“Free Speech” Issue? Telegram Founder with More Than 100 Biological Children Accused of Protecting Child Sex Traffickers
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“Free Speech” Issue? Telegram Founder with More Than 100 Biological Children Accused of Protecting Child Sex Traffickers

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Before I start writing about the headline news event from this past weekend where the founder of the Telegram platform was arrested in France, I think it is helpful to first define a term that is being used with almost all of the coverage of this event in the media, which is the term “free speech”.

The term “free speech” is used today, particularly in the mostly “right-wing” alternative media, as if its definition is universally understood.

However, the term “free speech” is anything but understood the same way by everyone who uses it.

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The first thing to understand about “free speech” is that in its absolute form, it doesn’t exist.

Absolute and total “free speech” is not allowed by any country of the world today, and every country in the world today has laws that regulate and prohibit total “free speech.”

The most common example given in the English language in western countries, is the example of someone running into a sold-out movie theater and yelling “FIRE!”, which results in a mad rush towards the exits where people trample each other causing deaths and injuries, when in fact, there never was any fire at all.

The person who would have caused such a panic, would be arrested, and their claim to “free speech” would not be upheld in a court of law.

Likewise, lying in public or on a publicly accessible Internet platform where someone lies about another person, or even just gives false information, that results in that person suffering harm, is also illegal according to the laws of slander and libel speech, and the victim can sue the person practicing their “free speech” that caused them harm.

Every country in the world has laws in place to protect people against such “free speech”, as well as what is legally acceptable to publish in terms of images and videos.

In the U.S., for example, as well as in most countries around the world, one does not have “free speech” to publish what is considered “pornography”, or various types of sex crimes. There is no “free speech”, for example, to publish a video of a pedophile raping a baby or young child.

Imagine a world where there was unregulated, total “free speech” such as this.

Sadly, the predominate view of “free speech” in most conservative, “right-wing” communities, is that “free speech” is defined by allowing those who think and believe like they do have unrestricted access to the public to publish their views, while they have no problem if those who don’t agree with them, such as “liberal commies”, are restricted in their speech.

Billionaire Technocrats have figured this out, as they increasingly learn how to manipulate the “Right” and make money off of them.

Elon Musk is the perfect example of this, especially after he purchased Twitter and made it private. Because he reinstated Twitter (now X) accounts from those who were on the “Right” and had previously had their accounts shut down before he bought Twitter, all of these people on the Conservative Right now believe he is a champion of “free speech.”

But I have consistently proven that is not the case at all, and that Musk’s X very frequently takes down posts and squelches “free speech” according to whatever standards they now have as to what is considered “free speech” and what is not. See:

Elon Musk and Twitter/X: The New “Fox News on Steroids” for Social Media and the New Definition of “Free Speech”

It has also been reported that Musk has complied with more foreign government demands for information on Twitter than his predecessors. (Source.)

But it doesn’t matter to the Conservative Right, who only view “free speech” from the perspective that they can say whatever they want on Twitter now, whereas before they could not.

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Telegram Founder’s Detention Shows ‘Dangerous Trend’ of Online Surveillance
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Telegram Founder’s Detention Shows ‘Dangerous Trend’ of Online Surveillance

from Sputnik News:

Western governments are increasingly seeking to deepen their control of online platforms while looking to discredit those like TikTok and Telegram which they perceive to be beyond their control.

The mass adoption of the Internet has widely been seen as a positive phenomenon in encouraging greater openness and accountability in society.

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Polling by Pew Research Center in 2022 demonstrates the largely helpful role citizens around the world attribute to the technology, with majorities of people in most countries approving of its impact. Citizens of Central and Eastern European countries like Poland and Hungary are especially approving of social media’s influence on democracy, with respondents claiming it helps them stay informed about world and local events.

The United States, however, is a notable outlier in the research firm’s survey, with 64% of Americans saying social media has had a mostly negative effect on democracy and 79% saying it has created greater political division.

