Meta bans Russian state media outlets for 'interference'
Economics News Politics

Meta bans Russian state media outlets for ‘interference’

Meta late Monday said it is banning Russian state media outlets from its apps around the world due to “foreign interference activity.”

The ban comes after the United States accused RT and employees of the state-run outlet of funneling $10 million through shell entities to covertly fund influence campaigns on social media channels including TikTok, Instagram, X, and YouTube, according to an unsealed indictment.

“After careful consideration, we expanded our ongoing enforcement against Russian state media outlets,” Meta said in response to an AFP inquiry.

“Rossiya Segodnya, RT and other related entities are now banned from our apps globally for foreign interference activity,” said Meta, whose apps include Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Threads.

RT was forced to cease formal operations in Britain, Canada, the European Union and the United States due to sanctions after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, according to the indictment unsealed in New York,

US prosecutors quoted an RT editor-in-chief as saying it created an “entire empire of covert projects” designed to shape public opinion in “Western audiences.”

– Secret content backing –

One of the covert projects involved funding and direction of an online content creation company in Tennessee, according to the indictment.

Since launching in late 2023, the US content creation operation supported by Russia has posted nearly 2,000 videos that have logged more than 16 million views on YouTube alone, according to the indictment.

Prosecutors cited a content producer as grousing about being pressed by the company to post a video early this year of a “well known US political commentator visiting a grocery store in Russia,” complaining it felt like “overt shilling” but agreeing to put the video out.

The company never disclosed to viewers it was funded by RT, US prosecutors said.

“RT has pursued malign influence campaigns in countries opposed to its policies, including the United States, in an effort to sow domestic divisions and thereby weaken opposition to Government of Russia objectives,” prosecutors argued in the indictment.

– Proxies and mercenaries –

Russia is the biggest source of covert influence operations disrupted by Meta at its platform since 2017, and such efforts at deceptive online influence ramped up after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, according to threat reports released routinely by the social media giant.

Meta had previously banned the Federal News Agency in Russia to thwart foreign interference activities by the Russian Internet Research Agency.

RT capabilities were expanded early last year, with the Russian government enhancing it with “cyber operational capabilities and ties to Russian intelligence,” the US State Department said in a recent release.

Cyber capabilities were focused primarily on influence and intelligence operations around the world, according to the State Department.

Information gathered by covert RT operations flows to Russia’s intelligence services, Russian media outlets, Russian mercenary groups, and other “proxy arms” of the Russian government, the United States maintained.

The State Departement said it was engaged in diplomatic efforts to inform governments around the world about Russia’s use of RT to conduct covert activities and encourage them to take action to limit “Russia’s ability to interfere in foreign elections and procure weapons for its war against Ukraine.”

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Why Kamala's Planned Corporate Tax Hike Is Deeply Flawed
Economics News Politics Science

Why Kamala’s Planned Corporate Tax Hike Is Deeply Flawed

Authored by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke via Truth Over News,

One of the more important policy issues for markets in the US election may be corporate tax rates. Kamala Harris has said she wants to raise corporate taxes from the current rate of 21% up to a lofty 28%. During her 2020 primary campaign Kamala said she wanted to raise corporate taxes all the way to 35% – and this may still be her real target. By contrast, President Trump has said he wants to cut the corporate tax rate to at least 20% but would prefer to drop the corporate tax rate to 15% if possible.

How much revenue is generated from corporate taxes?

The answer to this question may surprise some people. In 2023 the federal government collected just under $420 billion in corporate taxes. This compares to the approximately $2.18 trillion in individual taxes and $1.6 trillion in payroll taxes. The amount paid in corporate taxes is not as large as many intuitively expect – a little more than double the total amount of aid that we’ve allocated to the Ukraine war. 

Corporate tax revenue has actually been declining on a percentage basis for decades. The reasons for the decline have everything to do with incentives and competition – incentives for businesses to invest, locate and produce in the United States and competitiveness of American companies in a global environment. And it’s all intrinsically tied into economic activity, productivity, wages and employment. We as a nation have stymied business activity through a combination of high taxes and excessive regulations.

Who actually pays corporate taxes? Hint: it isn’t the corporations.

Corporations are actually just tax collectors – legal entities that serve to collect taxes on behalf of the corporation’s owners. The true taxpayers are primarily the company’s shareholders – and to some degree, labor and customers – not the corporations that Kamala tries to vilify. When Kamala says she’s going to raise taxes on corporations, what she’s really saying is she’s going to raise taxes on you and me.

As our system stands now, shareholders’ dividends and capital gains are reduced by taxes collected by the corporation. Dividends are profits that a corporation distributes amongst its shareholders. Capital gains come from an increase in the value of a corporation’s assets. If the corporation did not pay corporate taxes on “behalf” of the shareholder these extra dollars would flow through to shareholders in the form of increased profits and dividends, reinvestment in the business (which generates additional profits) and share repurchases. These increased cash flows to shareholders would then be taxed at the shareholder level.

If this argument is not sitting well, consider this example. A corporation could, in theory, give year-end bonuses to its workers such that the amount exactly equaled the corporation’s taxable income. After the payment to workers, the corporation would have zero taxable income. Because the corporation would record no profits in this case, shareholders would pay no tax as they too would receive no profits. But workers would now have a significantly increased tax bill – and in all likelihood be taxed at a higher overall rate than the corporation would have been. The corporation merely serves as the vehicle or conduit – the legal structure – for tax payments.

What about customers and labor – don’t they shoulder much of the corporate tax bill through higher prices for goods or lower wages? 

