How PragerU Is Fixing Our Broken Education System
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How PragerU Is Fixing Our Broken Education System

The following article is sponsored by PragerU and written by PragerU co-founder Allen Estrin.

If you’re not an executive at one of the major teachers’ unions, an administrator at a college, or a leftist university professor, you know that the American educational system is broken. How we reached this shameful state is a topic for another day. The question I want to address here is: how do we fix it?

The answer is obvious: education. Or, as we like to say at PragerU, the 501c3 enterprise of which I am the co-founder and executive director: education got us into this mess. Education is the only way out.

Starting with John Dewey, the early twentieth century progressive (why do progressives always take us backwards?) social thinker, the left wormed its way into our educational system. By the end of the century, its dominance was total. The right is starting to reverse that, thanks to the Internet. Leftism can only prevail if it has a monopoly on information. The Internet makes that impossible.

This is the gap that PragerU has exploited. We started a little over a decade ago with our five-minute video concept — to distill the best ideas of the best minds into five visually compelling, focused minutes. Turns out you can pack a lot of knowledge, even wisdom, into three hundred seconds. Don’t believe me? You will after you watch this video about Alexander Hamilton’s brilliant structuring of the American economy.

PragerU has produced over five hundred five-minute videos on topics ranging from economics to philosophy. Watch our Presidents series and you’ll not only learn something fascinating about each Commander-in-chief, you’ll get a short, but surprisingly comprehensive overview of American history.

Recently, we’ve expanded into the pre-school and elementary school market with PragerU Kids. In the last year, seven states — Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, New Hampshire, Montana, and Louisiana — have authorized PragerU videos in public school classrooms. More states will be coming on board soon.

PragerU co-founders Dennis Prager (right) and Allen Estrin speak to their team at a staff retreat. (Photo courtesy of PragerU)

If you’re homeschooling your children (the ideal solution), these videos (both the five-minute videos and the PragerU Kids videos) are a great addition to your lesson plan. If you’re not homeschooling, they’re an effective inoculation to the junk your kids are learning at most public schools. Here’s a suggestion: have the family watch one these videos before dinner and then discuss it at the table. Viola, you’re homeschooling!

But PragerU is only one tool in the arsenal. We must build charter and private schools that make Judeo-Christian values the core of their mission. The good news is that more and more organizations across the country are doing just that: Hillsdale College has charter schools and schools using their curriculum in 33 states. The Acton Institute has established over 200 private schools. There are others doing similar work. This is vitally needed.

On the college front the University of Austin started by tech entrepreneur Joe Lonsdale, historian Niall Ferguson, Free Press founder Bari Weiss, and many others is convening its first freshmen class this fall. Its mission is to offer a classic liberal education to its students. There are established schools like the aforementioned Hillsdale in Michigan, Grove City College in Pennsylvania, and the University of Dallas in Texas that offer a classical liberal arts curriculum. There are conservative-minded programs within major universities, too. The James Madison Program at Princeton University and the Clemson Center for the Study of Capitalism at Clemson University are just two examples.

Government has a big role to play. Florida and Oklahoma are leading the way here. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has empowered the great social thinker and cultural critic Chris Rufo and others to completely remake New College, a state school in Sarasota that was once notorious for its leftist bent, into a school that emphasizes more traditional educational values. Ryan Walters, the public superintendent of education in Oklahoma, has demanded the Bible be a part of Oklahoma schools’ standard curriculum. As obvious as this sounds — shouldn’t we want students to be familiar with the most influential text ever written? — it has generated howls of disapproval from the left. Their predictable argument is that it’s a violation of the separation of church and state. Never mind that there is no such doctrine described in the Constitution (if you had watched this PragerU video, you’d know this) and that the Bible was a standard text in American schools for most of the nation’s first two hundred years.

PragerU co-founder Allen Estrin speaks to the PragerU team at a staff retreat. (Photo courtesy of PragerU)

The ultimate power brokers in this drama are, of course, the parents. If enough parents insist that schools their children attend teach what they need to know — reading, writing, math, and a solid grounding in Western and American history — then the schools will do it. If they don’t, then parents must take their children out of those schools and find another one more to their liking or homeschool their children themselves. Gaining control of school boards is another big part of this effort. For decades we’ve let the left hold these board positions almost by default. No longer.