The finding comes as the role of social media and the Internet has increasingly been vilified in US society, with a panic over the alleged deleterious effect of online disinformation in politics. The height of the Russiagate conspiracy theory during the presidency of Donald Trump represented perhaps the high-water mark for the trend, but Western lawmakers continue to stoke concern over online content to justify government intervention and even outright bans on some platforms.

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The Agenda Is To Elect Kamala
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The Agenda Is To Elect Kamala

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Dear American, this is your next presidential administration: https://x.com/Partisangirl/status/1826821829962485838/video/1

It will be anti-white, anti-family, pro-open borders, pro-legalization of sexual perversity, pro-sexualization of young children, and pro-war.

It cannot be deterred by your votes, because the election will be stolen.

In the swing states the methods used by Democrats to steal the 2020 and 2022 elections have been legalized. Moreover, if news reports are correct, in some, perhaps all, of the swing states it is now illegal to challenge election outcomes.

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If you will remember, when Kamala Harris competed for the presidential nomination in 2020, she was immediately eliminated. She had zero support.

If you will remember, she has been an unpopular vice president.

Yet today the media presents her as leading Trump, who continues to turn out massive attendance at his appearances, as the likely next president.

The media uses rigged polls and positive coverage of Kamala and negative coverage of Trump to create in the voting public’s mind the expectation of a Kamala victory.

The polls are rigged by overweighting Democrats in the polled population.

Google Kamala and you will find 90% of the information is favorable.

Google Trump and 90% is unfavorable.

By creating the expectation of a Kamala victory, the ground is laid for stealing the election. It is not possible to steal an election unless the election is close or the person for whom the election is stolen is presented as the leading candidate.

Ask yourselves, how did Kamala go from zero support among Democrats to the leading presidential contender?

She did not win the primary election as there was no primary.

She has not had any debates, much less triumphed in one.

She represents everything but white Americans, families, sexual morality, peace, law as a shield of the people instead of a weapon in the hands of government, nationhood instead of a tower of babel, truth instead of lies, the Constitution instead of a woke agenda- based rule.

The media have made it completely obvious that the election is going to be stolen. Why else the rigged polls and biased coverage? The public is being prepared to accept a stolen election.

And Republicans are silent.

If Trump raises the issue, the media will say that Trump has already admitted that he is going to lose and is already raising the theft issue prior to the election. Obviously, Trump cannot be the one who raises the obvious issue in front of our eyes that the Democrats are going to steal the election.

The theft has to be raised by Republican governors, US Senators, US Representatives, and that small part of social media where free speech is still possible.

Try to imagine Republican wimps raising a real issue.

Republicans are incapable of fighting. As they have never done it, they don’t know how.

Moreover, even if they were capable of fight, they wouldn’t, because it would cast aspersion on the purity and sanctity of “American democracy.” Republicans regard any effective self-defense as a reflection on the American myth. The “USA USA USA” crowd would get upset.

Read More @ PaulCraigRoberts.org

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America’s Reckoning With Reality
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America’s Reckoning With Reality

by Douglas Macgregor, The American Conservative:

The Republican and Democratic National Conventions, always heavy on glamor and light on substance, are over. It’s time to move beyond sloganeering and address reality.

In the United States, the price of food is up 21 percent in three years. Thirty-year mortgage rates were 3.7 percent; they are now 7 percent. Rents are skyrocketing, car loan delinquencies are rising and, last year, there were at least 150,000 reports of American children going missing in what is becoming a child-trafficking emergency.

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Millions of Americans think that our society is experiencing a moral collapse. Divorce is widespread, single parents struggle to raise children, drug abuse is rampant, suicide rates are high, and the rule of law is collapsing across the country.

Is it really a surprise that Americans doubt their institutions, their courts, even the leadership of their own armed forces? Americans feel disconnected from their collective, national identity. Shamed into isolation and self-hatred under the oppressive weight of mass-media, pop-culture, and official deceit, Americans feel helpless to stop their freefall into nihilism—the belief in nothing, not justice or beauty, no divine influence, just nothing.

