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Over Half Of People Worldwide Expect Harm From Their Water In Next 2 Years
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Over Half Of People Worldwide Expect Harm From Their Water In Next 2 Years

Authored by Marina Zhang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

A survey across 141 countries found that more than 52 percent of respondents “anticipate serious harm from drinking water in the next two years,” according to a recent study.

PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

The study, newly published in Nature Communications, analyzed data from more than 148,000 adults from the 2019 Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll.

Researchers from Northwestern University and UNC found that in the United States, despite over 97 percent of the population having access to clean water, around 40 percent of people anticipated harm.

The lowest rate was reported in Singapore (0.9 percent) and the highest was reported in Zambia (54.3 percent).

The findings showed that having clean water access is not about building more infrastructure, “but a lot more about public perceptions of safety and trust,” the study’s lead author, Joshua D. Miller, a postdoctoral student at the University of North Carolina, told The Epoch Times.

But people’s perception may not be wrong, he said.

Perception vs. Reality

The big question with the finding is if people’s perceptions are true, Miller said.

He points to a recent report published in Science by Swiss researchers, which estimated that 4.4 billion people globally do not have access to clean water.

We had originally thought it was around maybe about 2.2 billion, but as people started to aggregate more data and try to make some new water quality estimates … it’s now doubled … So that suggests to me that people’s perceptions are already ahead of where we are in the water quality world,” Miller said.

“People have a good sense through taste and smell and historical experiences of experiencing harm from water knowing whether it’s safe or not to drink water.”

On the other hand, Miller highlighted that people’s perceptions drive behaviors that shape their health decisions and outcomes.

“When we mistrust our tap water, we buy packaged water, which is wildly expensive and hard on the environment; drink soda or other sugar-sweetened beverages, which is hard on the teeth and the waistline; and consume highly processed prepared foods or go to restaurants to avoid cooking at home, which is less healthy and more expensive,” Sera L. Young, the study’s senior author, said in a press release.

“Individuals who self-report exposure to unsafe water experience greater psychological stress … and are at greater risk of depression than those who do not,” the authors wrote in their study.

Corruption the Biggest Driver

The Nature Communications study showed that the public’s perception of corruption is the strongest predictor of their anticipation of risks from drinking water.

Several factors may explain why different countries have different rates of anticipation of harm.

Among these, public perception of corruption is the biggest factor, the study says, accounting for more than 50 percent of the differences among countries.

Additionally, countries that are corrupt also tend to have less clean water available and invest less in their communities and infrastructure, Miller said.

However, people’s opinion of the government cannot account for all the differences.

The authors also found that two-thirds of individuals who anticipate harm from water in the next two years said that their government did a “good job” in ensuring safe drinking water.

Other major factors that may increase a country’s rate of anticipation of harm include having a high proportion of people harmed by drinking water, and or having a high proportion of deaths linked to drinking water.

Growing Water Concerns

At the individual level, people who were female, educated, and reporting financial difficulties tended to anticipate harm from drinking water.

I think people are increasingly becoming aware of water issues and other environmental threats,” Miller said.

“It’s just report after report of the dire situation we are in,” Miller said, listing increased floods, droughts, runoff, contamination, and extreme weather events that contaminate and damage water infrastructure.

Despite extensive water processing and purification to remove the contaminants, some remnants would remain.

At the same time, researchers are finding new chemicals and substances in the water supply that may pose risks to health, which require more studies and setting new regulations.

“I don’t want to malign utility providers in the United States, it is really difficult,” Miller said. “Every time we impose a new restriction or threshold at which they have to achieve water quality, that means more costs, and either they have to ask consumers to pay more or they aren’t going to meet the guidelines. And I think that’s the constant tension that the government faces with setting new regulations, and why sometimes it’s really slow.”

Though research may find contaminants that are potentially harmful, it is difficult for the government to make new regulations due to the cost implications.

“We really have to reckon with the value of water and how much we’re willing to pay for it,” Miller said. “There is a growing list of contaminants we are potentially concerned about, and there’s varying levels of evidence about how harmful they are and at what threshold. So I think it requires a lot of really clear public health messaging about what is in our water and whether it is harmful or not.”