PragerU can be parents’ first line of defense, their immediate refuge in this struggle. Week by week we’re building up a corpus of knowledge that will encompass the important ideas that have shaped and are shaping our world from ancient Israel to modern America. There’s a toddler crawling across a carpet somewhere who will have a chance to be exposed to PragerU material from the time they stand on two legs to the time they enter college to well beyond: that’s our goal. We share that goal — teaching traditional Judeo-Christian values — with many others. If we work together, we can repair American education and make it great again for all our students.

Visit PragerU to learn more.

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Harris Campaign Unable to Address Stolen Valor Accusations Plaguing Walz
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Harris Campaign Unable to Address Stolen Valor Accusations Plaguing Walz

The Harris 2024 campaign was unable to explain why Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) falsely claimed to be “in war,” or address any of the stolen valor accusations plaguing new Democrat vice presidential nominee for the past two days.

Since Vice President Kamala Harris (D) unveiled Walz as her running mate on Tuesday, Walz has been dogged by false claims he has made throughout his political career that misrepresent his military career.

Walz served for 24 years in the Army National Guard, but never deployed to war or in combat. He retired as a master sergeant in 2005, shortly before his unit deployed to Iraq.

However, he has claimed on multiple occasions that he is a retired sergeant major — a higher rank than he ultimately achieved, and has falsely suggested he went to war.

He repeated that false suggestion in a video clip put out by the Harris campaign itself. In the video clip, Walz claims he carried weapons “in war.”

He also falsely claimed in the video he served 25 years, when he actually served 24 years and one month.

There are also accusations by veterans who served with Walz that he — as the top enlisted soldier in his unit — abandoned them right as they were preparing to deploy to Iraq at the peak of the war.

Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), when asked Wednesday at a press conference about an attack on him by Walz, fired back at the governor:

When the United States of America asked me to go to Iraq, to serve my country, I did it. I did what they asked me to do, and I did it honorably. And I’m very proud of that service. When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him, a fact that he’s been criticized for aggressively by a lot of the people that he served with. I think it’s shameful to prepare your unit to go to Iraq, to make a promise that you’re going to follow through and then to drop out right before you actually have to go.

When asked about Vance’s comments, the White House dodged the claims entirely, with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre only saying that Walz enlisted and 17 and served for 24 years.

“This is someone who enlisted at 17 years old to serve his country. He was part of the Army National Guard for 24 years. This is someone who was a high school teacher, a high school coach, as well, who grew up in a small town in the Midwest, and, so, I think his bio speaks for itself, who he is speaks for itself, his record speaks for itself, and I’m just not going to say anything beyond that,” she said.

Walz himself ignored a question about his military record on Wednesday.

And when the Harris-Walz campaign responded on Wednesday to the Washington Post about the his claims, it offered no explanations as to why Walz falsely claimed to be a retired sergeant major, or have been in “war.”

Instead, the campaign sidestepped the his false claims altogether and reportedly told the Post that Walz “carried, fired and trained others” how to use “weapons of war innumerable times,” and “declined to address why Walz claimed incorrectly to have done so in war.”

The campaign also tried to cast aspersion Vance (R-OH), the Republican vice presidential nominee by saying, “Governor Walz would never insult or undermine any American’s service to this country — in fact, he thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country.”

The controversy has only grown in recent days, with even CNN commentators acknowledging that Walz has not been honest about his military record.

“Absolutely false,” one commentator said.

Harris’s vetting of Walz as her running mate is now increasingly coming under question.

Vetting for Harris’s vice presidential pick was reportedly done by Eric Holder, who served as the attorney general under former President Barack Obama.

Reuters, who broke the news of Holder’s involvement, wrote: “His involvement in the vetting process may reassure Democrats that a longtime political and legal hand is helping to ensure Harris’ pick, should she win the nomination, is free of major conflicts.”

The Associated Press called Harris’s process to choose a running mate as “whirlwind” and a “16-day blitz.”

“By the end, the process offered a preview of how Harris might fare under the pressures of the Oval Office,” the AP said.

Follow Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong on ”X”, Truth Social, or on Facebook.

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Princeton Historian: Just Get Over Watergate Already!
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Princeton Historian: Just Get Over Watergate Already!