As it turns out, there is some material debate about these two groups. In a normalized market environment, customers probably don’t pay much in corporate tax as it is very hard to pass this cost through. The ultimate price of the corporation’s end product or service is determined by market forces – not tax rates. And corporations have many differing competitors – including sole proprietorships and foreign corporations with differing tax structures. Market competition determines the final selling price – not taxes.

The amount of corporate taxation that labor bears is less clear – the arguments center around the availability and flexibility of capital – the ability to shift production to lower cost areas, etc. The Tax Policy Center has concluded – fairly close to Treasury estimates – that labor bears about 25% of the corporate tax burden. Some estimates have labor bearing as much as 70% of the cost.

In our opinion, the amount of corporate taxes that are borne by labor is probably north of the 25% figure – but likely well shy of the 70% estimates. The reason for this lies primarily in the mobility of capital. Money is far more fungible and easily moved than labor. If returns are higher abroad due to lower foreign tax rates, investors will quickly move capital to those places. Labor has a more difficult time taking advantage of higher wages elsewhere.

When corporations are burdened with a higher tax rate, their return on capital falls, making them less attractive for investment. In order to attract capital, companies are forced to reduce costs in an attempt to boost returns. And, in general, labor is the largest cost component for most corporations, making it a prime target for cost cutting. The accelerating shift towards the use of AI may lead to an even greater amount of the tax burden being shouldered by labor.

Think of it in simple terms. If corporations were hit with a tax hike tomorrow, which group could more quickly adjust. Investors who could quickly sell and redeploy their capital overseas – or labor with their families and homes? The matter becomes a bit more complicated in real terms because if such a tax was enacted, share prices would be impacted immediately, but hopefully you get our point.

So the answer to who really pays corporate taxes appears to be primarily shareholders with labor sharing in some material percentage of the cost. What should be clear is that corporations do not truly pay taxes – they merely collect them on behalf of third parties for payment.

Why are tax rates different at the corporate level versus the shareholder level?

At the heart of the matter, the tax rate is lower for capital gains and dividends paid to shareholders to reduce the impact of double-taxation – profits used to pay dividends have already been taxed at the corporate tax rate. The capital gains and dividend tax rates are arbitrary but the intent has been to pick a number that was not so high as to completely discourage investment into companies by investors.

Why do we have differing corporate and individual taxation systems in the first place?

Our nation’s tax system evolved in fits and starts with various taxes being implemented and then repealed – some ruled unconstitutional. Our modern tax era began in 1909 – in response to rising political pressure to tax the rich – when Congress enacted an excise tax on corporations at the urging of President William Howard Taft. In a concurrent move, President Taft proposed the 16th Amendment to establish a personal income tax.

The excise tax on corporations did not require a constitutional amendment and was originally intended to be a temporary measure until the passage of the 16th Amendment which occurred in 1913. Like all things government, legislation once enacted does not die and so the two concurrent tax systems – corporate and individual were born. And they have been creating inefficiencies and needless complexities for our nation ever since.

We should consider abolishing the Corporate Tax – not raising it.

Reducing or eliminating the corporate tax rate would go a long way towards drawing businesses and business activity back to the United States. Our corporate tax structure creates countless unnecessary complexities and conflicts with our individual tax code. Do away with that structure – even if shareholder taxes are adjusted in a manner that is revenue neutral to the Treasury – and you have gained significant economic efficiencies.

Some other reasons to abolish the corporate tax:

Removal of political gamesmanship – An entire lobbying force working to get tax breaks for corporations is gone overnight. Gone too are the incentives for politicians to grant their corporate constituencies favors via the tax code. Kill the corporate tax code and you immediately remove a big motivation for corporate money being involved in the political arena – along with special interests.

Legal & Tax Departments – Tax compliance and tax strategy related departments would be rendered obsolete and would result in the saving of literally billions of dollars and countless man-hours. Tax lawyers and consultants would need to find another avenue for work. And smaller businesses would be placed on a more equal footing.

Tax status – There would be no need for non-profit distinction – and the associated games being engaged in by both companies and the IRS.

The entire tax system would be vastly simpler. Any corporate tax burden borne by labor would be removed. The increased level of investment by corporations – along with higher dividends – would re-invigorate our entire economy. Corporations would run their companies based on underlying economics without the distorting influence of tax strategy behavior.

Corporate CEOs would focus on what are now pre-tax profits. Foreign investment would flood back into the United States. International tax problems and distortions would disappear. U.S. corporate cash held overseas could be repatriated for use domestically.

Lowering (or removing) the corporate tax does not mean that taxation of corporate income is avoided. Instead, taxes would now be paid at the individual versus corporate level. Corporations could stop focusing on tax strategies and could instead place their full focus on generating profits. And Labor would see their corporate tax burden lifted.

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Where Will All the Money Go?

The Federal Reserve seems to have finally committed to, but has not yet begun its “rate cutting cycle” of lower interest rates, specifically the Federal Funds Rate, or policy rate.

This lines up well with what I have been thinking and saying here and elsewhere; the Fed was not likely to cut rates until the fall of 2024 or later.

My thinking or guessing was based on the notion that the Fed wanted to remain perceived as tough on inflation for as long as possible and that they wanted to be perceived—eventually—as coming to the economy’s rescue, rather than just goosing the stock market higher. The Fed plays a “confidence game” with the general public.

More importantly, in my thinking, the rate cuts would line up well with and reinforce the un-inversion of the interest rate yield curve. Now, with the Fed’s Chairman Jay Powell fully making intentions known at the Jackson Hole, Wyoming Fed Conference, and market expectations now in full adjustment, the inverted yield curve is poised to pop!