Originally Posted at; https://www.zerohedge.com//

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Drinking Ice Water in Cyber Hell
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Drinking Ice Water in Cyber Hell

by Donald Jeffries, “I Protest”:


I must sound monotonous stating the obvious; that we’re living in a barely recognizable society, run by corruption and incompetence. That there is no moral foundation left, no great ideals, no shared values. I feel increasingly like Robert A. Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land. America is on life support. Running on fumes.

Well, you’re probably saying at this point; okay, if you’re so tired of sounding black pilled, then why do you keep black pilling it, Mr. bigshot Community College Dropout? Good question. I often don’t know what else to write about, because the truth is cathartic, and unfortunately, the truth in our time is very, very bleak. I have a powerful need to write and talk about the madness which has enveloped our politics and our culture.

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Without the online outlets I have, I might very well seek a padded room somewhere, in one of our few remaining mental health facilities, where I could wile away the time pretending I was Thomas Jefferson or something. Mental health patients have always been more interesting to me than those haven’t been classified as mentally ill. You know, like the lunatics presently running this giant, crumbling asylum. As long as they’re not violent. Violent people are scary, not interesting.

I’m fooling myself, and we’re all fooling ourselves, if we believe that life here is ever going to get better, at least in the eyes of those of us who lived for any length of time in America 1.0. Sure, I guess you could say things were technically worse in 2020, when everyone was scurrying around in masks like frightened lab mice, keeping their distance, and not hugging their loved ones. Or 2021, when you could lose your job if you refused to take the dangerous warp speed jab. But the trend is pretty clear. Very little has “gotten better” economically for the eighty percent of people who “lose” to varying degrees under this rigged system, in my lifetime. The monkey pox or bird flu may be coming. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Call your doctor and get your latest booster.

But it’s not like I haven’t seen positive changes over the years. I experienced a vast improvement in the quality of my life with the invention of the VCR, for example. I bought the first one I could; large and overpriced. It was 1979. Disco was dead, and things were already looking up. Now I had a machine with which to record all my favorite shows and old movies. I can’t tell you how obsessive I was with videotaping things. The best episodes of The Andy Griffith Show, Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies, The Flintstones, Leave it to Beaver, and The Twilight Zone. All the classic Our Gang and Three Stooges shorts. Many old films. I had them all neatly labeled and organized, like any good anal retentive would. Taping each new SCTV Network 90 every Friday night became a real ritual. I try not to think of how all the cast members seem to be “Woke” now, and would probably applaud my banishment as a Thought Criminal.

After a few years, I got a top of the line four head Magnavox, which took my recording obsession to a new level. I held a Barney Fife Festival in my apartment, where we built a party around Andy Griffith reruns. I think my girlfriend was the only female there. When my kids were born, I had a series of camcorders, which recorded their every birthday, Christmas, Easter, 4th of July, sporting event, dance recital, etc. Now, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when watching them. Glorious memories of what once was, but a heartbreaking reminder of the realities of time. I accumulated hundreds of these home recorded tapes. I transferred the home VHS tapes to DVDs. Of course, I still have all the regular VHS tapes, because I don’t throw anything away. That comes in handy when it’s old baseball cards or comic books. With their dust and disregard, they seem anachronistic already, but I remember when they were my pride and joy.

Then, when the internet became available to all by the mid-1990s, I was in ecstasy. I began spending all my free time online, waiting for that trusty 56K modem to spring to life. The internet then was like the Wild West. Totally unregulated. You could smell the freedom wafting out of your wired mouse. The early JFK assassination forums were terrific. So was the old Liberty Forum, where everything could be discussed. No fact checkers. No censorship. I confidently told everyone that if they could stop the internet, they would have done so. If they made a move, some teenager in Japan would counteract it instantly. I circumvented the deadly Microsoft monopoly by using Word Perfect and Netscape Communicator. I advocated for freeware. I thought we may have finally found the way to get truth to the masses. But I didn’t count on social media.

