Authorities Defied: Audrey Hale Manifesto Released
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Authorities Defied: Audrey Hale Manifesto Released

from Moonbattery:


We already knew why authorities refused to released Audrey Hale’s manifesto, thanks to pages leaked from her diary. With the release of her entire 2023 journal, we have confirmation. The transsexual maniac was motivated to kill six innocent people including three 9-year-olds at a Christian school by the same ideology the establishment relentlessly rams down our throats.


Via Daily Wire:

The shooter’s two most animating obsessions were left-wing ideas about transgenderism — including the idea that children will kill themselves if they cannot get gender surgery — and white privilege.

Hale wallowed in depravity that was fully compliant with establishment preferences, displaying an obsession with interracial homosexual behavior.

Nothing in the nearly 100-page journal appears to justify the FBI’s claim that it was withholding it in the name of public safety.

The FBI is no longer primarily about public safety.

Tennessee Star Editor-In-Chief Michael Patrick Leahy put himself at risk by defying authorities with the release of the diary. Here’s why he did it:

“These documents and photos have helped us inform the public about the underlying reasons for this heinous attack, and have helped drive the public discussion of what should be done to prevent such acts of violence in the future,” Leahy said.

A start would be to reject moonbattery. Consistent with Democrat ideology, Hale hated Christians and Caucasians, despite being Caucasian herself. She believed herself to have been assigned the wrong body at birth, an insane notion that is also integral to contemporary liberal doctrine.

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When Fiscal And Monetary Policy Join At The Hip, Markets Can Be Told What To Do... Or To Do Nothing
Economics News Politics Science

When Fiscal And Monetary Policy Join At The Hip, Markets Can Be Told What To Do… Or To Do Nothing

By Michael Every of Rabobank

Final Destination

Yesterday, stocks were mostly down, but Nividia was up after refuting its DOJ subpoena story; oil lower after an aborted rally; Treasury yields down as the US curve disinverted; and JPY up.

The Fed’s Beige Book noted consumer spending ticked lower in most Districts, activity “grew slightly” in three, and was flat or declined in nine, with isolated reports of firms only filling necessary positions, reducing hours and shifts, or lowering employment levels via attrition, even if layoffs were rare, wage growth modest, and input costs and selling price rises slight to moderate.

More focus was placed on JOLTS job openings at 7,673K vs 8,100K consensus, with the last print revised from 8,184K to 7,910K. However, as Zerohedge underlined, this survey represents just 0.8% of all US establishments, with only one in three of the small number of firms in the survey replying. Moreover, JOLTS relative to those unemployed is now back to where it was pre Covid, which was considered high at the time.

The BOC cut rates 25bp again to take the base rate to 4.25%, while promising more to come, but as Christian Lawrence and Molly Schwartz note, the Bank was keen to highlight decisions will be made meeting by meeting and are data dependent, with two opposing forces likely to impact the policy path: on the upside, shelter inflation and some services; on the downside, excess supply and labour market slack. The same is true in many locations. We expect two more BOC 25bp rate cuts this year to 3.75% by year end, and four 25bp cuts in 2025 to a terminal rate of 2.75%.

In short, the direction of travel is perhaps clear, but the final destination isn’t, at least relative to what the market is pricing for.

Meanwhile, in Canada, expect political turbulence. A federal election looms in 2025, and PM Trudeau just saw the New Democratic Party which helps keep his minority Liberal government in power withdraw its support. Trudeau will now have to find new alliances to govern.

Incredulously for those in every other democracy, tomorrow marks the start of early voting ahead of the US 5 November election ‘day’. Presumably, some voters don’t need to wait for the Harris-Trump debate, because it’s not like these can ever provide fresh angles(!); nor do they need to wait to see if key policy pledges change over time. Yet Harris is now lowering her proposed capital gains tax to 28%. Could there be electoral implications from President Biden saying he will block the proposed Nippon Steel takeover of Pennsylvania-based US Steel (on national security grounds) if, as US Steel says, without it jobs in this key swing state are “at risk”?