You can see in the graph, it seems inevitable that short term rates (2-year government bonds) will fall below long-term rates (10-year government bonds). You can also see that this inverted yield curve cycle is the most severe and long-lasting inversion since the late 1970s.

As I remember it, that previous cycle was one of relative impoverishment for Americans, economic distress, unemployment and inflation, and more to come (the term Stagflation was coined in the 1960s in the UK) and one of the worse decades in stock market history in inflation-adjusted terms. Of course, every cycle has its differences. And of course, you cannot measure the maladjustment or erosion of the economy’s capital structure that the Fed has caused with its inflationary policies.

In addition to thinking the Fed would only begin cuts this fall or winter (depending on the election and severity of the downturn in the data), I also suspected that the Fed would engage not in the one or two quarter point cuts in rates it is currently talking about and that markets are expecting, but in a series of fairly rapid cuts, maybe 10 to 20 quarter point cuts.

This guess was based on guesses for a worsening employment situation and a fall in stock market leadership, and stock markets more generally, including real estate markets, whether in a bubble, such as new home construction or just teetering, such as commercial real estate.

My question today is what comes after all that happens, supposing that it does happen? If the Fed does cut its policy rate several times that will impact decisions. All the money in various bankable deposits might be considered for redeployment. There has been a huge increase in various types of demand deposits in the 2020s and this spiked upward higher still when the Fed raised rates, forcing banks to follow.

Banks themselves have tons of excess reserves on deposit with the Fed earning over 5%.

If the Fed lowers rates, what will happen to all that money? Here are most of the alternatives:

  1. Part will stay right where it is in various forms of cash and demand deposits.
  2. Part might be invested in stocks and longer-term bond investments, but which ones?
  3. Part might be used to pay off or pay down debts at higher interest rates, such as credit card debt, mortgages, personal loans, etc. and businesses might do the same.
  4. Part could be spent or consumed, or even invested in new businesses.
  5. Part could be converted to alternative or defunct forms of money such as Bitcoin or the metal silver (Ag) which previously and widely served as money.
  6. Part could be sent overseas to stock markets, bond markets, or foreign currency deposits. This type of flow would be influenced by foreign exchange rates, where the dollar has been falling lately.

These decisions will depend on expectations built on past experience and current conditions. For example, if you made a 1000 percent profit on Nvidia stock or Bitcoin and they are heading higher you might just deploy more cash into those investments. Banks also have a menu of choices should the Fed reduce their interest rate. For example, they may grant more loans and mortgages if they are optimistic, or they may increase their loan loss reserves if they are pessimistic.

Once this process is initiated by the Fed, it should happen rather “dramatically” in statistical terms, say over two years.

It is really hard to guess where the money will go, so let us drop back and see what the ABCT might tell us.

It says that in the upturn part of the business cycle that we have been in for a long time, resources will be invested in longer term capital in more roundabout production processes to the neglect of existing structures of production that produce close to the production of consumer goods.

The longer-term capital stock includes real estate creation which typically last more than 25 years, technology—especially new and “advanced” technologies that might not be deployed under free market conditions for years to come, if at all, and anything research related, such as pharmaceutical products that often don’t pay off for years or decades to come.

The theory predicts that such investments are overdone and premature and will probably suffer the most losses in the downturn.

The shorter-term capital stock is an investment that produces consumption goods or direct inputs into consumption goods.

For example, if I make a $1 million investment to clear some land and have it tilled up and plant a crop such as corn, I will have a product to sell in less than a year’s time. This is rather direct and starts to pay in a relatively short term, even though the process might last for decades.

In contrast, I could have made the same investment but planted grape vines for the production of wine, but I might not be able to actually produce wine for sale for a decade or more, which is similar to pharmaceutical research. That is, more roundabout.

This would suggest that the historically low-interest rate policy environment that we have been living in since the Great Financial Crisis, in the aftermath of the Fed’s Housing Bubble, has tilted the capital structure of our economy in favor of the longer term, or more “roundabout” production and away from the more direct and lower order consumer goods.

In terms of my guesses, the overinvested maladjusted component of the economy would be illustrated by Artificial Intelligence. AI will no doubt eventually bring many benefits, but it may prove to be a bad investment in the shorter run.

The underinvestment area of the economy, and again this is just my guess, is in the production of commodities that I illustrated above with growing corn.

This malinvestment pattern has probably been exacerbated by other government policies which have increased longer term, more roundabout production such as Covid treatment spending, Chips Act, and Green-Global Warming-Climate Change policies to discourage, for example, agriculture, ranching, mining, and energy.

This a transcript of the Minor Issues podcast, “Where Will All the Money Go?”


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Milei Wants More Government Spending—For the Military, of Course
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Milei Wants More Government Spending—For the Military, of Course

From day one of his presidency, it has been apparent that Argentina’s President Javier Milei wants the Argentinian regime to be a willing member of the US-NATO axis in international affairs. Milei has demonstrated this with a variety of overtures toward the State of Israel and by his repeated meetings with the dictator of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

This all positions Burenos Aires as a reliable supplicant and friend of Washington. Or, as I summed it up back in June:

[Milei] displays no particular affinity for anti-interventionist foreign policy, and he’s certainly no threat to the established US-dominated geopolitical order. Milei is, and will likely continue to be, a reliable ally of the American security state. More succinctly, we might say that Milei is a “CIA-approved head of state.”