Historian Julian Zelizer writes that Watergate-style investigations are OK sometimes, but we shouldn’t go overboard in being mistrustful of the government. After all, “faith in government,” Zelizer writes, “is necessary for a healthy society.” As Rothbard notes below, the watergate scandal was an excellent event precisely because it undermined faith in government. Zelizer, however, tells us to “banish the memories of Watergate” so we can get over all this unhealthy suspicion of government. Writes Zelizer:

Often, this outlook [of suspicion of government] has salutary effects by encouraging politicians to make sure that similar levels of corruption don’t happen again. But, too often, as many would say has been the case with the IRS, stories of administrative mismanagement are blown out of proportion, consuming Washington’s time and taking their attention away from major problems. The worst effect of Watergate is that it created a climate where Americans fundamentally don’t trust their government. It is one thing to be suspicious, another to reject altogether. Recent approval ratings for Congress tanked to 7% and for the President 29%. This is part of the broader trend we have seen since the 1960s. It is extremely difficult for government to do its job or for voters to have the kind of faith in government, which is necessary for a healthy society.

Writing in 1973, on the other hand, Murray Rothbard took a rather different view.  In his “Notes on Watergate” Rothbard early on saw some of the benefits of the scandal, and comparing Rothbard’s view here with the current situation we can draw a few conclusions:

  • The Watergate conspiracy now seems quaint compared to the non-stop flood of government abuses we now face.
  • The American public, if presented with a similar conspiracy today, would yawn and simply accept it. “The president is just trying to keep us safe” we would be told. Indeed, Rothbard notes below that Ronald Reagan defended the conspirators as spying for “a good cause.”
  • The Watergate controversy was wonderful for at least two reasons: 1) It put impeachment of a president on the table. 2) It led to “rapid desanctification of our national secret police.” It’s no accident that after Watergate, Congress passed multiple pieces of legislation attempting to rein in the CIA, the FBI and other organs of the American secret police. Most of that is all null and void now, however.

The text:

Notes on Watergate The Libertarian Forum Volume V, NO. 5, May, 1973 by MNR


By Murray N. Rothbard

This first appeared in The Libertarian Forum, Volume V, NO.5, May 1973

  No doubt about it: we were dead wrong in pooh-poohing the political significance of Watergate (Nov. 1972). In our defense, however, Watergate remained a minor caper of piddling proportions until James W. McCord, Jr., under the hammer blows of Judge “Maximum John” Sirica, broke and began to implicate the higher-ups. Sub specie aeternetatis, one set of politicians spying upon and sabotaging another is hardly of cosmic significance. But oh the deliciousness as the whole sleazy, robotic crew, even unto the highest reaches of the White House, gets its comeuppance! Every morning’s news brings further revelations, further scandal, as the network of the corruption of power extends upward and outward. One by one they topple, as the President becomes so short-handed that some have to double up on jobs. One thing is certain: it couldn’t have happened to a nicer or more deserving bunch of guys, or to a more deserving institution.

. . .

There are many interesting and even neglected facets to Watergate. We see the White House staff as the epitome of the Organization Man: people with one thought and one loyalty – not to truth, or justice, or honor, or even country, but to The President. The President becomes a quasi-divine figure in whose service any and all means may be employed. And yet what happens when the crust of loyalty is broken, when the pressure is on? Then, The President is forgotten and it’s every man for himself, each rushing to try to clear himself and point the finger at his former colleagues. Truly an edifying spectacle of our rulers in action with their well-known devotion to the Public Interest and the Common Good. Come on, have at each other, fellows. Implicate, implicate! Before the mad rush, of course, there was the Cover-up. Here we see the inveterate instincts of the Bureaucracy to hush things up, to kick things under the rug, and never never let the long suffering citizen and taxpayer in on what is going on. So much for the “democratic process.”

. . .

And then there is all the wailing that Watergate is endangering the credibility, not merely of Mr. Nixon, but of “the office of the Presidency itself.” Oh no, surely not that! Here is one of the great consequences of Watergate: the demythologizing, the desanctification of the office of the Presidency that has taken on an increasingly sacral character in recent decades. In this connection, it is highly instructive that Bill Buckley has finally revealed his cloven hoof. Conservatives are, at the very least, supposed to revere the American Constitution, and if the Constitution says anything it is that the people, and not any branch of government, is sovereign. But let us forever note the reaction of America’s leading Conservative to Watergate, and particularly to the increasing talk of impeaching Mr. Nixon. Said Buckley, perfectly seriously: “In America, the President is the emperor in addition to being the prime minister. He is, no matter that his term as such is limited, the sovereign. When it is contemplated to execute the king, it is necessary to think first about the consequences on the people, rather than on the judicial poetry of the sentence . . . If Nixon were impeached, the punishment would be visited primarily on the state . . .it is necessary to remind oneself that the sovereign is unique: that the punishment of the whole of the state is never justified.” (New York Post, April 28). There it is, brazen and blatant, from a man who sometimes likes to think of himself as a “libertarian.” The President is the king, the sovereign, and the king is the state, and is therefore above retribution. Louis XIV could not have said it better. William F. Buckley has revealed the quintessential nature of the American Conservative movement; it is not Constitutionalist, but monarchist, and absolute-monarchist at that. Bill Buckley is far better suited as a theoretician for George III than he is as an American citizen. Happily, our publisher, Professor Peden, wrote a letter printed in the Post (May 2) that called Buckley to task. Peden wrote: “When William Buckley baldly states that the President is sovereign, that to punish him for malfeasance of high crimes is to punish ‘the whole of the state’ . . . Mr. Buckley is guilty of culpable ignorance. He apparently believes that the American Republic is monarchical in its Constitution. As almost any legal authority or political scientist will attest, and even the layman can read in the Constitution’s preamble, the American people are the sovereigns in this society . . . Neither the President, nor the Congress nor the Supreme Court are sovereign in any sense of the word. And it is either ignorance or dangerous mischief for Mr. Buckley to claim otherwise.”