Showing this is going to be a looong two months: a prominent New York Democrat and several conservative media figures were accused of being influenced by China or Russia – they forgot Iran, which has influence elsewhere; Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk platformed an historian who says Churchill was a greater WW2 villain than Hitler, and the Holocaust was a catering error; and student protesters at Columbia demanded the “total collapse of the university structure and the American empire itself”; “to undermine and eradicate America as we know it”; and “unrest and violence in America.” We aren’t in Kansas anymore, Toto.

Although it isn’t a benchmark, the betting site Polymarket this morning in Asia had the odds of a Trump win at 53%.

With those kinds of headlines, it’s no coincidence the Financial Times has a long read today on ‘How national security has transformed economic policy’. One should read it; but let me add two things:

First, we made this call in January 2016. We flagged the US-China trade war a year before it started. We talked of Great Power struggles in 2018. We projected a ‘World of 2030’ in 2020. We warned Russia wasn’t joking about invading Ukraine in January 2022. And we flagged that the Suez Canal could be a victim of October 7 days after that attack. In short, we don’t just say “geopolitics.”

Second, this has vastly further to run. Wars in Ukraine and the Middle East have been transformative there. On Ukraine, obviously; yet Russia is now running a war economy, as some talk of a thanatopathic “Deathocracy” cultural shift to jihadi-style see-you-in-heaven mentality and staggering financial rewards for a soldier’s death; and Israel’s finance minister states its war vs. Hamas could cost 13% of GDP – before a potential escalation vs. Hezbollah and/or Iran.

Yet the US is still seeing real terms declines in its defence budget despite constant warnings of the looming dangers of this approach. The Wall Street Journal now bewails ‘The US Navy’s Chief Supplier Is in Peril’, and that a lack of crew mothballing of 17 sealift support ships will “embolden America’s foes.” Supply chains are not just about getting goods to shoppers, but to choppers. The ‘geopolitical’ bill to do so is going to be enormous.

Worse, Süddeutsche Zeitung reports Germany argues bridge and highway repairs are defence spending as public roads are used to transport tanks. In July, it declared €91bn in NATO spending, over the 2% target for the first time since the early 1990s. However, only €52bn was assigned to defence in its domestic budget, which included weapons for Ukraine, while much of the rest went on paperwork and pensions. Yes, good infrastructure is vital in war: the US interstate highway network was a Cold War response to ensure its troops could reach either coast in an emergency, while early European railways had military as much as commercial goals. However, these both went hand in hand with a military – having nice roads and no army just makes you easier to invade! In short, Germany, and most of Europe, aren’t taking things seriously yet. The EU needs to spend at least 3% of GDP, and much more of it on procurement, for decades. We already estimated the enormous annual cost of a “strategic autonomy” push: up to 6% of GDP, for years.

History is clear on how much more extreme geopolitics can get vis-à-vis markets even before we see war economies or war.

What starts off as trying to limit access to one kind of “strategic” good can widen into limiting access to all of them as whatever helps a civilian economy helps a military one directly or indirectly; tariffs can go much higher; subsidies can rise much further; full trade embargos can appear; and neutral countries can be dragged in, even to the extent of physical blockades on their ports, or at sea.

On the capital side, sanctions can be tightened against one party; but, as we flagged early, have to also be applied to third parties vigorously to be effective; capital controls can be introduced; and assets seized.

Commodities can be stockpiled by states; or stockpiles confiscated; and their trading ranges can be restricted, price- and geography-wise.

Moreover, fiscal and monetary policy can join at the hip, and markets can be told what to do, or to do nothing.

If any of the above were to be our final destination, then the market volatility we have seen so far from “geopolitics” is just the beginning. That remains true even if the near-term focus remains whether we see Fed rate cuts, RATE CUTS, or RATE CUTS!


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Kamalanomics: More Inflation for America
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Kamalanomics: More Inflation for America

In a recent interview with CNN, Kamala Harris said that Bidenomics is working and that she is “proud of bringing inflation down.”

