serious people. Hence our choice between Donald J. Trump and Kamala Harris.

They are not the disease, however, but a symptom. The first step toward a treatment, if not cure, is obvious: we must reject our empty politics of diversion in order to identify and address our urgent crisis. Honesty really would make a difference. It might also make us happier as we re-channel our energies from angry partisanship into thoughtful partnership.

Still, that would only get us so far. Life teaches that identifying one’s problems is the relatively easy part of change – we all know what’s wrong with the other guy and, sometimes, ourselves. Finding the will and discipline to do something about it is far harder. 

We are sinking before that challenge because it still seems possible to ignore the building fire. Many of us have it pretty good; our fears are mitigated by our confidence in escape. It won’t get me.

Ironically, the fact that much of the rest of the world is crumbling imparts a false sense of security. Instead of seeing those problems as canaries in the coal mine, we think, Hey, we’re still doing okay.

It’s true that history confutes the doomsayers. The world does get better in the long run. But that is little consolation to those whose one short life is spent during the ebbing flow.

History also teaches that judgment for past failure often comes with sudden swiftness, like a thief in the night. As we think about the immense problems we are allowing to smolder, recall Ernest Hemingway’s pithy warning from “The Sun Also Rises.”

“How did you go bankrupt?” one character asks a friend.

“Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”

J. Peder Zane is a RealClearInvestigations editor and columnist. He previously worked as a book review editor and book columnist for the News & Observer (Raleigh), where his writing won several national honors. Zane has also worked at the New York Times and taught writing at Duke University and Saint Augustine’s University.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 10/11/2024 – 23:25

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Minecraft movie trailer disaster. BONUS FOOTAGE OF HOW IT SHOULD BE DONE.

#FormerNetworkExec #CallMeChato #minecraftmovie

I would like to thank my son, Ellis, for helping out with this review.

Alumio link: https://youtu.be/6Vq_SCBRbZo?si=3cztq61VIQHA9pX0

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Agatha All Along is AWFUL | I HATED It More Than Acolyte | Another FAILURE for Disney & the MCU

Wow. I truly hated "Agatha All Along". I know, you're thinking "how could Doomcock hate "Agatha All Along" worse than "The Acolyte"? In this video, I struggle to explain why, in a Spoiler-Lite overall reaction with just cursing for 10 minutes straight, but have no fear – full detailed spoiler reviews (and Channel Member Exclusive Video RANTS) are coming. But for now, I make my witness, and issue my warning to all those thinking of watching this crap. #disney #marvel #mcu

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