. . .

“Impeachment”! What a glorious sound the word has! Until a few weeks ago, the very idea of impeaching the President, any President, would have been considered grotesque and absurd. It was only recently that former (another good word) Attorney-General Kleindienst arrogantly informed the Congress that if they didn’t like the President’s actions they could either vote down the budget or impeach him. Until a few weeks ago, impeachment was thinking the unthinkable; yet now, even such Establishment Congressmen as Rep. Moss, and Goldwater and Thurmond, are seriously contemplating such action. And the general Congressional reaction to current calls for impeachment are not that they are lunatic or absurd, but only that they are “premature.” Use of such a word seems to imply that pretty soon the idea of impeachment may indeed mature. And how many people really believe that Mr. Nixon knew nothing of the vast and extensive bugging-sabotage-espionage operations on the Democrats? When literally millions of dollars were being handed around under the table? And how many believe that he knew nothing of the gigantic and well-coordinated cover-up? Nixon, after all, is no boob like Grant or Harding: he has always been a shrewd and ruthless political operator, and he has always proclaimed the tightness of his political ship. Besides if he really takes “responsibility”, isn’t that enough to mete out proper punishment? One of the demurrers on impeachment is that this would bring Spiro Agnew into the Presidency. Apart from the likelihood that Agnew would resign as well, would he really be that much worse than Nixon? Enough worse to give up the magnificent precedent that the use of the impeachment power would set? The precedent that would put every future President, and every American as well, on notice that it is possible to topple him, that the President is not an absolute dictator for four years, that something can be done, legally and without violence, to remove him forthwith from office.

. . .

 And where are all the loud champions of “law and order” in all this? Not, it might be noted, with law and order. The President wistfully refers to the Watergate criminals as good men whose “zeal exceeded their judgement” in the righteous cause of getting him re-elected. Governor Reagan says that these men are not criminals because they were acting in a good cause (I thought it was only the bad old Communists who are always charged with believing that “the ends justify the means”).

. . .

One fascinating aspect of the Watergate has not been commented on in the media. It was the breaking of James W. McCord, Jr. that broke open the entire Watergate network. Crucial to McCord’s sudden decision to talk, in addition to Judge Sirica’s stiff sentencing, was the advice of his new lawyer, Bernard Fensterwald. But who is Mr. Fensterwald, who played such a critical role in the Watergate revelations? Old Kennedy Assassination Revisionists know Fensterwald well: for he is the dedicated head of the Committee to Investigate Assassinations, which for several years has been the major research organization investigating the critical political assassinations of our time: Ring, the two Kennedys, Malcolm X. etc. Undoubtedly, Fensterwald was intrigued by the Cuban emigre-CIA connections of most of the Watergate burglars, connections which also permeate the Oswald-JFK Assassination case. Perhaps he was hoping that blowing the lid off Watergate might also lead to further revelations on the assassination at Dallas. And who knows? maybe it will. In this connection, President Nixon promises us that his investigation into Watergate will be “the most thorough investigation since the Warren Commission.” To old Kennedy Assassination buffs, this is surely the grisliest joke of the year.

. . .

Everyone, I suppose, has his own particular favorite among the storehouse of goodies unearthed by the Watergate case. My own is the cretinous behavior of the head of the FBI. L. Patrick Gray, Jr., in dumping crucial documents unread into the “burn bag.” Another happy result of Watergate, as well as the entire tenure of Gray, is the rapid desanctification of our national secret police. Surely, it will never be the same again.