It should be noted that there is no reason why Milei is required to take these positions. Milei could easily stake out a position making Argentina a “non-aligned” country that refuses to participate in US and NATO meddling in Eastern Europe. Milei’s regime could easily choose to not take a position in the multiplying conflicts between Washington-Tel Aviv and half a dozen other states.

After all, Buenos Aires is 12,000 miles from Tel Aviv, and it is nearly 13,000 miles from Kyiv. The idea that Buenos Aires must choose a side in either of these two conflicts is absurd. Moreover, Argentina has a small economy and is an economic basket case so, frankly, the Argentinian military is tactically irrelevant to any global conflict. Support from Milei and Buenos Aires for the US and NATO serves only a diplomatic function—to help Washington manufacture legitimacy for its endless international interventions.

But that is apparently now not enough for Milei who has now signaled that he wants to increase military spending and to increase the strength and prestige of the Argentinian military establishment.

In a speech last month to supporters of the Argentinian military, Milei laid out his vision for what he called “a big Argentina, a strong Argentina, a powerful Argentina.” (And lest there be any question about mistranslation, these are his words: “queremos una Argentina grande, una Argentina fuerte, una Argentina potencia.”)

What exactly does it mean to have a big, strong, and powerful Argentina?

With these words, Milei is not talking about increasing the power and prosperity of the private sector. He doesn’t mention that in his speech. Rather, he means more power for the regime, and that means a lot more government spending. In the speech, Milei brags about buying 24 F-16 fighter jets, and modernization of the TAM tanks. Milei wants higher salaries for government bureaucrats (i.e., military personnel) and he insists that these government employees “deserve” more “respect and recognition.”

Given that Argentina has not been involved in any significant international conflict since the nineteenth century—and faces no real international threats on its land or maritime borders—one might wonder what the regime could possibly need new tanks for. Milei hints at this moments later when he reminds the audience he wants to “join NATO as a global partner.”

(In fairness, it should be noted that Milei’s position is just a continuation of the status quo. In this aspect of his policy agenda, Milei does not appear to be any more pro-NATO than his predecessors of the past 25 years. Indeed, Argentina has been one of the more pro-US regimes in South America for decades.)

Where we do find an alarming new direction, however, is in Milei’s apparent intent to use his intended strong and powerful military against domestic “threats.” According to Milei:

Until now, the Armed Forces have been entrusted with the task of purely and exclusively protecting against potential external threats. … [I]t is imperative that we rethink these old paradigms. Argentina cannot be oblivious to this new reality; it is time to modernize and adapt to these new threats. That is why we are modifying the Internal Security Law so that the Armed Forces can support the Security Forces in exceptional situations, without having to resort to the extreme option of declaring a state of siege.

That last sentence is the most ominous: “we are modifying the Internal Security Law so that the Armed Forces can support the Security Forces in exceptional situations.”

Were an American president to say such a thing, it would be a signal that the regime is going all-in on embracing a police state. In a civilized country, there are legal barriers against the use of the military against the domestic population. The US has many such legal barriers, the chief example of which is the Posse Comitatus act. The US regime frequently ignores these limitations, of course. Washington now routinely uses its military-intelligence apparatus to spy on Americans, and worse. Yet, it’s better to have the legal pretense of limitations on domestic military operations than nothing at all.

In Argentina, Milei says he wants to break down these barriers in his quest to fight domestic enemies. This plan is, essentially, the “Argentina edition” of the Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland Security.

Militarism within the Argentinian Context

It is important, however, to not excessively compare the US situation with the Argentinian one. To this day, much of the public’s view of the military in Argentina is influenced by the human rights abuses of the military dictatorship during the so-called Dirty War from 1974 to 1983. During this period, with the help of the American CIA, the regime in Argentina “disappeared” and tortured thousands of dissidents.

Since then, the Argentinian military establishment has suffered from a notable lack of prestige among much of the Argentinian public. Public views of the military are not uniform among members of the public, however. In Argentina, skepticism of military power is generally associated with “the Left” while support for the military establishment is seen as “rightist.”

Milei seems to now be doubling down on this political framing. For example, in his speech last month, Milei claimed the military is being “emptied out” (”vaciamiento”) and “for decades” has been relegated to an “undeserved” low-status position.

When he says “for decades” this is likely a reference to the last forty years during which military spending in Argentina has been well below what it was in the days of the dictatorship. According to SIPRI’s database on military expenditures, military spending increased sharply when the junta came to power, and declined sharpy after the junta was deposed.

Since 1990, however, military spending (in constant 2022 dollars) has been largely unchanged, although it tends to fall below average levels when the Argentinian economy enters one of its many financial crises. The military in Argentina is hardly withering away, but even if it were, we can’t say it has suffered any more than the average Argentinian household. Indeed, because it has access to taxpayers’ dollars, military personnel have done well for themselves compared to the long-suffering private sector.

(In nominal terms, military spending is higher now than during the 1990s, although the incessant devaluing of the peso has meant military spending has fallen in real terms.)

Milei’s framing of how the military has not been treated with proper respect suggests he thinks the military has somehow been treated unfairly since the days of the dictatorship. This is likely to create a closer association—in the public’s eyes—between Milei and the old Argentinian Right which tends to agree that the Left in Argentina is inordinately obsessed with rehashing the old crimes of the military 45 years ago.

This latter position among Rightists is not entirely unwarranted, but Milei’s apparent decision to commit himself to a larger, more powerful and more costly military risks reviving and confirming the Latin American Left’s position that libertarian or free-market candidates are on the side of militarism and human-rights abuses. This association has dogged Chilean “classical” liberals for decades after Augusto Pinochet—quite by accident and against his personal ideological leanings—ended up supporting a turn toward economic freedom as a way to escape Chile’s inflationary downward spiral. Ever since then, the Left in South America—which loathes free markets, of course—has insisted that any candidate that supports free markets is a secret Pinochet clone who wants to bring back the juntas of the bad old days.