Americans feel like their homeland is being transformed into a wasteland. More and more Americans think that taxation without representation is the norm in all 50 states, not just in DC. Voting for one or another of the major parties, Democrats or Republicans, does little to arrest the nation’s descent into chaos.

What does Washington’s ruling political class of so-called Democrats and Republicans, hereafter referred to as the Uniparty, think?

Frankly, the Uniparty does not care. While American wages declined, and jobs dried up Washington’s ruling political class grew rich from insider deals and cronyism. Since January 2021, America’s 750 billionaires have increased their wealth by $1.5 trillion. Like the political figures the billionaires pick to run the government, including 5,000 political appointees, they have no “skin in the game.”

The Uniparty celebrates trashy, degenerate events like the opening ceremony for the Olympics in Paris. Americans who object to the degradation of Christianity and Western values and beliefs are dismissed as bigots, extremists, or White Christian Nationalists.

Americans want to know what is happening to their country. Americans want to know why they are living in a world where the ugly pretend to be beautiful and the beautiful are being brainwashed to think that they are ugly.

Part of the answer is that the politics of identity are no longer just a campaign strategy. They are now a reality, a permanent feature of America’s political landscape.

Why else would General C.Q. Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, complain that the U.S. Armed Forces have too many white pilots? Anyone who thinks that the federal programs for diversity, inclusion, and equity are sincere and mean anything other than hatred for our country and the generations of Americans that fought and died for it is extremely naive. It’s like suggesting the Ku Klux Klan was pro-civil rights in the 1960s.

Thanks to open borders, a system of “one ballot, one vote” is replacing “one citizen, one vote.” Thanks to this system of institutionalized fraud, Americans can expect the Uniparty’s new crop of illegal foreign “voters,” a mix of future dependents, lawbreakers, low-skilled workers, to show up on November 5 and vote to decide America’s future. These are also the masses of foreigners, with no ties to our society, that the ruling class wants to staff our armed forces.

Why would the Uniparty inflict this damage on the American People? The Uniparty knows that, without common identity or kinship, democracy is replaced with tribal anarchy, a societal condition that leads to nihilism, drug abuse, criminality, and worse.

The goal is painfully obvious. It is the denationalization of the United States, the fundamental destruction of national identity and the social cohesion that supports it. The process involves the conversion of Americans into an amorphous mass of sedated consumers. The transformation of the U. S. Armed Forces into mercenary military formations staffed by illegal migrants is an enormously important step in the direction of denationalization.

After all, before Americans won their independence, their national identity rested on the shoulders of the Continental Army. If General Washington could hold the Continental Army together despite fearful odds, our country and its governing body—congress—existed.  The Continental Army was, and today’s Armed Forces still are, the repository of American national Identity.

The Uniparty rejects these charges. Instead, the Uniparty tells us how fortunate we are to welcome tens of millions of foreigners into our country where they will enhance our culture, society and way of life. Really, how many “Rs” are there in “fat chance?”

Meanwhile, the Uniparty promotes the sexualization of children in our public school systems. Naturally, the Uniparty pretends to care for the workingman or woman, and it promises everything to everyone for nothing in perpetuity—tuition-free college, free health care, free housing, free everything. The Uniparty is giving non-paying, illegal immigrants access to our healthcare system.

How the Uniparty will pay for these things is a question no one answers. Servicing the national debt on an annual basis already involves a sum larger than the defense budget. Are the presidential candidates aware? Do they care? For the Uniparty, none of these concerns matters. The daily life of the Uniparty is about self-enrichment, sensual pleasure, and social prestige. The Uniparty motto is “When in doubt, print more money.”

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Trump Invites Musk To Help ‘Drain the Swamp’ in 2nd Administration
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Trump Invites Musk To Help ‘Drain the Swamp’ in 2nd Administration

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has invited Elon Musk to join his new administration to help drain the swamp in D.C.