Read More @ donaldjeffries.substack.com

Originally Posted at https://www.sgtreport.com

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'Uncommitted' Nightmare Haunts Harris as CNN Interview Further Fractures Base
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‘Uncommitted’ Nightmare Haunts Harris as CNN Interview Further Fractures Base

Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris is facing a severe crisis with the pro-Palestinian wing of her party after she doubled down on her and President Joe Biden’s Israel policies in her CNN interview Thursday.

CNN’s Dana Bash pressed Harris on arms policy toward Israel on Thursday night. After Harris initially skirted a direct question about potentially withholding “some” arms to Israel, as the pro-Palestinian Uncommitted movement has been demanding for seven months, Bash did not let her off the hook. Following up on the same question, she drew a “No” from Harris when she asked if there would be any “change in policy in terms of arms and so forth” towards Israel, igniting a frenzy of condemnation from prominent pro-Palestinian figures, including Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).

The response and the fallout underscore and worsen a massive problem for Harris, who has a fractured base heading into the home stretch of the election. These voters, more than half a million of whom protested the Biden-Harris administration with “uncommitted” votes in the Democratic primary, have threatened and continue to threaten to stay home in November, barring a radical change in policy or a cease-fire. The movement includes Arab Americans, Muslims, young voters, and far-left progressives.

Making the problem so severe for Harris is that the movement began in the ever-critical swing state of Michigan and spread to other key swing states like Wisconsin, places where the presidency is expected to be decided by a slim margin. Harris is on shaky ground, considering she still has not brought home her base at a point in the cycle where presidential candidates typically are focused on courting moderates.

Another aspect to contemplate is that if Harris does change course on this position, she runs the risk of looking that much more insincere to undecided voters on crucial issues. She has already waffled on a number of critical policy positions, including fracking, and polling shows the public views former President Donald Trump as the more genuine candidate by a wide margin. Regardless, the issue has festered so long that winning these voters back with words alone appears impossible. At this point, she needs a concrete stoppage in arms and a ceasefire, which are not on the horizon.

Harris’s Reaffirmed Commitment to Israel and a Furious Base

During the interview, Bash noted that the Biden-Harris administration has failed to reach a ceasefire deal in the war and asked Harris if she would “do anything differently” than what the administration has done, explicitly pointing to potentially withholding arms from Israel.

Harris said she is “unequivocal and unwavering in her support for Israel” before tip-toeing around any specifics about policy change and repeatedly declaring a cease-fire must be reached without offering a concrete plan on how to do so:

But let’s take a step back. October 7, 1200 people were massacred, many young people who are simply attending a music festival. Women were horribly raped. As I said then, I say today, Israel had a right, has a right to defend itself. We would. And how it does so matters. Far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed, and we have got to get a deal done. We were in Doha. We have to get a deal done. This war must end. We must get a deal that is about getting the hostages out. I’ve met with the families of the American hostages. Let’s get the hostages out. Let’s get the ceasefire done.

Bash persisted, “But no change in policy in terms of arms and so forth?”

“No, we have to get a deal done,” Harris said.

“I remain committed — since I’ve been on October 8 — to what we must do to work toward a two-state solution where Israel is secure and, in equal measure, the Palestinians have security, and self-determination, and dignity,” she went on to add.

Pro-Palestinian progressives panned Harris after the response, led by Tlaib, who is of Palestinian descent.

Prem Thakker, a reporter for Mehdi Hasan’s Zeteo News, shared the clip, writing, “To be clear: this is Kamala Harris saying she will disregard US & international law by sending weapons to a government committing human rights violations.”

Tlaib concurred with Thakker while sharing his tweet, saying Harris’s policies will further what she called “War crimes and genocide” in Gaza.

Hasan blasted Harris as well, saying she and Biden could force a deal to end the war.

“Oh, btw, as @NaomiAKlein and I discussed on #Unshocked today, Harris and Biden can impose a deal, they don’t have to wait for one, or implore the Israelis to agree to one. A deal has been on the table since October and Netanyahu is the main obstacle,” he argued.