Unfortunately, Milei seems to be playing right into the Left’s hands on this. All his rhetoric about overpaid government bureaucrats is conveniently forgotten when he speaks of military officers, and his talk about cutting back military spending apparently does not apply to funding new efforts to waging war on domestic enemies.

With this latest policy turn, the evidence continues to mount that Milei is more a typical conservative or “rightist” than he is a free-market libertarian in any meaningful sense. It’s the usual conservative formula: “government spending is bad unless it’s for my friends at military headquarters.” America has suffered under this bait-and-switch brand of conservative politics since 1945. Milei may be the latest example abroad.


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Sean 'Diddy' Combs arrested amid assault lawsuits
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Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs arrested amid assault lawsuits

Sean “Diddy” Combs — the rap mogul whose star has plunged after a wave of sex trafficking accusations and assault lawsuits — was arrested by federal agents in Manhattan late Monday, a US federal court said.

The attorney for the Southern District of New York, Damian Williams, said in a statement that the arrest stemmed from a sealed indictment filed by his office.

“We expect to move to unseal the indictment in the morning and will have more to say at that time,” he said, without providing further details of the charges.

Diddy’s lawyer Marc Agnifilo said in a statement provided to AFP that Combs had voluntarily relocated to New York anticipating the charges.

Combs’s lawyer said their team is “disappointed with the decision to pursue what we believe is an unjust prosecution of Mr. Combs by the US Attorney’s Office.”

The rapper is the target of several civil lawsuits that characterize him as a violent sexual predator who used alcohol and drugs to subdue his victims.

His homes were raided in March by federal agents, in a heavily publicized bicoastal operation that indicated a federal investigation and potential criminal case was mounting against Combs.

Armed agents entered his sprawling luxury properties in Miami and Los Angeles, marking a rapid downfall for the powerful music industry figure who in recent years has vied to rebrand himself as “Brother Love.”

His legal team said Monday that Combs was being “cooperative with this investigation” and “looks forward to clearing his name in court.”

– Bombshell suit –

The artist, who’s gone by various monikers including Puff Daddy and P Diddy, was widely credited as being key to hip hop’s journey from the streets to the bottle-service club.

Over the decades he’s amassed vast wealth not least due to his ventures in the liquor industry.

But despite his efforts to cultivate an image of a smooth party kingpin and business magnate, a spate of lawsuits describe Combs as a violent man who used his celebrity to prey on women.

The artist has denied all accusations against him.

He has no major convictions but has long been trailed by allegations of physical assault, dating back well into the 1990s.

Late last year the floodgates opened after singer Cassie, whose real name is Casandra Ventura, alleged Combs subjected her to more than a decade of coercion by physical force and drugs as well as a 2018 rape.

The pair met when Ventura was 19 and he was 37, after which he signed her to his label and they began a romantic relationship.

The bombshell suit was quickly settled out of court, but a string of similarly lurid sexual assault claims followed — including one in December by a woman who alleged Combs and others gang-raped her when she was 17.

Disturbing surveillance video then emerged in May showing Combs physically assaulting his then-girlfriend Ventura, corroborating allegations she made in the now-settled case.

– Global fame with dark shadow –

Born Sean John Combs on November 4, 1969 in Harlem, the artist entered the industry as an intern in 1990 at Uptown Records where he eventually became a talent director.

He gained a reputation as a party planner, which would be central to his brand as his fame rose.

In 1991 he promoted a celebrity basketball game and concert at the City College of New York that left nine people dead after a stampede.

The event was over capacity by the thousands and resulted in a string of lawsuits, with Combs blamed for hiring inadequate security.

He was fired from Uptown, and founded his own label, Bad Boy Records.

Thus began a quick ascent to the top of East Coast hip hop, along with his disciple, the late The Notorious B.I.G.

Combs boasted a number of major signed acts and production collaborations with the likes of Mary J Blige, Usher, Lil’ Kim, TLC, Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men.

He was also a Grammy-winning rapper in his own right, debuting with the chart-topping single “Can’t Nobody Hold Me Down” and his album “No Way Out.”

He built an image as a brash hustler with unapologetic swagger, a major producer who also ventured into Hollywood, reality television and fashion and had high-profile romantic links with the likes of Jennifer Lopez.

But a dark history of violence and serious misconduct has long haunted his fame — and now appears to be eclipsing it.

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More than 95,000 Japanese aged over 100, most of them women
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More than 95,000 Japanese aged over 100, most of them women

The number of people in Japan aged 100 or older has hit a record high of more than 95,000 — almost 90 percent of them women — government data showed Tuesday.

The figures further highlight the slow-burning demographic crisis gripping the world’s fourth-biggest economy as its population ages and shrinks.

As of September 1, Japan had 95,119 centenarians, up 2,980 year-on-year, with 83,958 of them women and 11,161 men, the health ministry said in a statement.

On Sunday separate government data showed that the number of over-65s has hit a record high of 36.25 million, accounting for 29.3 percent of Japan’s population.

The proportion puts Japan at the top of a list of 200 countries and regions with a population of over 100,000 people, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said.

Japan is currently home to the world’s oldest living person Tomiko Itooka, who was born on May 23, 1908 and is 116 years old, according to the US-based Gerontology Research Group.