. . .

While we all chortle at Watergate and its ramifying consequences, we might also keep a wary eye on the future. A seminal article, “The World Behind Watergate”, by Kirkpatrick Sale, has recently been published in the New York Review of Books (May 3). Here is an article which should he read by everyone interested in the men behind and around Watergate and in the politico-economic roots of the Nixon Administration. Mr. Sale traces the intricate and extensive connections between all the powers in and around the administration. Taking off from Carl Oglesby’s trenchant distinction between the “cowboys” and the “yankees” among the power elite, Sale treats the Nixon (as well the Johnson) Administration as the embodiment of the relative accession to power of the nouveau riche “Southern rim” elite centered in Southern California, Texas, and Florida – as contrasted to the suaver, more sophisticated “older money” of the Eastern Establishment-corporate liberal elite. The Southern Rim tends to be blunter, more crass, more narrowly focussed and politically conservative, and more prone to short-range crookery; while the Eastern Establishment is smoother, more settled and cosmopolitan, more focussed on wider and long-range concerns, corporate-liberal, and more content to stay within the legal forms. There is no question about the fact that the Watergate revelations are smashing the political power of the Southern rim clique, and perhaps that of their very own Southern Californian President along with it. But doesn’t this forebode a re-accession to power of the Eastern Establishment, which while smoother and less crudely obnoxious is in the long run more dangerous? After all, Rockefeller’s personal representative in government, Henry Kissinger, comes out smelling like a rose, as do Rockefeller-connected economic czars George Pratt Shultz and Arthur P. Burns. The suspicious observer may ask: is the Rockefeller-Eastern Establishment pushing the Watergate expose for its own ends? Is it connected with a possible Rockefeller run for the Presidency in 1976? Does the emergence of Boston Brahmin Eliot Richardson and New York liberal Leonard Garment embody a return to power of the Eastern Establishment? And is Texan John Connally riding in to head the Yankees off at the pass? (Thanks to Floy Lilley.)

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Norway says Israel revoking its envoys' diplomatic status 'will have consequences'
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Norway says Israel revoking its envoys’ diplomatic status ‘will have consequences’

This is a developing story.. check back for updates.

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What’s the Real Story Behind the Market’s Crazy Week

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop are joined by friend of the show, Peter St. Onge. The three recap the highs and lows of the past week, look at the real state of the economy, and why Americans are forced to care about Japanese monetary policy.

“A Fed rate cut will not solve our economic problems” by Connor O’Keeffe:

“Is it Black Monday or Another 2008?” by Peter St. Onge:

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Kyiv says regrets that Niger has severed diplomatic ties
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Kyiv says regrets that Niger has severed diplomatic ties

Ukraine on Thursday regretted Niger’s decision to break off diplomatic ties, days after neighboring Mali took a similar decision and accused Ukrainian forces of supporting insurgent groups in the African country.

Niger and Mali are both run by military governments that took power in recent coups and have turned to Russia and its Wagner mercenary group for support.

“It’s a pity that Niger’s authorities have decided to sever diplomatic relations with Ukraine without conducting any investigations into the incident in Mali and without providing any evidence regarding the reasons for such a step,” the Ukrainian foreign ministry said.

Mali said Kyiv supplied intelligence to rebel troops, who then reportedly used it to kill dozens of mercenaries from Russia’s Wagner paramilitary group and Malian soldiers in a battle last month.

It had pointed to a cryptic statement by a spokesman for Ukraine’s military intelligence division, which it said amounted to an admission of Kyiv’s involvement.

Andriy Yusov, a spokesman for Ukraine’s GUR military intelligence unit, was quoted by state media as saying: “The rebels received all the necessary information they needed,” without elaborating.

Malian government spokesman Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga said the government had been shocked to learn of the remarks.

Russia accused Kyiv of opening a “second front” in Africa.

The Ukrainian foreign ministry on Thursday repeated its rejection of the claims.

“The accusations against Ukraine… do not stand up to any criticism. They are groundless and untrue,” it said.

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Israeli Group Practices Red Heifer Ritual In Front Of Al-Aqsa Mosque
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Israeli Group Practices Red Heifer Ritual In Front Of Al-Aqsa Mosque

Via Middle East Eye

A group of religious Israelis have been pictured practicing the ritual of the red heifer, which is meant to herald the building of a new Jewish temple on the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

According to Jewish tradition, the ashes of a perfectly red heifer cow are needed for the ritual purification that would allow a third temple to be built in Jerusalem. That temple, say radical Jewish groups, must be constructed on the raised plateau in Jerusalem’s Old City known as the Temple Mount, where Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock shrine stand today.