Ryan Grim, the co-host of Counter Points and editor of Drop Site News, guest co-hosted the populist alternative media show Breaking Points on Friday and analyzed the entire interview alongside the show’s regular co-host Krystal Ball. He zoned in on Bash’s framing of withholding “some” arms from Israel as the Biden-Harris administration has already done and suggested Harris’s stance is even more pro-Israel than Biden’s:

The Biden administration has even said they would restrict “some” weapons, like the 2,000 pound bombs used for offensive purposes. People keep saying that Harris is better rhetorically and more empathetic. Where’s the empathy there, when you’re actually not even standing by the tiniest of concessions that the Biden administration, her administration has made?

It seems like she very clearly wants to just say she “unequivocally,” “unconditionally,” whatever, supports Israel’s right to defend itself, whereas even Biden will say, “Well, maybe the 2,000 pound bombs dropped on refugee camps, we’re not going to allow that, or at least we won’t allow it for like a two-week pause period.”

Ball blasted Harris in her analysis, saying she does not think Harris “has ideological beliefs,” adding this is the one issue where the progressive left is breaking with the Biden-Harris administration:

There’s such concern on this one issue, there’s such concern about a clear break with the Biden policy. There’s no concern on that on literally any other issue, but she clearly feels like, or also maybe just ideologically believes or feels – that’s less likely because I don’t think she has ideological beliefs–but she feels this is where the pressure is, is she needs to prove how committed to Israel she is and she doesn’t feel as much pressure from the left for whatever reason, whatever political calculus she’s doing, which, by the way, I think is foolish when you just look at the polls.

A post on X by Briahna Joy Gray, the national press secretary for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) 2020 campaign and the host of the Bad Faith Podcast, spotlighted the fracture that is not merely taking place between the establishment and progressive wings of the Democratic Party but is also metastasizing within the progressive faction itself.

She ripped Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who claimed Harris is working toward a ceasefire, for her silence after Harris doubled down on backing Israel and compared that to fellow squad member Tlaib’s criticism of Harris.

“No comment tonight from AOC, who claimed Harris was ‘working tirelessly’ for a ceasefire just last week,” Gray wrote in a post on X. “Compare to Rashida Tlaib, who immediately criticized Harris’s CNN remarks. AOC’s last tweet is about IUD insertions.”

Katie Halper, the progressive host of the Katie Halper Show podcast and a leading voice among the progressive Jewish activists against the war in Gaza, retweeted Gray’s tweet calling out Ocasio-Cortez.

Cenk Uygur, the co-creator and co-host of the progressive left-wing program the Young Turkswrote in a post on X that Harris’s “answer on Israel was TERRIBLE.”

“If you say you’re never going to question Israel’s funding or the weapons we’re sending them, by definition you’re not doing all you can to get to a ceasefire,” he continued. “If you’re not using your leverage, you’re doing NOTHING BUT EMPTY WORDS.”

Pulitzer Prize-winning independent journalist Glenn Greenwald, the host of System Update, called out insincere “scum-bag” commentators on the left “who spent 10 months profiting greatly by screaming ‘genocide’ about Gaza” only to lie that Harris would have a different Israel policy than Biden’s.

“Remember those scumbag left-liberal YouTube hosts and Twitch streamers who spent 10 months profiting greatly by screaming “genocide” about Gaza – through monetized traffic and radical-branding posturing – who then began lying that Kamala would be different on Israel than Biden?” he asked. 

Another progressive influencer, podcaster Sabby Sabs, said that Harris’s reaffirmed position undermines what she has told uncommitted voters behind the scenes.

“Kamala made it very clear that she will NOT withhold weapons from Israel. Her administration is going to be the same on Israel as I told you it would. It doesn’t matter what she told uncommitted voters in private. She said it privately for a reason!” Sabs wrote on X.

Russell Dobular, the co-host of the popular left-wing populist show Due Dissidence, called out CNN’s Bash.