During an appearance on Shawn Ryan’s podcast, Trump said he is looking at offering both the Tesla CEO and RFK Jr. positions in his new administration.

Infowars.com reports: When Ryan asked Trump about a potential Musk cabinet position, the GOP nominee said the businessman would be involved in “cutting some of the fat” in government.

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Continuing, Trump said Musk “wants to be involved,” while noting, “Now look, he’s running big businesses and all that, so he can’t, really, I don’t think he could be in Cabinet. I’d put him in the Cabinet, absolutely, but I don’t know how he could do that with all the things he’s got going.”

“He can sort of, as the expression goes, consult with the country and give you some very good ideas,” Trump added, citing AI as one area of Musk’s expertise.

President Trump revealing he’ll be working with Musk if he’s re-elected comes just days after former Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. publicly announced his support for the Republican candidate.

Speaking of his plan to work with the Trump administration if the GOP defeats the Harris-Walz Democrat ticket, Kennedy recently said, “I want to make America healthy again, and so does President Trump.”

The political establishment is freaking out about Trump assembling a team of populists to take on the Deep State globalists running America into the ground.

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Western Culture has Abandoned Wisdom and Replaced it with “Science” – Ignore the Advice of “Scientists” if you Want to Live Long!
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Western Culture has Abandoned Wisdom and Replaced it with “Science” – Ignore the Advice of “Scientists” if you Want to Live Long!

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:


Being in my mid-60s now, I am entering into a phase of life that Western culture generally refers to as my “senior years.”

Outside of Western culture, especially in many Asian and Middle Eastern cultures, this is the phase of life that is equated with “wisdom,” recognizing that people who have lived on this earth the longest, have generally accumulated the most wisdom, and such people are to be respected for having reached this age.

This is also seen in the ancient writings collected together and published in the Bible, which was mainly written in Middle Eastern culture.

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Consider this verse from the Law of Moses as recorded in Leviticus:

You shall stand up before the gray head and honor the face of an old man, and you shall fear your God: I am the LORD. (Leviticus 19:32)

In Western culture, however, older people are looked upon as feeble and senile. They are considered mostly by the group they belong to in Western culture, the “seniors”, which is a group that is a goldmine for the medical scientists and their drugs.

In what is pure insanity for most other cultures around the world, American seniors are taught to “retire” around the age of 65, and take life easy, when in fact they are usually smarter and wiser in their senior years than the younger people running the world, and should just do anything BUT retire.

There is one caveat to this principle, however, and that caveat is that you have to reach your senior years without being dependent upon the pharmaceutical industry, which will do everything they can to render your life mostly meaningless as they attempt to make you a life-long consumer of their toxic products.

Seniors are seen as a burden to society, and especially to the medical system, as the drugs and surgeries that are marketed to them generally prevent them from participating in the workforce, dependent upon Government subsidies such as Medicare and social security.

Understanding this western mindset, it is easy to understand the insanity of an article that was published yesterday in The Guardian that attacked the wisdom and sound advice that came from the oldest recorded person in the world who just died at the age of 117, and commanded people to listen to scientists instead.

Never take health tips from world’s oldest people, say scientists

Scientists still trying to work out why some people live beyond 100, but agree it is best to avoid taking advice from centenarians themselves

Think about this headline and sub-headline statement for a minute.

Scientists admit that they don’t know why some people live so long, but they are very certain that they know you should not trust the advice from people who do live so long!

Here are some more excerpts from this article that better belongs on satire websites such as Babylon Bee, but is actually published as “news”.

The death of the world’s oldest person, Maria Branyas Morera, at the age of 117 might cause many to ponder the secrets of an exceptionally long life, but scientists say it could be best to avoid taking advice on longevity from centenarians themselves.