The previous record-holder, Maria Branyas Morera, died last month in Spain at the age of 117.

Itooka lives in a nursing home in Ashiya, Hyogo prefecture in western Japan, the ministry said.

She often says “thank you” to the nursing home staff and expresses nostalgia about her hometown, the ministry said.

“I have no idea at all about what’s the secret of my long life,” Japan’s oldest man, Kiyotaka Mizuno, who is 110, told local media.

Mizuno, who lives in Iwata, Shizuoka prefecture in central Japan with his family, gets up at 6:30 am every morning and eats three meals a day — without being picky about his food.

His hobby is listening to live sports, including sumo wrestling, the ministry said.

Japan is facing a steadily worsening population crisis, as its expanding elderly population leads to soaring medical and welfare costs, with a shrinking labour force to pay for it.

The country’s overall population is 124 million, after declining by 595,000 in the previous,  according to previous government data.

The government has attempted to slow the decline and ageing of its population without meaningful success, while gradually extending the retirement age — with 65 becoming the rule for all employers from fiscal 2025.

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Alleged Would-Be Trump Assassin Vantage Point a Weakness Used by Paparazzi
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Alleged Would-Be Trump Assassin Vantage Point a Weakness Used by Paparazzi

The alleged would-be assassin who came to Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday reportedly secured himself a sniper nest in a security weak spot that has previously been exploited by paparazzi.

The suspected would-be assassin, 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh, allegedly brought a scoped rifle with him to Trump’s West Palm Beach golf course in Florida and stood within 300-500 yards of the former president before Secret Service agents spotted him in the shrubbery and fired four to six shots. He was arrested outside the golf course shortly after. The Secret Service confirmed on Monday that the alleged would-be assassin did not exchange gunfire and did not have a line of sight on Trump.

According to a recent report from Fox News, the would-be assassin camped in the sniper’s nest for 12 hours and even brought snacks. For years, the vantage point has been seen as a security risk due to it being regularly used by paparazzi.

“The tree line at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, has been known for years to be a vantage point for photographers looking to catch a candid glimpse of the former president and other VIPs,” noted the report. Dave Aronberg, the state attorney for the 15th Judicial Circuit, which covers Palm Beach County, confirmed this.

“There have been previous individuals who have taken pictures of the former president while he’s golfing,” said Dave Aronberg. “They’ve gone through the shrubs and been able to poke a camera through the fencing. You would think that perhaps maybe they would consider someone scoping the perimeter.”

Aronberg commended the Secret Service for covering a large area.

“It’s a huge area to cover,” he said. “It’s not so easy just to keep walking around at all times because someone could slip in and slip out there.”

However, an unnamed photo agency told the New York Post that photographers will often make their presence known to the Secret Service and have generally maintained fashionable rapport with agents when seeking a good vantage point for photographs.

Homeless people have also been caught loitering around the fence.

Pat Diaz, a former Miami-Dade homicide detective, said the Secret Service should be doing regular K-9 sweeps around the exterior ahead of the president’s arrival.

“They didn’t check the exterior, clearly,” he said.

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Experts Gone Wild | ZeroHedge
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Experts Gone Wild | ZeroHedge

Authored by Mike Scanlon via,

An ability to win hearts and minds has long been seen by America’s leadership as essential to domestic and international politics and security.  For much of the Pax Americana, our government and intelligentsia have poured time, effort, and money into studying how to persuade everyone from allies to enemies and, conversely, how to counter an opponent’s influence campaigns. 

But something essential has changed since the rise of President Donald Trump as a political force. 

During the Cold War, President Dwight Eisenhower spoke up against censorship and for lay readers in the wake of an attempt by Senator Joseph McCarthy’s henchmen to eradicate communist books from libraries:

Don’t join the book burners.  Don’t think you are going to conceal faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed.  Don’t be afraid to go in your library and read every book . . . .

How will we defeat communism unless we know what it is, and what it teaches, and why does it have such an appeal for men, why are so many people swearing allegiance to it?  . . .

And we have got to fight it with something better, not try to conceal the thinking of our own people.  They are part of America.  And even if they think ideas that are contrary to ours, their right to say them, their right to record them, and their right to have them at places where they are accessible to others is unquestioned, or it isn’t America.

These days, America’s most educated have grown distrustful of non-experts and their ability to process dangerous ideas

Our elites have launched a campaign to protect the undereducated from themselves. 

That crusade is not going well. 

As Martin Gurri has pointed out time and time again, America’s thought leaders and information curators are on the ropes.  Academics, think tankers, pundits, and policymakers no longer can hide the fact that they often either have no clue what they are doing or are all too willing to oversell their case—and will purposefully obfuscate or outright lie from time to time to get their way.  

Yet most experts are more than happy to pretend as if nothing were wrong as they claw their way up the professional ladder.  Some insist on singing paeans to themselves while demanding ever-greater protection from open competition and even outside criticism.

Take, for instance, the authorities advocating a muscular foreign policy or demanding robust countermeasures against domestic extremism.  The Global War on Terror was not America’s finest hour.  We lost Afghanistan.  It would be difficult to claim victory in Iraq.  The great hopes of the Arab Spring came to naught

But repeated failures did not cause self-doubt to creep into the minds of credentialed militarists of any stripe.  Most continued to insist that the next war would go our way.  Some have even been trying to expand their territory, such as the counterinsurgency specialists who tout their experience in (wildly unsuccessful) campaigns against international extremism and propaganda when marketing themselves as would-be, should-be leaders of the war against domestic extremism and disinformation. 