“Did Bash bring her own lather for this soapy handjob of an interview, or is carrying the lather around one of Walz’s new duties?” he quipped

The Uncommitted National Movement took to X to call on Harris to adopt its position of withholding weapons to Israel, which it described as the view of most Americans, citing figures from CBS News.

Emma Vigeland, co-host of the progressive news talk show Majority Report with Sam Seder, was unsatisfied with Bash’s approach, writing in a post on X that all of her questions were “framed from the right.”

During Friday’s Majority Report with Sam Seder stream, Vigeland said Harris’s “No” is being taken slightly out of context but stressed Harris’s answer was not nearly sufficient, and similar rhetoric could cost her the election.

Vigeland contended:

So, I think people are running with the “No,” a little bit. It’s more to me a dismissal than it is an outright declaration of policy. She’s trying to not declare anything. She’s trying to just get through it, get to the other side. It wouldn’t be smart for her to just unilaterally declare policy, even if she agrees with Biden.

Let’s just stipulate that, right. It wouldn’t be smart for her to be like,”Yeah I’m concretely doing exactly what he’s doing” because she’s not in the position to do that yet. But, still this is so insufficient and I don’t think that she can get through this election by just trotting that line out like that. It’s just not sustainable.

The global news organization Democracy Now also tweeted about Harris’s position, emphasizing “No Policy Change.”

Referencing another moment in the interview, Jimmy Dore, the popular comedian and left-wing populist host of the eponymously named Jimmy Dore Show, quipped that Harris’s use of the word “honestly” repeatedly in the same sentence gives him the impression that she is being dishonest.

Harris’s problem with a crumbling base was on full display at the Democratic National Convention even before Thursday’s disastrous interview. Demonstrators against the war in Gaza protested Harris every day of the convention, with Democrat delegates being shamed heading into and outside of the security perimeter, protesters breaching a security perimeter gate on the first day of the convention, and a clash with police that led to dozens of arrests on the second night.


Matt Perdie / Breitbart News
Matt Perdie / Breitbart News
Matt Perdie / Breitbart News

What is more, the national pro-Palestinian group Abandon Biden announced on the first day of the convention, August 19, that it had adopted the position of “Abandon Harris.” It is committed to ensuring she loses the election.

In a release published on August 23, the group said its “mission is now laser-focused on exposing and opposing Kamala Harris and her complicity in genocide.”

The group said that “appealing to the conscience of the Democratic Party is a waste of time,” adding the party “has no interest in ending” what it called a “genocide” in Gaza.

A Fragmented Base Imperils Harris’s Odds in Key Swing States

The origins and fast-spreading nature of the “Uncommitted movement” during the Democrat primary exemplify how this sharp and increasingly more unbridgeable divide in the Democrat Party is a monumental threat to Harris’s electability in places like Michigan and Wisconsin.

The movement began with the Listen to Michigan campaign in the Wolverine State. Its manager is Tlaib’s sister, Layla Elabed. The group sought to garner a modest 10,000 “uncommitted” protest votes in the primary to send a message to Biden and Harris that their policies are jeopardizing their reelection odds.

Listen to Michigan outpaced its goal tenfold, as the uncommitted option garnered more than 100,000 votes in the critical swing state.

“These primaries are an early litmus test for how much Biden’s stance on Gaza could hurt his reelection bid; the threat to Biden’s reelection isn’t that anti-war Democrats will vote for Trump, it’s that they won’t vote at all,” Listen to Michigan’s website states.

To put the significance of 101,430 uncommitted votes in perspective, Biden won Michigan over Trump in 2020 by 154,188 votes. Losing two-thirds of Biden’s margin of victory before accounting for issues like the economy and immigration, which work in Trump’s favor, spells disaster for Democrats in the swing state, as polling shows Trump and Harris in a very close race.

A Fabrizio Ward poll published by the Pinpoint Policy Institute on Thursday found Trump with a 48 percent to 46 percent edge over Harris in the Wolverine State. The poll sampled 400 likely voters from August 19-21 during the DNC convention and has a ± 4.9 percentage point margin of error. An Emerson College/Nexstar Media poll also released Thursday showed Harris with a three-point advantage, at 50 percent to his 47 percent. Emerson College sampled 800 likely Michigan voters from August 35-28 with a ± 3.4 percent credibility.