According to the Guinness World Records website, Branyas believed her longevity stemmed from “order, tranquility, good connection with family and friends, contact with nature, emotional stability, no worries, no regrets, lots of positivity and staying away from toxic people”.

Does this advice to have “order, tranquility, good connection with family and friends, contact with nature, emotional stability, no worries, no regrets, lots of positivity and staying away from toxic people” sound like advice you should “avoid”?

I wonder if Maria’s “toxic people” she avoided included scientists and medical doctors? My guess is that she most definitely stayed away from these toxic “scientists” including medical doctors, which was a primary reason why she lived so long.

So who is this “scientific” expert who is claiming that Maria’s advice is not “scientific”?

However, Richard Faragher, a professor of biogerontology at the University of Brighton, said that in reality scientists were still trying to work out why some people lived beyond the age of 100.

Faragher said there were two main theories and they were not mutually exclusive.

The first, he said, was that some individuals were essentially just lucky. In other words, just because centenarians had certain habits, it did not mean those habits were driving their longevity – an error in logic known as “survivorship bias”.

“Merely because you have survived smoking 60 a day doesn’t mean that smoking 60 a day is good for you,” Faragher said.

The second theory, he said, was that centenarians had specific genetic features that equipped them to live a longer life – in other words they were rendered more robust as a result of their genetics.

Faragher said both theories, however, resulted in the same warning: “Never, ever take health and lifestyle tips from a centenarian.”

He added: “What you see with most centenarians most of the time – and these are generalisations – is that they don’t take much exercise. Quite often, their diets are rather unhealthy,” noting that some centenarians were also smokers. (Full article.)

I literally busted out laughing when I read this, because this “scientist” who has an impressive title, “professor of biogerontology at the University of Brighton“, claims that people older than 100 giving health advice make an error in logic known as “survivorship bias”, completely ignoring the fact that he is making one of the oldest and most common errors in logic called “appeal to authority“, which means he has no factual evidence whatsoever to the claims that he is making, and even admits it “scientists were still trying to work out why“, but wants people to believe what he says anyway, because he is a “scientist.”

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The Necessity Of Making A Meaningful Life: People, Power, And Freedom
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The Necessity Of Making A Meaningful Life: People, Power, And Freedom

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

People who lack meaningful fulfillment in their lives seek to exercise power over others as a distraction. As this becomes detrimental to liberty, finding true meaning for one’s life becomes a foremost means of creating a better future.

(American Institute For Economic Research) One of my more memorable exchanges with a student came in a principles of economics class. Part of the assignment for that week was chapters from Matt Ridley’s The Rational Optimist. Ridley compared the living standards of an average worker today with those of The Sun King, Louis XIV, in 1700. Some of my more ahistorical students were incredulous at Ridley’s description of the grinding poverty of the average person just a few centuries ago.

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The King had an opulent lifestyle compared to others. Louis had an astonishing 498 workers preparing each of his meals. Yet his standard of living was still a fraction of what we experience today.

Ridley outlined the miracles of specialization and exchange in our time — an everyday cornucopia at the supermarket, modern communications and transportation, clothing to suit every taste. If we remove our blinders and see how many individuals provide services to us, Ridley concludes we have “far more than 498 servants at [our] immediate beck and call.”

Then, the memorable exchange occurred. One student shared that he would prefer to live in 1700, if he had more money than others and power over them. My first reaction was amusement; I thought the student was practicing his deadpan humor skills. He wasn’t. For him, having power was an attribute of a meaningful life.

If only my student’s mindset were an aberration.

During the reign of Louis XIV, French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal diagnosed why some lust for power. In his Pensées, Pascal wrote, “I have often said that the sole cause of man’s unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quietly in his room.” Pascal explained that, out of the inability to sit alone, arises the human tendency to seek power as a diversion.

Pascal asks us to imagine a king with “all the blessings with which you could be endowed.” A king, Pascal told us, if he has no “diversions” from his thinking, will “ponder and reflect on what he is.” Pascal’s hypothetical king will be miserable because he “is bound to start thinking of all the threats facing him, of possible revolts, finally of inescapable death and disease.”