There was never any reason to assume that the pro-war clique would fare any better if provided yet another opportunity.  And failures have piled on missed opportunities in the Ukraine to the point where security specialists are, once againscrambling to protect the foreign policy establishment by blaming its most recent fiasco on a lack of American commitment to winning what may always have been an unwinnable war.   

The crisis afflicting much of America’s expert class is less that the internet has made it easier for the public to push back, and more that the elite’s preferred models just don’t work.  For instance, many disinformation experts justify censorship with a model positing that malevolent information drives malevolent acts.  Similarly, some domestic terrorism experts justify increased surveillance with a model positing that terrorists broadcast their “terrorist intent” before engaging in acts of terrorism. 

But, even if most people who commit violent acts were exposed to disinformation or made some announcement of terrorist intent, notably lacking is substantial evidence that a significant percentage of the people exposed to disinformation or of the individuals articulating terrorist intent go on to commit violent acts.  In other words, many of our leading domestic security experts seem unwilling or unable to differentiate between a hypothesis and a theory.  This is suboptimal. 

Worse, the smarter-than-thou crowd continues to push for surveillance and censorship despite the glaring problems with their firmly held beliefs about causality and causation.  The proposition that bad ideas lead to bad acts has been “disproven over and over again.”  And even many of the authorities seeking to elevate their profiles by fearmongering about “stochastic terrorism” must admit that the hateful speech in the establishment’s targets is unregulatable under American law.  Unlike “a call to lynch someone when a mob has gathered nearby,” the “use of mass media to provoke random acts of ideologically motivated violence that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable” just isn’t “advocacy . . .  directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and . . . likely to incite or produce such action.”  It can’t meet the standard required for the government to forbid or punish inflammatory speech.

To the extent that America still cares about freedom of speech or other civil libertiesthe surveilandcensor hacks should be laughed off the stage.  Yet the grandees of the so-called “Censorship-Industrial Complex” are overplaying an incredibly weak hand based on what appears to be little more than blind faith that the public isn’t qualified to question the elite.  This is silly; the emperor has no clothes

The collected academic expertise of the anti-disinformation movement proved itself worthless in the real world because disinformation specialists were incapable of preventing the Biden Administration’s Disinformation Governance Board from falling victim to—of all things—a disinformation campaign.  Given the anti-disinformation crowd’s admitted inability to effectively contest disinformation with speech and counter-speech in open competition, the public has every right to question whether the Biden Administration’s “Ministry of Truth” was meant to institute a de facto censorship regime where progressive- or establishment-led media and social media companies would collude with like-minded state actors to suppress populist voices.  

The disinformation that touched off the anti-disinformation crusade—propaganda propounded by the Russian government during the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections—either appears far too ham-handed to be persuasive or seems all but indistinguishable from arguments and assertions made by America’s most highly esteemed progressive identitarians Given the anti-disinformation cult’s penchant for announcing causation rather than proving it, the public has every right to question whether disinformation specialists operate in a fantasy world of just-so stories where fancy academic degrees and enviable job titles can magically transform an “and” (the Russian government tried to interfere with the 2016 presidential election, and Donald Trump won) into a “so” (the Russian government tried to interfere with the 2016 presidential election, so Donald Trump won). 

The social media-based disinformation campaigns initiated by America’s enemies during the ongoing Trump era seem to be as ineffective as the failed social media-based information campaigns launched by America during the Global War on Terror.  Given how disproportionate the elite’s highly publicized panic over disinformation is to the actual threat from disinformation, the public has every right to question whether our leadership is conjuring up sham crises to exert tighter control over a nation that has grown largely unimpressed by even the shiniest of shiny credentials.

Although the stage has been set for a complete collapse of expert rule, it will be difficult for the current crop of experts to save themselves from—of all things—themselves.  The traditional authority system is almost uniquely unfit to deal with the very public failure of conventional models. 

The incentive structure of America’s credential-granting institutions is out of whack.  Expert careers are advanced by appealing to recognized authorities and representatives of wealthy benefactors  or powerful state actors in a more-or-less closed system, which the establishment zealously protects from outside interference

  • Freedom from open competition allows diplomas and job titles to trump the substance of arguments and the abilities of individuals in the cloistered world of experts.  Authorities can take the ostrich defense or declare victory when faced with a threat to their position, so experts often decry dissent while studiously avoiding anything resembling critical engagement with critiques of their work advanced by deplorables or members of the great unwashed. 

  • The need to appeal to recognized authorities stifles innovation.  Up-and-comers are best advised to avoid heterodox approaches, which are liable to offend a patron, and to adopt whatever orthodox approach happens to be favored by their most powerful backer, regardless of the merit of that approach.  Established experts can use the failed experiment that is peer review to prop up their favorite disproved theory, to advance a fashionable narrative, or to snuff out groundbreaking work capable of challenging the orthodoxies upon which their reputations rest.  

  • The authority system even incents experts to exaggerate.  To draw attention in crowded fields or obtain grant money from activist sources, specialists commonly conflate advocacy with analysis, make overly dire predictions, then demand radical measures to avert the impending crises.  And very rarely are experts punished for getting things wrong.  It is therefore reasonable for specialists to stake out the most aggressive position possible, rather than the most accurate or defensible one. 

The expert system has broken down and requires structural reform.  For example, it is as if academia—the crown jewel of the authority system—were designed to be as unfair and inefficient as possible.

  • Despite our knowledge that the “Next Big Thing” tends to be hit upon by someone who is young or new to a discipline and often languishes until the then-dominant cohort of scholars loses control over the field, the tenure system concentrates power and authority in exactly the wrong hands—those of established professors. 