However, the Bureau of Labor Statistics published the latest CPI at 2.9%, despite annual inflation being 1.4% when she took office. Inflation is a disguised tax and accumulated inflation since January 2021, when the Biden-Harris administration started, has increased more than 20%.

Of course, Democrats blame inflation on the war, the pandemic, and the science-fantasy concept of “supply chain disruptions.” No one believed it, because most commodities have declined and supply tensions disappeared back to normality, but prices continued to rise.

As a result, Harris invented the concept of greedy grocery stores and evil corporations to blame for inflation and justify price controls. Is it not ironic? She blames grocery stores and corporations for inflation, but when price inflation drops, she proudly takes credit.

The reality is that the Kamala Harris plan, like all interventionist governments, creates and strives for inflation. Inflation is a hidden tax. Governments love it and perpetuate it by printing money through deficit spending and imposing regulations that harm trade, competition, and technological creative destruction. Big government is big inflation.

Inflation is the way in which the government tricks citizens into believing that administrations can provide for anything. It disguises the accumulated debt, quietly transfers wealth from the private sector to the government and condemns citizens to being dependent hostages of government subsidies. It is the only way in which they can continue to spend a constantly depreciated currency and present themselves as the solution. Furthermore, it is the perfect excuse to blame businesses and anyone else who sells in the currency that the government creates.

Kamala Harris will do nothing to cut inflation because she wants inflation to disguise the monster deficit and debt accumulation. In the latest figures, the deficit has soared to $1.5 trillion in the first ten months of the fiscal year. Public debt has soared to $35 trillion, and in the administration’s own forecasts, they will add a $16.3 trillion deficit from 2025 to 2034. It is worse. The previously mentioned figure does not include the $2 trillion in additional debt coming from Kamala’s economic plan.

Harris is aware that her proposals to impose an unrealized capital gains tax, an economic aberration, and other tax hikes will not generate the $2 trillion in additional taxes she seeks. So, she needs the Fed to monetize as much as possible, eroding the US dollar’s purchasing power and making all Americans poorer in the process, only to blame corporations and grocery stores later. Furthermore, it is a way to present the government as the solution to the problem they create, promising the lunacy of price controls and enormous subsidies in a constantly depreciated currency.

It is a perfect plan to nationalize the economy in the style of Peronist socialism in Argentina.

Increase spending, deficits, and debt, making the size of government larger on the way in. Monetize as much debt as possible and cut rates to make it easier for the bankrupt government to borrow. When deficits balloon and inflation soars, increase taxes to the private sector and hike rates, which increases further the size of government in the economy. And you blame corporations?

Governments do not reduce prices. Governments create and perpetuate inflation by printing currency that loses value every year.

Corporations, landlords, and grocery stores do not create or increase inflation; they reduce it through competition and efficiency. Even if all corporations, grocery stores, and landlords were evil and stupid at the same time, they would not make aggregate prices rise and consolidate a constant trend of increases. For the same quantity of money, even a monopoly would not be able to increase aggregate prices. The only one that can make aggregate prices rise, consolidate, and continue increasing, although at a slower pace, is the government issuing and printing more currency than the private sector demands.

By admitting that the deficit will soar by $16.3 trillion in ten years in a budget that expects record revenues, no recession, and continued employment growth, the Harris team is conceding that they will strive for inflation to dilute the currency in which that debt is issued… and make you poorer.

Interventionists argue that the government does not have a budget constraint, only an inflation constraint, and can always tax the excess money in the system. Beautiful. This implies an increase in the size of the government during periods of economic expansion and further government expansion during periods of perceived normalcy. The government receives an enormous transfer of wealth from the productive sector, resulting in the creation of a dependent citizen class.

High taxes are not a tool to reduce debt. High debt and high taxes are tools to confiscate the productive sector’s wealth and create a subclass of dependent citizens.

Socialism redistributes middle-class wealth to bureaucrats, not rich to poor.

Massive government spending, constantly increasing taxes, and printing money. A plan to reduce the economy to serfdom.