What is more, Michigan is home to dense Arab-American Muslim communities, including the city of Dearborn. The uncommitted option was the leading vote-getter in Dearborn in the Democratic primary by a wide margin, drawing 6,432 votes, or 57 percent of the vote total. Biden followed at 4,526, translating to 40 percent.

The uncommitted movement spread to nearby Wisconsin on April 2, when 48,812 selected the state’s version of the uncommitted option “uninstructed.” This more than doubles the 20,682 votes Biden won the state by in 2020. Polling also shows a tightly contested race in the Badger state, as Breitbart News noted:

Emerson College found Trump narrowly leading Harris 49 percent to 48 percent, with 3 percent undecided in its survey of 850 voters. The margin of error is ± 3.3 percentage points. On the other hand, Harris leads Trump 49 percent to 45 percent in the Fabrizio Ward poll.

And in Minnesota, where Harris’s running mate, Tim Walz (D), serves as governor, 45,914 voters rejected Biden in the Democrat primary on Super Tuesday with uncommitted votes. This accounted for nearly one in five primary voters and surpassed the 44,593 votes Democrat Hillary Clinton beat Trump by in Minnesota in 2016.

2024 Mirrors 2016 More Than 2020

Harris must contend with multiple progressive third-party rivals, unlike Biden in 2020, making the contours of the race more similar to the 2016 election.

The Green Party’s Jill Stein and independent Cornel West have been leading critics of Harris’s policies regarding the Israel-Hamas war; both will be on the ballot in Michigan. West and Stein were prevalent figures in Chicago during the Democrat primary, attending Pro-Palestinian protests and panning Harris over her policies.

Breitbart News producer and videographer Matthew Perdie caught up with West, who was holding an “Abandon Harris” sign at a protest outside the confines of the security perimeter, and asked him who the sign was for.

“It means any politician who does not speak against that genocide will not receive any support,” he said.

When asked if he has a message to Harris, West said, “I would say shame on my dear sister Harris in the name of genocide and denying genocide and the issues of mass incarceration, the issues of wealth inequality, the issues that she’s still not been able to speak to–not just because she’s sister Harris, but because she’s part of a corrupt Democratic party.”

Stein said she would tell Harris “to get out of the way or to get with the program” at a pro-Palestinian rally. She then challenged Harris to tell “Israel that the weapons supply is over… unless they immediately terminate the war on the people of Gaza and the occupation.”

Stein was part of the crowded 2016 field, in which Trump beat Clinton by close margins in swing states. For instance, Trump won Michigan over Clinton by three-tenths of a percentage point or 10,704 votes. Stein garnered a critical 1.1 percentage points, likely to Clinton’s detriment, while Libertarian Gary Johnson landed 3.6 percent, which was likely to Trump’s disadvantage.

In Wisconsin, Trump beat Clinton 47.2 percent to 46.5 percent, or by nearly 23,000 votes. Stein secured one percent of support, and 3.6 percent broke for Johnson.

Polling has already shown Harris is losing the national Arab American vote to Stein by a wide margin. An American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and Mo Maraqa poll conducted on July 27 and 28 among 3,130 respondents found Stein leading with 45.3 percent of the vote, followed by Harris at a grim 27.5 percent.

For perspective, a Zogby Analytics poll commissioned by the Arab American Institute (AAI) just a month before the 2020 election showed Biden was beating Trump with Arab Americans by a 59 percent to 35 percent margin. The October 4-12, 2020, poll of 805 Arab American voters and the margin of error was ± 3.5 percentage points.

Originally Posted At www.breitbart.com

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Tropical Depression Hone Public Advisory

WTPA31 PHFO 302355

Tropical Depression Hone Intermediate Advisory Number 34A
NWS Central Pacific Hurricane Center Honolulu HI   CP012024
200 PM HST Fri Aug 30 2024


LOCATION...21.9N 175.9W




A Tropical Storm Watch is in effect for...