“What people want is not the easy peaceful life that allows us to think of our unhappy condition.” That is why “war and high office are so popular,” Pascal argued.

Pascal argues individuals seek to be “diverted from thinking of what they are.” I would argue a better choice of words is what they have made of themselves.

I’ll let the reader decide how many modern politicians Pascal’s ideas apply to. With Pascal’s insight, we understand why conflict is a feature of politics and not a bug.

Pascal spares no one’s feelings. Some “seek external diversion and occupation, and this is the result of their constant sense of wretchedness.” For them, “rest proves intolerable because of the boredom it produces. [They] must get away from it and crave excitement.”

Let that sink in. A person able to exercise coercive power can use their morally undeveloped “wretched” mind to create endless misery for others merely because exercising power distracts them from their failures as human beings.

Many of America’s Founders had a classical education and they understood the dangers of power. John Adams wrote, “There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.”

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RFK Jr suspends campaign; endorses Trump
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RFK Jr suspends campaign; endorses Trump

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

Here are the most important points of RFK Jr’s historic announcement.

Kennedy’s speech is the most important political speech I have ever heard in my lifetime. You can find the speech video and transcript here.

Here are the key points:

  1. Democrats basically made it impossible for him to fairly compete for President on the Democratic side, and it’s almost impossible to compete as an independent.
  2. RFK is suspending his campaign. He is NOT ending his campaign. He will still be on the ballot in most states, but will withdraw in about 10 battleground states where he could be a spoiler.

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  1. If enough people vote for RFK Jr and neither of the major party candidates win 270 votes, which is quite possible, then RFK still has a possible path to the Presidency.
  2. Trump reached out to RFK via a mutual friend (Calley Means) less than 2 hours after Trump escaped assassination. This led to a subsequent in-person meeting: “A few weeks later, I met again with President Trump and his family members and closest advisers in Florida in a series of long, intense discussions. I was surprised to discover that we are aligned on many key issues.”
  3. Following his first discussion with President Trump, RFK Jr. tried unsuccessfully to open similar discussions with Vice President Harris. Vice President Harris declined to meet or even to speak with RFK Jr.
  4. Trump is committed to making the changes RFK Jr. wants. RFK Jr. said:
    ”These agencies—the FDA, USDA, and CDC—are all controlled by giant for-profit corporations. Seventy-five percent of the FDA funding doesn’t come from taxpayers; it comes from pharma, and pharma executives, consultants, and lobbyists cycle in and out of these agencies. With President Trump’s backing, I’m going to change that. We’re going to staff these agencies with honest scientists and doctors who are free from industry funding. We’re going to make sure the decisions of consumers, doctors and patients are informed by unbiased science.”
  5. The exact role RFK Jr will play in the Trump Administration is TBD.
  6. Trump will stop all federal funding to any school, from kindergarten on up, that requires vaccination for students. If parents want to vaccinate their kids, they still can. The difference is our government will no longer force you and your kids to take unsafe vaccines.
  7. Harris is ignoring the chronic health issues facing America and it will be business as usual. Censorship will undoubtedly be used to silence dissidents.

Watch this epic moment where Trump welcomes RFK Jr to the podium and the crowd goes wild (90 seconds):

Here’s what Trump said after introducing RFK Jr.

Since I’m in California where RFK Jr. will be on the ballot, I’ll be voting for RFK Jr. Otherwise, I’d be voting for Trump.

I encourage you to do the same so we can finally make the changes needed to restore the health of our nation.

RFK Jr. simply had limited options available to move forward.

RFK simply took the option which was most likely to further his goals to heal America.

All other options available to him were worse. Under the circumstances, he made the right move.

Watch this video where Bret does a fantastic job of explaining why this was the right move:

We need to fix chronic disease in America before it is too late and a vote for Harris will ensure things will continue to get worse. More vaccine mandates may be in your future if Harris is elected. For example, she requires all her campaign staff to have the latest boosters.