Harris’ economic plan is not aiming to reduce inflation but to perpetuate it. Indeed, this economic policy mirrors Argentina’s 21st-century socialism, and it threatens the US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency. The government does not determine the level of confidence in a currency. When confidence in a currency declines, it does so quickly. Saying it will not happen in the US because it has not occurred yet is the equivalent of driving at 200mph and saying, “We have not killed ourselves yet; accelerate.”


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NewsWare's Trade Talk: Thursday, September 5 | NewsWare‘s Trade Talk
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NewsWare’s Trade Talk: Thursday, September 5 | NewsWare‘s Trade Talk

S&P Futures are slightly positive as markets await this morning’s employment data. On the earnings front, Broadcom will be releasing earnings after the bell today. Verizon reaffirms its 2024 guidance after announcing a $20B deal to take over Frontier Comm. JNJ appears to have settled the talc lawsuit by raising settlement offer by$1B. Jeep’s parent Stellantis paused production of two of its top-selling U.S. models, as the company grapples with high inventory levels. In Europe, trading is mixed to lower. Oil prices are gaining this morning on the back of data for the American Petroleum Institute indicating a draw in stockpiles last night.

Home for this information is at NewsWare‘s Trade Talk homepage at this link

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LIVE! Spooky Magic Monday @ Magic Kingdom | Disney World 2024 | Stroll and Chill Livestream
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LIVE! Spooky Magic Monday @ Magic Kingdom | Disney World 2024 | Stroll and Chill Livestream

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PSYCHO (1960) Full Movie Commentary | The LRC Watch Party
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PSYCHO (1960) Full Movie Commentary | The LRC Watch Party

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UK prosecutors drop Harvey Weinstein indecent assault case
Economics News Politics

UK prosecutors drop Harvey Weinstein indecent assault case

UK prosecutors on Thursday said they were dropping a sexual assault case against Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein as there was no “realistic prospect of conviction”.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in June 2022 said it had authorised police to charge the disgraced 72-year-old film producer with two counts of indecent assault.

But the CPS, which handles prosecutions in England and Wales, said it had now decided to “discontinue criminal proceedings” against him.

The offences against a woman now in her fifties were alleged to have taken place in London in 1996.

“Following a review of the evidence in this case, the CPS has decided to discontinue criminal proceedings against Harvey Weinstein,” said Frank Ferguson, head of the CPS special crime and counter-terrorism division.

“The CPS has a duty to keep all cases under continuous review and we have decided that there is no longer a realistic prospect of conviction.”

Weinstein was convicted in New York in 2020 of the rape and sexual assault of former actress Jessica Mann in 2013, and of forcibly performing oral sex on former production assistant Mimi Haley in 2006.

He was sentenced to 23 years in prison.

But in April New York’s highest court overturned Weinstein’s conviction on sex crime charges in a shock reversal in one of the defining cases of the #MeToo movement.

The Court of Appeals found the trial judge erred in admitting the testimony of additional women who were allegedly abused by Weinstein but who were not named in the charges brought against him, and ordered a new trial.

He could face a retrial as early as November.

In July, prosecutors in New York also announced that authorities were investigating “additional violent sexual assaults” allegedly carried out by Weinstein that were not subject to a statute of limitations.

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From Brazil to the US: The Global War on Free Speech
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From Brazil to the US: The Global War on Free Speech

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop talk about Zuckerberg’s recent letter from Congress, Elon Musk’s showdown in Brazil, and the growing global hostility from governments towards free speech.

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The National Socialists Were Enemies of The West
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The National Socialists Were Enemies of The West

If one has the patience or the curiosity to go down certain conservative rabbit holes in social media, one will encounter a small corner of the movement in which one finds a latent or explicit desire to somehow rehabilitate Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists (i.e., the “Nazis.”)

This is often found in the form of comments or memes that take the position that the National Socialists were the defenders of “the West” against a militant Left then growing in Europe. For example, note the below meme with the phrase “I tried to save you” superimposed over Hitler’s face. This image and similar images are generally accompanied by comments to the effect that Western Europe would somehow today be better off if the National Socialists had managed to implement their preferred regime type across Europe. The overall message is that Hitler was some sort of twentieth-century Joseph De Maistre seeking to defend Europe from the wrecking ball of the Left’s revolutionaries.