  • The deference afforded to tenured faculty within the American academy not only makes our colleges and universities incredibly hostile environments for truly innovative ideas, but also creates ideal conditions for alpha-sycophants valiant enough to kowtow their way to the top

  • Protecting academic authorities from the consequences of their actions over-incents “brave stands” (by rendering them bravery-free) and allows indefensible arguments to overrun the academy and occasionally leak into the wider world—often to the detriment of the very non-elites whom the scholarly elite purports to represent.

In short, despite all the exhortations by the Spencerians in the mainstream media and other establishment outlets about the need for academics to remain a self-regulating profession, the greatest threats to the advance of learning and to academic freedom come from within the academy and are, at minimum, exacerbated by a system that permits faculty self-governance. 

It’s high time for a round of creative destructionThe non-experts who oversee or fund America’s colleges and universities should consider doing away with tenure and exposing academics to the crucible of competition.  After all, pretty much everyone outside the Ivory Tower realizes that the fairest and most efficient way to deal with the replication crisis in the social sciences is an employment crisis among social scientists


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Hillary Clinton Calls Trump ‘Danger to Our Country' After 2nd Assassination Attempt
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Hillary Clinton Calls Trump ‘Danger to Our Country’ After 2nd Assassination Attempt

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” that former President Donald Trump’s politics of “hate and division” put the United States’ security in danger.

Clinton said, “I’m very hopeful, and even optimistic that Americans who do not want to see a continuation of this politics of hate and division will reject Trump.”

She continued, “The object in this case is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world. You know, they were merciless about what they saw as President Biden’s problems in the debate and calling for him to withdraw. I believe Donald Trump has disqualified himself over and over and over again to be a presidential candidate, let alone a president.”

Clinton added, “I do think more and more Americans are rejecting the kind of chaos that he represents. We can’t go back. That’s what the Harris campaign says all the time. We’re not going back. We’re not going back to, you know, what he failed to do to protect American lives during COVID. We’re not going back to the, you know, romance with dictators that puts innocent lives at risk and puts America’s security in danger. We can’t go back and give this very dangerous man another chance to do harm to our country and the world.”

Follow Pam Key on X @pamkeyNEN

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Alleged Donald Trump Assassin Previously Known to FBI
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Alleged Donald Trump Assassin Previously Known to FBI

Former President Donald Trump’s alleged would-be assassin was previously on the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) radar, Special Agent Jeffrey B. Veltri said during a press conference on Monday.

Veltri, the special agent in charge for the Miami field office, said the suspect, 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh, was the subject of a previously closed 2019 tip to the agency in which it was alleged that Routh was in possession of a firearm as a felon.

“And, following up on the tip, the alleged complainant was interviewed and did not verify — I repeat — did not verify providing the initial information. The FBI passed that information to local law enforcement and Honolulu,” Veltri said at the press conference at the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.

Veltri noted that, in 2002, Routh was charged and convicted in North Carolina for possession of a weapon of mass destruction. Routh allegedly barricaded himself and had a standoff with police. The Greensboro News & Record noted that once the standoff ended, Routh was arrested and “charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a weapon of mass destruction, referring to a fully automatic machine gun.”

“Law enforcement checks also revealed that from 1997 to 2010, the subject had numerous felony charges for stolen goods,” Veltri said.

The press conference was held a day after the assassination attempt on Trump at his golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida. The incident was the second attempt on Trump’s life in two months, the first occurring during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, in July when a bullet struck Trump’s ear and left his face bloodied as he was speaking to the crowd.

Defiant: Bloodied Trump Pumps Fist to Crowd After Shooting at Rally


As Breitbart News reported, Routh allegedly hid in the bushes near Trump International Golf Course, where he appeared to be lying in wait for Trump, who was golfing, to come into his view. Federal prosecutors on Monday said that Routh concealed himself there for almost 12 hours before the incident.

Routh had with him a rifle with a scope, backpacks, and a Go-Pro, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s office.

Breitbart News reported:

Secret Service agents, who apparently travel a hole or two ahead of Trump while he’s golfing to secure the area, encountered Routh before he was able to fire rounds at the 45th president.

An agent apparently shot at Routh, who then fled the scene in a vehicle. A witness was able to take photos of the getaway car and its tag, the sheriff’s office said. From there, law enforcement caught up to the suspect and took him into custody.

The FBI now says it is investigating an apparent second assassination attempt against Trump. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), meanwhile, announced that the state of Florida will conduct its own investigation into what happened separate from the federal investigation.


Veltri said FBI agents attempted to interview Routh, but “he invoked his right to an attorney in the last 24 hours.”

Veltri said various law enforcement agencies are working to obtain and execute search warrants of Routh’s vehicle and devices, including those at his previous known addresses. The FBI is also interviewing Secret Service agents on the scene and seven civilian witnesses. The agency’s Honolulu and Charlotte field offices have initiated interviews with several family members, friends, and former colleagues, Veltri said.

“The subject had an active online presence, and we are going through what he posted and any searches he conducted online,” he added.

Routh appears to have been obsessed with the Ukraine War — on the Ukrainian side — and was interviewed by the New York Times about his efforts to recruit volunteers to travel to Ukraine to fight against Russia in the war. He also reportedly had a Biden-Harris bumper sticker on a truck outside his home in Hawaii and appears to have donated to Democrats 19 times, FEC filings show.

“In addition, we’re going through media reports and public statements He made that he wanted to recruit Afghan soldiers and others to fight for Ukraine,” Veltri said.

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