* Kure Atoll
* Midway Atoll
* Portions of the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National
Monument from Lisianski Island to Pearl and Hermes Atoll

A Tropical Storm Watch means tropical storm conditions are
possible in the watch area within 48 hours.

For storm information specific to your area, please monitor
products issued by the National Weather Service office in
Honolulu Hawaii.

At 200 PM HST (0000 UTC), the center of Tropical Depression Hone was
located near latitude 21.9 North, longitude 175.9 West. The
depression is moving toward the west-northwest near 8 mph (13 
km/h), with a turn to the northwest accompanied by a slowing of the 
forward speed expected in the next 12 to 24 hours. Hone is then 
expected to continue on a northwest track through Sunday. On the 
forecast track, Hone is expected to pass south of Kure, Midway and 
Pearl and Hermes Atolls Saturday night into Sunday.

Maximum sustained winds are near 35 mph (55 km/h) with higher
gusts. Some strengthening is forecast during the next 48 hours with
Hone becoming a tropical storm Saturday.

The estimated minimum central pressure is 1008 mb (29.77 inches).

WIND: Tropical storm conditions are possible within the watch area
late Saturday into Sunday.

Next complete advisory at 500 PM HST.

Forecaster M Ballard

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News Science Weather

Tropical Depression Hone Forecast Advisory

WTPA21 PHFO 302035

2100 UTC FRI AUG 30 2024




12 FT SEAS.. 40NE   0SE   0SW  40NW.


FORECAST VALID 31/0600Z 22.6N 176.3W

FORECAST VALID 31/1800Z 23.7N 176.9W
34 KT... 20NE   0SE   0SW  20NW.

FORECAST VALID 01/0600Z 24.9N 177.6W
34 KT... 30NE   0SE   0SW  30NW.

FORECAST VALID 01/1800Z 26.0N 179.3W
34 KT... 40NE  20SE  10SW  40NW.

FORECAST VALID 02/0600Z 26.6N 179.1E
34 KT... 50NE  30SE  15SW  40NW.

FORECAST VALID 02/1800Z 27.2N 178.0E
34 KT... 60NE  40SE  20SW  50NW.


OUTLOOK VALID 03/1800Z 29.0N 176.3E
50 KT... 20NE  15SE  10SW  15NW.
34 KT... 70NE  50SE  30SW  60NW.

OUTLOOK VALID 04/1800Z 31.5N 173.8E
50 KT... 30NE  15SE  10SW  20NW.
34 KT... 80NE  60SE  40SW  70NW.





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BREAKING: Brazil bans X as Supreme Court judge continues war on free speech
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BREAKING: Brazil bans X as Supreme Court judge continues war on free speech

Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered the suspension of X, Elon Musk’s social media platform, nationwide on Friday after an ongoing battle over censorship and fines.

The Associated Press obtained a copy of the decision which came after Musk refused to name a legal representative in Brazil and closed all X offices in the country. De Moraes said the platform will remain blocked until a legal representative is appointed. De Moraes first ordered a probe into X over “spreading misinformation” in April and began imposing fines after Musk refused to block certain accounts in Brazil.

X stated on Thursday that they were anticipating being banned in Brazil by de Moraes “simply because we would not comply with his illegal orders to censor his political opponents.”

It added: “When we attempted to defend ourselves in court, Judge de Moraes threatened our Brazilian legal representative with imprisonment. Even after she resigned, he froze all of her bank accounts. Our challenges against his manifestly illegal actions were either dismissed or ignored. Judge de Moraes’ colleagues on the Supreme Court are either unwilling or unable to stand up to him.”

Additionally, Brazilian citizens or companies who attempt to access the platform via VPN will be subject to fines of up to $8,900 per day. App stores and internet service providers will have 5 days to block access to X.
“Elon Musk showed his total disrespect for Brazilian sovereignty and, in particular, for the judiciary, setting himself up as a true supranational entity and immune to the laws of each country,” de Moraes stated.