But, I have some bad news for these self-proclaimed defenders of “tradition.” The National Socialists were not in favor of traditional Western institutions. Far from being the enemies of the revolutionary Left, the National Socialists were the Left, only committed to a slightly different type of totalitarianism than the Leninist Left.

The National Socialists were—as the name would suggest—socialists. Moreover, they were totalitarian socialists, and their institutional model was Soviet totalitarianism.

This has been shown in detail in Hannah Arendt’s book The Origins of Totalitarianism. Arendt notes that Hitler and the National Socialists generally held in contempt the fascist dictatorships of Europe—i.e., the Baltic states, Hungary, Spain, and others—for falling much too short of the totalitarian model. In contrast, Arendt writes, the National Socialists expressed “genuine admiration for the Bolshevik regime in Russia (and the Communist Party in Germany)…”

Destroying the West to Save It

Thus, it is not surprising when Arendt contends that “Hitler never intended to defend ‘the West’ against Bolshevism but always remained ready to join ‘the Reds’ for the destruction of the West, even in the middle of the struggle against Soviet Russia.”

Hitler, of course, hated all Westerners who did not subscribe to his revolutionary ideology. This is the man who ordered the complete destruction of the city of Paris when it became clear that the Wehrmacht would be driven out of northern France. Hitler is also the man who issued the Nero Decree which ordered that all infrastructure in Germany—including that necessary to feed civilians—be destroyed in an effort to slow down the Allies. According to several accounts from his staff, Hitler was unconcerned by the fact this would reduce the German population to a state of utter starvation. For Hitler, German civilization did not deserve to survive since it had failed in its war against the Slavs and other presumed inferiors of Europe.

It’s an odd “defender of the West” who seeks to starve millions of Westerners to death.

Indeed, had Hitler any real regard for preserving Western institutions from the Bolsheviks, he would certainly never have invaded Poland. After all, by the 1930s, it was the Poles—not the Germans—who had become the primary eastern bulwark against the westward spread of Soviet communism.

(The fact that Bolsheviks controlled Russia, of course, was yet another one of Germany’s “gifts” to the world. Had the German Imperial army not destroyed the Tsar’s army in 1918, Lenin would have never been able to take control of the Russian state.)

In the years that followed the First World War, it was the Poles who fought back against the Bolsheviks after Lenin annulled the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and pushed the Soviet frontier westward in 1919. It was the Poles who heroically stopped the Soviet advance at the Battle of Warsaw in 1920, forcing the Soviets to sue for peace and abandon Lenin’s grandiose plans for Bolshevik conquests in Europe.

Were Hitler interested in weakening Soviet power, he would have, at the very least, sought a stronger Poland as a buffer state between central Europe and the Soviet east. Instead, Hitler signed a treaty with the Soviets designed to destroy Poland and hand over eastern Poland to Soviet communists.

In reality, Hitler was hardly concerned with defending Western civilization, but was driven by far more parochial concerns centered on taking back Danzig from the Poles and subjugating the “inferior” Polish Slavs. Polish racial inferiority, of course, was explicit in Nazi law and Nazi ideology. Heinrich Himmler was sure to leave no doubt of this when he said the policy was to ensure “All Poles will disappear from the world … the great German people should consider it as its major task to destroy all Poles.”

If the National Socialists were so concerned with preserving traditional Western values, it difficult to see how this could possibly be compatible with the extermination of the Poles. After all, Poland was the most significant and reliable outpost of Western civilization in eastern Europe. The Poles were among the most staunch defenders of Latin Christendom. The Poles were the ones who pulled the Habsburgs’ chestnuts from the fire at the Siege of Vienna. During the Cold War, it was the Poles who were a perennial thorn in the side of the Soviet regime—much unlike the comparatively complacent East Germans.

The National Socialists Were Leftists

The fact that the National Socialists were most at home with the revolutionary Left is further explored in detail by the great Austrian polymath Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn in his book Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse.