Temple Mount, file image via Encyclopedia Britannica

Some believe this will herald the arrival of the messiah and possibly even the end of the world.

“Temple worshipers are now practicing the mitzvah [religious duty] of a red cow in front of the Temple Mount, which will enable the return of purity and the observance of all the temple mitzvahs,” posted journalist Yinon Magal on Tuesday, along with a picture of activists from the Temple Institute.

In 2022, five red heifers arrived in Israel from a Texas ranch and are now kept in an archaeological park next to Shilo, an illegal Israeli settlement near the Palestinian city of Nablus.

The Temple Institute imported the heifers for the eventual purpose of using them in a ritual after years of searching for blemish-free cows, without a stray white or black hair.

Their eventual slaughter on the Mount of Olives will – according to advocates – allow Jewish people to be purified so they can perform rites and worship on the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Research by a professor at Bar Ilan University estimated that the ashes of one cow could be made into enough cleansing water for 660 billion purifications. The cow being practiced upon in Magal’s image (below) does not appear to be one of the five red heifers from Shilo.

The traditional site of the ritual, the Mount of Olives, is seen in the background on the other side of Al-Aqsa Mosque, suggesting the practice run was performed within the Old City.

The status quo in Jerusalem has long maintained that Jewish prayer is forbidden on the raised plateau in occupied East Jerusalem.

The site is believed to be the location of two ancient Jewish temples. Jews are permitted to pray at the Western Wall, which runs along one side of the hill and is regarded as the last remaining part of the Second Jewish Temple that the Romans destroyed in 70 CE.

Restrictions on non-Muslims entering the mosque have been in place since the Ottoman status quo designating Jerusalem’s holy sites to its sects was established in 1757. 

The Chief Rabbinate of Jerusalem has also, since 1921, officially banned Jews from entering the Temple Mount. It ruled that Jews are forbidden to enter the site unless “ritually clean”, which is impossible without the ashes of a red heifer.

Over the past century, religious Zionist groups – including the Temple Institute – have advocated for the return of Jewish prayer at Al-Aqsa, with some even advocating the demolition of the mosque and reconstruction of the temple.


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Kamala Detroit Rally Ends in Disaster, Thousands Stranded, Staffers Cry
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Kamala Detroit Rally Ends in Disaster, Thousands Stranded, Staffers Cry

A rally for Kamala Harris in Detroit, Michigan, on Wednesday reportedly ended in disaster with thousands stranded while certain staffers were brought to tears.

According to political scientist Josiah Lippincott, the rally ended with people being unable to find shuttles back to their cars, leaving them stranded.

“Complete chaos after the Detroit Kamala rally. It has been 2.5 hours and people are still unable to find shuttles back to their cars. Campaign staff has no idea what is happening. Rally was held near a UPS delivery center so dozens of trucks are mixed up with the buses. Tempers are high,” he noted.

A Kamala staffer also broke down into tears.

Paul Roland Bois directed the award-winning Christian tech thrillerEXEMPLUM, which has a 100% Rotten Tomatoes critic rating and can be viewed for FREE on YouTube or Tubi. “Better than Killers of the Flower Moon,” wrote Mark Judge. “You haven’t seen a story like this before,” wrote Christian Toto. A high-quality, ad-free rental can also be streamed on Google PlayVimeo on Demand, or YouTube Movies. Follow him on X @prolandfilms or Instagram @prolandfilms.

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NewsWare's Trade Talk: Wednesday, August 7 | NewsWare‘s Trade Talk
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NewsWare’s Trade Talk: Wednesday, August 7 | NewsWare‘s Trade Talk

S&P Futures are positive as global sentiment turns bullish after positive comments from a BOJ official. The BOJ official essential said that no immediate tighten action should be expected, the will reduce the market volatility caused by the carry trades. Seeing Positive earnings announcements for DIS, LPX & LRN. ABNB and SMCI were underwhelming. Markets could see another bout of volatility later this month with the Jackson Hole conference set to take place. In Europe, stocks are higher and oil prices are displaying strong gains.

Home for this information is at NewsWare‘s Trade Talk homepage at this link

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Biden’s parting deluge of deceit deserves damning


The president’s latest episode of “transparency” was the same deceitful behavior that has characterized his administration for the past four years. This time, it is employing deceit to “save democracy.”

Original Article: Biden’s parting deluge of deceit deserves damning


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