Read More @ kirschsubstack.com

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Walking While White in Once Great Britain
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Walking While White in Once Great Britain

from Moonbattery:

It isn’t just Staten Island. Leftism has made it unsafe to be white in public even in Europe:

A man was violently attacked by a knife wielding maniac while walking in Birmingham, England Saturday night, with the perpetrator and his sick friends laughing and streaming the attack on social media.

The video shows the group, believed to be of Caribbean descent confronting the man, with one of them slashing at his neck, causing blood to gush from the wounds. …

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The attackers are heard laughing in the footage, with one proclaiming that the next shot in their sick video will be of the victim dead in the street.

Indeed, their next shot as they drive away is of the man collapsed on the floor, covered in blood, desperately trying to get up.

Needless to say, the mainstream media does not consider this to be newsworthy:

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Fear and Trembling in the Deep State
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Fear and Trembling in the Deep State

by Clarice Feldman, American Thinker:

On Friday, we faced yet another black swan event. We’ve had an attempted Trump assassination, the surprise coup against President Biden, and now Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s, defection and joining up with Donald Trump. Before getting into this and a discussion of the DNC convention in Chicago, I want to expose the partisan perfidy of NPR’s Judy Woodruff and the ease with which she and the press are manipulated by the deep state.

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Press Patsies

During the convention, Judy Woodruff reported (using the most authoritative voice and concerned visage she could muster) that Donald Trump had a telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during which he told him to reject the Biden ceasefire deal because accepting it would help Biden’s reelection. Both Netanyahu and Trump denied the claim upon which Trump was instantly being charged by the usual shills with a violation of the Logan Act. When pressed to substantiate her charge, Woodruff “clarified” her remarks and said she’d relied on accounts in Axios and Reuters and had done no independent verification. In fact, neither publication reported what she had said was the content of the conversation. More damaging to the credibility of her “clarification,” days before her assertion both accounts had reported the men denied having any phone conversation regarding the proposal. (I think it likely they got the same tip Woodruff did, but they fact checked it, discounted there had been any conversation, and then the tipster juiced it up some more and whispered it to Woodruff for a second shot at it.)

Did she misread the articles?  I think it obvious she repeated something someone in the administration told her, someone whose identity she dares not reveal for fear of losing valuable access. The claim was seen by many. How many know of her “clarification” is hard to know, but the claim advanced the Administration’s interests in providing a cover for a failed ceasefire deal while smearing both Trump and Netanyahu with prolonging the war for personal partisan interest.

In a similar though less egregious bit of malpractice, a number of press patsies ginned up viewers for the last day of the convention and Kamala’s appearance by stating there was going to be a surprise celebrity appearance that day — most said Beyonce but some said Taylor Swift would also be there, and another added a third celeb — George W. Bush. None of this was true, but I imagine the press lies were also sourced by Harris insiders and repeated without independent verification by a credulous media doing everything they can to aid Harris.

The DNC Convention

Fabulously wealthy speakers demonizing wealth — pretending they are victims of racism and income inequality; pretending they are just folks — a party that lives on credentialism, contending that a poor kid who made it to  Yale law School is not what we are; a candidate whose entire game plan is (a) to hide her policies (b) tout her experience while at the same time ignoring the fact that she’s been in office for 3 ½ years and had a big role in the dire consequences which (c) it is claimed she will definitely fix if only she gets elected; hiding the party’s agenda while peddling fluff and lies by the barrel; praising Biden who they just defenestrated and unpersoned.


Oprah is nearly three times a billionaire so it’s a mystery why they called up her to whine that she was “on the receiving end of racism, sexism and income inequality.” Years before he switched parties, she urged Trump on her TV show to run for president and as she spoke against his candidacy, Trump released a letter she had written him wishing she was his presidential running mate.

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Originally Posted at https://www.sgtreport.com

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