Kuehnelt-Leddihn was far too well informed to fall for simple-minded theories about Hitler’s alleged good intentions or noble quest to save Christendom.

Regarding Hitler as a “basically mediocre neurotic,” Kuehnelt-Leddihn notes that Hitler “certainly subscribed to Mussolini’s ‘Everything within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State’”—a slogan utterly contrary to traditional Western thought. Hitler had also “drunk from almost the same ideological sources” as socialists like Mussolini, yet this was modified by Hitler’s enthrallment with Czech national socialists. The ideology of the Czech national socialists lent to Hitler many of his core, essentially leftist, beliefs: “anticlericalism, an intimate synthesis between nationalism and socialism, trust in the working class, the peasantry, and the lower middle class, [and] opposition to the nobility.” This ideology was also anti-capitalist and therefore against the bourgeoisie.

The nationalist component of this ideology led to the historical accident of the National Socialists being placed on “the right” even though, as Kuehnelt-Leddihn notes, nationalism was not “conservative” in the European context:

In Germany after World War I, most unfortunately, the National Socialists were seated on the extreme right because to simpleminded people nationalists were rightists, if not conservatives-a grotesque idea when one remembers how antinationalistic Metternich, the monarchical families, and Europe’s ultraconservatives had been in the past. Nationalism, indeed, has been a by-product of the French Revolution (no less so than militarism).

But even for those who find such nuances about nationalism unconvincing, the National Socialist opposition to traditional European institutions can be seen in Nazi hatred for the great conservative power of Europe, the Catholic Church.

Kuehnelt-Leddihn connects Hitler’s anti-Catholicism to his early years living under the conservative Austrian regime which Hitler loathed. After the war, when the Austrian state threatened to arrest Hitler for desertion, this, according to Kuehnelt-Leddihn, “gave further nourishment to Hitler’s hatred for the Catholic Church.”

The realities of National Socialist policy reflect this well, and the Party remained disfavored by the Catholics during the rise of the Third Reich. Kuehnelt-Leddihn writes:

A study of the numerical development of the different parties in the four elections preceding Hitler’s advent to power is most interesting. … Maps which I have published elsewhere show distinctly that religion was a main factor in the territorial growth of National Socialism. … There is no doubt that the Nazi victories were gained primarily with the aid of the Protestant or, to be more precise, the “progressive” post-Protestant areas: A mere glance at the statistical maps proves it.

Once in Power, Hitler’s regime set to work giving the Catholics exactly what they had feared. As with the French Revolutionaries and other totalitarians, the National Socialist regime was committed to de-Christianizing its population. This required that the German state take total control of religious institutions. Churches became de facto state property and there certainly was no freedom of speech or religious practice for Christians. Dissenting clergy of all types were targeted by Hitler’s regime, but Catholic clergy was especially under threat.

For example, Dachau Prison camp contained a barracks specifically dedicated to clergy, where more than 2700 clerics were imprisoned. Nearly 95 percent of these were Catholic clergy. More than a thousand Catholic priests died in Dachau. Non-German clergy fared even worse than those at Dachau. St. Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish citizen, was deliberately starved to death at Auschwitz for political “crimes.”

The National Socialists were more than happy to substitute new religious practices of the variety we’d expect from any leftwing movement today. It’s no surprise that many high-ranking Nazi officials were obsessed with Germanic paganism, occult rituals, and a variety of what we might call “new age” religious beliefs.

Yet, in spite of all the evidence, the “Hitler-tried-to-save-Europe” meme seems to endure among some of those who who fancy themselves as very edgy or contrarian defenders of “Christendom” and “the West.” Moreover, by buying into to the idea of Hitler as some sort of defender of the West, those who favor rehabilitating the National Socialists promote the Left’s propaganda line that the Nazis were conservatives, reactionaries, Christians, or some other type of European traditionalists.

Of course, that shouldn’t surprise us. The National Socialists were never anything better than useful idiots for those who sought to destroy the West. Hitler’s modern-day defenders are no different.

Image Credit: Heinrich Hoffmann, public domain (via Wikimedia.)


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