Musk took to X to react to the ban, stating, “Free speech is the bedrock of democracy and an unelected pseudo-judge in Brazil is destroying it for political purposes” and “The attacks this year on free speech are unprecedented in the 21st century. It will happen in America too if Kamala/Walz gain power. Just listen to what they’ve said.”

“The oppressive regime in Brazil is so afraid of the people learning the truth that they will bankrupt anyone who tries,” he said.

This Story originally came from humanevents.com


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126 nations to attend BRICS summit to discuss abandoning the US dollar
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126 nations to attend BRICS summit to discuss abandoning the US dollar

Approximately 126 nations will attend the BRICS Municipal Conference in Russia in October. All countries have indicated interest in joining the bloc and abandoning the US dollar. The number of developing countries that have expressed interest in joining the BRICS alliance – which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – has been increasing as developing countries wish to eliminate their dependence on the US dollar to encourage local currencies for trade.

The attendance of 126 nations at this meeting demonstrates a distinct trend: a large number of countries are reassessing their economic dependence. As nations look into alternative currencies and economic relationships, the US dollar’s dominance – long regarded as the world’s reserve currency – is at risk, as per the Dinar Chronicles.

More than merely a change in economic alliance, the growing interest in BRICS indicates rising economies’ ambition to take charge of their financial futures. With nations contending with issues like inflation, trade barriers, and geopolitical unrest, the BRICS framework presents a viable substitute for conventional Western dominance.

More nations attending the BRICS summit is a sign of a major shift in global trade policies. Economies that frequently rely on the dollar for cross-border transactions may soon have the chance to collaborate in a currency-neutral system. This program is a great fit with the broader de-dollarization trend that has gained momentum, as countries like China and Russia have been actively working to lessen their reliance on the dollar.

Should the conversations at the BRICS Municipal Conference result in successful partnerships and agreements, there may be significant ramifications for the United States. Nations could create new trade channels, develop cooperative economic strategies, and launch substitute currencies that could challenge the US dollar’s hegemonic status.

Some of the new countries attending the summit, which will take place in Kazan, Russia, from Oct. 22 to 24, include Argentina, Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, and Ethiopia.

This Story originally came from humanevents.com


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🔴LIVE! OPENING Friday Night @ HALLOWEEN Horror Nights | Universal Orlando 2024 | Livestream
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🔴LIVE! OPENING Friday Night @ HALLOWEEN Horror Nights | Universal Orlando 2024 | Livestream

Originally Posted at La Reina Creole’s Youtube Channel/

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EXCLUSIVE: Gold Star mother says she witnessed no altercation at Arlington during Trump visit, Biden ignored invitation
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EXCLUSIVE: Gold Star mother says she witnessed no altercation at Arlington during Trump visit, Biden ignored invitation

Jack Posobiec hosted Christy Shamblin, the mother-in-law of one of the soldiers who fell at Abbey Gate during the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal, Sergeant Nicole Gee who rests at the Arlington Cemetary. Shamblin joined Posobiec on Friday’s episode of Human Events Daily. President Donald Trump joined the families for the memorial.. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were invited but did not attend.

She confirmed that President Donald Trump was in fact invited by the Gold Star families to the ceremony held on the anniversary of the Abbey Gate evacuation from Afghanistan to lay a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier and that she witnessed no altercation between Trump or anyone else during the event.

“When President Trump came graveside to pay his respects and lay flowers at our loved ones’ graves, it was beautiful, so respectful,” she recounted. She reported he spoke very little and listened to the stories from the families the entire time he was there.

Shamblin also told Posobiec that she was dismayed by the backlash from Trump’s visit and called it “disrespectful,” adding that the current Biden-Harris administration was invited to the ceremony as well to show their gratitude and that the families “never heard back from them.”

“Every time we’ve had an interaction with President Trump it’s at the invitation of both parties and we don’t get a response from one party,” she said. “To ignore these heroes that died … cements that it’s going to happen again.”

“I have a lot of family that was able to attend as we always do on the anniversary of our loved one’s death and they were happy to have a picture with the President [Trump],” Shamblin told Posobiec.

This Story originally came from humanevents.com


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